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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Little tips and tricks that you didn't know..


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Sorry if this has been posted already...


If you have auto-loot on and you see you have received a green, blue, purple etc drop you can hold Shift and right-click to override the auto-loot and see what you got in the normal loot fashion.


It's nice that you don't have to stop and open your inventory to see what the drop was.

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  • You can craft with materials that are in your bank, there's no need to carry them with you.
  • Med Units not only heal both you and your companion, but will revive your companion in combat.
  • Pressing shift and dragging with your left mouse button will split a stack, but it will also link the item in chat. To avoid that, press shift and drag with your right mouse button instead.
  • Don't forget Command Stims. They really boost the effectiveness of your companions. At 32 they increase your Presence by 60 which gives a huge boost to companion HP and damage.
  • Have unused commendations from planets you've out leveled? Items you buy from commendation merchants aren't bound so you can either sell them on the market or mail them to your alts.
  • Do your space missions as they become available. The dailies give larger fleet commendation rewards and waiting to do these at 50 will mean a longer wait till you can get your ship gear that grants abilities in combat.
  • Doing every quest on a planet will leave you significantly over leveled for the next one. Aim to leave the planet when you have reached the end of it's level range. Nar Shaddaa is 20-24, Tatooine is 24-28.. You should head to Tatooine at 24-25, preferrably at 25 once you have a mount. This will make leveling alts more tolerable as you can do side quests you skipped the first time through. Doing every quest however is a good source of income.
  • Don't blindly buy all of your skill upgrades as they become available. Make sure they're ones you actually use as the price on these jump up dramatically.

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Sorry if this has been posted already...


If you have auto-loot on and you see you have received a green, blue, purple etc drop you can hold Shift and right-click to override the auto-loot and see what you got in the normal loot fashion.


It's nice that you don't have to stop and open your inventory to see what the drop was.


Or just look at chat to see what it is.

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Fantastic thread, discovered lots of new and helpful little things. A couple brief additions:


In Settings you can set tab targetting to select the enemy in the center of your screen, which removes the randomness of tab targetting and is a little faster than trying to click on a small/moving target.


If you cancel a crew skill mission midway through (including crafting), you get a full refund (like OH CRAP, I need my companion for this fight which just popped up!)


If you dont' want to anger your companion, send them on a mission before dialogue. Very useful if you have a goody twoshoes companion and you want to do some dirty deeds. (be careful, however, if mission completes mid-dialogue, they appear back at your side and will like/dislike your actions as normal).


If you choose something in dialogue and don't like the resulting affection change for your companion, press escape and you will restart the conversation to give you a fresh chance to try again.


Planetary commendations can NOT be traded up or down for other commendations. This was possible in Beta and so a lot of sites say it is possible, but it was removed for launch to prevent hoarding.


You can start moving with your mount the moment the animation COMPLETES, not when your mount appears like in WOW.

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in a party the other night an one of the members was able to put a crosshair over the mob they were fighting. this was extreamly helpfull to focus fire and so the Tank could work on keeping the Attn of the other 2 or 3 mobs that weren't getting killed quickly. anyone know how to do this or was this a BH/Agent ability?
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in a party the other night an one of the members was able to put a crosshair over the mob they were fighting. this was extreamly helpfull to focus fire and so the Tank could work on keeping the Attn of the other 2 or 3 mobs that weren't getting killed quickly. anyone know how to do this or was this a BH/Agent ability?


The party leader can place marks on targets.


There is also a social item you can buy (I think in the Kaas City cantina) that lets you put a mark on your enemy target.


There might also be a class ability (like the mark by WoW hunters) but I don't know for sure.

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The party leader can place marks on targets.


There is also a social item you can buy (I think in the Kaas City cantina) that lets you put a mark on your enemy target.


There might also be a class ability (like the mark by WoW hunters) but I don't know for sure.


Doesnt have to be party leader. Anyone in group can do it. Just right click the targets portrait and there are options for it in there.

