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The New RISHI STRONGHOLD - Comments and Suggestions


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Some requests, in order of priority:



1) Add it to the 25% reduction for conquests. Add the Umbara SH too.


2) Learn from Umbara: don't fill the area with constant noise, and / or constant movement in the background leading to lag issues and irritation, which were both prominent problems with the mobile SH.


Could use:


3) As others said, don't make it in Rishi slums, not just because it looks bad, but also because of that weird lighting that makes everything look too bright - I thought it was a graphical glitch the first time I drove through that area.


4) The best location, imo, would be nearby the pirate trading posts, with lots of streams and beautiful backdrops. The Rishii treehouses, as others suggested, would also be pretty good and would satisfy player cravings for a Kashyyyk style SH.


Would be nice:


5) Add those little neutral crabs from the pirate's cove area to the SH, and give us an achievement for killing x number.


6) Give us more hooks for starship-sized things. I've still got a bunch of sun generators from those Star Fortresses that I'd like to unload.

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Another vote for the beachfront property, please!


I'd also love an area we can really explore, like the large area, waterfall and caves behind the Yavin temples. Maybe the beach; maybe another door leading to a waterfall or some rolling green hills like the ones near the Rishii village?

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Right now my biggest comment is: "Please let it be a beach/waterfront property and don't stick us in the Rishi slums". ;)


I'm sure my 100% forgiven Theron with his restored, and original, beautiful head full of hair will be thrilled to move to Rishi with me, so many memories. ♥


I'm not too savvy when it comes to hooks and all that but, whatever they do, I hope it'll be a decorators dream come true. :)


If I had to choose only one, I'd prefer a beach, too. But I also really like the idea of a Stronghold that looks like the slums from the outside, but is opulent and luxurious on the inside. :D


Buuut what's to say we can't have both? A "Front Entrance" in the slums, and a secret tunnel that leads to the beach? A little along the lines of Tatooine with the elevator to the ground floor and tunnels that lead to the outside, that would suit me just fine.


I've always wanted a Rishi stronghold, so as long as it's not only a bunch of bird-people huts, I'll probably be a happy camper. Now they just need to add a million new decos too, first and foremost armor stands and weapon displays so we can show off all our favorite sets. :D

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Ardrossan;9577554]Some requests, in order of priority:



1) Add it to the 25% reduction for conquests. Add the Umbara SH too



I doubt they will do that. They said the 150% was the cap and when they added other strongholds they would not be raising the cap.

Edited by casirabit
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On the one hand... the last thing I need is yet another stronghold. :p That said... a Rishi theme is something I look forward to.... as long as they do a better job then they did with the Yavin one.


I do have a concern that it will be a little too "shanty town" for my tastes... given how Rishi as a zone is.


One good thing about new strongholds.. they are a real cash cow in the economy since decorations are treated as a consumable (not collectable, and one decoration = one instance when many instances are required to complete decorations).


This will probably encourage the studio to make changes they admitted needed to be made to list single (ie: non pack bundles) for direct sale on the CM... so that is a plus. I collect and hoard decorations and have for years.. so I have a great inventory for yet another stronghold... but it's always nice to see new items enter the economy and a direct sale in the CM would help a lot of players with their decoration goals.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm doing my best to not get my hopes up about this stronghold. As much as I love decorating in this game (that and RP being the two main things that keep me paying a subscription at all), I don't want my interior decorating heart broken all over again like it was about the buggy and unfinished Manaan.


That said, any Rishi stronghold that came out without at least one decent sized beach with a pretty view would be a missed opportunity. I mean, the planet is mostly ocean with lots of little islands. If you're going to make a stronghold in that environment, you should use it to your benefit to help distinguish Rishi from the other jungle-themed stronghold of Yavin.


Also, if they do make Rishi around the size of the Yavin or Tatooine strongholds, they really should arrange it as more of a 'roundabout' layout as opposed to one long straight walk from beginning to end. For example, make the main building(s) clustered in the center of an island, and have other points of interest around the rim of said island. If you load in at one of the buildings in the center, that would make heading to any part of your stronghold a much shorter walk than phasing in at one 'end' and having to trek down to the other.

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From the moment I set foot on Rishi, I thought it would be a perfect place for a stronghold: scenery, atmosphere, a location as faction-neutral as Nar Shad (but prettier!). Here's hoping they don't muck it up!


psst...hey devs! If you really want to open my wallet, come out with a line of good piratey decorations too! :jawa_biggrin:

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+1 to it being beach front and not being in the Rishi slums!


