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So, just finished reading r/Reddit/StephenReid Q/A


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And though I appreciate he took his time to go to Reddit (though not too shocked due to Reddits ever growing internet popularity) and do a bit of answering...


In the end, nothing was really answered.





Just, I don't know and the usual talk around jive. He, Stephen Reid, makes it clear he is not in control of any of the designs etc of the game (but people should have known this by now) so he can't change anything, which is fine.


What I wish to know is that, what good does he do us [the community] if you can't answer questions with things other than you can't speak about it or talk about what "they" [bioware development] are talking about /working on? Why isn't there someone who can ANSWER questions with REAL answers?


If we had some real answers instead of maybes, discussing and "working on it" all the time, the so called "vocal minority" would probably be a bit more calm. Perhaps this forum would not be on fire, though, this is mainly because the community is one at the moment due to lack of server forums.


I am starting to feel Bioware as a staffing is run off a high horse system. Where they do not feel they need to speak about the leering issues of the game.


Forget the content. There are lots of OBVIOUS bugs. I can't even avoid the majority of them. I have never, EVER, in my entire time of gaming in MMOS encountered this many or had a whole guild of 150+ have nothing to talk about half the time other than the bugs.


I am tired of being upset about this, I want to enjoy this game but it's pretty hard with all these issues I can not avoid.



P.S. Can we have all the female Twi'lek colors back?


Just throwing that in!

Edited by Tiaa
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Forget the content. There are lots of OBVIOUS bugs. I can't even avoid the majority of them. I have never, EVER, in my entire time of gaming in MMOS encountered this many or had a whole guild of 150+ have nothing to talk about half the time other than the bugs.


While you may have had a valid complaint in there, this is pretty over-the-top. Sure, there are some bugs. Most of them pretty minor, and I'm sure they'll be fixed eventually. Certainly (at least as someone who's played a lot of different MMOs over the years) no more, and nothing more serious, than the vast majority of other MMOs have had at launch.


I'm assuming you haven't played many. That's not meant as some kind of criticism of you or anything, but really, for a game this size a few bugs are to be expected right out of the gate, and the problems aren't nearly as bad or as numerous as most other MMOs have had in the first week.

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While you may have had a valid complaint in there, this is pretty over-the-top. Sure, there are some bugs. Most of them pretty minor, and I'm sure they'll be fixed eventually. Certainly (at least as someone who's played a lot of different MMOs over the years) no more, and nothing more serious, than the vast majority of other MMOs have had at launch.


I'm assuming you haven't played many. That's not meant as some kind of criticism of you or anything, but really, for a game this size a few bugs are to be expected right out of the gate, and the problems aren't nearly as bad or as numerous as most other MMOs have had in the first week.


I disagree.


First off, I have played many MMOs over time extending from 1999. If this had been my first MMO, or had I played very few, the bugs would more than likely not bother me as much and I would probably just think this is how it should be.


Some of the bugs in the game are not minor by far. Minor is a complete understatment of what most of them truly are. However that is an opinion, what is minor to you, may not be minor to others.


They have fixed some, or at least I haven't encountered them which is good but there are still alot of game experience breaking issues.


I will go as far as to challenge you to give me a bug list of a MMO which has as many bugs as this game has. Ones that almost everyone in the community share.


Here are a list of bugs shared by everyone or most of the community:


- Still in combat after mobs stop chasing me

- Sith Corruption turning on after each load screen

- Companions can't be summoned when sending the current one on missions

- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description

- Kira, a love interest companion , does not function properly

- Constantly stuck in casting animation

- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero

- Kicked out of War Zones (Huttball), within 5 seconds of joining

- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood

- Companion randomly drops to death on elevator

- Companion randomly attacking mobs

- Mobs appear to be farther than they are,

- Mobs still attacking even after interrupting their cast, or the bar saying interrupted

- Getting blown up on mount drags me backwards

- Guild list is broken


And I'll stop there.


These aren't even all the bugs / problems I have encountered so I can not see them as "minor" when they are there to greet me every day.


Edit: I do agree however that due to the game size it will be possibly harder to fix but I would like real answers from someone who can answer them is what I am saying.


