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Very Unhealthy Light Glitches (Please fix ASAP)


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Getting the same thing myself. Always from those 'energy towers'. Either get the green line, but depending on the viewing angle, it can turn into a huge sheet of blinding light that covers most of the screen. Very off putting and certainly hard on the eyes.


Changing the camera angle or view angle can help, but it rarely goes away completely.


Have found it in 3-4 locations on Tatooine and 1 on Nar Shaddaa.

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Got some pics of it in Balmorra. It was terrible for me in Tatooine too. Got an ATI card and definitely have the latest drivers... it's very annoying, I suffer from migraines but it hasn't triggered anything like that for me, it's just uncomfortable to look at. It flashes as well, last night I was struggling to look at the screen because of it.


My husband saw it too, he has a slightly better graphics card than me. It looks a lot worse on mine though.





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Wasnt Taris for me it was Tatooine, It seems to be a render issue (duh) that fixes itself upon getting closer (well for me)


Thank you for your response, Jeedaix


The exact opposite actually happened to me. As I closed my distance to the 'power generator' it became worse. I tried swirling my camera around as well as zooming in or out. Adjusting my camera had several affects on the glitch. Sometimes this technique made the issue worse, better, or it didn't change at all.


Also, it would pop up during conversation scenes. This was probably the worst of all, since I could do nothing to adjust my camera or run though the area quickly, and I had to keep my eyes on the screen.

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Got some pics of it in Balmorra. It was terrible for me in Tatooine too. Got an ATI card and definitely have the latest drivers... it's very annoying, I suffer from migraines but it hasn't triggered anything like that for me, it's just uncomfortable to look at. It flashes as well, last night I was struggling to look at the screen because of it.


My husband saw it too, he has a slightly better graphics card than me. It looks a lot worse on mine though.






Thank you xianpu,


If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to copy and paste these pictures in my original post. Would you mind if I did so?

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To the OP. What triggers migraines varies from person to person, but sudden bright light or flashing light is on most lists of known triggers.


Thank you Micadog for your post,


I know that this causes migraines, but I always try to give circumstances outside of my control the benefit of the doubt. It may sound very 'wussy' of me, but I try to avoid looking at my screen when I see these anomalies specifically because of this reason.

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What card do you have?


I have a GTX 580, am downloading the drivers now, and am curious to see how it works.


I have a GTX 460. Nice card, runs the game great but the whole graphical glitches thing is doing my head in. Last night I couldn't even read some of the story line texts correctly as there was this big yellowish/green "thing" in front of the NPC. :(

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Thought it was my graphic card playing up when I first saw this. Was in beta too! But yes, drastically needs a fix.


Same here, figured AMD wasn't doing a proper job on their drivers :p It's only this one game asset though, the weird spire things. Everything else is fine.

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All of those are client side, more than likely due to video card issues.


I have been to all of those locations and do not experience those effects in the slightest.



The issue is not client side at all.

Poeple with both ATI and NVIDIA have the error with all sorts of drivers.

Sytem is updated.

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Thank you Ommm for your response,


I don't care how fussy or prissy I may sound, but I'm honestly concerned for my health. Many people are unaware just how much of an affect these sorts of effects have on your brain and eyesight. It isn't good to say the least.


For whatever reason they did not fix this sooner, it really needs to be fixed now. :)


I doubt you'd ever really find a correlation between a lighting bug in SWTOR and health. You're looking for a link where there is none. Apart for people prone to seizures I highly doubt there's an adverse affect on the public in general.

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Thank you DerWige for this suggestion,


I have an ATI card, with the latest drivers. This issues seems to persist.


I was going to say I don't have these issues, but I am Nvidia as well.


I have heard many ATI users with all kinds of graphical issues though.


And I am maxed on all settings and effects as well..

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