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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes Coming in 5.8


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Will the broken conquest rewards be fixed. The ones like "do the weekly quests on planet..." and "kill the bonus boss ON ANY MODE of blahblah flashpoint" have never worked. You do them you get no conquest. Gee thanks.

(these quotes are actually paraphrased, not sure if that's obvious enough)

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Everyone who is crying about having spent millions to unlock their strongholds that are now pouting are looking at it wrong. You paid (as did I) to unlock, and what you got out of it was X number of weeks of advantage. Not infinite number of weeks. Its not like you didn't get anything for it. Frankly, the only one who should complain would be someone who just yesterday spent 100M on those upgrades.


So you've been around a long time and things sucked in the past, but they are improving it for newer "conquesters" or newer players. And the game has to continue to improve for newer players to survive. Deal with it.

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Everyone who is crying about having spent millions to unlock their strongholds that are now pouting are looking at it wrong. You paid (as did I) to unlock, and what you got out of it was X number of weeks of advantage. Not infinite number of weeks. Its not like you didn't get anything for it. Frankly, the only one who should complain would be someone who just yesterday spent 100M on those upgrades.


So you've been around a long time and things sucked in the past, but they are improving it for newer "conquesters" or newer players. And the game has to continue to improve for newer players to survive. Deal with it.


I spent about 15 million in the last two weeks on Darth Malgus opening up and decorating DK/NS/Cor strongholds on two accounts.

My annoyance level is about the same as getting bit by a mosquito.

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Everyone who is crying about having spent millions to unlock their strongholds that are now pouting are looking at it wrong. You paid (as did I) to unlock, and what you got out of it was X number of weeks of advantage. Not infinite number of weeks. Its not like you didn't get anything for it. Frankly, the only one who should complain would be someone who just yesterday spent 100M on those upgrades.


So you've been around a long time and things sucked in the past, but they are improving it for newer "conquesters" or newer players. And the game has to continue to improve for newer players to survive. Deal with it.


I can understand their point in the stronghold situation. If a person only needs to unlock the first room and get the bonus then that could be a problem. I would deal with it as getting the bonus was not the reason I brought my strongholds but they should make it more than just one room for the 25% bonus, but that is my opinion.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Seeing some questions about exactly how the bonus is tabulated. Such as, is it just the Stronghold unlock or does it include the rooms, how do duplicates counts, etc. I am working on getting all of those details from the dev team and should have them by this afternoon.



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Hey folks,


Seeing some questions about exactly how the bonus is tabulated. Such as, is it just the Stronghold unlock or does it include the rooms, how do duplicates counts, etc. I am working on getting all of those details from the dev team and should have them by this afternoon.




Thanks Eric.

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When it comes to the planetary yields, I do not like that there is no restriction on it because honestly, I think the big guilds are going to take advantage of this and go for the low yield planets. Here is how I think the restrictions could have worked:

  • Small guilds (up to 100 accounts) - They can compete in small, medium and Large planets
  • Medium (101-500 Accounts) - Can compete in Medium and Large Planets
  • Large (501-1000 accounts) Can compete in only Large Planets


Please vary the yield so that one planet is not always the same yield every time that conquest comes around. Even better would be for each planet offer all three tiers, so for whatever tier your guild is in, is the one you would go for. So for example if its death mark week and Nar Shaddaa is an option, you will have the option to go for tier 1, 2, or 3 depending on what type of guild you are in.


The number of accounts is not really a good measure of how well a guild can compete in conquest. Some guilds have 1000 members that have large chunks of players who are seasonal, just saving a place for them. If you are going to measure conquest "difficulty" between a large guild and small guild you should define what large and small mean in the context of "how easy is it for the guild to get conquest points". Meaning, a guild of 1000 members that only has 8 hours of people playing and average of 6 players on at a time by your definition is a large guild but that guild may only be capable of 100k conquest max, whereas a guild that has 1000 actives requiring each player slot gets 50k per week or they get kicked out might be able to put up 100 million without even breaking a sweat.


