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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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That's cute... I appreciate your nativity on the subject. But hey, maybe you are right. We'll never know because Bioware won't even chime in and reassure it's player base.

Somehow I'm thinking you didn't mean to bring the birth of jesus into this discussion.

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There are plenty of examples out there, but I only used swg since it is the closest relevant example. I didn't say that the game died at the NGE, I was referencing that a game studio was willing to drop content for money mere days before they launched something they knew was controversial and would very likely impact subs. I'm making the comparison with EA with its recent controversial track record, that they would be willing to do the exact same with SWTOR and getting every penny from us while they can.


ps. - I'm not bitter about the NGE either. It sucked, sure, but I feel the content and advancements the devs made in the remaining years of SWG was some of the best that the game ever had. And that was the result of a small but focused dev staff, that did their best. Honestly, I think the devs here could learn something from those final swg devs in terms of content creation and execution.


Fair enough. It's certainly fair to say that I've seen so much gloom and doom over this that I could have easily overestimated your angst. And I absolutely agree with the last bit: there are a lot of ways EAWare could make the last months/years/whatever pretty epic, whether that's now or someday down the road.


I guess…


Let's face it: gamers generally, and MMO players in particular, are something of a self-reinforcing hive mind….reality is whatever everybody says it is (because after all, everybody says it), and once that reality is established, there's a driving need to discuss every minute facet of it and make sure everybody knows it (leading to more people saying it, which reinforces how real it must be, and so on).


It's gotten so meta that we not only realize we're doing it, we're helpless to stop it on our own. Look at this thread: this guy publishes that one sentence, and now everybody's begging for Eric or Keith to make a statement about it….not so much because there's a ton of faith in whichever statement they'd make, but just to calm everybody down over something we made a big deal in the first place. If they don't stop the spiral of speculation, then we can't stop it from becoming real.


Right now, the reality that everybody's talking themselves into is that the game might as well be over as of today. Whether sunset is next week, next month, or 2020, “everybody" will stop playing, “nobody" will drop another penny on the CM, the GTN will immediately fall apart….it's almost like Jason Schreier is right either way; just by writing that sentence, SWTOR is dead.


If it's true, yes, some people will leave. It might even be a lot of people. I don't understand that attitude personally, but I get some people have a mindset of “if it won't be here in a year, there's no point today”. But the more people talk about it as an absolute certainty, the more people will self-fulfill it into an absolute certainty.


And that sucks, because a lot of people who'd otherwise be having fun with what's here right now won't be having that fun….they're demoralized and anxious and...hell, might as well pack it in now, save the heartache, right? I mean, after all, everybody says....


The real, actual reality is, I'm having fun, right now today. A sunset announcement wouldn't have much, if any, impact on my spending. Unless EA did something almost unprecedented and shut off the servers tomorrow, I know I'll have a good bit of enjoyment left. I know I can't speak for everybody, maybe not even a majority….but I can't believe I'm that special a snowflake, either.


So, again, I'm going to urge everybody: don't sweat this. There isn't anything you can realistically do about it even if it's true. Just keep doing what everybody should be doing with every game anyway….if you're having fun, play it. If you're not, don't, and I hope you find something you enjoy more.


Just….breathe :)

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I was going off of memory, having just read it once, but I guess it comes down to how many = a few? I'm going by experience, they never do anything quickly and a 'few weeks' can turn into months.


Honestly, what do you think would happen, if they came out and laid the cards on the table and said 'oh hey we might be shutting down.' People would leave in droves, so i can see the need for secrecy to try and keep the semblance of things being okay. Admitting anything negative would hasten this game's death.


I don't know that it would be worse than the silence and speculation. In fact, if they were honest with us and said "we just don't know right now", I'd be more likely to hang on and wait with them. As it stands right now, it seems that they are saying nothing to try and take advantage of my hope and everyone else's. That's not okay with me.

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Luckily it's still not decided. Hopefully after Anthem is released we can get some resources back in this game if it's still up and running. That may be why we see the good Cartel Market sales on high demand items so the devs can show a positive cash flow even in times of content drought.


