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Conquest Feedback and Upcoming Changes


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The only problem I foresee with this is it will make it significantly harder to get someone to que for in-progress ops when somebody drops from a group. Then you have people who will have lockouts on bosses that won't be able to finish ops because everybody wants full points.


If their goal is to get away from last boss LO, then its the nature of the beast but lowering the points for OPS isn't helping anyone feel like their time is worth it.

Edited by Quraswren
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So after the "revamp" and the accompanying rage i felt at ALL THE THINGS said revamp entailed, i took the rest of my week to chill and have instead been reading what others had experienced/felt with said changes. Many i agree with, several that i don't.


Let's discuss:


CRAFTING One thing i have found (or found a lack of) is a true understanding of what it is to craft for conquest. The devs obviously don't get it and i would wager it's because they don't participate in it.


Misconceptions about conquest crafting:

  1. It's easy
  2. Crafters don't have to work as hard as me on a weekly basis (mostly heard from PvPers)
  3. Crafting awards too many points and it's pay to win
  4. "crafting was contributing too much to the overall competition of Conquests" ~the devs



Let's talk about why each excuse/reason is wrong.


1: it is NOT easy to compete in a crafting conquest. The smaller the number of true/hardcore crafters you have in your guild, the more prep and lead time it takes.


i come from a smaller guild and to prep for conquest against the major guilds takes months full of countless hours of farming not to mention crafting those mats into components.



2: crafters work just as hard as you folks do AND we do it WITHOUT the advantage of consistent rewards for our efforts. for every 15 minutes you spend in a PVP match, you get a reward when you're done with it.


for every 15 minutes of crafting i do, i get to SPEND credits on buying/companion missions for white mats to match what i've farmed.


Additionally to that, in order to have the credits to buy those white mats, we have to go out and do additional content to farm credits so we can afford the white mats. So in order to participate in a crafting conquest, crafters have to actually work twice as hard as the PVP/Eers in order to be able to craft, which leads directly into item 3.



3: now, i'm biased because i'm obviously a crafter and i think my time spent working in the game should be better rewarded, but crafting should definitely not be considered as overly compensated for points.


let's discuss the math involved in crafting. it costs you nothing, save repair costs or gear upgrades, to participate in PvP/E (and as previously mentioned, crafters must also do to earn credits to pay for their mats).


SO here's a little crafting math for you. to craft a stack of 100 ea grade 8 and 9 components it costs me, IN WHITE MATS ONLY, 400,000 credits (if i am buying from the vendor and not doing companion missions). and out of those 100 components i get a base return of 25 war supplies.


IF i can craft 1000 components in an hour, i am SPENDING 4 million credits to compete in conquest with 250 war supplies. those war supplies will take (at max comp lvl 50 on a single toon) approximately 7 1/2 hours to craft during conquest. so time spend gathering, crafting components and transforming in to war supplies is 10-11 hours with a total return of a BASE of 62,500 points.


any conquest crafter worth their salt will have sunk millions upon millions of credits into their strongholds to get a point boost of 150%. so let's total this up, 3 hours of lead work (farming and crafting components), 4 million credits, 7 1/2 hrs crafting time DURING crafting week (for a grand total in time of ~11 hours) and a grand total of 93,750 points.


when was the last time a PVP/Eer spent 11 hours of their time and 4 million credits to participate in conquest. now plug aaaaaalllll that lovely information into an equation that allows you to see how much time and effort your players put into this game to net 70 MILLION points in a single crafting conquest week especially when those are small guilds with 5-10 crafters tops.


we as crafters work D**N hard and pay through the nose to participate in conquest. we deserve every. single. point. garnered in this manner.



4: Musco/Keith, you boys have GOT to be kidding.


aside from the math i just laid out for you, you have repeatedly nerfed crafting in conquest. we started out with repeatable crafting every week.


we were nerfed down to 3 weeks (4 since you've added iokath but that's a joke cuz there's only 1 planet that whole week), nerfed when we had to start crafting components instead of just using base mats.


on a non-crafting week we can get 10,000 points MAX PER LEGACY. how is this excessive? you have done your level best to punish crafters and "even the playing field" for the other player styles. This latest nerf is WAY TOO FAR.


