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Compared to other mmos.


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Story driven mmoRPG eh...where is your story for the past year...2 minutes of few cutscenes and thats it...And more of the same incoming....

To say this game has that or this focus after 2017 is plain wrong. It has no focus at the moment. Its not comparable even by story to top mmos right now if we speak for the past 2 years.

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Yes and no.

ORPG is not fitting to star wars, not because of the MMO features like GSF or Raids, but because it had zero RPG options.

Simply having a "class" following a story is no longer considered RP, and the elements that is needed for RP was never implemented to an RP standard in SWTOR, so it si a story driven MMO.


MMO as it is multiple players doing the game at the same time, with even most of the areas in the game world being open and roamable.

SWTOR never offered any of the features that is in an ORPG, and such is is a hybrid if you will, but leaning much more to the MMO side.


If we look to emotes we have really nothing, we can't freely sit on "any" chair or table for that matter like in a ORPG where the world is much more interactive.


so SWTOR is Story driven MMO with features of pvp and raiding content, though we could argue if the latter is "much" enough ot if more is needed



I think that you're just confused on what RPG-s should be about. I played many different RPG-s in which you cant sit on the chair or table but those aren't the things about which RPG-s should be about, sure you have those more sandbox options included in some of them but they aren't needed for the game to be classified as an RPG.

Even games like Diablo 3 are called online RPG-s, in which many players can be in an online world doing various things in the same time but they aren't considered to be an MMO and will never be ( because they don't support massively orientated multiplayer content and were never created to support it in the first place unlike SWTOR which was but for which devs started to neglect that type of content in favor of the single player story content ), and they don't include rp features which you have mentioned here.


For the game to be classified as an RP this is enough ( taken from Wikipedia) :


" Role-playing video games use much of the same terminology, settings and game mechanics as early tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons. Players control a central game character, or multiple game characters, usually called a party, and attain victory by completing a series of quests or reaching the conclusion of a central storyline. Players explore a game world, while solving puzzles and engaging in combat. A key feature of the genre is that characters grow in power and abilities, and characters are typically designed by the player.


RPGs rarely challenge a player's physical coordination or reaction time, with the exception of action role-playing games. Role-playing video games typically rely on a highly developed story and setting,which is divided into a number of quests.


Players control one or several characters by issuing commands, which are performed by the character at an effectiveness determined by that character's numeric attributes. Often these attributes increase each time a character gains a level, and a character's level goes up each time the player accumulates a certain amount of experience. Role-playing video games also typically attempt to offer more complex and dynamic character interaction than what is found in other video game genres. This usually involves additional focus on the artificial intelligence and scripted behavior of computer-controlled non-player characters. "





Also what the game currently is and what it was aimed to be from the start I found out pretty much accurately described in this reviews :




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For facts that need checking... BW does not exist in aything but name. It is a brand name owned by EA and applied to a department within EA. But, the entire company is EA. There is no separate entity called BW.


If Anthem flops or SWTOR finishes dying, expect to see the BW name retired. They'll assign the employees they want to keep to other departments and move on. EA and it's share holders won't care.


Personally, I am waiting for the loot box thing to come to a crashing halt when enough legislative bodies declare them gambling. Then EA will be in real trouble since that's their primary money making enterprise, not the half baked games they've been putting out.


what happens in Europe won't affect EA as much as you think and even if it did, they likely have another plan in place to keep their money stream coming through like a store catalogue with direct sales on everything, from mounts to armour and weapons to the newest greatest, coolio content ever! the more rare items are the most expensive, to make sure each shiny is constantly polished to remain attractive with sales every so often.


it won't slow EA down one bit what happens with gambling laws.


Bioware is just a name that EA keep because it is a name that sells games, the bioware we all know is long dead but it still brings players to buy those games. Ironically the best years of Bioware are between 2008 and 2012 with Mass Effect and Dragon Age when it was being hollowed out for EA as it's new voice. :p

Edited by Celise
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Still not caring. The people who still *play* the game are playing it. The ones who want to complain and whine, and basically troll each other all day come here. And here we are.


Go play the game. Or don't.


I don't care.


Nobody else does either.


You are pretty wrong here. Most people DO CARE that people are leaving. All these leavers writing their important opinion why they leave, and what must be done. Some of the messages are just trolling and have no decent information but most of these threads include the real reasons why the game is dying.


You will start to care when you see that there are no people to queue warzones and arena with you or forming a group for ops. And even if you are a solo player, i bet you wont last long in a lonely desert without any serious content.

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You are pretty wrong here. Most people DO CARE that people are leaving. All these leavers writing their important opinion why they leave, and what must be done. Some of the messages are just trolling and have no decent information but most of these threads include the real reasons why the game is dying.


