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Unsubscriber rewards.


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I'm glad I'm getting shae because I didn't know she was going to be the most OP companion, but I also agree with the OP. subscriber limited time rewards should be a one time thing, if you miss it, it is your loss for whatever reason/excuse you may have it shouldn't matter. It's only fair to the folk who paid the price, paid attention, and followed through with the requirements. There should be new subscriber rewards for people who are willing to do those things now, and those rewards should be exclusive if that's what they say they will be.. nobody should be able to get the stuff later, that defeats the whole purpose.
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My offer still stands to run you through all the story mode operations. I bet we could even gather up a few people you like on the forums. Super casual, no elitism, no pressure.


That's kind of you to offer :) I do appreciate it and maybe one day, I'll work up the nerve to take you up on it. So nice of you, not everyone would do that. ^^

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"Early Access is a special reward for those subscribers who were as excited as we are about this new expansion that signals a return to our BioWare story-telling roots. Entry to Early Access was announced when we announced the new Digital Expansion and was a reward for all Subscribers who were actively subscribed from July through early October. During each of those months, active Subscribers also earned several other unique rewards including the ability to have Nico Okarr as your Companion in-game! We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing your feedback on the epic new adventure introduced with Knights of the Fallen Empire."


Let's just not continue to split hairs (I know some are tempted to keep trying). A "unique" rewards clearly means it's...well...unique. Not some recurring thing that can be gotten at any time. I really don't care whatsoever - I'm happy others get it frankly (that's just me). But let's stop pretending at least that the devs "never mean't exclusive" when it's so very clear they wanted us all to think it was.


What? The rewards were unique. They were different from stuff that was then in-game. That doesn't mean they can't give the stuff away again later. And as someone who got Nico and Shae when they first came out I never once thought the promotion meant that they would never offer any way to get them ever again. It just wasn't a certainty that they would.

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I'm grateful, actually, this is exactly the push I needed to finally unsubscribe.



EDIT: Frustratingly, I still have 123 days left cuz I can't insta-cancel. *sigh*


Here are my exit reasons I gave them:


Giving away previous limited time "subscribe by/during this time" rewards finally pushed me out.


Other reasons:


- No new events

- Chapters and one-story-fits-all are a total failure

- Dumbing-down the game (remove Willpower, Cunning, etc) so every single moron can just one-click and win everything

- Cookie-cutter companions, and too many of them, that don't mean ****

- Legacy Datacrons

- You never listen to what people want from the game and instead do stuff that nobody asked for, unless it requires no effort to implement or you can sell on the CM


F*** you guys.

Edited by PetFish
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The question is valid; What do long time subs get for April if they already have the companions? If the answer is nothing, then Bioware is stupid and doesn't deserve anyone's loyalties. Unsub on a whim and let the game fail more, you lose nothing if you do.

Imo, this is nothing to unsub over, but of course that's just my opinion.

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Despite having read most of the topics in this forum in the last few years, the salt in this is just staggering.


They offer those companions again - so what? We will still have ours, let others have theirs, who cares? Why do you care so much about what others have? These companions were exclusive for a while, and anyone that subbed at that time got them. Should we interpret all this rage as that you feel betrayed because you subbed despite not wanting to in order to receive a companion in a game you do not want to sub to? (Before anyone starts going personal, I have them.) Implication is not a symmetric relation, from the statement "be a sub at X and get Y" it does NOT generally follow that "if you have Y you must have been a sub at X". Logic 101, really.


I'm also surprised noone in their rage cared to notice what this all means for the game. They're putting everything on CM for direct sale, they're selling ex-sub rewards again... the one last grab for cash is all too obvious.


Hug your guildmates, do some heroics, take some fun selfies. SW:TOR is going away.

Edited by Schoock
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Maybe not but it could be the final nail in the coffin for some. Someone already posted this was the final push for them.


Yeah I saw. People need to unsub over whatever they see fit of course, but I think some are making this into a bigger issue than it needs to be.

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This was the final push for me too. Tired of paying for them to develop a game I won't even buy (Anthem) and putting almost none of the revenue back into this game. I stayed as they started just crapping repeatedly on those of us who have been around forever. I wouldn't put it past them to start selling my founder title in the CM. Anyways, probably won't be back unless a lot of things change, which is sad because I loved this game, even played the beta and pre-ordered the CE.
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Maybe not but it could be the final nail in the coffin for some. Someone already posted this was the final push for them.


Honestly I think it is lowdown of them to do this, but it wasn't the last straw. The last straw for me was the FUBAR conquest changes. That was the last straw. Like I said before, I only sub for 2 months at a time now, so now, I am just waiting for the days to count down, not resubbing.