Crafting weeks are SUPPOSED to cater to the players who enjoy farming and crafting. we don't do it because we HAVE to. we do it because we WANT to.


You have obviously made these changes because you don't understand your own content and the effort that this undervalued set of players puts in to your game.



This game is all about personal experience. and by revamping in the way they have, the devs have taken personal choice and experience out of the mix. They have decided what content is enjoyable from their perspective. no one HAS to participate in conquest, but for those that do want to and enjoy the direction it gives for their play style on a week to week basis, these changes have crapped all over the idea of getting rewarded for doing the content you enjoy doing.


Every player in this or in any other MMO is a strikingly different individual with their own preferences. In their effort to make conquest more varied, they have done the opposite.


Players largely like knowing what objectives are coming so they can plan their play accordingly, as a guild or a solo artist. This new system is pure chaos, with little reward to encourage participation.


Aside from completely rolling back (which the devs have already proven they are unwilling to do given the upcoming patch tomorrow), here a some things that definitely need fixing for conquest to be viable again and save subscriptions:



  • planetary bonuses need to come back. Guilds don't pick planets based on the rewards. they pick planets based on objectives, bonuses and where they think they can/need to win. additionally, if bonuses return, you can keep the point targets for tiered planets at their current levels.
  • Crafting: either roll it back or fix it. fixing it would entail requiring fewer of the lower grade mats to make a single war supply (nerf to 4 down from 6/8) and/or fix the farming for all mats from grades 2-7. there is currently no efficient way to gather these mats in the quantities currently required.
  • If you really need some randomness in your life, include some kind of new random daily objective for conquest with a super bonus that relates to the type of week it is.
  • Legacy objectives: ditch these. part of this game is about alts and you've killed them. again.
  • Fix the UI, too much confusion between was is repeatable and was is once per legacy.



the single compliment i have for the revamp is the guild point target for rewards. It's always frustrating to have worked so hard all week only to get pushed into 11th place at the 11th hour. if your guild puts in the effort, they should reap the reward. so kudos on that point.


Every week of conquest pigeonholes a specific type of play style, whether it be ops, pvp, flashpoints, gsf, heroics, crafting or events. No single play style is better than any other. The MMOs that recognize and foster this mentality are the ones that have a lasting player base.


The devs cannot continue to depend on the fact that "it's star wars!" to save them and their game. stop forcing people to play the way YOU THINK they should. provide content and availability for all play types and you will consistently have a happy community. Darkgift nails it on the nose.


One of my guildies has been with star wars since beta. has been the most positive, persistent, committed player, even through the many frustrations he's experienced in the game and this latest bout of thoughtlessness was too much even for him.


I know an entire guild of crafters and pvpers who saw the changes and walked away the same day. Devs, i urge and implore you to make some drastic changes for the better. for the love, listen to your community for once! or own up to what your intentions for this game really are, make the cuts and stop stringing us along.


to join with the myriad of other voices who have all said the same thing: i have 15 days left on my sub. please change my mind. i really really want you to.


The reason you see so much anger is because your players love the game and hate to see the mottled mess it's become.


Fixed the wall of text so I could read it. :)


Good points.

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Oh and those 3 or 4 people that think that this crap was a good idea. I suppose those 3 or 4 people will have fun in the future trying to do group content and won't start whining until queues taking 10 hours to pop.


That sounds like low and mid tier pvp brackets now.

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I was on of the explosive side of berated the devs as much as anyone prior to the announcement that major changes were going to be made tomorrow due to all of the complaints. In fact I was so bad that I got suspended from the forums for 3 days and it was completely justified. But, now that I am back on the forums, it is time to pull a 180, I like what Eric said a few days ago in the Dev Tracker. I am a big Crafter, so that portion does not help me immediately, but, I understand their position on analyzing that data and making a decision prior to 5.9. I also love PVP and other aspects of the game, I am sure they are doing a lot of hard work to get the adjustments in place for tomorrow. So lets see what happens tomorrow and how Conquest looks from there.