You said it! I have waited and wished for this for so long that I would be absolutely heartbroken if it isn't on a beach! Rishi is so much an island paradise that the beach thing simply cannot be ignored!:cool:

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Like with many things bioware has done in the past while. I'm going to have to wait before I can get to interested in a Rishi SH. Their last two have been less than interesting for a number of reasons. There is currently no reason think Rishi SH will be any different but one can hope.
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From the moment I set foot on Rishi, I thought it would be a perfect place for a stronghold: scenery, atmosphere, a location as faction-neutral as Nar Shad (but prettier!). Here's hoping they don't muck it up!


psst...hey devs! If you really want to open my wallet, come out with a line of good piratey decorations too! :jawa_biggrin:


Indeed! +1 for more pirate / smuggler hideaway deco!

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My list:


1. At least 1200-2000 hooks. Make this a truely massive home. Cost be damed. We will pay it.


Rishii needs to be an entire island for our own, and it should have a stupid amount of hooks. At least 1500-2500 total hooks where we must use at least 1200-2000 to achieve 100%, allowing the extra 300-500 as a flexability buffer for creative design. Having tatooine the top one at 900 hooks is nice, but it is time for an even larger home for the stronghold fans. Please give us a massive home. The costs are irrelivant for people who really love strongholds.


2. Hook Layouts. You must make the hook layouts logical and flexable. Don't do another Manaan crappy layout.


Look. This isn't rocket science. Hook layouts matter. People have shown hundreds of creative builds in strongholds and most of them are the best few strongholds, drommand kaas, coruscant, nar shaddaa, yavin 4, and tattooine. The reason is cause these have great layouts. Manaan and Ubmara hook layouts are stupid. They could have been amazing, but sadly not. Please don't make the same mistake and do a half-job on something that needs the full treatment.


3. Please add Fleet Chat and other things to strongholds, all of them. This is extremely important.


This is a no-brainer. People want to hangout in strongholds but no fleet chat makes them a bad place cause you can't watch social chat. Release Skill Vendors, Class Vendors, and Mission Terminals for strongholds. Make them more useful. Allow players to actually create their own social activity hubs.


4. Decoration Disparity. This has to end. Give us the decoration sale... Soon.


We need the decos. Right now, getting decos is a painful, expensive, and drawn-out thing. Give us a huge deco sale that has all the decos. People will buy this stuff, I guarantee it. You encourage us to get strongholds, but make getting decos a huge pain in the butt. Stop it. It's not working. Fix it.


I mean, I have a kick butt stronghold but that's cause im rich. Not everyone is, and strongholds shouldn't just be for the rich. Make them more accessable, more useful, and more complex. Whith the bottleneck of decos, the cost in terms of time and grinding isn't working for most people. Fixing this by selling more decos all the time will help greatly. People will pay. Give us decos, please.


5. Make the amount of people that can be inside a stronghold larger. People want large communities.


Make it at least 130 like the fully unlocked guild ship. Let us have massive parties at our strongholds. Again, make them useful to social fun. If you add fleet chat, mission hubs, skill vendors, and class trainers, people will want to hangout in really well done strongholds and it will give players a reason to get silly awesome in building their strongholds.


Anyways, that's what I want.

Edited by ThadiusMoor
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Add the decorations to direct sale. I am not a fan of the packs since half the time you don't get much decorations from them. I will buy decorations over and over again provided they are direct sales. I will not waste my money on packs as I have no need for those "armor" they put in there.
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I don't see a need for Fleet chat in the strongholds either. I don't want to read it even when I am on the Fleet.


I think people have already expressed the points I find important: the new stronghold needs an intuitive hook layout, needs to be finished, and needs to have interesting areas to explore, like Yavin or Tatooine.


Putting the decos on direct sale is going to be important too. I don't want to gamble on packs for decos; I want to be able to earn them through missions and find them for direct purchase on the Cartel Market and the fleet vendors. I was really looking forward to decos with this direct sale when they said almost everything" would be available, and was so disappointed that they were not.

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Putting the decos on direct sale is going to be important too. I don't want to gamble on packs for decos; I want to be able to earn them through missions and find them for direct purchase on the Cartel Market and the fleet vendors. I was really looking forward to decos with this direct sale when they said almost everything" would be available, and was so disappointed that they were not.


(bolding mine)


One thing that irks me is that even though there are many decos that are available through reputation, flashpoints, achievements and so on, most of them seem to be stuff like paintings, plants and statues. Why can't I buy some damn sofas?? :mad:

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