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Unsubscriber rewards.


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I was thinking the same thing as I replied lol...I stepped away for a moment, came back to my screen and was like "Hmmm...what was I disagreeing with CrazyCT about again?". ;)


Well, this is my last post. From now on, you speak for me, old friend :D

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As one who lived through that exclusive time, I can assure you, it was real.

You had to be subscribed through date x to get Nico's gun.

You had to continue to be subscribed through date x2 if you expected to get his hat.

And then subscribe through date x3 to get him.


Some combination there of. If you wanted the stuff, if you wanted Nico, it was made VERY clear at the time that the sub had to be continuous. Same with the HK bonus chapter. You had to be subscribed from I believe February through October or November of that yearj to get the bonus chapter.


All out the window now. All that loyalty, pissed away.


so you werent told that they would never offer it again, you just assumed that.

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Nico Okkar was the subsciber reward for July 2015. Every sub got him. Not just some. Every.

Shae Vizla was the subscriber reward for October 2016. Every sub got her. Not just some. Every.

Nico & Shae will be the subscriber reward for April 2018. Only some subscribers will get them. And that's a problem. A subscriber reward should reward EVERY subscriber, not just some.


every subscriber will get them, if you already have them, you just wont notice. I doubt their script will care if you already have them, it will just toggle every subscriber to on for them

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They shouldn't call it "subscriber rewards" unless ALL subscribers get something. "New Subscriber Rewards" maybe... but those of us who have paid Bioware non-stop will see diddly for that effort. It doesn't really matter that much to me, because I don't begrudge others having the chance at things that I got in the past. I just don't care that much.


I do find it funny that most of the people who like to go into threads where people are giving feedback about actual game play issues and problems and talk about them "crying" are all here... crying. Rewards that are given away from the developers shouldn't be exclusive, especially if the very same requirements for earning it then are being applied to earning it now.


If you had to jump through major hoops to get something (or, complete a Nightmare level boss), and they were giving THAT away for free, then I could understand the complaints about re-using assets. But that's not what's happening here. You subbed before, you got Nico & Shae. You sub now, you get Nico & Shae. There is nothing about that that seems unfair to me.


So I guess my only gripe is that they are once again ignoring their long time subs with no reward for jumping through the hoops the first time. But that happens a lot in the world. It's why people flip around between DirectTV and other satellite cable companies, or switch between AT&T/Verizon/Sprint/etc for phone service - new customers always get offered the best deals while loyalty gets you jack squat.


Nothing new to see here. *shrug*



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Thank you for taking the time to find this, there're people in this thread who would argue that unique < > exclusive, regardless of the intimation of the word unique, so unique would be...undefined....I guess, despite the fact that unique's full suggestion is "unique to those players who participate" <BUT DON'T EXPECT THEM TO STAY UNIQUE TO YOU>


unique is not the same as exclusive. If I make a sculpture that is unlike any other and give a copy to everyone, it is unique. If i make a sculpture that is almost the same but slightly different and give it to 3 people it is exclusive. If they made a copy of nico and called him pico, he would no longer be unique.

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This is so desperate. Obviously, they have a financial goal to reach by the end of April and they are very far away from it. The CM sale and this new betrayal (yes, that's how I perceive it) of their most loyal players in favor of some possible extra short-term income is proof for that.


I'm pretty sure that this financial goal will decide whether there will be a 6.0 or not. That's why they haven't said anything further so far.


I personally am glad that they do this promotion. It makes it much easier for me to finally let go. I applaud BW for their move and thank them for making me save money from now on.

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After your live twitch tonight, I suggest you guys go to happy hour and read posts (or snippets, some are quite long) from this thread and challenge the other to see if they can guess the poster! Loser each round has to drink!


Next time, though, avoid the sturm und drang by tossing something to long-time subscribers. Or, at a minimum, rephrase the promotion by saying after X amount of time subscribed you get Nico / Shae (or whatever).



Edited by Jdast
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I can see how some may feel when new subs get things that once were special for older subs, but I got to agree with the guy above that views this as being somewhat selfish as right.