And I want Twi'lek females to have all the colors again :p

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Though I appreciate Mr Reid taking the time to do this and it is a step in the right direction as far as communication with the community goes (albeit a small step) I too would have preferred something more substantive as far as answers go. It kind of reminded me of the interviews with FFXI staff back when I played that, which could usually be summed up as "maybe, possibly, we will look into it or PS2 limitations" (last one obviously not relevant here but old ffxi players will know it well :))


The one positive I got from that session was the substantial answer he gave about community out cries and that was an informative read. I kind of guessed this was always going to be a tease rather than a substantial Q/A session but to be honest I am, after all the prelaunch stuff, somewhat tired of tease. Perhaps do another one of these when you are able to give some solid answers or are able to have someone with you who is able to, if you can't.

Edited by Balraw
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- Still in combat after mobs stop chasing me

- Sith Corruption turning on after each load screen

- Companions can't be summoned when sending the current one on missions

- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description

- Kira, a love interest companion , does not function properly

- Constantly stuck in casting animation

- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero

- Kicked out of War Zones (Huttball), within 5 seconds of joining

- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood

- Companion randomly drops to death on elevator

- Companion randomly attacking mobs

- Mobs appear to be farther than they are,

- Mobs still attacking even after interrupting their cast, or the bar saying interrupted

- Getting blown up on mount drags me backwards

- Guild list is broken


You're free to disagree, but I find the majority of your bugs here to be pretty minor stuff; many have simple, obvious workarounds or are minor cosmetic glitches. You obviously think they're more important than I do, though, and that's fine -- but if you've been playing MMOs a long time, particularly at launch, you must know that most of them have bugs far more serious than anything you've listed here.

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The main bug out there is the responsivness of healing in PvP, which is absolutely horrible. In order to heal focused targets you need to use either channeled heals or start healing before they even are focused, because it takes a 2,5s heal 3,5-5,5s to actually land on the target. The rest, like companion skills resetting after each and every single zone switch is cosmetics. I'd focus on the AI of the companions, because they sometimes attack disabled targets (with single target skills, I know that if you don't disable AoE they just rush in and break any CC they can find which is ok), as it sometimes causes a crapload of trouble during heroics or flashpoints.




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The main bug out there is the responsivness of healing in PvP, which is absolutely horrible. In order to heal focused targets you need to use either channeled heals or start healing before they even are focused, because it takes a 2,5s heal 3,5-5,5s to actually land on the target. The rest, like companion skills resetting after each and every single zone switch is cosmetics. I'd focus on the AI of the companions, because they sometimes attack disabled targets (with single target skills, I know that if you don't disable AoE they just rush in and break any CC they can find which is ok), as it sometimes causes a crapload of trouble during heroics or flashpoints.





Character and Gameplay responsiveness is the "main issue" period in this game. They know this, you don't run a game ignoring 3,000+ Replies and 150,000+ views to a thread started less than 72 hours ago...


I mean no offense but all the listed little things are nothing compared to this issue of responsiveness. I am sure Bioware is "acutely" aware. If not, there is no hope for this game in the long run not because of the particular issue not being addressed but because of the apparent and blatant arrogance in terms of connecting with your community.

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Seriously? First of all, review the Dev Tracker if you want better answers from BW. But even then, do you seriously expect someone to give a date when something will be fixed when it's still being worked on and tested? Nobody in this business is stupid enough to promise customers dates they don't have a solid belief they can hit. Otherwise, everyone be up in arms about how they promised they were going to fix X by such and such date. Is it frustrating? Yeah, of course. But this is is how the world and this industry works and anyone on here should know that by now.
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The one problem thats affecting 1000's of people is the error code 9000, never seen something so horid in a game, especially as you get in for 3 minutes after being sat in a queue for 30+ minutes only to then be kicked and then be put back into the queue again. now do that over the course of an evening of playing and realise you spend 1% of your evening playing ther game, the rest is sta in a queue is not fun.


Sorry, but its already had 1 thread thats been filled up and another one started by mods.

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While you may have had a valid complaint in there, this is pretty over-the-top. Sure, there are some bugs. Most of them pretty minor, and I'm sure they'll be fixed eventually. Certainly (at least as someone who's played a lot of different MMOs over the years) no more, and nothing more serious, than the vast majority of other MMOs have had at launch.


