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Game Update 5.7 and Beyond


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I don't actually hate the idea of comps being class-specific again. It brings more of an individual feel to the character. I like that. What I don't like is that there is no way to avoid the non-class-specific story in order to just get on with the game.


KotFE/ET is not a completely terrible story... the first time through, with a force user. Running it a second time, or at all with a non-force user is just torture. There is nothing new to experience and the story just doesn't make sense for half the classes in the game.


Basically, I want to get past the crud and (hopefully) back to the good stuff.

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So we have Corso and Risha back, great can we now have Kira and Jaesa please?
- sure .. you have Rusk, T7, Quinn, Vette, Broonmark, Pierce and want more from warrior and knight when Consular waited for important companions the most.


Don't expect much from Road Map .. there is still one more flashpoint coming (don't know when - should be February but ofc will be later .. sweet). You rly think they will now show big superb incoming expanion when Theron Shan thing with flashpoints mode didn't end yet?


Running it a second time, or at all with a non-force user is just torture
- maybe but with force user story is epic and VERY good. Edited by Trlance
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Last year around this same time, we had just had the 5.0 expansion -- and many players, including myself unsubbed. This year, we have had no expansion, trickle updates, and trickle content -- yet somehow the game feels healthier. And I am still subbed.


Not sure how long this feeling of goodwill will last. I hope the devs are working on something big. I can see myself getting bored in the next month.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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No. Eric said:




Iokath also takes place after ET. The requirement for Iokath is to be level 70 not to finsih ET. The new stronghold requirement was to do the Umbara flashpoint which takes place after ET. The requirement for the flashpoint was to start Iokath not finish ET. The next flashpoint requirement was not to finish ET. But the companion quest is to finish ET? It doesn't fit. It's inconsistent. They didn't think it through. As usual. And as usual, you are trolling.

What i see is someone who may not understand how timelines work. You are assuming way too much.

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The fact we now have 5 servers, and not 200 attests to it being de facto some very bad content.


Good content retains players, bad content loses players, the worst content decimates players.


Which did SWtoR go through?


For every person you can point to still playing who enjoyed KotFE/ET I can point to 10 or more who left and ain't playing, or paying, any more.


I'd like to see some of those players return - you telling Bioware everything is cool won't do that.


The ONLY people happy with how the game is right now are those who want the game closed down.


All The Best

Oh you've got to be kidding me. You're placing your self-derived importance on things with no credibility to support it. Good content vs bad content may account for a 1% population shift (not even saying a subscription shift), or it can account for a 50% shift. But YOU act like you know exact numbers, lol. What I know, for a fact, is that this next content release will focus on or around the "bad content" and people are still going to play it, so apparently it wasnt bad to everyone. Which brings me to the point you, and others, continue to ignore:


Good content is different for everyone. And until you understand that completely, you will never "get it." Perhaps you will continue to complain about a game as though it has wronged and scarred you in some form. Perhaps you may never be pleased because you cant see outside your own bubble of interests. I certainly hope it isnt the case, for your sake, but the way your posts indicate, i dont believe im far off. Im deeply concerned on a personal level.

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Well actually he is right... swtor are loosing people because of the content.. or should I say. Lack of content... what is this... a new ops? last time a new Flashpoint?

thats why people are cancelling their accounts... and i can understand that...


we will see if the company of EA will react, they really need to improve, i mean ok, the last jedi movie sucks a lot, but that has nothing to do that in swtor we had a lot of nice and very good written stories... even kotfe was really nice for me... but now?

anyway.. the guy was right... people like it because they want swtor to close... i cant imagine how much money i spend here, even before i Sub i spend more or less 500 euros.. for a game? I must be crazy.. but it was worth... everything... but now? no.. not anymore.. please Bioware.. well the new people from Bioware... give you self a push and put story, immersive ones.. i even dont want to bother you that i want my kira back.. but please do something, dont let us wait for so long, for just put a new ops or flashpoint...


Hugs from Toledo, Spain (dont understand why this game wasnt translate in spanish, beeing us 980 million spanish speakers, and germans only 82 millions)!!!

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They kept saying they were waiting because they wanted the Comp.'s returns to be Big, Memorable, Something good; was this what they considered "Big, Memorable and Something good? Was that just an excuse? C'mon B.W. even Guss and Bowdaar had better reunions then this and these are L.I.'s. If this is any indication of what's coming just tell us the truth (I'm betting most already know it anyway). Atleast with that said we wouldn't Expect any better only to be "Let Down".
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They kept saying they were waiting because they wanted the Comp.'s returns to be Big, Memorable, Something good; was this what they considered "Big, Memorable and Something good? Was that just an excuse? C'mon B.W. even Guss and Bowdaar had better reunions then this and these are L.I.'s. If this is any indication of what's coming just tell us the truth (I'm betting most already know it anyway). Atleast with that said we wouldn't Expect any better only to be "Let Down".