Before my account was suspended I did not even see the decos, and they did a great job with them. They are some of the nicest decos I have seen in a long while. I have yet to try Izax too, all over being mad about a part of the game.


Let's give the devs a chance,



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Crafting: I just read a few posts that spoke about crafting pre 5.8 and wanted to talk about it for a moment. Crafting has never been exploitable, it is just that when it came to Crafting weeks, obviously the larger guilds had a distinct advantage over the smaller ones due to sheer number in size. That being said, even during those weeks, there were multiple guilds that were able to vie for any planet they wanted to achieve. Further, most of these guilds were more than willing to invite members of smaller guilds into the bigger guilds so they could get the planets achievements. But, what people need to understand is that the gathering of materials takes time regardless of who you are or what guild you are in which takes away from game play time. Not many people want to spend hours gathering materials, nor do they want to wait in FPs or OPs for people to gather along the way. When is the last time you were in one of these where a person was allowed to gather without the other members saying something?


Nonetheless, the devs will come up with a middle of the road decision by 5.9. Will it revert back to pre-5.8, no, but, I doubt it will remain as it is right now either.



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/snip I am sure they are doing a lot of hard work to get the adjustments in place for tomorrow.

Let's give the devs a chance,




They broke it in a day. They can fix it in a day. They've had a full week and all we still get are vague responses. All this "monitoring" should've been done under the old system and tweaked from there. Not this repeated sledgehammer action that they're so famous for.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Quick update. I already highlighted the changes coming tomorrow in 5.8a but I wanted to let you know that we are still actively discussing future changes to Conquests which will come out in 5.9. I am hoping to have a list of those changes before the end of the week, I will pass on info as I have it.


Thank you for your continued feedback.



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Hey folks,


Quick update. I already highlighted the changes coming tomorrow in 5.8a but I wanted to let you know that we are still actively discussing future changes to Conquests which will come out in 5.9. I am hoping to have a list of those changes before the end of the week, I will pass on info as I have it.


Thank you for your continued feedback.




Too little, too late.

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Hey folks,


Quick update. I already highlighted the changes coming tomorrow in 5.8a but I wanted to let you know that we are still actively discussing future changes to Conquests which will come out in 5.9. I am hoping to have a list of those changes before the end of the week, I will pass on info as I have it.


Thank you for your continued feedback.




While I applaud you moving relatively (by your standards) quickly on this matter, I do hope you internalize the point that...


This entire debacle was a self-inflicted wound -- one that could have easily been avoided had you communicated point values, legacy-wide aspects, etc. to get feedback prior to making the changes.



Edited by Jdast
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My first thoughts when I saw Eric's initial reply about changes seemed like they were listening, at least a little. But the more I read about the changes, the less it seems they are actually listening.


My fear with monitoring crafting is that they are not going to look at the real numbers, but what comes out of their 'points achieved box.'


By this I mean looking at what is turned in, such as turning in 10 Invasion Force for an objective. They have to take into account the number of invasion forces kept in the bank, and being dumped/burned thru the first couple of weeks. This is not a true counter of the number of invasion forces crafted since the update, it is the number in storage.


The crafting of war supplies and invasion forces has priced most of us out of doing that due to the number of mats required. Materials are not cheap, and crafting is now only an end game objective for Conquest. The number and type of materials now required means low level toons (let alone new players) cannot accomplish anything for Conquest without a higher level toon feeding them materials or burning up cash buying white mats.


My other gripe is the change in Dark Projects. The change in what is required to craft them was another change that was conveniently glossed over. This left crafters with a lot of useless/low need materials, and has placed the requirement of either playing Iokath to get materials or buying them from the broker. Again, play as you want is pushed to the wayside as it once again becomes Play What We Tell You.


I do not want to feed into the Doom and Gloom, but most of the decisions since 5.0 have not been anything that was requested by the players or been thought of as improvements. From GC gear to this 'improvement' of CQ, it does not appear anyone who plays the game or wants it to continue is in the loop for making decisions. Only the Star Wars name is keeping this game open right now, but the choices being made for the game are burning thru any good will the franchise still has.


