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Umbara and Copero Flashpoints --- a hater's thread


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Umbara and Copero I don't go back to either and no plans ever to. Thinking these are what BW are passing off as story for today just puts this all in a bad light as far as I'm concerned. They Lack all the aspects of what make the older FlashPoints fun. Where I can do "False Emperor" more then once a day, Boarding Party, Taral V, The Foundry and other older ones those two hold nothing of interest to me. And Yes, They make Theron look really bad doing his job. The Content Replay ability was a good idea finally just with the wrong Content. I used to run the Battle Stations over and over..and over which probably lead to one of my Burn Outs (hahahaha:) ) they reminded me of Classic Star Wars.
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To me these two flashpoints are like watered down versions of the KotFE and KotET chapters, but are able to be played either solo or as a group of 4, but unlike the story chapters, when you group up, everyone gets credit. Based on that I think that they worth trying as an experiment to see if people liked them, and I like that aspect of them.


Unfortunately, by trying to do something that pleased those that enjoy both solo story content, and those that enjoy flashpoints, the end product did less to satisfy either group. I still like the idea behind what they did here, but think that they still have some work to do before they make something that both groups can embrace.

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I'm glad I'm not alone in that feeling. Another friend of mine that doesn't play anymore said she had the same feeling of vertigo from it. I can't resist a stronghold, so I made a point of decorating it, but I did enclose all the open areas to cope, but I feel it works and I'm happy with it. Gratz on having all your houses decorated ^^. I can't say no to a stronghold, I love doing them and I can't see leaving one half done, or not done at all either. Have to do something! :D




It seems that it's a thing. I couldn't do anymore than once a day either and even that was just a sheer exercise in will rather than fun. I wanted the stronghold, so I had to get the data thingys. Once I got my stronghold, I haven't been back to do that FP anymore and likely never will.


Omg. The hooks can be a pain sometimes. I got lucky, and fell I think 3 times the first time I tried it, but yeah, 22 attempts that awful. Reminds me of the time I tried to get some holocrons and kept falling and had to do it over and over. Never again. The Copero warehouse is the weak link in that flashpoint, my least favorite too.


You guys have problems with the hooks? I've done lots and lots of flashpoints, missions, stories with hooks and never had a problem. I did have a problem once in one of the star fortresses with the hooks, but it was just once and never had a problem since. Wonder what's causing the issue with people not able to use the hooks.

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I don't mind them as a solo affair, but hate Umbara in groups, whether vet or MM. I will drop instantly when it pops because I have yet to meet a group that can get through the train part. At all. Ever. Maybe it's the time that I play, but it is not even a crapshoot where maybe 1 in 10 groups clears it. Have NEVER been in a group that can get through the train, no matter the composition. I only queue it as my healer, too, and it's still a nightmare. No one listens to instructions, too many lowbies that are getting into it as their first flashpoint experience (great job, GF), a couple of the mobs hit really hard, even in vet, people panic during that first boss fight and get themselves thrown over the side and/or have ZERO idea what they're supposed to be attacking (yeah, that shield'll come down real fast if you keep wet-noodling it!). It's a cluster from a group perspective.


I worked through it for the 25-run achievement and the only good thing I can say about it is at least after the train, most of the trash is skippable and the bosses are less hectic.


After my experience with Umbara, I haven't even bothered doing Copero with groups, especially after hearing how many people have so much trouble with it SOLO. It's tediously easy for me in solo, so I feel I'd just be setting myself up for more Umbara train experiences by bothering to try it with others.


Are people STILL having bloody issues with Copero AFTER the nerf in solo??? Okay, now THAT is extremely unskilled or undergeared players. Before Copero was nerfed, fine I'll give a bit of it was a hassle with so many mobs and bosses with like a zillion hit points but AFTER the nerf? Nope, never playing with groups ever again. Nope, nope. If a player can't do Copero solo AFTER the nerf, which made it way way too easy, then those are people I am never playing with.


I know not everyone is leet and uber, I sure as hell am not, but come on, the Copero after nerf is a cake walk for soloing. Arg. Sorry, but after the nerf problems is NOT the flashpoint, it's the people.

