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Sith Inquisitor Sorceror's are too weak on pvp.


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Do people really think we're underpowered or is this just one of the more successful trolls these forums have seen? I play this class every day looking over my shoulder, terrified of the oncoming nerf. I live like a man on the run from the mob, just convinced one day I'm going to walk into a room and the devs are going to be waiting there, nerf bats in hand, to beat me into the ground for all of the pain I have caused others.


1v1, toe to toe I have not seen another class that can match a Sorcerer. I've been ambushed by Shadows, jumped by smugglers, waylayed by knights and besieged by troopers and none of them have been able to deal with the shear versatility of the Sorcerer's Corruption kit. I heal myself for far more damage than they can do, for far longer than they can keep doing it, until I've taken out first their companion and then them.



Sith Sorcerers/Jedi Sages need to be nerfed. Not a lot. But they definitely stand out as being significantly ahead of the curve.

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I think you've already used that gag.



IMO the best PvP spec is Corruption. The outlast method seems to really work.


Probably the best 1v1 spec, yes. I think the best overall pvp spec is actually the everyting in one spec, or 13/12/16.


This nets you the increadible dps output of Wrath + Chainlighting, and Resurrgance with Force Surge to top yourself off in 4 seconds behind your static shield.


The issue I believe with Sorc/Sage is that other than corruption, the talent trees are too front loaded. It's the only class that can stay under 20 point sin any tree and still be amazing in any gameplay aspect.

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SS are weak in one on on PVP. Troopers and Sin/Shadow are hugely OP right now tho, so it's not surprising that you get owned by them.


Except we're not. I occasionally lose to level 50 Smug's/Ops in Expertise gear when caught one on one because their opening burst is just that high, but everyone else can't down my barrier and healing and I never run out of Force.

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LMAO this is funny im a lvl 25 sorc and I always come in top dmg/kill 90% of my matchs maybe a BH every now and than will beat me by alil ***** but damn since ive been lvl 15 ive been out dmging and killing mostly everyone even lvl 50 sorcs. You just need to learn to play your class. Im speced madness for no cd for force lighting. In pvp i go shock, affiction, electorcute(if not on cd), crushing darkness(only if use electorcute if not use force lightingor shock if its cd is rdy), shock,force lighting, dead field, force lighting. Sometimes ill just do dead field, afficition, shock, force lighting till shock is rdy than just keep force lighting till shock is rdy always use shock as soon as its off cd. Basicly just spam force lighting and if you put ur skill points right youll barely ever run out of force and will atleast get 150k dmg each match. I avg bout 150-230k dmg each match no problem but most are in the 200k dmg range and im only lvl 25. Sorc is def not weak in pvp you just dont know what your doing and maybe need to respec.


BTW my force lighting hits for about 1k each tick and my crits probly like 1.6k-1.8k and my shock hits for about 1k-2k plus my dots I take down targets fast. BH are a pain in the *** and I would def say there the best pvp class but sorc is def number 2 hands down

Edited by Mpearson
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LMAO this is funny im a lvl 25 sorc and I always come in top dmg/kill 90% of my matchs maybe a BH every now and than will beat me by alil ***** but damn since ive been lvl 15 ive been out dmging and killing mostly everyone even lvl 50 sorcs. You just need to learn to play your class. Im speced madness for no cd for force lighting. In pvp i go shock, affiction, electorcute(if not on cd), crushing darkness(only if use electorcute if not use force lightingor shock if its cd is rdy), shock,force lighting, dead field, force lighting. Sometimes ill just do dead field, afficition, shock, force lighting till shock is rdy than just keep force lighting till shock is rdy always use shock as soon as its off cd. Basicly just spam force lighting and if you put ur skill points right youll barely ever run out of force and will atleast get 150k dmg each match. I avg bout 150-230k dmg each match no problem but most are in the 200k dmg range and im only lvl 25. Sorc is def not weak in pvp you just dont know what your doing and maybe need to respec.


BTW my force lighting hits for about 1k each tick and my crits probly like 1.6k-1.8k and my shock hits for about 1k-2k plus my dots I take down targets fast. BH are a pain in the *** and I would def say there the best pvp class but sorc is def number 2 hands down


Bad troll is bad :rolleyes:

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I have all my insta cast spells in a grid next to each other, just keep a shield up and use them and lightening and the occasional stun and there is little you cannot beat very quickly.


Very powerful pvp class :)


Even using your force slow deals damage and helps, affliction on them all the time, shield as much as possible, 40% crit rate on lightening with very little effort... eat people alive

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No, I'm going to have to agree completely with the OP.