Tomorrow brings an update that while not fixing CQ, is supposed to improve the numbers so that it is doable. Here is hoping this is the first of many fixes, and that they do not keep kicking the can down the road and state 'We are still evaluating the numbers.'

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My guild has always been very active in conquest. We have a blast running lockouts, FPs, PVP and everyone crafted. Then the changes came. Everyone was...well, pissed. PvPers felt left out, and crafters have all but stopped crafting.

I have finished all my weeklies, gree, iokath, searching for allies, vet and MM FPs, SM uprisings and 2 ops. I crafted war supplies and 'donated' them. All that, normally, would get me a bit above my goal. However, it only got me to 13k.

I wanted to craft more, but the amounts of mats required now is...well, insane. Since conquest was introduced, I only held onto grade 7 and above mats (so i was able to have room in legacy cargo) but now i need grade 2-10 mats just to make a single supply. I, like many others in my guild, are done with conquest.

And thats sad. We all had a blast. It gave us a gameplan for the week and gave incentive to have new players be active in the guild.

Now there is very little reason for crafters to farm and produce. PvPers are now 'one-and-done' rather than running several. FP runners dont want to do more than whats required for weekly because it isnt worth it.

I would say revert back, but we all know Bw doesnt know how to...or want to. My best hope is something new comes along soon that will encourage guildies to be active with each other. Until then, we can bribe guildies with credits and CM items for doing certain activities..

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While I applaud you moving relatively (by your standards) quickly on this matter, I do hope you internalize the point that...


This entire debacle was a self-inflicted wound -- one that could have easily been avoided had you communicated point values, legacy-wide aspects, etc. to get feedback prior to making the changes.




The Bioware Motto

“We shoot ourselves in the foot so you don’t have too... if we make a mistake... we double down and shoot the other one off”

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Hey folks,


Quick update. I already highlighted the changes coming tomorrow in 5.8a but I wanted to let you know that we are still actively discussing future changes to Conquests which will come out in 5.9. I am hoping to have a list of those changes before the end of the week, I will pass on info as I have it.


Thank you for your continued feedback.




I'm glad whenever we get some prompt feedback, but I do not find this post encouraging. It tells me 1) their "metrics" have confirmed it's a hot mess, and 2) they can't fix it quickly enough to avoid the continuing fallout.

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One thing I do want to know is how this



Conquest Revamp:

  • We have all enjoyed receiving our rewards each week! Ok, in reality, we’ve had our fair share of issues this past year, but going forward, we want Conquests to be a consistently fun activity for Guilds and individual participants.
  • As a result, we’ve made substantial improvements to the Conquest system including a new interface, new daily objectives, new missions, and more. Most importantly, we have rewritten the backend system to ensure you benefit from your weekly efforts. Look for details in an upcoming blog or forum post.



--- Keith



turned into what was actually released with 5.8?


Where's the fun?

Where are these "new" objectives?

Where's the benefit?

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Hey folks,


Quick update. I already highlighted the changes coming tomorrow in 5.8a but I wanted to let you know that we are still actively discussing future changes to Conquests which will come out in 5.9. I am hoping to have a list of those changes before the end of the week, I will pass on info as I have it.


Thank you for your continued feedback.




You didn't highlight $hit. Sorry.


How much points will the reintroduced objectives give? Will they be repeatable infinitely like they used to or once per day per legacy?

Will there be a high reward objective for weekly pvp like it used to? Will there be a high reward objective for pvp kills like it used to?


Surely you must know.

Is this stalling for another week as we "discuss" future changes about something that didn't need them?

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While I applaud you moving relatively (by your standards) quickly on this matter, I do hope you internalize the point that...


This entire debacle was a self-inflicted wound -- one that could have easily been avoided had you communicated point values, legacy-wide aspects, etc. to get feedback prior to making the changes.



They still aren't communicating anything. How many points will PvP give? GSF? FPs? This whole once per Legacy thing is just foolish too. It actively drives people who are willing to play THIS game, away from THIS game...it's absolute insanity.