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You guys have problems with the hooks? I've done lots and lots of flashpoints, missions, stories with hooks and never had a problem. I did have a problem once in one of the star fortresses with the hooks, but it was just once and never had a problem since. Wonder what's causing the issue with people not able to use the hooks.


I've had to give up on doing the veteran Star Fortresses because my characters cannot do the hooks/grapples there. They fall to their deaths almost always. I've tried every fix suggested on this and other forums and nothing works. Bit annoying to get all the way to that point (almost the end of the FP), finish the first room and then just die twenty times in a row trying to get to the next platform.


The grapple hooks on the train, Copero, the KOTET Dromund Kaas chapter and any other place I've seen them in the game all work fine for me, but the Star Fortress ones don't carry me across. It seems there's something off there.

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To me these two flashpoints are like watered down versions of the KotFE and KotET chapters, but are able to be played either solo or as a group of 4, but unlike the story chapters, when you group up, everyone gets credit. Based on that I think that they worth trying as an experiment to see if people liked them, and I like that aspect of them.


Unfortunately, by trying to do something that pleased those that enjoy both solo story content, and those that enjoy flashpoints, the end product did less to satisfy either group. I still like the idea behind what they did here, but think that they still have some work to do before they make something that both groups can embrace.


The flashpoints as minor/major parts of the story, or the story right now since we're still in 5.x and not in 6.x yet, doesn't bother me. Because they did the same thing in Forged Alliances when we first met Lana and Theron before 3.x came out. Now if every single story is in a flashpoint, then yes, I'll be quite ticked off, but a bit of story in flashpoints? Meh, keep them coming if that's what needs to be done until a real expansion. I don't care. Especially since you know damn good and well 5.9 is going to be another flashpoint.

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You guys have problems with the hooks? I've done lots and lots of flashpoints, missions, stories with hooks and never had a problem. I did have a problem once in one of the star fortresses with the hooks, but it was just once and never had a problem since. Wonder what's causing the issue with people not able to use the hooks.


Strange how it goes, usually in anything that takes hooks, I'll fall once or twice, it's like it doesn't want to line up or something. Had the issue in Star Fortress and Copero warehouse, but not the ones on the train. They don't always give me issues and it's not always the same ones. Figures, I manage to get the boss dead before it was nerfed but get done in by a little green square lol.

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Strange how it goes, usually in anything that takes hooks, I'll fall once or twice, it's like it doesn't want to line up or something. Had the issue in Star Fortress and Copero warehouse, but not the ones on the train. They don't always give me issues and it's not always the same ones. Figures, I manage to get the boss dead before it was nerfed but get done in by a little green square lol.


so much this! went through one Copero run where the warehouse hook thing refused to work right 11 times in a row, that was a lot of dying from falling. I'd use it, fly to the other side and.. drop, it wouldn't put me on the platform.

Edited by Asmodesu
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I think I have some credibility here, since I was the one who instigated / started the thread about Traitor Among the Chiss bosses being an HP sponge.




For the two perpetual whiners (you know who you are, but I can't name you since you always report me)...




It is obvious who the stunlock guys are. Target them first. Or simply accept I'm better at the game than you.


For the train boss, learn to position. Makes it the easiest fight in the instance.


The only complaint I have is I tire of hearing "For House in RohinI!" for TatC.



Edited by Jdast
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You guys have problems with the hooks? I've done lots and lots of flashpoints, missions, stories with hooks and never had a problem. I did have a problem once in one of the star fortresses with the hooks, but it was just once and never had a problem since. Wonder what's causing the issue with people not able to use the hooks.
I don't have problem with other hooks too. Only the one in Copero. And only the one that cross the bridge; the second boss's hooks never fail to carry me up


The worse part is if the team wipe at the boss, which is common, I've to cross the bridge again and the team usually have to wait for me. It's more frustrating than the boss actually. I've pugged it three times or four and have seen one other player who also have this issue. My ping is typically 220 to 300, not sure if that contributes to the high failure rate.

Edited by ElleSheepy
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