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Doesnt have to be party leader. Anyone in group can do it. Just right click the targets portrait and there are options for it in there.


Oh, my bad then. I thought I tried that when I wasn't the party leader and couldn't. Must've been half-asleep.

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Oh, my bad then. I thought I tried that when I wasn't the party leader and couldn't. Must've been half-asleep.


I do it frequently to mark which mob I'm going to CC while tank will mark his target etc. I know it works but dunno if there's a way a leader can restrict it.

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Re: PvP and Keybinds:


One key to successful PvP is to be able to access your abilities quickly and efficiently.


Rebind the following keys on your keybard

1 2 3 4




These give you 12 buttons to attach powers to by remapping your hotbar slots to those keys.

Coincidentally, there are 12 slots per action bar.


Go into prefernces and go to hotkeys. Assign hotkeys in order 1,2,3,4,q,e,r,f,z,x,c,v to your main action bar. You will notice that these letters are now shown on your main action bar in place of the 1,2,...0,-,+ chars.


Now do the same thing with the second and third action bars but assign the CTRL modifier to the second, and the ALT modifier to the third. You will now notice that your other action bars have C+ and A+ prefixes to those buttons.


Now allocate 36 abilities to those quickslots. Be ogranized about it. Put 'timing critical' powers in R and F. Normal attacks can go in 1-4. assign a class of abilities to bottom row. For the CTRL and ALT modifier buttons, maybe put defensive abilities in the ALT slots, and offensive onces in ctrl. Plan it out accordingly so that the arrangement makes sense.


Now play a few rounds of PvP. you WILL be hunting for keys at first, but as you get better you will notice which keys you use more often and which keys can go off to the side. You may also notice that your 'panic' powers need to be more acessable, so put it in the most accessable spot.


Tune placement over time, and relize when you move stuff around, you'll need to retrain yourself, but in the long run it will probably be a better arrangement.


Hope this helps.


Edit: you can strafe by holding the right mouse button and using the A and D keys. In fact i never really use the A and D to turn my character, I just hold my RMB down and point myself where i want to go.


Thank you,


no one else made it this clear. Can you make the keybinds to anykeys. ?? Dont ask me why but id rather use the whole keyboard, including function keys, and key pad. Is that possible?

Edited by sankalp
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when taking cover the vertical angle of the enemy also counts, not just horizontal.


what I mean it: when you're taking cover and are above the enemy in front of you, they'll barely hit you. when THEY are above you, they'll hit you even more often than on a level surface

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You can solo Flashpoints that are grey in your quest log (below your level range) to easily obtain Orange gear, now simply replace the low level mods with some that fit your current level and you're ready for a night on the town in your hot new outfit that other guy ninja'd the first time you ran the FP. :p
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in the preferences, you can enable the tooltip comparison for equipment/gear for your active companion so you can compare an item to your active companion's gear in addition to yours. (this really should be defaulted to "on", not sure why they defaulted it to "off").


i love you

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I found that my companion T7-O1 will walk into mobs and place me in combat when all I want to do is get out quickly either because I'm done with the area or I'm in over my head.

What I do is let him die and then right click on his icon and dismiss him and then summon him, this instantly puts him at full health.

Also when your actively going after that hard to get Datacron dismiss your companion because if an enemy respawns where you jumped up you will be in combat instantly and some mobs are very persistent about continuing to shoot at you and they do it at the most annoying times .

Edited by rosefirelite
miss spelling
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When purchasing items from a vendor en masse simply follow the split stack technique.


In vendor pane shift+click+drag an item which brings up a stack size dialog. Hit ok and click to place the stack to an open slot in your inventory.


Great thread, even as an experienced MMO player I picked up a few tips.

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Had a good look through some of the posts, couldn't see one mentioning the view distance. (Or maybe it's common knowledge?!)


You can increase your view distance (how far the camera zooms away from your character) in the preferences.


Nice thread! :D

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