Do I think BW could have picked something else to award new subs with that would have been less controversial? Sure. That being said though, let's think about this... These comps are not gamebreaking, they are really just toys in the game.


If we think of them as toys, look at it this way. Bobby is given a shiny red truck when he is 5 years old. He loved this truck. 10 years later, his parents have another son named Robby. When Robby turns 5, the parents remember how much Bobby loved his red truck, and decide to get Robby a red truck too. Does it make sense that Bobby would be upset and feel less special because Robby got a red truck when he was 5, too?


In my opinion the fact Robby got a red truck just as Bobby did doesn't indicate any less love for Bobby... Heaven knows as time went on, Bobby was given many gifts along the way just as older subs have been given many gifts too.


Come on guys. These are pixel toys given to newer subs that in no way hurt you or break the game in any shape or form. I think people develop a sense of entitlement sometimes in games and throw common sense and common decency out the window over very minute details that are turned into big deals.


These gifts were granted for simply existing btw, not for actual work done on behalf of the subs feeling slighted by this gifting of comps. I'd agree if season competition rewards from ranked PVP were handed out freely as gifts, or some end boss PVE loot was handed to new subs but these rewards are nothing of the sort.

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Well, I will say this; if this is a hail Mary to persuade people who'd been on the fence about remaining subscribed, it's not panning out all that great. Seems for quite a few, this was the last push needed to walk away from the game instead. Pity.
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I mean... they literally could have grabbed an armor set from the CM, slapped a dye on it, made it legacy, then given it as a reward. It just seems weird that they would recycle subscriber rewards instead of coming up with something new-ish.


Even the 2nd party jawa was slightly different than the original.



PS: I vote the 2nd Shae Vizla subscriber reward be "young Shae." Let Cougar Shae remain exclusive. BWA can keep the space cowboy. I never thought that silly hat and duster was Star Warsy.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I mean... they literally could have grabbed an armor set from the CM, slapped a dye on it, made it legacy, then given it as a reward. It just seems weird that they would recycle subscriber rewards instead of coming up with something new-ish.


Even the 2nd party jawa was slightly different than the original.


Would have preferred that!

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I don't have either Shae or Nico, and I'm happy to be getting them since there are achievements gated behind them, but I absolutely agree that those who already have them should be getting something else. I would be just as frustrated in your position. They really need to stop with the date specific rewards and switch to a subscription longevity system that opens all rewards up to subscribers while providing new rewards for those who have already received the old ones. The date specific stuff just causes problems.
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I don't have either Shae or Nico, and I'm happy to be getting them since there are achievements gated behind them, but I absolutely agree that those who already have them should be getting something else. I would be just as frustrated in your position. They really need to stop with the date specific rewards and switch to a subscription longevity system that opens all rewards up to subscribers while providing new rewards for those who have already received the old ones. The date specific stuff just causes problems.

That's the thing...I'm actually HAPPY you're getting them. I have them, I've had them...I didn't even realize they were 'exclusives' - I want everyone to have access to anything. I just feel like, as a sub who HAS been here, I'm getting screwed on the deal. This is not a "subscriber reward", it's a welcome back gift.

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That's the thing...I'm actually HAPPY you're getting them. I have them, I've had them...I didn't even realize they were 'exclusives' - I want everyone to have access to anything. I just feel like, as a sub who HAS been here, I'm getting screwed on the deal. This is not a "subscriber reward", it's a welcome back gift.


I totally see where you're coming from, and I agree. Those who already have the reward absolutely should be compensated in some way. Even if they just gave out some cartel coins to those who already have the reward. If it's to reward subscribers than all subscribers should be rewarded. Is there some place to make a petition or something? I know that seems kind of lame but I'd sign it, and I bet a lot of others would too.


(Also, EEE! TUX, replied to me on the forums. Everyone knows TUX!)

