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Compassion, Healing or Love for the Broken Dark Princess: Vaylin Appreciation <3


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Just giving us a voiced companion that we could travel with would be something, at least. Not what I'd prefer, but it's simpler, and as long as she isn't forced on people (whether by being an Alliance Alert that we can say, "No, leave her dead" in or a CM that no one has to purchase) that don't want her, I think it would be enough. I like in descending order return to story, bonus chapter (like HK), alert, console, CM (only because it would cost money, please let her be direct sale). 3rd to 5th place is still better than nothing at all. I'd like an official story, if it's good, but I'll supply that myself for myself if necessary.


^^^ What Brother Phil said. :D

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Even a two minute cutscene would be good enough for me. She could as you say ran off into the Odessen forest to clear her thoughts and is now ready to talk to the PC. Maybe she's been influenced in a way similar to Darth Marr and Satele Shan?


I'm not sure how the others would react to having Vaylin around, but at this point, I don't think it really matters. We've got all kinds of trouble makers wandering around our base. If we're going back to Imp vs Pub, I would rather have Vaylin fighting with me at my side.

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Now that would be a battle I would like to see. Two strong force sensitive ladies fighting it out while Darth Marr is watching from the sidelines. :)


I wonder if Vaylin was the one that scarred Satele, or just some of the knights. She says on Odessan that she still carries the scars from her attempt to invade the Spire. Or something along those lines.

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I wonder if Vaylin was the one that scarred Satele, or just some of the knights. She says on Odessan that she still carries the scars from her attempt to invade the Spire. Or something along those lines.


I don't remember what Satele said, but we know Kira has bumped into Vaylin and barely got away intact according to Hexid, then either before or after Ranos says she lost her entire resistance cell to the Eternal Empire. I wouldn't mind seeing Kira and Vaylin do battle either.

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What about a KOTOR styled Alliance Alert? Then they only need to voice Vaylin (Natasha Loring) while our characters would be mute?


I guess it would be easier on the budget if they only had to get Vaylin's voice actress.


Edit: nvm ... If it gets us a Vaylin companion ... we'll raise the banners in victory!

Edited by Paulsutherland
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I guess it would be easier on the budget if they only had to get Vaylin's voice actress.


Edit: nvm ... If it gets us a Vaylin companion ... we'll raise the banners in victory!


That was my thinking.


I'm not really a fan of the alert missions thet remove our characters voice, but at this stage it's better than nothing, right? plus it wouldn't require them to pay all our character voice actors and actresses.

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Heh, maybe she's bumped into Darth Marr?! Then I can have Vaylin and Darth Marr back! :D

*Squeezing into here, hullo!*


Darth Marr and Satela Shan are supposed to be both gone from Odessen. We know that Shan is back on Coruscant at least.


And globally, I don't know. I think that the issue remains that, while it was sure from the start that Arcann had survived the destruction of his flagship, Vaylin's survival is a bit hard to believe... Except perhaps her essence after having been freed from the Commander's head.

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*Squeezing into here, hullo!*


Darth Marr and Satela Shan are supposed to be both gone from Odessen. We know that Shan is back on Coruscant at least.


And globally, I don't know. I think that the issue remains that, while it was sure from the start that Arcann had survived the destruction of his flagship, Vaylin's survival is a bit hard to believe... Except perhaps her essence after having been freed from the Commander's head.


We survived the same wound from Arcann, so I don't think it's too far fetched to say she could have done the same.

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We survived the same wound from Arcann, so I don't think it's too far fetched to say she could have done the same.

Nyx doesn't have that wound :p

And nobody would be mentioning that her body disappeared?

I mean, I'm not against it, but it is kind of stretching things a tiny wee little bit.


A Force Ghost would be fun.

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And nobody would be mentioning that her body disappeared?

I mean, I'm not against it, but it is kind of stretching things a tiny wee little bit.


No worse than the Shroud, a known spy walking within a meter of two of your advisors without raising any suspicion.


Or Arcann, a war criminal walking free around Odessen without anyone holding a grudge.


Or the whole thing with Revan.


She could have killed any witnesses? Leaving those who found them to believe they died during the battle.

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Nyx doesn't have that wound :p

And nobody would be mentioning that her body disappeared?

I mean, I'm not against it, but it is kind of stretching things a tiny wee little bit.


A Force Ghost would be fun.


I'd take a Force ghost, especially if she were presented as powerful enough to act as a regular companion. It would make up for some of what I feel were missed chances with her and her supposed scary power level.


That said, it was a big battle, with many fallen to keep track of. Then, everyone that might care about her specifically was off fighting on Zakuul, if they were even alive. I could easily see her being able to slip away during the chaos of those few days and not have anyone notice for a time. Plus, let's face it, they've given us several instances of implausible mistakes happening throughout the game, and especially in KotXX (you want me to go out into the wilds and listen to WHO, Lana?). This would actually be much less strange than some of those.


