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Impatient People and Bad Behavior


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And your personal attack in bold only weakens your argument. Good day. The question I asked was answered so no point in me further commenting in this thread so comtinue your personal attacks, you got nothing better to do, sad sad toxic people in this forum.



You are a sad individual you come on here calling me a drama queen ans then say I proved your point when you proved mine that this community is getting to toxic cause of people like you. Turn it on me all you want, you got nothing better to do with your sad life then bully someone on these forums and then have the audacity to turn it on me and call me a drama queen. You’re a straight up name calling bully.


Then why are there numerous posts after your initial post and the responses saying where to send said report? If you weren't looking for attention, then you would never have made such a post to begin with. And if anyone is toxic, it's you with your one sided view and "Woe is me" attitude and claiming everyone that disagrees with you, or calls BS to your shenanigans is a bully.


And for the record, I didn't personally attack you. I made a non-biased, objectively viewed, opinion of your posts. If that hurts your feelings, maybe you need to grow a thicker skin or stick to Sesame Street level activities.


And there you go, also, personally attacking people by calling them "sad individuals." So much for respect for others. If you don't want people calling you a drama queen, then perhaps you should stop acting like one.


One more time: If anyone in this thread is toxic it's you with your double standard way of thinking you can do something wrong and it's fine as long as it benefits you, yet others are bullies or show bad behavior when they do it and you end up on the short end of the stick.


If you play on SF, please PM me your characters names so I can be sure to add them all to my /ignore lists. I would hate to end up in a group with you.

Edited by Elliraen
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OP actually started this entire mess.


By selfishly choosing to do what they wanted in spite of the group wanting to move things along OP is, in fact, the instigator here. Who cares what the reason is: aggro, slow, gathering, dilly-dallying, sight-seeing, etc. If the minority of a group aren't respecting what the majority of the group are doing then they are the ones at fault, not the majority.


Add-on: So I stand my ground on this any kicking other than for a DC is an abuse of the vote kick mechanic and nothing is going to budge me from it.


Please show us where it says votekick is only acceptable for DCs. If someone starts spamming racist remarks, can't kick cuz they haven't DC? Someone goes AFK, can't kick cuz they haven't DC?


Also, a real example of what abusing a game mechanic is getting your friends to spam-report someone in chat to get them squelched.



Or people can learn how to talk reasonably like Lunafox does.


Hypocrite much? FYI, "people" includes you.



Sorry you think that people’s rushing is more important than my crew skill gathering and sorry you do not have the common decency and respect for all mechanics in the game


Hypocrite much? You want people to have common decency and respect for all mechanics in the game, but only as long as it benefits you. The votekick mechanic includes kicking for a variety of reasons, not just DCs, so you trying to tell others to respect mechanics when you yourself don't is just sad.


Neither is more important than the other, it's the fact that they wanted to move along and you didn't. If they wanted to just stop and watch the nerfs grazing and you didn't then you should also be kicked since you clearly don't care about the group... the GROUP is more important than the individual, and if you don't understand this then just do the solo activities or *gasp* group with people you approve of (ie friends/guild).


Hypocrite much? Nice personal attack against Billy there as well. In fact, you've personally attacked many others, but I've already killed enough brain cells here to find and quote them all.



I use the vote kick for what it is intended for to remove people who DC


Again, please show us where it says votekick is only for DCs.



Lol! Again, just cause you do not think my crew skills grinding is not important is not my problem. You are part of the problem. As many people pointed out this could have gone very different, the person could’ve asked nice to stop but didn’t, then people expect you respect rude people, sorry I was taught morals and not to give respect to people who are rude to me.


No, *you* are the problem. Your selfish inconsideration for the group dynamic is what started this.


As above, the reason does not matter. You selfishly wanted to do your own thing and put your wants ahead of the group. You are the one disrupting the group dynamic and being rude and inconsiderate of the other players.


They could have asked you nicely? How do we know they didn't? All we have is your *cough* good word and we should just believe you?


... and if you were taught morals, as you claim, then you need to go get a refund.



Nope I was not in the wrong, if Bioware didn’t want me to scavenge during a flashpoint they wouldn’t have given the ability to do so, I do not have to ask any players’ permission to do a mechanic in a game that was put there by the intentions of Bioware to be done nor will I demand the same from other players and no one should demand the same of me. This is all on the other person, stop putting blame on me.


Hypocrite much? You are 100% to blame for all of this.


So, when you say there's a mechanic in the game to use then you can just use it whenever and wherever, right? But when it comes to the votekick mechanic all of a sudden it's only for one thing and one thing only? Which is it? You can't have it both ways.



In the end, what we have here is an OP who pulls these stunts constantly, starting stuff and looking for sympathy, and lashing out at anyone who calls them out on their garbage. OP wants us to just believe what they say without any kind of support/proof and take it at face value and their "good word" but I'm happy to see that so many of us aren't falling for it this time.