Edited by DuchessKristania
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This is how I see this entire thing :


Shae and Nico were given as sub rewards before and they are given again, there are a lot of subscribers which are still missing one or both . They are given again in an exclusive promotion to entice people for subbing by given date just like they were used in past, and nobody from BW ever stated before how they are exclusive items which company will never be able to reuse again in some future promotion.


This promotion was a reason enough for me to prolong my SWTOR sub since I always wanted to get Shae and I missed to get it the first time she was offered, and I'm happy to get her now.


Tho I do understand why some of the people here which got both before are now salty, they are subscribed to and they get nothing from this promotion. If I would be in the place of the one making this decisions in the BW I would do this promotion in a way that I would offer just one companion to everyone which people would be able to choose, and in the offer would be both Nico and Shae since there was a big demand for those from the players missing on them and some new one for those people which have both of them atm.

Edited by Lunablade
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That's the thing...I'm actually HAPPY you're getting them. I have them, I've had them...I didn't even realize they were 'exclusives' - I want everyone to have access to anything. I just feel like, as a sub who HAS been here, I'm getting screwed on the deal. This is not a "subscriber reward", it's a welcome back gift.


It was a subscriber reward the first time. It is a subscriber reward this time. Both times, people must be subscribed. They have not advertised it as a "unique subscriber reward." Nor have they advertised that every subscriber is getting a new reward.


I'm not saying that I agree with what they are doing. I think it kind of stinks for those of us who did what was required the first time. But... it's just BW being BW.

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It was a subscriber reward the first time. It is a subscriber reward this time. Both times, people must be subscribed. They have not advertised it as a "unique subscriber reward." Nor have they advertised that every subscriber is getting a new reward.


I'm not saying that I agree with what they are doing. I think it kind of stinks for those of us who did what was required the first time. But... it's just BW being BW.


But they did say it was unique. That's the actual word used.




"Early Access is a special reward for those subscribers who were as excited as we are about this new expansion that signals a return to our BioWare story-telling roots. Entry to Early Access was announced when we announced the new Digital Expansion and was a reward for all Subscribers who were actively subscribed from July through early October. During each of those months, active Subscribers also earned several other unique rewards including the ability to have Nico Okarr as your Companion in-game! We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing your feedback on the epic new adventure introduced with Knights of the Fallen Empire."


I really don't know why we can't all just at least agree on the facts. Did they say, explicitly, it would never ever ever ever ever ever ever come back again? No. That's not the point. No one is really arguing that. We we're very clearly led to to believe that this was to be unique to subscribers at the time. Again, I'm HAPPY everyone who wants to get this can do so. Really happy about that. But that's a separate point.

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But they did say it was unique. That's the actual word used.




"Early Access is a special reward for those subscribers who were as excited as we are about this new expansion that signals a return to our BioWare story-telling roots. Entry to Early Access was announced when we announced the new Digital Expansion and was a reward for all Subscribers who were actively subscribed from July through early October. During each of those months, active Subscribers also earned several other unique rewards including the ability to have Nico Okarr as your Companion in-game! We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing your feedback on the epic new adventure introduced with Knights of the Fallen Empire."


I really don't know why we can't all just at least agree on the facts. Did they say, explicitly, it would never ever ever ever ever ever ever come back again? No. That's not the point. No one is really arguing that. We we're very clearly led to to believe that this was to be unique to subscribers at the time. Again, I'm HAPPY everyone who wants to get this can do so. Really happy about that. But that's a separate point.


Instead, maybe this means they are rolling back KOTET when the rewards go out.


Hard to have a unique reward for something that no longer exists. :D

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The bottom line is, they are just describing this incorrectly. Nico and Shae are subscriber incentives, not subscriber rewards.


Subscriber rewards would give rewards to all who are currently subscribed. This promotion is just that: a promotion to encourage people to subscribe who aren't, not to reward those who are and have been leading up to this point in time.



Edited by PennyAnn
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But they did say it was unique.


When they said how its unique they didn't meant exclusive. They meant how that character is one of its kind , well known in this game, and different enough from all the others.

Edited by Lunablade
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