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Hey folks,


Quick update. I already highlighted the changes coming tomorrow in 5.8a but I wanted to let you know that we are still actively discussing future changes to Conquests which will come out in 5.9. I am hoping to have a list of those changes before the end of the week, I will pass on info as I have it.


Thank you for your continued feedback.




Just revert it to 5.7, no one wanted this!

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They still aren't communicating anything. How many points will PvP give? GSF? FPs? This whole once per Legacy thing is just foolish too. It actively drives people who are willing to play THIS game, away from THIS game...it's absolute insanity.


But it's now "a consistently fun activity for Guilds and individual participants." According to Keith. :rolleyes:

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Activity Tracker

I had added a conquest objective to my activity tracker because I thought I might get it done before the event ended. I ended up leaving the game to tend to other things, and now that the event is over, I can't remove this activity from the tracker.

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So after the "revamp" and the accompanying rage i felt at ALL THE THINGS said revamp entailed, i took the rest of my week to chill and have instead been reading what others had experienced/felt with said changes. Many i agree with, several that i don't. Let's discuss

CRAFTING One thing i have found (or found a lack of) is a true understanding of what it is to craft for conquest. The devs obviously don't get it and i would wager it's because they don't participate in it.

Misconceptions about conquest crafting:

  1. It's easy
  2. Crafters don't have to work as hard as me on a weekly basis (mostly heard from PvPers)
  3. Crafting awards too many points and it's pay to win
  4. "crafting was contributing too much to the overall competition of Conquests" ~the devs

Let's talk about why each excuse/reason is wrong.

1: it is NOT easy to compete in a crafting conquest. The smaller the number of true/hardcore crafters you have in your guild, the more prep and lead time it takes. i come from a smaller guild and to prep for conquest against the major guilds takes months full of countless hours of farming not to mention crafting those mats into components.

2: crafters work just as hard as you folks do AND we do it WITHOUT the advantage of consistent rewards for our efforts. for every 15 minutes you spend in a PVP match, you get a reward when you're done with it. for every 15 minutes of crafting i do, i get to SPEND credits on buying/companion missions for white mats to match what i've farmed. Additionally to that, in order to have the credits to buy those white mats, we have to go out and do additional content to farm credits so we can afford the white mats. So in order to participate in a crafting conquest, crafters have to actually work twice as hard as the PVP/Eers in order to be able to craft, which leads directly into item 3.

3: now, i'm biased because i'm obviously a crafter and i think my time spent working in the game should be better rewarded, but crafting should definitely not be considered as overly compensated for points. let's discuss the math involved in crafting. it costs you nothing, save repair costs or gear upgrades, to participate in PvP/E (and as previously mentioned, crafters must also do to earn credits to pay for their mats). SO here's a little crafting math for you. to craft a stack of 100 ea grade 8 and 9 components it costs me, IN WHITE MATS ONLY, 400,000 credits (if i am buying from the vendor and not doing companion missions). and out of those 100 components i get a base return of 25 war supplies. IF i can craft 1000 components in an hour, i am SPENDING 4 million credits to compete in conquest with 250 war supplies. those war supplies will take (at max comp lvl 50 on a single toon) approximately 7 1/2 hours to craft during conquest. so time spend gathering, crafting components and transforming in to war supplies is 10-11 hours with a total return of a BASE of 625000 points. any conquest crafter worth their salt will have sunk millions upon millions of credits into their strongholds to get a point boost of 150%. so let's total this up, 3 hours of lead work (farming and crafting components), 4 million credits, 7 1/2 hrs crafting time DURING crafting week (for a grand total in time of ~11 hours) and a grand total of 937500 points. when was the last time a PVP/Eer spent 11 hours of their time and 4 million credits to participate in conquest. now plug aaaaaalllll that lovely information into an equation that allows you to see how much time and effort your players put into this game to net 70 MILLION points in a single crafting conquest week especially when those are small guilds with 5-10 crafters tops. we as crafters work D**N hard and pay through the nose to participate in conquest. we deserve every. single. point. garnered in this manner.