You will start to care when you see that there are no people to queue warzones and arena with you or forming a group for ops. And even if you are a solo player, i bet you wont last long in a lonely desert without any serious content.


It's not that people don't care that people are leaving. The arguments generally revolve around whose playstyle is causing it. It's that argument that is silly and not that people don't care. I have heard far too many "If they had only made this a proper MMO" (which really is "they don't focus on the content I like and exclude all others") to be sick of that discussion. The game has changed over the years and the "harcore MMO players" are gone and they aren't coming back. The game has clearly evolved into something much more casual and trying to "reboot" it will drive away more players than it brings in (those that have moved on are not watching to see if the game changes back to what they like, they have found new MMOs to play)

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It's not that people don't care that people are leaving. The arguments generally revolve around whose playstyle is causing it. It's that argument that is silly and not that people don't care. I have heard far too many "If they had only made this a proper MMO" (which really is "they don't focus on the content I like and exclude all others") to be sick of that discussion. The game has changed over the years and the "harcore MMO players" are gone and they aren't coming back. The game has clearly evolved into something much more casual and trying to "reboot" it will drive away more players than it brings in (those that have moved on are not watching to see if the game changes back to what they like, they have found new MMOs to play)


I agree. It's not about people leaving.. it's about some of the really pedantic reasons people present as their excuse for leaving.


See.. the thing is.. you don't need a reason to leave, much less justify it to other players (which seems to be what some people feel they need to do for whatever reason). If you are not having fun.. take a break and do something else..... which is basic common sense.


On the topic... I really do not understand why people insist on comparing one MMO to another as a platform for expressing their dissatisfactions. Play what is fun for you .. AND.. it is entirely OK to have more then one MMO in your play rotation..... in fact.. it's healthy in my view.. and in todays era of most of them having a free to play mode... I don't even see validity in people complaining about the cost anymore in doing so.

Edited by Andryah
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Go play the game. Or don't.


I don't care.


Nobody else does either.

I care...and I'm somebody. I care because I actually enjoy this game, despite the numerous flaws and lack of development...I care because the more people who quit, the less likely it becomes that I ever see this game improve. I realize we're in maintenance mode, but I still have hope for this game...or at least hope that it lasts long enough for a new SW MMO.

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On the topic... I really do not understand why people insist on comparing one MMO to another as a platform for expressing their dissatisfactions. Play what is fun for you .. AND.. it is entirely OK to have more then one MMO in your play rotation..... in fact.. it's healthy in my view.. and in todays era of most of them having a free to play mode... I don't even see validity in people complaining about the cost anymore in doing so.


I agree here. I have 12 different MMOs installed (SWtoR, EVE Online, Tera, Neverwinter, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Star Trek Online, Pathfinder Online, FFXIV, Everquest, Aion, Skyforge, and Revelation Online) and play them to varying degrees (though SWtoR and EVE online are by far the most played). They run the gamut from the really sandboxy Pathfinder Online to the RPG intensive SWtoR. Some I play a couple of times a year and that's all (the updates can take longer than the amount of time I play but sometimes you just want to play something different). Sometimes I even just drop the MMOs altogether for some Retrogaming (really old stuff from the 1980's). You play what you enjoy and each game has its own strengths and weaknesses. The biggest problem for this game was probably trying to present it as "the WoW killer" because it is too different in design for that. It is it's own type of game with nothing really similar out there.

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I care...and I'm somebody. I care because I actually enjoy this game, despite the numerous flaws and lack of development...I care because the more people who quit, the less likely it becomes that I ever see this game improve. I realize we're in maintenance mode, but I still have hope for this game...or at least hope that it lasts long enough for a new SW MMO.



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I care...and I'm somebody. I care because I actually enjoy this game, despite the numerous flaws and lack of development...I care because the more people who quit, the less likely it becomes that I ever see this game improve. I realize we're in maintenance mode, but I still have hope for this game...or at least hope that it lasts long enough for a new SW MMO.


This game is already a dead horse and beating on it for hope is a futile effort, in addition even if and i stress "if" EA brings out a new MMO, it will be 3-5 years before we see it and i believe the contract between Disney and EA only lasts up to the early half of the 2020's. so it isn't a feable goal any more.


If EA has other star wars games in the works they only got a another year or two at most to start developing them and release them before the contract runs out.

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This game is already a dead horse and beating on it for hope is a futile effort, in addition even if and i stress "if" EA brings out a new MMO, it will be 3-5 years before we see it and i believe the contract between Disney and EA only lasts up to the early half of the 2020's. so it isn't a feable goal any more.