Plus, I'd just prefer her to be alive at this point. Her body disappearing would, ideally, be an actual part of the story. The simplest would be, say, Sana Rae sensing something, rushing to wherever her body is being kept, and her just getting up. Because she's supposed to be extraordinary, and several others have pulled a similar stunt. One time get out of death thing that uses up some of that extra power. Again, not the story I'd prefer, but at this point even something like that would be fine with me.

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You all think Vaylin would defeat Satele? She was the Grand Master of the Jedi, and pulled of a few cool stunts against Malgus in the trailers.


Vaylin is supposedly a complete powerhouse that scared Lana, Arcann, and possibly Valkorion (he never admits it, but it looks like it's so). Some of the things we're told show this. And I will always love, "Not this time, Father" in Chapter 3. The character we fight in the final battle? She might not be able to stand against the Grand Master, since we mopped up both her and her troops (quite handily in story mode, honestly), but what she was supposed to be should have no trouble with Satele.


I would have so loved to need some kind of MacGuffin to take her down. Her brother needed one. Her father needed one. Revan needed a small horde of the most powerful people in the galaxy and didn't have a dozen troops with him. She was supposed to be this great legendary thing, but we just walk up and shoot or stab her. It really is a shame.

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Well, if we didn't we wouldn't have bumped into the vision of Vaylin claiming we'd see her every time we closed our eyes. :p Or Satele and Marr and there pointless second-hand force weapon.


Going into the jungle to reflect actually makes sense to me, at least with the Force sensitives. It's just the reason it started that bugs me. They have a seer as part of the team, she could have sent us out there because she knew we needed to be without making me go out to listen to him and just have him take advantage of things to poke his nose in.

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I'd take a Force ghost, especially if she were presented as powerful enough to act as a regular companion. It would make up for some of what I feel were missed chances with her and her supposed scary power level.


That said, it was a big battle, with many fallen to keep track of. Then, everyone that might care about her specifically was off fighting on Zakuul, if they were even alive. I could easily see her being able to slip away during the chaos of those few days and not have anyone notice for a time. Plus, let's face it, they've given us several instances of implausible mistakes happening throughout the game, and especially in KotXX (you want me to go out into the wilds and listen to WHO, Lana?). This would actually be much less strange than some of those.


Plus, I'd just prefer her to be alive at this point. Her body disappearing would, ideally, be an actual part of the story. The simplest would be, say, Sana Rae sensing something, rushing to wherever her body is being kept, and her just getting up. Because she's supposed to be extraordinary, and several others have pulled a similar stunt. One time get out of death thing that uses up some of that extra power. Again, not the story I'd prefer, but at this point even something like that would be fine with me.


A Force Ghost would be unique, so long as we can get her KOTFE outfit. :D


Sounds like a responsible plot to me, she could have returned to her body? maybe her torso healed like ours did? She could of easily fled during the chaos.


I never understood why Lana thought sending us out into a discreet location to talk to who she knew was the Sith Emperor was a good idea.


We've already seen too many characters shrug off or return from fatal attacks, so I don't see why it couldn't work for Vaylin too.

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Nyx doesn't have that wound :p

And nobody would be mentioning that her body disappeared?

I mean, I'm not against it, but it is kind of stretching things a tiny wee little bit.


A Force Ghost would be fun.


If you pick the option you still see the Outlander shrug off an otherwise fatal wound to the chest. Vaylin may have been more exhausted from the bubble attack she was performing at the time, but I don't think it's too far stretched to argue she could do the same thing once free from mind battle.


As already said, if most of the Alliance was rushing to Zakuul, she could have easily slipped away while no one was looking. Add in the same force abilities from Odessen that Marr and Satele were influenced by, and she may have found a new path to walk.

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Going into the jungle to reflect actually makes sense to me, at least with the Force sensitives. It's just the reason it started that bugs me. They have a seer as part of the team, she could have sent us out there because she knew we needed to be without making me go out to listen to him and just have him take advantage of things to poke his nose in.


Yeah, sending us out there to talk to Valkorian didn't win her any brownie points. If anything was going to happen, it would be while we're alone ... She even acts surprised when you return ... Lana ... I could of died?! You didn't think of that when you sent me out there?!


If it hadn't of been for Satele, I would have died, LANA! :mad:

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Vaylin is supposedly a complete powerhouse that scared Lana, Arcann, and possibly Valkorion (he never admits it, but it looks like it's so). Some of the things we're told show this. And I will always love, "Not this time, Father" in Chapter 3. The character we fight in the final battle? She might not be able to stand against the Grand Master, since we mopped up both her and her troops (quite handily in story mode, honestly), but what she was supposed to be should have no trouble with Satele.


She broke through his ability to freeze time, that alone in my opinion puts her well above the levels of Satele in regards to force abilities.

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