Lol, even Qyzen Fess alert has more content than those from 5.7...and thats saying something. There is no need in telling us something obvious though.

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In terms of the Roadmap, I'm hoping that they also mention content for Spring because if it is the Roadmap for just winter, at this rate it will probably be for February which is the shortest month of the year and given their track record for content around every two months, there probably won't be anything meaningful out of this coming roadmap if it is just for this particular season.
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why are you NOW making things class specific, especially with us still missing companions like Jaesa.... which i know EVERYONE will want on EVERY character, whats the logic here bioware? i can't wait till Chronicles of Elyria and Star Citizen come out, because you guys have completely ****ed this game.
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End they wonder why they are loosing people.....

There is a old saing....Whatever you do to yourself ,no one can do it to you!

2 end a half years for 2 min gamepley.....Nice job Biowear,,you are the best....till you sold your soul to your master

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Lol, even Qyzen Fess alert has more content than those from 5.7...and thats saying something.

I would've liked there to be more content for the recent returns, but I don't see the basis of this claim. There's zero new voice acting for the Qyzen alert. None for the PC, of course, and they reuse the same alien voice lines as always for him. (Not a coincidence I'm sure that all the Star Fortress companions also use alien VO.)

Edited by Estelindis
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The big “what is coming” type question will be addressed as always in Keith’s Roadmap, which is being worked on now. I would expect a few more weeks before you can read that.

Since it's been over two weeks since you said this, perhaps it's fair to ask what a few weeks means to you guys?

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I would've liked there to be more content for the recent returns, but I don't see the basis of this claim. There's zero new voice acting for the Qyzen alert. None for the PC, of course, and they reuse the same alien voice lines as always for him. (Not a coincidence I'm sure that all the Star Fortress companions also use alien VO.)


Basis? Content is not only voice acting....Qyzen's alert being so straightforward and grindy actually had more dialogue than I had with Andronikos....even if the voice acting was missing. It was a bad alert, but comparing it to those in 5.7...it was proper - a whole quest. Same goes to other like Xalek....Alert used to mean more than 2-3 lines of generic dialogue options which most of the times makes absolutely no sense...."oh hey i was raiding your ships for years, but i didnt know it was you....wanna team up again?k, then fine, lets go aaand you wont hear from me ever again for the rest of the game"......

Not only total lack of content but total lack of imaginative and immersive storytelling. I love voice acting but sorry, 2 minutes of it doesn't qualify as enough...not even close.

Edited by ExarSun
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Basis? Content is not only voice acting....Qyzen's alert being so straightforward and grindy actually had more dialogue than I had with Andronikos....even if the voice acting was missing. It was a bad alert, but comparing it to those in 5.7...it was proper - a whole quest. Same goes to other like Xalek....Alert used to mean more than 2-3 lines of generic dialogue options which most of the times makes absolutely no sense...."oh hey i was raiding your ships for years, but i didnt know it was you....wanna team up again?k, then fine, lets go aaand you wont hear from me ever again for the rest of the game"......

Not only total lack of content but total lack of imaginative and immersive storytelling. I love voice acting but sorry, 2 minutes of it doesn't qualify as enough...not even close.

Okay, I agree that voice acting isn't everything. At the same time, it is important to me when we get our characters' LI back. I would hate to be silent at a moment like that.


I personally didn't feel like Qyzen had a better reason than Andronikos to be gone... From the sounds of things, Andronikos was trying to save the PC. (Why Lana couldn't have coordinated with the PC's LI and close companions for the rescue mission, I may never understand. It's not like there was a shortage of people who would've wanted to help.)


But yes, some alliance alerts are better than others. I really liked the one with Talos, for example. That was him to a T. Doing something that actually relates to the character's personality and background is ideal. Still, the personal connection between a PC and their LI is such that I don't feel there necessarily has to be a mission. Them being reunited is sort of mission enough. I'd like more dialogue talking about their time apart, how their experiences marked them, how they feel at reuniting, etc. Or, if there was to be a mission, I'd quite like us to rescue our LIs for once... You know, to actually have the search for the LI finally succeed, find they're in trouble they can't get out of, and ride in like some conquering avenger. Depending on how it would be written, I could be all over that.