Edited by PetFish
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AYou are a sad individual you come on here calling me a drama queen ans then say I proved your point when you proved mine that this community is getting to toxic cause of people like you. Turn it on me all you want, you got nothing better to do with your sad life then bully someone on these forums and then have the audacity to turn it on me and call me a drama queen. You’re a straight up name calling bully.


you do realize that you can't claim the moral high ground while you are also throwing insults at people right?


If insults and name calling add to the toxicity on the forums as you suggest, then you're part of the problem.

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you do realize that you can't claim the moral high ground while you are also throwing insults at people right?


If insults and name calling add to the toxicity on the forums as you suggest, then you're part of the problem.


You'll never get him to admit that he's part of the problem. In his view, he can do no wrong. He's the very definition of rationalizing.




verb (used with object)

To ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.


verb (used without object)

To invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes:

He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously rationalizing.



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Yes indeed it has died down now ☹️


Well it is 18+ pages. If you have a small bag of popcorn, you may be able to finish it while reading through from page 1. :)


Unless you've already gone through the entire thread already. But if you haven't, be careful that you don't choke on your popcorn or spew your drink at some of the ludicrous responses from a certain individual.

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Well it is 18+ pages. If you have a small bag of popcorn, you may be able to finish it while reading through from page 1. :)


Unless you've already gone through the entire thread already. But if you haven't, be careful that you don't choke on your popcorn or spew your drink at some of the ludicrous responses from a certain individual.


Lol nah I don’t get involved with politics or laws on who deserves to be put behind bars the offender or victim.


The victim for allowing himself to be victimised?


The offender for offending the victim?


Either Throw could have been saved.


Kreia was an amazing teacher.

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The way she wrote it could give you the sense that she might have been joking, but regrettably if you read some of her other posts you will realize that she's pedantically earnest about everything. Both those examples I gave of drama queens are ones who are nowhere near as entertaining as OP.
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The way she wrote it could give you the sense that she might have been joking, but regrettably if you read some of her other posts you will realize that she's pedantically earnest about everything. Both those examples I gave of drama queens are ones who are nowhere near as entertaining as OP.


So, what category of drama queen does the guy who shows up after the fact, calls everybody out by name, and tells them exactly what's wrong with them fall into?

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My ‘gender phobic’ comment was a joke cuz it’s so ridiculous. I got the idea from PC Principal on South Park.


Cuz trOllP reports any comment that they don’t like and the moderators are too scared of upsetting trOllP further they pretty much have auto-delete on speed dial.


Although, with everyone walking on eggshells about gender equality and sexism these days it’s probably not such a ridiculous statement after all but definitely right up trOllP’s alley.


It also looks like trOllP got their fill of attention tokens for the weekly and has stopped until they get reset tomorrow.

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Sorry for bad english. But after 2 months of playing FPs i think that some of players are really ******es. Like i can play with obviously newbies, but i will never insult them if they are making mistakes, call them idiots and etc. Maybe i was raised by people, not wild animals, i dont know.

If you are super great at this game, know tactics and other stuff - good for you, but it doesnt make you better person than bad players, jesus.

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I feel like this terminology "toxic" is being relatively overused to push an arguement that is not only invalid, but even if it was, is being explained with awful substance and lacklustre evidence so an individual can stereotype a community, which ironically enough, defeats it's own purpose and makes the person raising concerns become his/her own enemy Edited by Bonzenaattori
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lol much ado about nothing.


First off, yeah people OP was running with are *****. You can't wait three seconds to start a convo? Please. Whiny speed runners are teh worst. I'm not adverse to taking a shortcut or two but people that immediately ***** and moan the second there's the slightest delay can shove it.


Secondly, most arguments I've seen "defending" kicks of this sort start with "well if he's trying to scavange ALL the things..." Yeah, there's a difference between consistently slowing the group down and one or two minor delays. The former deserves a kick, particularly if it's clearly deliberate. The latter not so much.


Thirdly, I've never asked an FP for ****. I just adapt to what the group seems to be doing. If they fight, I fight, if they run I run. I "half spacebar" meaning skip non-English, skip once I get the gist of the reply, allow my reply to play in full (because I'm vain like that). If I skip and end up waiting for group (which happens fairly frequently, if it's not breakneck speedrunners), I'll watch the thing in full, I don't care. I don't have issues with ******es either, for the most part. So I'd say adapt to the group, but trying to lead isn't bad either. I was running the Foundry the other night and people were mostly skipping things. I start doing the console bonuses, someone else picks up on it and starts doing it too, next thing I know, we're all doing it and we end up doing full bonus. If they hadn't followed my lead though, I probably would've rolled with it and just kept up. Groups (even PUGs) can be subtle, but they're not rocket science.