I'm assuming you haven't played many. That's not meant as some kind of criticism of you or anything, but really, for a game this size a few bugs are to be expected right out of the gate, and the problems aren't nearly as bad or as numerous as most other MMOs have had in the first week.


Why do people always do this? It makes you look like a jack monkey.


Seriously. Just because you don't experience a bug doesn't mean somebody else does. If a bug is easily replicated in all environments it's usually not a bug so much as a glaring programming error that half the time won't even build properly, let alone get past the very first initial testing phase.


Most bugs require a specific set of circumstances to be met before they rear their ugly heads. And certain people are going to run in to more bugs than others, due to playstyle, software environment, bad luck etc.


These people aren't being over-the-top. And to continually try to high-horse the issue with "you obviously havent played many MMOs, muh huh huh" as you gleefully twist your mustache just makes you look like an ignorant ***. Many of these people have been around for years. Some of us have been playing multiplayer online games since MUD/MUSH days. Some of us even develop them.


Get over yourself.

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Why do people always do this? It makes you look like a jack monkey.


Seriously. Just because you don't experience a bug doesn't mean somebody else does. If a bug is easily replicated in all environments it's usually not a bug so much as a glaring programming error that half the time won't even build properly, let alone get past the very first initial testing phase.


Most bugs require a specific set of circumstances to be met before they rear their ugly heads. And certain people are going to run in to more bugs than others, due to playstyle, software environment, bad luck etc.


These people aren't being over-the-top. And to continually try to high-horse the issue with "you obviously havent played many MMOs, muh huh huh" as you gleefully twist your mustache just makes you look like an ignorant ***. Many of these people have been around for years. Some of us have been playing multiplayer online games since MUD/MUSH days. Some of us even develop them.


Get over yourself.


I'm not sure to which issue you speak to specifically or if you mean it in a broad sense but firstly I agree with you and more importantly I lol'd at 6:55am in bed reading the part in green.

Edited by Xcore
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Blizzard also ignored their vocal minority in Cata and started to act like they where on a high horse.

They suddenly started to lose an awful lot of subs.


Just because people don't want to bother with fanboys and getting these empty responses from StephenRaid doesn't mean they won't cancel their sub.

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Wouldnt matter if they did Q & A's and delivered pizza to every person with a subscription, it would degenerate into why didnt they deliver Dominoes instead of Pizza Hut. Honestly its another sign of the me me me generation and only THAT person has the true idea of what should have been covered.
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- Still in combat after mobs stop chasing me

- Sith Corruption turning on after each load screen

- Companions can't be summoned when sending the current one on missions

- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description

- Kira, a love interest companion , does not function properly

- Constantly stuck in casting animation

- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero

- Kicked out of War Zones (Huttball), within 5 seconds of joining

- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood

- Companion randomly drops to death on elevator

- Companion randomly attacking mobs

- Mobs appear to be farther than they are,

- Mobs still attacking even after interrupting their cast, or the bar saying interrupted

- Getting blown up on mount drags me backwards

- Guild list is broken


Spotted all of these myself, and sorry, but I just don't see any of them as a big deal. Some are kind of irritating, but nothing game breaking.

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Wouldnt matter if they did Q & A's and delivered pizza to every person with a subscription, it would degenerate into why didnt they deliver Dominoes instead of Pizza Hut. Honestly its another sign of the me me me generation and only THAT person has the true idea of what should have been covered.




This is also a obvious generalization of those who either have another opinion or who are upset.


The basis of the original post is to point out that NOTHING was really answered to begin with. Therefore, nothing was covered and therefore your generalization is out of context along the the lines of users calling others the so called "vocal minority" for everything they oppose.


I will not argue however. Just going to start flagging rude nonsense.


If Stephen Reid has no power what so ever...what good does he do the community?


What good does it do us for Bioware to advertise him going to Reddit if he has nothing to tell us?

Edited by Tiaa
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This is also a obvious generalization of those who either have another opinion or who are upset.


The basis of the original post is to point out that NOTHING was really answered to begin with. Therefore, nothing was covered and therefore your generalization is out of context along the the lines of users calling others the so called "vocal minority" for everything they oppose.