If EA has other star wars games in the works they only got a another year or two at most to start developing them and release them before the contract runs out.

The contract will be renewed. EA has no intention of letting someone else milk this IP when they can do it for next to nothing.

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If you look at average expansions, ops and flashpoints per year since their inception, swtor is not far behind WoW. You can argue the amount of content per expansion or ops ir flashpoint if you wish, but overall they are very close. And there are areas of swtor that have yet to be implemented in wow as well. So without looking through critical glasses, they are actually pretty darn close with regards to world growth.
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I agree here. I have 12 different MMOs installed (SWtoR, EVE Online, Tera, Neverwinter, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Star Trek Online, Pathfinder Online, FFXIV, Everquest, Aion, Skyforge, and Revelation Online) and play them to varying degrees (though SWtoR and EVE online are by far the most played). They run the gamut from the really sandboxy Pathfinder Online to the RPG intensive SWtoR. Some I play a couple of times a year and that's all (the updates can take longer than the amount of time I play but sometimes you just want to play something different). Sometimes I even just drop the MMOs altogether for some Retrogaming (really old stuff from the 1980's). You play what you enjoy and each game has its own strengths and weaknesses. The biggest problem for this game was probably trying to present it as "the WoW killer" because it is too different in design for that. It is it's own type of game with nothing really similar out there.

They never intended to be a WoW killer. Its fictitious hype that the playerbase placed on it with their unrealistic expectations for the game. Whats worse is players still believe inaccurately that Bioware advertised as such, and hold them to that false standard.




For your records to prevent this inaccuracy in the future.

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If you look at average expansions, ops and flashpoints per year since their inception, swtor is not far behind WoW. You can argue the amount of content per expansion or ops ir flashpoint if you wish, but overall they are very close. And there are areas of swtor that have yet to be implemented in wow as well. So without looking through critical glasses, they are actually pretty darn close with regards to world growth.


They aren't even close - nor would I expect them to be considering WoW requires a subscription (outside of level 20 capped trial accounts), sells their expansions for $40-$50 a pop, all while maintaining millions of paying players.


It just isn't possible in the real world for EA to produce the same amount of content for a free to play game with a much smaller base.

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They never intended to be a WoW killer. Its fictitious hype that the playerbase placed on it with their unrealistic expectations for the game. Whats worse is players still believe inaccurately that Bioware advertised as such, and hold them to that false standard.




For your records to prevent this inaccuracy in the future.

Right!!! Because everyone knows EA invested $400 million into this game hoping it would go F2P during the first year and crumble to just 5 servers, down from 218, after 5 years. EA clearly never wanted W0W's subs... :rolleyes:

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Right!!! Because everyone knows EA invested $400 million into this game hoping it would go F2P during the first year and crumble to just 5 servers, down from 218, after 5 years. EA clearly never wanted W0W's subs... :rolleyes:


LOL I listened to the CEO and CFO on investor calls leading up to SWTOR launch, and while they were always very cagey about expectations, it was very clear they and the analysts covering EA were all expecting very large returns.

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Right!!! Because everyone knows EA invested $400 million into this game hoping it would go F2P during the first year and crumble to just 5 servers, down from 218, after 5 years. EA clearly never wanted W0W's subs... :rolleyes:


The only way BW was continuing the model with 8 class stories and so many voice actors for so many companions and languages was for swtor to be the next Wow. The devs saying they weren't shooting for that were trying to manage expectations with lies.

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LOL I listened to the CEO and CFO on investor calls leading up to SWTOR launch, and while they were always very cagey about expectations, it was very clear they and the analysts covering EA were all expecting very large returns.


Pretty much what hurt them was rushing out the launch. The game launched with too many bugs and incomplete content. They wanted to try and capitalize early but that hurried pace has cost them in the end. If it had launched clean and "complete", SWTOR would be in a much better place right now.

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Pretty much what hurt them was rushing out the launch. The game launched with too many bugs and incomplete content. They wanted to try and capitalize early but that hurried pace has cost them in the end. If it had launched clean and "complete", SWTOR would be in a much better place right now.

So freaking true. Remember our inventory windows at launch? You couldn't move them and you could only have 2 open windows...if you were shopping on the GTN and a companion returned, you got booted back to the default GTN window...UGH!!!!


They launched a year too soon...it needed more work and it would have exceeded W0W...but because of the state it was in, it was bound to failure.

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LOL I listened to the CEO and CFO on investor calls leading up to SWTOR launch, and while they were always very cagey about expectations, it was very clear they and the analysts covering EA were all expecting very large returns.

And you dont think they have had very lsrge returns?

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