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Death of a Game.


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That he felt he had to explain at the end why he thought it was dead or dying (instead of letting the facts speak for themselves as he said he usually did) makes me question whether it is or whether it is his own personal bias. He stated facts that showed a decline in population, which everyone knows. But he also said Bioware did the right thing business wise by focusing on story which was their strength. Whether a game is dead or dying depends on whether people are trying it out or not and clearly from what I have seen in chat, there are a lot of players trying out the story for the first time (lots of I'm having problems with this story quest type questions). I guess whether it is dying or not would depend on which part of MMO/RPG you play and your own personal biases.
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That he felt he had to explain at the end why he thought it was dead or dying (instead of letting the facts speak for themselves as he said he usually did) makes me question whether it is or whether it is his own personal bias. He stated facts that showed a decline in population, which everyone knows. But he also said Bioware did the right thing business wise by focusing on story which was their strength. Whether a game is dead or dying depends on whether people are trying it out or not and clearly from what I have seen in chat, there are a lot of players trying out the story for the first time (lots of I'm having problems with this story quest type questions). I guess whether it is dying or not would depend on which part of MMO/RPG you play and your own personal biases.

There are always two parts that are important - gaining new or returning players and then holding on to them.


I think with going to story they did pretty well on the first part, but they failed at the second part. The reason being that for many the new stories weren't as good and were basically written around one class which doesn't fit all of the rest that well.


So they didn't return to story the way they did it before, which is what I think a lot of people wanted. As far as endgame is concerned, I think Bioware felt they couldn't keep up wit the demand but where they raised all FPs and Ops to level 65 and then 70 as endgame, they completely and utterly failed at balancing them to fit player groups and came up with bad to worse reward systems.


Whether the game is dying or not isn't a question. All games die. SWTOR is also dying and it will die at some point. It's what happens. Even WoW will die. The question is how close is the game to it's end?


The reason I find that question interesting is related directly to my willingness to put money into this game. I pay a sub and use some direct sales for things that I want to use or sell right away to improve my current game experience. I do not invest into the game for the future anymore because I haven't gottten any signs from Bioware that they are interested in more than just keeping it alive as long as they can turn some profit from it.


I get the feeling this video will probably not have said anything that hasn't been said here before a 100 times already.


We're down to 5 servers and Bioware hasn't figure out yet what they can do to make the population grow or stabilise long enough to gain some confidence. I think that will be a key element this year. At least we know with the server merges that they no longer expect to be able to fill more than 5 servers in their best case scenario.


Make of that what you will.

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When I first saw this video in my youtube recommendations list, my first thought was "OMG. 45 minutes of bashing. Not gonna watch that." Well, I'll admit it, I was wrong. Everything in the video as stated is 100% correct. No bashing just a dispassionate albeit opinionated assessment of SWTOR. There was only one thing he said that was factually wrong: he claimed that KOTFE (4.0) saw the introduction of Galactic Command when in fact it was KOTET (5.0).


That said, it is a STAR WARS RPG and until another STAR WARS RPG is released, SWTOR will keep on truckin'. It will have a small yet loyal subscription base and it will consistently get new and returning players to play for a month or two which means that the overall population will remain roughly the same over time.

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i don't listen to people who say this game is dying, if you think its dying leave the game and click delete and dont ever come back or stop your ************ and ****


All MMOs are dying. They begin to die as soon as they launch. How long they remain in their death throes is the real question. And some of them have the plug pulled unexpectedly even after a roadmap is issued right beforehand (Vanguard and Wizardry Online I am looking at you). So at the end of the day an MMO will live only so long as the publishing company deems it is worth keeping alive.


That being said, from a practical standpoint, SWTOR isn't dying, but it is very stagnant right now, and has been since 3.0.

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i don't listen to people who say this game is dying, if you think its dying leave the game and click delete and dont ever come back or stop your ************ and ****


If they do what you want them to do, does that not contribute to the very thing you refuse to believe?


It is silly to ask doomsayers to leave. By doing so they simply bring about the very thing they contend. Instead we should be encouraging folks to KEEP PLAYING.


If I had my way....I would make it against forum rules to bully players into leaving the game by making posts such as these. But of course I do not make the rules, and folks can comment in any manner they choose.

Edited by LordArtemis
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This is an interesting watch, do yall agree or disagree with what he says?


It was interesting.


I can't say I agree 100% with it all but for the most part he is right and way more right than wrong. It's worth the watch to understand why swtor is in the poor state that it's in.


I'd love to hear bioware's take on it but then I think, what can they really say? So much of it is 100% dead on and factual, there isn't really anything bioware can say. Just nod their head in agreement is about it.

Edited by Quraswren
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When I first saw this video in my youtube recommendations list, my first thought was "OMG. 45 minutes of bashing. Not gonna watch that." Well, I'll admit it, I was wrong. Everything in the video as stated is 100% correct. No bashing just a dispassionate albeit opinionated assessment of SWTOR. There was only one thing he said that was factually wrong: he claimed that KOTFE (4.0) saw the introduction of Galactic Command when in fact it was KOTET (5.0).


That said, it is a STAR WARS RPG and until another STAR WARS RPG is released, SWTOR will keep on truckin'. It will have a small yet loyal subscription base and it will consistently get new and returning players to play for a month or two which means that the overall population will remain roughly the same over time.

Thank God you watched it...I'll accept your opinion and save myself an hour :)


And I agree with your closing statement.

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This is an interesting watch, do yall agree or disagree with what he says?


I saw it, didnt really think he had any major accuracies. Yes the gameis in a down turn, but not for the reasons he stated. And honestly, I think it is a little early to do a death video about this game. It is still pretty decently placed in list of MMOs.


Now with that said, I think they need to makes some drastic changes to keep this game from eventually swirling down the toilet.

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Wow.. sub must be on my last day. Much like content communications it's telling me it's coming "Soon". :D


Watched the video - I agree it has some points that are sort of invalid, but a MAJORITY of his commentary is correct.


The game has shifted to maintenance mode (While ago) and now it's just in the milk whales for every penny before they leave via the CM. I do agree that F2P and CM did save the game briefly, but the lack of content for an MMO is just plain and simple "Death of ANY MMO Game" and SWTOR is falling faster than before.


Best wishes to all my friends and fellow players. I hope to return some day, but right now it might not looking good.


May the Force be with you!

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Wow.. sub must be on my last day. Much like content communications it's telling me it's coming "Soon". :D


Watched the video - I agree it has some points that are sort of invalid, but a MAJORITY of his commentary is correct.


The game has shifted to maintenance mode (While ago) and now it's just in the milk whales for every penny before they leave via the CM. I do agree that F2P and CM did save the game briefly, but the lack of content for an MMO is just plain and simple "Death of ANY MMO Game" and SWTOR is falling faster than before.


Best wishes to all my friends and fellow players. I hope to return some day, but right now it might not looking good.


May the Force be with you!

This and better yet Star Wars is dying.


Battlefront 2 is the biggest bomb in gaming. TLJ is hated by most of the fanbase, and TOR is on maintenance mode and I wouldn't be shocked if they come out and say it's shutting down very soon.


Really if this game had been an MMO like SWG non of the issues would have popped up. Or if Bioware supported the raiders and pvpers two of the most hardcore player bases who can get people into the game. This is why TOR will be a sad footnote and WoW/FFXIV will be remembered as some of the best games made.

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This is an interesting watch, do yall agree or disagree with what he says?


Today is my last day of current subscription......

when i will return.... Keith and Eric can only decide.....

If they start communicating and not miscommunicating:mad:

Edited by Nebdar
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