So large and small should be defined by number of active hours of playtime a week or something similar. Just divide the guild conquest gains by the number of active play hours or something (with minimums or whatever), some formula that starts similar to that would be a much better measure. Either way, how easy or hard it is for a guild to get X number of conquest points in a week HAS to be the metric. This way all guilds have to work harder to gain against all other guilds. I would love to see a discussion of that concept flush out ideas.

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After reading some of the posts about single players getting points for multiple giulds in a single week, I have to agree that it should be considered an exploit.


I knew people guild hopped during some conquest weeks to pad the numbers for other guilds but I thought that it was just one person getting points for a different guild instead of their normal one, and then maybe quitting the guild and losing out on their weekly reward as part of some bigger plan.


I didn't know (if I'm reading this correctly) you get get your first 20k points for your main guild. Quit and join guild B, get another 20k points and have those 2nd 20k points count for Guild B AND the original 20k points still count for guild A.


THAT should not be allowed at all.


Otherwise, I'll just hire myself out as a conquest points gatherer and hop from guild to guild, especially for crafting weeks.

Edited by Darevsool
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After reading some of the posts about single players getting points for multiple giulds in a single week, I have to agree that it should be considered an exploit.


I knew people guild hopped during some conquest weeks to pad the numbers for other guilds but I thought that it was just one person getting points for a different guild instead of their normal one, and then maybe quitting the guild and losing out on their weekly reward as part of some bigger plan.


I didn't know (if I'm reading this correctly) you get get your first 20k points for your main guild. Quit and join guild B, get another 20k points and have those 2nd 20k points count for Guild B AND the original 20k points still count for guild A.


THAT should not be allowed at all.


Otherwise, I'll just hire myself out as a conquest points gatherer and hop from guild to guild, especially for crafting weeks.


Err why not? I mean whats the difference between doing that and just putting an alt in the 2nd guild in the first place? The points arent being double counted, you (presumably) only get the reward for whichever guild your toon is in at the end of the week right?

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Isn't the point of the conquest system to get points in a specific guild to get THAT guild up to win?

If you can get points for multiple guilds in the same week, it breaks the design of the system.



ok, my quick response doesn't address your "alt" question.


Alts in other guilds isn't as much of an issue with me. I do agree that having alts in other guilds isn't much different than one toon guild hopping.


I've had alts in other conquest guilds in the past, especially back on POT5. My rationale was most of my toons were in my private guild that I did conquest with, and I put one in a different guild that usually chose a different planet to invade. It let me get some titles I would ordinarily not be able to get.


What using one toon for points in multiple guilds does is artificially inflate the numbers for the 2nd guild.

If you get 20k points in your primary guild, and then get a few million for guild B (crafting week example) guild B can have 50 - 100 million points because of toons not normally in their guild.


To me it boils down to if you're going to commit to guild B, put your toon in guild B and keep it there.


But I do see your point.

Edited by Darevsool
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No, we're saying we want a game that takes more effort than just bellying up to a kiosk and making a purchase.


Then you SHOUKLD be advocating the full removal of all Stronghold bonuses.


Because buying an empty SH or paying to decorate are both example of Pay To Win in regard of how they affect conquest.


All The Best

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Isn't the point of the conquest system to get points in a specific guild to get THAT guild up to win?

If you can get points for multiple guilds in the same week, it breaks the design of the system.

I have Imp and Pub toons who do conquest stuff...getting points for multiple guilds is most certainly not a design flaw, nor is it wrong. If I can help multiple guilds, I do...on different toons that are each individually in the guild I'm helping. My "primary" guild isn't entitled to everything I can do (mine is actually because I'm only in one Pub and one Imp guild controlled by the same players). I don't think any player should be restricted from helping as many guilds as he'd like...that's their right. Once our Pub/Imo guild hits what they want, it's very common for us to swap to out Imp/Pub toons and get the other guild some points...


Nobody should be able to duplicate points...but I don't believe that happens now.

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I have Imp and Pub toons who do conquest stuff...getting points for multiple guilds is most certainly not a design flaw, nor is it wrong. If I can help multiple guilds, I do...on different toons that are each individually in the guild I'm helping. My "primary" guild isn't entitled to everything I can do (mine is actually because I'm only in one Pub and one Imp guild controlled by the same players). I don't think any player should be restricted from helping as many guilds as he'd like...that's their right. Once our Pub/Imo guild hits what they want, it's very common for us to swap to out Imp/Pub toons and get the other guild some points...