We may have utility, but good damage we do not. You will not win 1v1 against an intelligent smuggler or commando, they simply do way too much damage. 3500 in a global? A spam of those by a commando? It's ridiculous. At lvl 50 I don't have a skill that can do that much with a cast time, much less without one, over and over again. A commando in a warzone did 400k damage. That's freaking off the charts. My force lightning ticks hit for maybe 600-700. That's pretty pathetic vs the 2000 non-crits I receive from these ^ two classes. My death field and crushing darkness _can_ hit for a little over 2k, if they crit. But even thundering blasts with their 100% guaranteed crit enhancement barely break that. Need more damage.

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I'm a lvl 48 dps sorceror spec on lightning and I got to say that I don't seem to win against a jedi shadow or a trooper. I have no complains about pve, but on pvp I hardly win 1 on 1. Any advise?


are you positioned correctly? are you not causing you to be focused? are you sticking to cover and casitng nukes? if no then lrn 2 play your class

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Personally I'm just waiting for Bioware to nerf this class to the ground.


You know something's not right when 90% of the enemy team consists of the same class.


OP or not I didn't pick this class because it was "overpowered", I picked it because it was the only ranged class in the game that dealt magic damage. I'm sure I'm not the only one who made this decision. It probably could have been the weakest class in the game and you still would've saw just as many at the start, blame it on lack of choice.

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speak for yourself buddy...I do MASSIVE amounts of damage with few to no deaths on huttball I would post screenies but then I'd attract bad attention and frankly theres no need for a nerf. I've already created a stir on my server, also I'm not even max lvl yet (40 atm).
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We have really good aoe damage (if you spec like you have a brain), but that makes people think we are op. When they see sorcs doing 350k+ damage and ~75k healing, they can't help but cry. But in reality, a lot of that damage is just aoe fluff, and healing is just to get the medal. It also doesn't help that sorcs are one of the most common classes, and the one of the best pvp specs is also one of the best pve specs. We can do baller numbers, but when it comes to 1v1, especially against certain classes, we don't have a chance unless they other player is stupid and lets us play it our way (from a distance, not stunning, etc.).


Sadly, I think we'll be nerfed, and nerfed pretty hard. We aren't overpowered in pvp, nor are we underpowered. There is certainly a lot of utility and aoe damage, but there are also hard counters to our class that will fudge us up in seconds flat. This game isn't even a month old, people don't have everything figured out yet. At first glance, we might seem op, but if you actually know what you are talking about, we aren't.

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LOW DMG??? Mindless, moar... RLY

50 INQ's on BG, get down my full HP by only ONE!! 1 LIGHTING!

You got HEAL, SHIELD , STUN , movement speed rush...


Your great show of intellect has persuaded me to believe your post..................

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I think it is funny that people are saying this class op, when the fact they fair well in PVP has more to with the fact they can operate from a distance instead of having to be right square in the middle of the fray.


I would say from a pure DPS point of view my Jugg would destroy my Sorc. However, the Sorc has the advantage of dealing damage from a distance while my Jugg is trying to close the gap. Even with force jump as a Jugg all the Sorc needs to do stun and run and then withheld Jugg's force jump on a cool down the Sorc once again has the upper hand as the Jugg closes the gap.


Not to mention in PVP the ranged shooter classes can reach me (shoot me) at a distance far enough away from me that my force powers can't reach them. (I am only lvl 21 so not certain if this will change at some point) At this point I need to try and close the gap making myself more vulnerable to aaracks on multiple fronts as people start to see and notice me "moving out of the shadows" or run at which time I take myself out of the battle.


I love my Jugg, but melee just by its very nature is way handicapped in PVP. Very rarely do I ever see a melee class of any kind at or near the top of any leader board. I have seen maybe twice in the many many PVP session I've done a melee class at the very top.


In PVE, I would much rather have my Jugg for sure as he can deal some quick and heavy damage, but PVP I like the advantage of ranged and therefore prefer the SI.


Regardless the SI is hardly in need of a nerf, based upon my xp with the SI and the SW. Again their advantage is not to be found in DPS, but the fact they can stay out of the spot light and just deal damage from a distance.

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Sorc's are not weak in PvP, in fact if played right there one of the most deadly classes on the battlefield.



I'm not even spec'd "PvP" and get over 35 kills a match and I am always in the top 5 in damage.



You can't play this class like a tank, you need to play it "on the fringe". Pick off the players with low health and just cause general chaos.

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