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Please fix cleanse, it’s broken


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Either make it like a 4 Second cooldown again or make it prioritize cleansing mez and stun effects over stupid accuracy debuffs. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to cleanse my tank against hardswap in group ranked and cleansed the debuffs instead of awe. It’s frustrating and stupid and instead of rewarding good playing, it turns cleansing into an rng game.
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Either make it like a 4 Second cooldown again or make it prioritize cleansing mez and stun effects over stupid accuracy debuffs. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to cleanse my tank against hardswap in group ranked and cleansed the debuffs instead of awe. It’s frustrating and stupid and instead of rewarding good playing, it turns cleansing into an rng game.


I actually sent this suggestion to Keith a month or so ago. Hopefully it will be implemented but I never get my hopes up anymore.


Cleansing should prioritize: mez > hardstuns > roots > slows > debuffs. There should be no reason when you cleanse someone who just got mezed and it cleanses a slow and a debuffs instead. It’s so infuriating.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Can cleanse cleans hardstuns now? I did not know that


A cleanse can cleanse anything that as a type tag on it. If it says you can cleanse physical, mental or tech. Every debuff/hardstun/mez/slow/root with that type can be ultimately removed. Just wish there was a priority system...


I think this has been around since 2.0-3.0? I was not really paying close attention to game mechanics then but I’m pretty sure they reworked how cleanse functions during that time.

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A cleanse can cleanse anything that as a type tag on it. If it says you can cleanse physical, mental or tech. Every debuff/hardstun/mez/slow/root with that type can be ultimately removed. Just wish there was a priority system...


I think this has been around since 2.0-3.0? I was not really paying close attention to game mechanics then but I’m pretty sure they reworked how cleanse functions during that time.

They made damaging debuffs of players uncleansable and increased the CD in 3.0. This was to make DoT specs more viable when trying to fight cleansers (previously you could just cleanse through the lethality operative, ruining him completely). In the same patch the made all almost kinds of stuns and movement impairing effects or effect that last 45s and reduce the damage you deal, or increase the damage received that are casted by players cleansable in order not to render cleanse useless. Of course it indeed made it useless because for some reason cleanse prefers to choose the unimportant 45s stuff and not the stuns.


If these 45s debuffs wouldn't be uncleansable, it would make things better because cleanse will have less chance to mistarget.

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They made damaging debuffs of players uncleansable and increased the CD in 3.0. This was to make DoT specs more viable when trying to fight cleansers (previously you could just cleanse through the lethality operative, ruining him completely). In the same patch the made all almost kinds of stuns and movement impairing effects or effect that last 45s and reduce the damage you deal, or increase the damage received that are casted by players cleansable in order not to render cleanse useless. Of course it indeed made it useless because for some reason cleanse prefers to choose the unimportant 45s stuff and not the stuns.


If these 45s debuffs wouldn't be uncleansable, it would make things better because cleanse will have less chance to mistarget.


Yeah I remember that. It’s been a while. I just started to play the game during that time so I didn’t recall. I remember being told about how broken it was to cleanse mechical debuffs off a target that is needed for a rotation. The cleanse was good.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Cleansing should prioritize: mez > hardstuns > roots > slows > debuffs.


Neophyte/idiot question... why are mezzes ahead of hardstuns? It seems like, since mezzes will break anyway on damage, it would be preferable to cleanse the hard stuns first? Is this something that comes up because of the way ranked typically works, or am I not seeing why mezzes should be first even in regs? :o

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Neophyte/idiot question... why are mezzes ahead of hardstuns? It seems like, since mezzes will break anyway on damage, it would be preferable to cleanse the hard stuns first? Is this something that comes up because of the way ranked typically works, or am I not seeing why mezzes should be first even in regs? :o

Longer duration. It's true even for regs, where the 'safest' mezzes are on people in the outskirts of the battle.

Edited by Elusive_Thing
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Neophyte/idiot question... why are mezzes ahead of hardstuns? It seems like, since mezzes will break anyway on damage, it would be preferable to cleanse the hard stuns first? Is this something that comes up because of the way ranked typically works, or am I not seeing why mezzes should be first even in regs? :o


Well if you want the honest answer mez and hardstun can’t exist together so it’s irrelevant if one is before the other. But both should be high priority when cleansing if it is modified.


But when it comes to value, I personally value cleansing mezzes above hardstuns because when one happen, it takes the player out of the fight for 6-8 seconds. Normally it’s a strategy reason why a player would mez during that time (whether it is defensively because they might die or reasons like mezing a tank to make sure he can’t guard swap). So countering this is always going to work out in your favor. Also on top of that is time. Cleansing mezzes have a lot more “value” over a hardstun which is normally 2-4 seconds. You are always going to be saving more time with cleansing mezzes.


This is not to say cleansing someone who is hardstunned and about to die is bad. You should do this too. Both hard and soft stuns function differently and both have value in different ways.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Just make it easy, have it remove all debuffs that this particular cleanse can remove. I mean don't we have enough stun/mez/slow/kb/root/debuff to go around? Never seen so much as in t his game.


That might really mess with PvE. They would have to reprogram every boss ability make sure healers can cleanse off abilities for mechanics. I doubt they would do it.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Neophyte/idiot question... why are mezzes ahead of hardstuns? It seems like, since mezzes will break anyway on damage, it would be preferable to cleanse the hard stuns first? Is this something that comes up because of the way ranked typically works, or am I not seeing why mezzes should be first even in regs? :o


In group ranked, for hardswap, the tank is usually mezzed to stop them from moving guard. Cleansing mez is more important because mezzes delay guardswaps longer than four second hardstuns.

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That might really mess with PvE. They would have to reprogram every boss ability make sure healers can cleanse off abilities for mechanics. I doubt they would do it.


I don't really see how this would interfere with PvE at all, it's not like you'll ever have more than 2 cleansable debuffs active at the same time in any boss fight so lifting the restriction to 2 effects will have no impact on PvE.

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I don't really see how this would interfere with PvE at all, it's not like you'll ever have more than 2 cleansable debuffs active at the same time in any boss fight so lifting the restriction to 2 effects will have no impact on PvE.


I'm saying if you remove the ability to cleanse debuffs, that would mess with PvE. PvE they need to cleanse debuffs for mechanics, you can't just remove that from cleanse.


Therefore the most logical suggestion is to make a priority system to cleanse not change what is cleansable.

Edited by kissingaiur
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That might really mess with PvE. They would have to reprogram every boss ability make sure healers can cleanse off abilities for mechanics. I doubt they would do it.


It would very definitely cause problems in PvE, and would likely lead to some truly horrible Ops mechanics that you would be hating life if you had to deal with. WoW had a raid boss encounter in WotLK that required you to Cleanse every few seconds, and it SUCKED on levels of magnitude far beyond some of the worst fight mechanics I've seen in MMOs.

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I'm saying if you remove the ability to cleanse debuffs, that would mess with PvE. PvE they need to cleanse debuffs for mechanics, you can't just remove that from cleanse.


Therefore the most logical suggestion is to make a priority system to cleanse not change what is cleansable.


That's not what the person suggested though, they suggested lifting the current restriction where cleanse only removes 2 removeable debuffs, thus making it cleanse all removeable debuffs. Not changing what can be cleansed, hence nothing that'll interfere with PvE.

Edited by AdjeYo
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