Tired of the incompetent development, the idiot changes and the hacks at BWA not just being man enough to admit they just ****ed up.

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Imo, this is nothing to unsub over, but of course that's just my opinion.


No, but....


Why are you a long time sub if the normal sub benefits aren't enough for you?


That's the point. It's one less incentive. They're supposed to give us more reasons to want to sub, not less.

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Fact is... companions are their IP and they can do with them what they want, when they want, how they want. Both companions are fairly old in the timeline of the game.. so I don't really see the rage triggering here to be honest.


The one downside to this is some people simply will not trust them on subscriber rewards anymore, so it dampens the incentive to some degree. It does not take away the incentive completely though... because people are impatient and want new stuff as soon as it's available.. so people will still chase subscriber incentives. But you know what.. the real irony here is that the new incentive here IS in fact a subscriber incentive and reward to encourage players to sub in order to get them... so I can see what they are doing here and why.


I have not read through the entire thread, nor will I... I just have one question.... was anyone slapped in the face by this? :p

Edited by Andryah
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Subscribe and you'd get rewarded, and you were. That was the promotion. They didn't say exclusive, they didn't say it'd never be available again, they said you'd get the reward and you did. That was the point of the promotion. If you inferred exclusivity from that, that doesn't bind them to it (and as has been pointed out, they've done this before with other rewards, including one of the other rewards from Nico's promotion).


If they ever did say it was "exclusive" then this would be a completely different discussion. 100% agreed. It could even be a legal discussion at that point. They didn't, though. Period.


The only time they ever used the word "exclusive" to describe a sub reward was for the swoop bike the first time. In other promos, they said things like "last chance" and "before it's too late" to describe rewards. Anyway, to say, "they didn't ..." is clearly not the case. The Swoop bike was advertised as "exclusive." I don't think there's any legal discussion to be had. It's just an ethical one at best. I expected them to stay true to their marketing tactics. They have reneged. I no longer feel like a valued customer and doubt I'll spend the kind of money I spent on this game on another title by EA.

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With that said, to try and make this less circular, I like your idea of giving those who have them already a companion compendium. Ties in nicely with Xor's idea of rewarding long-term subscribers.




Setting aside the fact that this particular MMO has NEVER had a program of veteran rewards (which is essentially what long term subscriber rewards are).... I do think they should give those that already have Nico and Shae something as part of this. But you know what... like all of the rest of you... I have no actual vote on what they do or don't do....only my opinion.


If it were me running things at Austin.. I would give any player who already has Shae and Nico a token that boosts said companions to level 50 influence. And I guess, since some players will already have them at level 50... make said tokens BoL so they can apply them to some other companion if they like.

Edited by Andryah
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If it were me running things at Austin.. I would give any player who has Shae and Nico a token that boosts said companions to level 50 influence. And I guess, since some players will already have them at level 50... make said tokens BoL so they can apply them to some other companion if they like.


I think that is a great idea.

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What? The rewards were unique. They were different from stuff that was then in-game. That doesn't mean they can't give the stuff away again later. And as someone who got Nico and Shae when they first came out I never once thought the promotion meant that they would never offer any way to get them ever again. It just wasn't a certainty that they would.


But they're no longer "unique"? Is that it? The proper interpretation of "unique", in the context of a subscriber rewards offer should have been, at the time, "unique as compared to anything previously"? Does the studio need to actually say explicitly that "you will never ever in any way ever for the rest of all-known time get this again" in order for people to feel that they were misled? Is that the point you're making? :rolleyes:


Despite any additional semantics games you wanna play (note: I'm done playing that game - it's tired), subs were justified in believing that these were meant to be one time, "you-snooze-you-lose" subscriber rewards. I don't think that's even debatable.


Even then, many of us thought that these could make their way into the game again in some way - namely via CM purchase. But I don't think anyone thought these would just come back as regular sub rewards, which is where the gripe really is. I don't have any problem at all with them coming back (even as sub rewards) - it's just not how I roll. But I do empathize with those who say, on principle, if you're going to bring these back, they shouldn't be as a sub reward again. Make it a CM unlock, make some quest reward or other hurdle -- the terms should be different and higher burden than the original deal. This is just a "slap in the face"...

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It's not even about the companion.


It could be a pet, a mount, or a bag of dirt, it's what it REPRESENTS and what it REPRESENTS is when they offered a time-limited and exclusive incentive to subscribe and now by just awarding it to Jenny Newsub they've completely destroyed any faith I have in the system.


I have a few things that REPRESENT my long-standing loyalty and support, in some cases when they really needed it to keep the lights on, and now all they REPRESENT are lies.


For me, yes, it was the last straw, since I've been not enjoying myself for months now, and once they lose trust like this it's pretty much a done deal.

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