Finally, OP, scavenging? Need to get git gud and streamline. I've gotten to where I can loot/scavenge before the fight's even done. Unless you're the tank, you can already start right clicking things when there a single noob left, such that by the time it dies and everyone else is looting, you're already done and good to go. Again, if it is a speedrun you won't get everything, or even most things. But being alert and efficient will help you.

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So, what category of drama queen does the guy who shows up after the fact, calls everybody out by name, and tells them exactly what's wrong with them fall into?


Why, the sort of drama queen who's done at the end of January and isn't concerned about making enemies or collecting warnings, obviously.

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So I have been reading through this whole thing and I both agree and disagree with the OP.

If you begin any form of gathering while your teammates are in combat, then you F-ed up big time. It often results in a heel to the butt and out you go. But derogatory words, like the way you describe being called Jew is no excuse.


As to FPs one the most annoying things I personally know are the ones that spam the spacebar during converstations, especially in a PUG group, where odds are that one of the group at least may not have done the FP at all.


To speed grind CXP, is NOT what the game is about, THAT is about players.

You can not claim CXP grinding and then not do a bonus objective....it is I am only grinding a little CXP?

And if so...then why the rush.


Before my subscription days it actually took more than a year for me to actually read the full convo on black talon, this becuse everyone used it to farm social points and space spammed.

I actually enjoy an FP and the convos that add some context , running around killing for the maybe loot, having a rush and then use a social term as group makes no sense.



And here is the point, both sides are right, I would argue TS being maybe a little more right, but it is these things that actually rives people from the game in the long run.

AND it is player/community issue, not a game issue.


The game is meant to be spacebar spammed through convos.....if that was the intention then the convos would not be there......


And NO...the point of the game is not to get max command rank as quickly as possible, if so they would have warded 1Million and had one ops to do it.


I would advice TS, no matter what server he is to get into a guild and go with them, they will most likely actually benefit if he went in scavenging.


In MMOS and in PUGs especially.......we will far too often wade around in the sewer with muck up to our ears, and in most cases this is because players think that everything must be done fast.


And to the ones that are in way too much of a hurry..............remember in your greed, that bonuses give extra...hint hint.


However I can fully understand that if 1 or more of a group have done the FP a million times before then the not too deep ( just to give some context) convos may be a drag, but if you PUG, your rights are not above others, meaning that YOU LEAVE if unhappy, not kick because you some how have a right above others.

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However I can fully understand that if 1 or more of a group have done the FP a million times before then the not too deep ( just to give some context) convos may be a drag, but if you PUG, your rights are not above others, meaning that YOU LEAVE if unhappy, not kick because you some how have a right above others.


MM FPs are different from veteran, or solo. If you want story, there are other options such as doing the FP solo. Or even in veteran. But if you are running a MM FP, its the group rules. You can chose to flaunt them or not, but guess what, it is the majority of the group, and they can choose to kick for any reason. Some may not be fair, but that is the game as intended.


And so far, we only have the word of the OP, whether they called him a jew or not, and his word is, at the very least, questionable.


I also find it entertaining that since the majority of people agree that the group had a right to vote kick, and that the comment was wrong (if they said it), he hasn't really been back to his own thread. I think he thought everyone would just back his story, and say "omg are you all right, they are such meanies." which didn't happen so he moved on.

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As to FPs one the most annoying things I personally know are the ones that spam the spacebar during converstations, especially in a PUG group, where odds are that one of the group at least may not have done the FP at all.


AFAIK, my space bar spam doesn't skip your cut scene. But then, I didn't do a lot of FPs in the beginning of the game, did it used to skip the cut scene for everyone if just one person space barred?

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MM FPs are different from veteran, or solo. If you want story, there are other options such as doing the FP solo. Or even in veteran. But if you are running a MM FP, its the group rules. You can chose to flaunt them or not, but guess what, it is the majority of the group, and they can choose to kick for any reason. Some may not be fair, but that is the game as intended.


And so far, we only have the word of the OP, whether they called him a jew or not, and his word is, at the very least, questionable.


I also find it entertaining that since the majority of people agree that the group had a right to vote kick, and that the comment was wrong (if they said it), he hasn't really been back to his own thread. I think he thought everyone would just back his story, and say "omg are you all right, they are such meanies." which didn't happen so he moved on.


Also, literally the kick function is there to handle disagreements on how the group wants to operate. If I vote to kick for someone who doesnt want to spacebar and that person gets kicked out, that's how the group wants to operate. If you kick me for bothering the grouo for insisting on spacebarring and I get kicked that's how the group wants to operate.


The kick function is setup to ensure the group is on the same page, and one person alone can't ruin the experience for the rest, in either direction.

Edited by LordTurin
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