I will not argue however. Just going to start flagging rude nonsense.


If Stephen Reid has no power what so ever...what good does he do the community?


What good does it do us for Bioware to advertise him going to Reddit if he has nothing to tell us?


IF it was to be the last Q/A I could see your point, game is 2 weeks old, 1 patch in, new content incoming soon, Devs posted exactly what is in the planning stage[, etc etc. Now figure out what questions you want answered in a nice format and post it or send it in. I know one thing they listened to and that was Guilds having a Capital Ship, was talked about in Beta and now viola its coming. BTW, use the Twitter account they have and post questions there, they do answer them.

Edited by Jeedaix
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This is also a obvious generalization of those who either have another opinion or who are upset.


The basis of the original post is to point out that NOTHING was really answered to begin with. Therefore, nothing was covered and therefore your generalization is out of context along the the lines of users calling others the so called "vocal minority" for everything they oppose.


I will not argue however. Just going to start flagging rude nonsense.


If Stephen Reid has no power what so ever...what good does he do the community?


What good does it do us for Bioware to advertise him going to Reddit if he has nothing to tell us?


Because he's the hero that SWTOR deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him...because he can take it...because he's not a hero...he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...the Jedi Knight.


Edit: No, seriously...its more relevant than you think. Steven Reid takes the heat, because somebody has to. Someone has to be the strong one that says, "Okay, abuse me, I can take it".


He has the worst job in the world, man.

Edited by freakuancy
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Here are a list of bugs shared by everyone or most of the community:


- Still in combat after mobs stop chasing me

- Sith Corruption turning on after each load screen

- Companions can't be summoned when sending the current one on missions

- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description

- Kira, a love interest companion , does not function properly

- Constantly stuck in casting animation

- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero

- Kicked out of War Zones (Huttball), within 5 seconds of joining

- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood

- Companion randomly drops to death on elevator

- Companion randomly attacking mobs

- Mobs appear to be farther than they are,

- Mobs still attacking even after interrupting their cast, or the bar saying interrupted

- Getting blown up on mount drags me backwards

- Guild list is broken




- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description


- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero


- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood


- Guild list is broken


Those are the only ones I've experienced from your list and I've played actively since 13.12. Crafting bug is fixed by crafting 1 item or *gasp* calculating in your head. It's not too tough to figure how much is 50 divided by 4 ^^


All are minor bugs, when comparing to stuff that's in e.g. Skyrim (3-7 sec freezes frequently in open world for many people with certain GPU's).


Sure there are more (tooltips not working in galaxy map, can't talk in /party etc.) but usually nothing a quick relog won't fix.


Stuff will get patched, all in all this is pretty smooth launch when compared to some other MMO launches. You have the right to be upset but I'd /lol at anyone who claims that they won't be subscriping because of "game-breaking bugs".

Edited by Kauhu
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I dont see how it is difficult to provide server forums. They actually said it was difficult... WHAT?


And the thing with hoods being up/down. That is not difficult, im sure making a hood up/down animation would be challenging, but im sure people would be happy with simply checking a box to have the hood up or the hood down. That is 2 models, one with the hood up, one down. That would take some work, but its not difficult. I mean assassins creed is full of hoods going up and down, why cant you do it? Guess Ubisoft is a more competent developer? Gotta love those french Canadians eh


I am honestly amazed how they say everything is difficult, get some competent employees if everything is so damn hard to implement.


AND YOU ARE GIVING US MORE OPERATIONS NEXT MONTH? Please, dont waste your time. Fix the current issues with the game instead. And when you do give us new operations give us some challenging mechanics instead of this hard enrage crap. If you cant make fights difficult without having a harsh hard enrage then you need to fire whoever is in charge of PVE encounters.


I honestly dont know how any of this crap made it past beta. You have guild lists that dont work, was noone ever in a guild in beta or did you just not give a damn?


Do people at Bioware not play their own game? Clearly noone played a bounty hunter, because they cant finish their story.


Whoever coded the physics for falling down cliffs should be fired, its so easy to get stuck in this game. It actually makes me think you outsourced the unstuck code to some proper programmers, since it actually works most of the time.