4: Musco/Keith, you boys have GOT to be kidding. aside from the math i just laid out for you, you have repeatedly nerfed crafting in conquest. we started out with repeatable crafting every week. we were nerfed down to 3 weeks (4 since you've added iokath but that's a joke cuz there's only 1 planet that whole week), nerfed when we had to start crafting components instead of just using base mats. on a non-crafting week we can get 10,000 points MAX PER LEGACY. how is this excessive? you have done your level best to punish crafters and "even the playing field" for the other player styles. This latest nerf is WAY TOO FAR. Crafting weeks are SUPPOSED to cater to the players who enjoy farming and crafting. we don't do it because we HAVE to. we do it because we WANT to. You have obviously made these changes because you don't understand your own content and the effort that this undervalued set of players puts in to your game.




Disagree on "exploiting" crafting. as detailed above, it's hard work to participate in crafting and no way to exploit it. Agree that crafting is not the problem here, the problem is the perception that crafting is an "easy win" system.




There was nothing fast or easy about conquest, with maybe the exception of NS/Balmorra heroics weeks. There should be equal reward for time spent. work is fine, grind is not. and that's all this revamp is: G-R-I-N-D.




THIS!!! you're my new hero!




This game is all about personal experience. and by revamping in the way they have, the devs have taken personal choice and experience out of the mix. They have decided what content is enjoyable from their perspective. no one HAS to participate in conquest, but for those that do want to and enjoy the direction it gives for their play style on a week to week basis, these changes have crapped all over the idea of getting rewarded for doing the content you enjoy doing.


Every player in this or in any other MMO is a strikingly different individual with their own preferences. In their effort to make conquest more varied, they have done the opposite. Players largely like knowing what objectives are coming so they can plan their play accordingly, as a guild or a solo artist. This new system is pure chaos, with little reward to encourage participation.


Aside from completely rolling back (which the devs have already proven they are unwilling to do given the upcoming patch tomorrow), here a some things that definitely need fixing for conquest to be viable again and save subscriptions:

  • planetary bonuses need to come back. Guilds don't pick planets based on the rewards. they pick planets based on objectives, bonuses and where they think they can/need to win. additionally, if bonuses return, you can keep the point targets for tiered planets at their current levels.
  • Crafting: either roll it back or fix it. fixing it would entail requiring fewer of the lower grade mats to make a single war supply (nerf to 4 down from 6/8) and/or fix the farming for all mats from grades 2-7. there is currently no efficient way to gather these mats in the quantities currently required.
  • If you really need some randomness in your life, include some kind of new random daily objective for conquest with a super bonus that relates to the type of week it is.
  • Legacy objectives: ditch these. part of this game is about alts and you've killed them. again.
  • Fix the UI, too much confusion between was is repeatable and was is once per legacy.


the single compliment i have for the revamp is the guild point target for rewards. It's always frustrating to have worked so hard all week only to get pushed into 11th place at the 11th hour. if your guild puts in the effort, they should reap the reward. so kudos on that point.




Every week of conquest pigeonholes a specific type of play style, whether it be ops, pvp, flashpoints, gsf, heroics, crafting or events. No single play style is better than any other. The MMOs that recognize and foster this mentality are the ones that have a lasting player base. The devs cannot continue to depend on the fact that "it's star wars!" to save them and their game. stop forcing people to play the way YOU THINK they should. provide content and availability for all play types and you will consistently have a happy community. Darkgift nails it on the nose. One of my guildies has been with star wars since beta. has been the most positive, persistent, committed player, even through the many frustrations he's experienced in the game and this latest bout of thoughtlessness was too much even for him. I know an entire guild of crafters and pvpers who saw the changes and walked away the same day. Devs, i urge and implore you to make some drastic changes for the better. for the love, listen to your community for once! or own up to what your intentions for this game really are, make the cuts and stop stringing us along. to join with the myriad of other voices who have all said the same thing: i have 15 days left on my sub. please change my mind. i really really want you to. The reason you see so much anger is because your players love the game and hate to see the mottled mess it's become.



All very well said!

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