Nobody should be able to duplicate points...but I don't believe that happens now.


Obviously I'm not referring to imp/pub guild crossover because the same toons can't be in the opposite faction guilds.


Maybe it's just how I view the conquest system, as a way for guilds to compete against other guilds.

You build your guild up, get good players, weed out bad ones, and compete against the other guilds doing the same thing.


I don't believe people are duplicating points, only doing 20k points worth of content and applying the 20k points to multiple guilds. It's the 2nd set of 20k points that a player earns after guild hopping that I have an issue with.


Even though, as I edited in to my previous post, it isn't much different than just doing a 2nd set of 20k points in the 2nd guild on an alt. I concede that.

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If this is what they mean, it still makes having a freaking guild flagship totally worthless!!!

Their communication sucks and so does their development!


Well not completely worthless, you have to have a guildship to invade a planet for conquest in the first place. Also, you will prob still get your orbital support (and orbital strike for commanders). I personally live on my guildship since my strongholds are a mess and we have one of the best looking guildships on our server. :rak_03:

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Obviously I'm not referring to imp/pub guild crossover because the same toons can't be in the opposite faction guilds.


Maybe it's just how I view the conquest system, as a way for guilds to compete against other guilds.

You build your guild up, get good players, weed out bad ones, and compete against the other guilds doing the same thing.

I understand how you view it...I have that same loyalty that you do...but not everyone does. Some of my favorite people play in multiple guilds...if they add points to a rival guild, I really don't have any right to say anything about it. Maybe they don't like me, maybe they play at different hours than I do and only play with me out of our friendship, maybe someone in our current guild has pissed them off, maybe they have friends in multiple guilds...whatever the reason, I don't see it as an issue at all. I don't have to like it or agree with it, but I also don't think it's anything other than a tiny annoyance at best.

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What guild invasion bonus are you talking about? Beyond the change to how personal stronghold bonuses work, the only thing I saw being removed was the bonuses for certain objectives based on the planet being invaded. What does that have to do with the guild flagship?


What does unlocking the entire flagship have to do with any of it? Unless I completely missed something, there is no requirement that your flagship be unlocked past the initial purchase. Hell, my small guild used Conquests to pick up the encryptions and frameworks necessary to unlock the rest along with grinding out the credits.


Whether or not you consider flagship summons valuable is a question of how much your time is worth to you. If you're fine with hanging out and waiting for everyone to arrive, especially in a PUG, you're absolutely correct. But, if you prefer not to spend time waiting, 10K per person being summoned is a trivial price to pay for getting group content started sooner rather than later.


I also think having the flagship's orbital support and ability to be parked at a planet is great when new content comes out. We've used it often and our guild members are always the happier for it.


TL/DR - Just because something isn't of value to you doesn't mean others won't find it valuable.


^^ this. With one minor correction: its 10k per summons, not per person being summoned. :rak_03:

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This is still extremely vague...


I like a few of the changes that you've given details on, but I still have no idea what the hell to expect Eric...can you give the actual tool tips that you guys are writing? I have no idea what any of this actually means...


This seems pretty clear to me:

3 types of planets (tier 1, 2, and 3).

As it is now, to get the "guild" reward (i.e. the conquest mat, the encryptions, the extra credits, etc. that show up on Tuesday after conquest) your guild has to be in the top 10 of whatever planet you are invading.

The new system will be as long as your guild reaches the "point threshold" of whatever tier the planet you are invading is.

So let's say tier 1 requires 100k points, Tier 2 requires 500k, and Tier 3 requires 1 million total points (from everyone in the guild).

Example (rewards just made up):

Your guild (Guild A) invades Quesh, a tier 1 planet. Your guild needs to get 100k total points across the entire guild. If you do, everyone in guild (who completed conquest presumably) gets 1k credits and 1 encryption of their choice.