The way gear works is totally backwards to the way I and many people I have talked to think it should work. Why get tier 2 pieces randomly and then get tier 1 commendations? Oh sucks to be you, didnt get random pieces, here have a consolation prize of some crappy tier 1. It should be the other way around. You should get your tier 1 pieces from the pvp bags and then get commendations for the tier 2. That way people actually have to put in time for their gear and not get lucky and get it all in one week.


Ilum... has anyone at bioware even played ilum? There is no incentive to keep the objectives and the place is WAY TOO BIG. I cant even see either base from the middle of the map, how can you have meaningful pvp in such a huge place. Guess ill just keep trading objectives to get my dailies done.


Operations assign gear to whomever they please, which is totally fantastic when the same people get chosen over and over and dont even need the gear and dont have the option to give it to someone else in the raid who needs it. GREAT *********** IDEA


Why even have a Q/A if you arent going to say anything concrete. You just say maybe. Grow some balls and say YES we are going to have dual spec, I cant say when but IT IS COMING. None of this we discussed it crap. Legacy system... cool, I have already leveled an alt to 50 I really dont want to do it again.


Graphics... Don't know if this is an issue with you or just the fact that Nvidia hasnt released an optimized driver yet, but im sick of the random fps drops when nothing is going on. My GTX560 is more than capable of running this game at 80 fps, I shouldnt get random drops to 20 fps. But hey, ill let you off the hook, it might not be entirely your fault.






Grow some balls, give us some answers, dont give us new operations until your game is fixed.

Edited by Draccman
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Why do people always do this? It makes you look like a jack monkey.


Seriously. Just because you don't experience a bug doesn't mean somebody else does. If a bug is easily replicated in all environments it's usually not a bug so much as a glaring programming error that half the time won't even build properly, let alone get past the very first initial testing phase.




Get over yourself.


Hey, if you're going to start name-calling, at least have the respect to read what you're replying to. Nowhere did I deny there are bugs in the game; it's quite obvious there are. For a just-launched MMO, though? Mostly small ones. Nothing on the list I replied to was a major bug. Some are annoying, and I agree they should be fixed, but none of them was a big deal.


Anyway, just wanted to point out that your rant there was way off the mark if you were directing it at me, and you may want to go back and reread what I said if you want to bash me properly next time.

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You could have saved yourself the time of reading any of it past the top, where he states:


I'm not in charge of any design decisions on the game - if you are looking to get something changed, ask nicely on the official Forums :)


I'm not aware of every single bug in the game, or the status of their resolution - although I am happy to hear about them.


I mean really. What a fluffy job he has :p

Edited by EwokLuvr
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- Still in combat after mobs stop chasing me

- Sith Corruption turning on after each load screen

- Companions can't be summoned when sending the current one on missions

- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description

- Kira, a love interest companion , does not function properly

- Constantly stuck in casting animation

- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero

- Kicked out of War Zones (Huttball), within 5 seconds of joining

- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood

- Companion randomly drops to death on elevator

- Companion randomly attacking mobs

- Mobs appear to be farther than they are,

- Mobs still attacking even after interrupting their cast, or the bar saying interrupted

- Getting blown up on mount drags me backwards

- Guild list is broken



Well... I disagree with you also.


- Still in combat after mobs stop chasing me

Never happened.


- Sith Corruption turning on after each load screen

I always have my corruption on, so...


- Companions can't be summoned when sending the current one on missions

Never happened


- Tooltips linking previously clicked link description

Never happened


- Kira, a love interest companion , does not function properly

I dont really do romance...


- Constantly stuck in casting animation

Never happened


- Crafting skills do not show accurate amount of items you can craft, just goes to zero

Never happened


- Kicked out of War Zones (Huttball), within 5 seconds of joining

Never happened


- Putting on certain head gear removes your hood

Thats why you use the show head gear... or hide, and your hood comes back on


- Companion randomly drops to death on elevator

Never happened


- Companion randomly attacking mobs

Never happened


- Mobs appear to be farther than they are,

I have a 20/20 vision... so, no... I never had that issue


- Mobs still attacking even after interrupting their cast, or the bar saying interrupted

Nope, again, never happened


- Getting blown up on mount drags me backwards

Never happened


- Guild list is broken

Have no idea...

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