Anthem doesn't release until 2019 now. Are you saying you are ok with waiting over a year for more content?

I honestly think EA should put The Old Republic out of it's misery and just pull the plug.


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Giving F2P full content is a bad idea IMO. The only way this game can make a profit in maintenance mode is through new players buying access to expansion story content. Preferred should get full access though, with subs getting more XP/CXP/CC.


That said, I'd really like more sandbox content developed before the game's put in maintenance mode.


There is absolutely, 100% NO WAY I will pay a sub to a game that is receiving zero new content. I think it's safe to say no one will sub to SWTOR: Maintenance Mode. Even if we are doing that right now and we just don't know it, once it is announced that there will not be any new development, the subs go bye-bye.


The Cartel Market is and would be a much better source of revenue than "new players" buying expansions. MMOs in maintenance mode don't get a bunch of "new players" anyway, that's a pipe dream.


Everyone would like more content, but that's exactly what we're talking about never happening again.

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They could easily squash this rumour by releasing a roadmap tomorrow detailing a big new expansion but I doubt that'll happen. I guess we'll finally get the roadmap in a couple months time with the usual pathetic amount of content...

Sounds like a good time to unsub & wait & see what Bioware has in store for us, which is exactly what I'll do this weekend.

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Yeah...his sentence(kotaku article) would not have caused so much stir if the game was healthy and cared for, the way other studios handle their MMOs. It is causing unrest, because the game is far from even average state...there is really no need to explain for the thousand time the damage last year has caused and the consequences of this.


This livestream tho...talk about avoiding any questions and trying to sell us things instead. Amazing...

Edited by ExarSun
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They've tweeted a sale on game price just a few mins ago, can't see a shut down as a definite thing if they are still trying to pull in players. Promising news hopefully.


Grabbing every last dollar on the way out.

New players won't notice the lack of content and will help balance the unsubs who realise that the fat lady is clearing her throat.

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Yea short livestream and no questions answered lol. Only thing they said is the roadmap should be up mid Feb. ...........


Mid feb? I guess that's the end of the road for me then lol...let me see if I can find the video footage and confirm that.

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Yea short livestream and no questions answered lol. Only thing they said is the roadmap should be up mid Feb. ...........

Are you kidding me??? Mid February? We have the FALL roadmap out...what the hell happened to winter???

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That Livestream was a joke. Roadmap is being worked on 'right now' and will be released mid February, and this is the year of companion returns. Sad part is, I no longer trust a word coming out of Charles' mouth especially in terms of companions and they were quick to wrap up once chat was flooded with Anthem/Kotaku questions.


Guess with the impromptu Livestream I'd naively hoped there'd be a quick address or something substantial they'd give us in terms of future plans but oh well.

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Yea short livestream and no questions answered lol. Only thing they said is the roadmap should be up mid Feb. ...........


That is a joke.


So far 2017 and 2018 has been so badly managed, just hope we don't have to see any more posts about how the dev team clearly care and how its all EA's fault. Hell EA has given them a year and they still ignore issues and treat their customers with little more than contempt where even when they have a short live stream don't address the pressing issue.

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I must say I was angry and baffled at their stupid decisions before, but they managed to cheer me up and amuse me with this stream...no, not about the future of the game, but at the funny behaviour they showed towards us. Is that what communication should be guys??? Couldnt wait to run away after a few words and tell us about some great deals on the market...

Oh yeah guys, forgot to mention that this will be the year of companion returns, so look forward to 2-3 minutes of cutscenes every few months, instead of expansions.

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That Livestream was a joke. Roadmap is being worked on 'right now' and will be released mid February, and this is the year of companion returns. Sad part is, I no longer trust a word coming out of Charles' mouth especially in terms of companions and they were quick to wrap up once chat was flooded with Anthem/Kotaku questions.


Guess with the impromptu Livestream I'd naively hoped there'd be a quick address or something substantial they'd give us in terms of future plans but oh well.


I agree with you 100% I thought maybe, just maybe they'd try to settle us down, offer something to us in terms of news...but newp, just a few jokes, and as soon as questions about the article started coming in...zooom, here's our influencer... :(

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