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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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Not without a detailed explanation of what they are doing in the change. A nebulous 'we will fix it after 5.9 will NOT cut it.


We shouldn’t need to wait that long. All they have to do is roll back 5.8. Fix conquest and release it in 5.9 or after. In the mean time, people aren’t waiting or playing a broken system that everyone hates and is driving subscribers to unsub.

I believe rolling it back till they fix it is the only way some people will stick around. If we have to wait till 5.9 or after, too many will leave and it will impact other parts of the game, not just conquest.

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Considering I had over 1k of invasion forces from all the years of playing and doing conquest. So I clicked on them and turned some of them in to get conquest done on several of my toons. Plus I did my dailies, I did stuff I can do on every toon that didn't take hours. Plus, I did weekly stuff on different toons already to get conquest done on 3 toons. It is easy to do. I play mainly 10-15 toons every week, I don't see much of an effort of getting 5 or more of them to hit conquest every week.


what you may do is not what others may do. like for me, i used to pvp and do random flashpoints for my conquest. all the rest i never did. and never will, because it doesnt appeal to me. taking away that there is nothing for me. cant even play alts because of it.

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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No, that bug went to my first player and I didn't even know about it until it popped.


You said you used over 1000 invasion forces and got 3 characters done, so what are you going to do next week when you don't have those 1000 invasion forces. War Supplies are not as easy to make anymore.

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


My guild does not have over 1,000 people. We have somewhere around 380 characters, which includes numerous alts (I personally have at least a dozen characters in the guild). We are a very casual, family-friendly guild. We had mostly been working on Conquest goals together, as well as doing PVE/storyline, Heroics, crafting, PVP, and flashpoints.


So, you have a raiding guild that can do Ops and this change doesn't significantly impact you/your guild. Great for you and your guild. But, for other small guilds that are NOT raiding guilds the changes are detrimental.


Editing to add: We have around 380 characters of which a significant number have not been online in months. So, we're really much smaller than that number might otherwise indicate.

Edited by Lilarienne
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I mostly just do PvP with the occasional PvE and while I don't really care that it now requires a win I don't like that I can only get 620 points a day for PvPing. The only way I ever bothered to get conquest before was from doing warzones all week. I don't care if it's a slower method and if I just have to do a little PvE that's fine whatever but you can't actually get even close to completing conquest from PvPing anymore. I assume it's the same for GSF. So I guess only PvE/crafting guilds are allowed to compete in conquest now? Is that really the intention?


I mean maybe other conquest weeks are way more PvP/GSF focused? I guess that could work but I somehow doubt that's the case. Why not let people pick activities they actually want to do?

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probably the bug on ilum


So, not only is the system bad, your saying there is already a known exploit to bypass it. Well done Bioware for your excellent game.


Maybe bioware should share what this exploit is with everyone so we can do conquest till they fix it. But I bet that’s the first thing they fix because it allows people to bypass something they hate.

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It's also buggy. Repeatable objectives are being marked as complete for some players and the points are just not worth it. At first I was very hopeful cause as the only person in my guild and having over 30 toons I could now get so many encryptions! But in practice, I can't now because of the way the points are....
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Considering I had over 1k of invasion forces from all the years of playing and doing conquest. So I clicked on them and turned some of them in to get conquest done on several of my toons. Plus I did my dailies, I did stuff I can do on every toon that didn't take hours. Plus, I did weekly stuff on different toons already to get conquest done on 3 toons. It is easy to do. I play mainly 10-15 toons every week, I don't see much of an effort of getting 5 or more of them to hit conquest every week.
A pitty you didn't put those invasion forces on the GTN. Could have made a small fortune and ultimately come out with much more value than the conquest rewards.
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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Hey, Look, Eric responded on Page 2 of the thread, but since then, NOTHING, surprising? NO!

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These changes are to give guilds like mine and many many others that never had a chance in hell in winning a chance now. We are a raiding guild with casual players that have real lives. This helps us succeed now in Conquest. That was the aim of this change was at. Not you guys with guilds of over 1000 people in your guild with a 2nd or 3rd or more alt guilds.


Thank you Bioware for listening to the common casual players!


Obviously you have no reading comprehension. This hurts small guilds except the ones that do a lot of different pve. Small PVP guilds or GSF focused guilds were screwed to the point that now they cant even get the personal conquest done without being forced into PVE.

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Pvp player. Please explain how I am to do this and still play the game the way I enjoy it?


This. This is a big deal for me personally, because I've been a player since beta, but I never did PVP at all until Dark vs. Light and never seriously into it until last year. After having done the chapters multiple times, finding Iokath to be dreadful, and really not being "into" ops since BTDT with raiding (back in "the day" I was an Ever Quest raid cleric), I found PVP to be surprisingly fun and was glad that I could contribute Conquest points by doing it.


Today's change means that winning one Warzone on one character is it for PVP contributing to Conquest. *twirls finger in the air*

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Obviously you have no reading comprehension. This hurts small guilds except the ones that do a lot of different pve. Small PVP guilds or GSF focused guilds were screwed to the point that now they cant even get the personal conquest done without being forced into PVE.


This isn't even true, he is saying the reason he managed to reach the personal goal on 3 toons is because he had the supplies from when crafting was cheaper, meaning, he'll run out in a few weeks and be F'ed in the A like the rest of us... He's just not smart enough to realize this now...

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My feedback: Pvp'ers get precious little updates from you as it is. Please don't screw them further by removing conquest from them. Kindly revert the ridiculous '1 warzone win per day' change for conquest. Please.

This ^ literally the only reason to que pvp now is for cxp which is already aids in the first place. What a waste of conquest.

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yeah the community is having an upheaval and they can't be bothered to so much as talk to us


They're likely trying to come up with a game plan for how to handle this mess. I hope. Frankly, they should just acknowledge that the current state is not ideal and they'll work on changing ASAP or something akin to that.

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Just an FYI, since some were whining about Ops being Once Legacy only, that's not true. Each toon I've run tonight has gotten Ops conquest.


It's not consistent. Some are getting points for additional runs, others are not

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Just an FYI, since some were whining about Ops being Once Legacy only, that's not true. Each toon I've run tonight has gotten Ops conquest.


Then it is bugged. I have only gotten points on one character and I've healed 7 Ops now trying to help others in my guild get points.

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out. of. touch.


Yep you are right they are out of touch, probably turned off their computers as soon as they saw the mess they may and the piece of trash they turned Conquest into. I am 100% sure that this never touched the Test server. The feedback would have washed this down the drain so hard it would have overflowed the septic in 30 seconds flat.

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