Guild B invades Makeb, a tier 2 planet. They needs to get 500k total points across everyone in the guild. If they do, everyone in the guild (who completed conquest) gets 5k credits and 2 encryptions of their choice.

Another guild invades Yavin 4, a tier 3 planet. They have to get 1 million total points across the entire guild. If they do so, everyone in the guild (who completed conquest presumably) gets 10k credits and 3 encryptions of their choice.


So, ranking no longer matters, except for 1st place, which still gets the title and other benefits (zone owned by so and so guild, etc.).


Doing it this way incentivizes the larger guilds to go for the higher tier planets, which give better rewards, and allows the smaller guilds to go for the lower tier planets, which give smaller rewards, but at least give them a chance to get 1st place (presumably, since the mega guilds will want to battle it out on the top tier so they get the best rewards), and it will also let them get the "guild" rewards (mainly, encryption and conquest mats) that they couldn't get before because of the larger guilds muscling them out.


Now there are certainly some specifics we don't know yet (what the exact rewards are, will the planets change tiers (probably not if I had to guess, but maybe), what tiers each planet will be in, etc.), but those are details that they are probably still hashing out if I had to guess.


Does that make things clearer, or just muddy the water?

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This seems pretty clear to me:

3 types of planets (tier 1, 2, and 3).


Which is which?

What differentiates them?

How are the rewards differentiated?


All Eric has said so far is, in essence, "there are three different things, and they are different".


Not clear at all.


All The Best

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I understand how you view it...I have that same loyalty that you do...but not everyone does. Some of my favorite people play in multiple guilds...if they add points to a rival guild, I really don't have any right to say anything about it. Maybe they don't like me, maybe they play at different hours than I do and only play with me out of our friendship, maybe someone in our current guild has pissed them off, maybe they have friends in multiple guilds...whatever the reason, I don't see it as an issue at all. I don't have to like it or agree with it, but I also don't think it's anything other than a tiny annoyance at best.


I think you are missing the point. There is nothing wrong with what you are describing.


When guilds form alliances to help each other win planets, this is what happens: first the allied GMs decide which guild they will help. Then several players from each helper guild leave their home guild and join the guild that has been selected to win and run Conquest events, then they leave the guild. Several more players join that guild and do the same thing, and so on and so forth. The next day the same scenario is repeated until Conquest ends. Whether individual players get to keep their points is not the key issue. The exploit is that the guild that is being helped bypasses the maximum number of toons allowed and gets to keep all those points. This is what's happening on Satele Shan and was happening for years on Harbinger previously.

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Err why not? I mean whats the difference between doing that and just putting an alt in the 2nd guild in the first place? The points arent being double counted, you (presumably) only get the reward for whichever guild your toon is in at the end of the week right?


You are missing the point. We are not talking about when an individual player does this. The exploit happens when several allied guilds purposely send a large number of their members to one guild to help that guild win. The characters join the guild run CQ events, earn points for the guild, and then leave the guild. The guild keeps the points. More characters from the allied guilds join the guild, run CQ events, and then leave the guild. This scenario is repeated for several days. This allows the guild that has been selected to win to bypass the number of character limit. Having one guild benefit from the points earned by 1500 or so characters when all guilds are limited to 1000 is cheating. It is done purposely and willfully, and is an exploit.

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Which is which?

What differentiates them?

How are the rewards differentiated?


All Eric has said so far is, in essence, "there are three different things, and they are different".


Not clear at all.


All The Best


... and that each tier will have different point requirements, and the tier with the smallest points requirement gives the lowest reward, and the one with the highest gives the most.


Everything else is down to details that they probably haven't settled on (which planet is in which tier, and how much the reward is for each tier).

Edited by LordTurin
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^^ this. With one minor correction: its 10k per summons, not per person being summoned. :rak_03:


I should have checked that beforehand. Thanks for catching it. Though, even if it were 10K per person, it would still be a bargain.


(Eric, don't you be giving the Devs any ideas now, ya hear?)

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This seems pretty clear to me:

3 types of planets (tier 1, 2, and 3).


This would be much better if each planet had 3 tiers to invade.

Which planet & tier you invade determines which title you are going to compete for and what difficulty you are setting for that invasion to succeed.

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