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But yes, some alliance alerts are better than others. I really liked the one with Talos, for example. That was him to a T. Doing something that actually relates to the character's personality and background is ideal. Still, the personal connection between a PC and their LI is such that I don't feel there necessarily has to be a mission. Them being reunited is sort of mission enough. I'd like more dialogue talking about their time apart, how their experiences marked them, how they feel at reuniting, etc. Or, if there was to be a mission, I'd quite like us to rescue our LIs for once... You know, to actually have the search for the LI finally succeed, find they're in trouble they can't get out of, and ride in like some conquering avenger. Depending on how it would be written, I could be all over that.


This is what I wanted, too. A proper Alliance alert. I get that we can't have whole chapters for each returning companion, not even when they're LIs (although I wish we could!), but really, two minutes of cutscenes just isn't good enough.

I love your idea of the player character for once being able to do something pro-active as in going to rescue their old companion from some suitable situation.

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So...what's next?


This one Ops boss isn't going to tide players over for long because those who can get to him, can surely beat him...and the CM pack was utterly disappointing. Those were the two BIG highlights of 5.7...

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So that's the thing, if you skip KotXX, which I fully understand, then your class companions remain in place, as if KotXX never happened.

Now, it hardly makes sense for them to 'return', if they never left in the first place.

So from a story point of view it makes sense to tie it to KotXX, I think it's just over the top to tie it to finishing KotET.



Even the conversation with Risha/Corso makes more sense as it would happen in the middle of KotFE, lets' say Chapter 9, rather than at the end of KotET.


Except even though I skip KotFE/ET it did still happen. I just skip playing it but Iokath and onwards are based on what happened in KotFE/ET so you can't say that it never happened. It just never registered. That's why I am for auto-completion of KotFE/ET when you start Iokath.

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why are you NOW making things class specific, especially with us still missing companions like Jaesa.... which i know EVERYONE will want on EVERY character, whats the logic here bioware? i can't wait till Chronicles of Elyria and Star Citizen come out, because you guys have completely ****ed this game.


I don't want her on my characters so not everyone wants her.

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Okay, I agree that voice acting isn't everything. At the same time, it is important to me when we get our characters' LI back. I would hate to be silent at a moment like that.


I personally didn't feel like Qyzen had a better reason than Andronikos to be gone... From the sounds of things, Andronikos was trying to save the PC. (Why Lana couldn't have coordinated with the PC's LI and close companions for the rescue mission, I may never understand. It's not like there was a shortage of people who would've wanted to help.)


But yes, some alliance alerts are better than others. I really liked the one with Talos, for example. That was him to a T. Doing something that actually relates to the character's personality and background is ideal. Still, the personal connection between a PC and their LI is such that I don't feel there necessarily has to be a mission. Them being reunited is sort of mission enough. I'd like more dialogue talking about their time apart, how their experiences marked them, how they feel at reuniting, etc. Or, if there was to be a mission, I'd quite like us to rescue our LIs for once... You know, to actually have the search for the LI finally succeed, find they're in trouble they can't get out of, and ride in like some conquering avenger. Depending on how it would be written, I could be all over that.

I am not at all against voice acted alert, on the contrary...but not like this. This was so generic...so nonsensical, no to say a ridiculous 2 minute conversation. The only one I liked was Vette, and even then I thought 2 dialogues with her for a whole mission wasn't enough, but at last there was some interaction.

Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2! This is how returning old LI Companions SHOULD BE INTRODUCED. But that was long time ago, when game studios had the desire and ability to produce something amazing in that aspect of the game.

I have totally no hope this dev team can write a meaningful companion return, considering wanting to properly introduce companions and making us wait 2 years for that led to 2 minute nonsense dialogue cutscene. Where is the interaction with your companion??........Putting this aside, this is the content for 2-3 months?? Along with a last year boss we roflstomped in couple of minutes after the guys decided to stop jerking around..... O yeah...them CM pack items...

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And I see a troll that tries too hard to be contrary.

1) i dont troll, i tell it how i see it. And like content in swtor, everyone receives my posts differently, so youre view of my posts may not be the majority.


2) its not hard to be contrary with the poor, assumptive comments and complaints that flood the forums. I barely extend any effort to find issues with what people complain about. And the passion begind their unsupported complaints are ridiculous. Makes me wonder how blue in the face they would get if i told them the earth was round.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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1) i dont troll, i tell it how i see it. And like content in swtor, everyone receives my posts differently, so youre view of my posts may not be the majority.

I'm confident he's got the majority opinion on this one.

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