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And So My Crusade Continues (With A Giveaway)... Why Are Twi'lek Being Ignored?


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Again my hopes have been dashed, having hoped so fiery that the eye fixes of today's patch (which I sigh a bit about as I loved what they were pre-5.6.1 and now they are better than pre-5.6 but not as good as we had before this patch) would also include Twi'lek into the new eye colours from the Expanded Selections appearance customization bundle (by extension also the Togruta and Rattataki, as they deserve at least some new eye colours as well).


Why is it so difficult to include the Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki into the eye colours from the new bundle? I am honestly curious about it, as I want to know if it's a technical difficulty or something else. I just have a hard time understanding why Mirialans could get the eye colours, why Cathar could get a unique design of the eye colour to them... but Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki couldn't. Why? I just don't understand, I can't logically deduce why those mentioned races would be excluded from the new eye colours from the latest appearance customization options bundle.


I have been asking for an answer from the developers for some time now, as it is something that causes much disquiet within me. I have dreamed of yellow Sith/Acina-inspired eye ever since I saw them on Acina in KotET and before that on Arcann and Valkorion in KotFE. I have crusaded so hard for such an appearance customization always highlighting how important it was to include Twi'lek, Togruta and Mirialans into such an appearance customization option since Bright Yellow Eyes was unavailable to them. Then the Acina/Sith-inspired eye come out... but the character you wanted them for so badly is a Twi'lek and can't have the eye colour. It is so frustrating, so insanely frustrating :( it is there, within my reach, but I can't get it.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Would you kindly stop making thread after thread after thread? It's getting to the point of spam. Look - I want twi'leks (and purebloods and rattataki) to have these new eye colors. I think they would look amazing with it; can't understand why they've been left out, either. But please stop spamming it around General Discussion. We do not need a new thread every three days. Updating one of your older threads would suffice; it's not necro'ing a thread if it's barely a few days old/weeks old.
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Would you kindly stop making thread after thread after thread? It's getting to the point of spam. Look - I want twi'leks (and purebloods and rattataki) to have these new eye colors. I think they would look amazing with it; can't understand why they've been left out, either. But please stop spamming it around General Discussion. We do not need a new thread every three days. Updating one of your older threads would suffice; it's not necro'ing a thread if it's barely a few days old/weeks old.


Sir Buzzkillington,


It wouldn't be a crusade then, would it?

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Would you kindly stop making thread after thread after thread? It's getting to the point of spam. Look - I want twi'leks (and purebloods and rattataki) to have these new eye colors. I think they would look amazing with it; can't understand why they've been left out, either. But please stop spamming it around General Discussion. We do not need a new thread every three days. Updating one of your older threads would suffice; it's not necro'ing a thread if it's barely a few days old/weeks old.


Then I will kindly listen to your request and only continue updating this thread from now on, but you must understand how passionate I feel about this subject. I have been desperate to get an answer from the developers as to the reasoning, which is why I may have overdone the amount of threads I made about this subject (I fully agree). Therefore, my apologies, but nonetheless I hope that people will continue to support the notion and subject :)

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Sir Buzzkillington,


It wouldn't be a crusade then, would it?


I suppose if it worked for Jedi Robes Guy after five years of whining... :p Let's hope this change doesn't take another five years. I do agree, it should be done - these species should have the new eye colors - but argh, I hope it doesn't take another five years...


(Also, "Sir Buzzkillington"? I so want that title in-game... Let's see, for my collection of titles, so far I have "Jagaimee the Mini-Mod," "Sir Buzzkillington," "Grammar Police," "Grand Admiral"...I'm acquiring quite the repertoire. :cool:)


Then I will kindly listen to your request and only continue updating this thread from now on, but you must understand how passionate I feel about this subject. I have been desperate to get an answer from the developers as to the reasoning, which is why I may have overdone the amount of threads I made about this subject (I fully agree). Therefore, my apologies, but nonetheless I hope that people will continue to support the notion and subject :)


Thank you.

Edited by Jagaimee
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It isn't too much to want other races beside humans to see some love.They have ignored the majority of them for far to long. Dedicate an intern to seeing what new race changes can be applied to non humans.


I'm sure they can claim certain races wouldn't have certain eye and hair colors. But I'm pretty dang sure they will still have hair dye and colored contacts among all that futuristic technology. I mean if they can build a robotic hand and eyes it can't be that difficult for a species to get eye colors from some shady back alley surgeon.

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It worked for traditional Jedi robes.


May I suggest some form of give away for people supporting you to keep the thread bumped.


Alright, I will be a sport and go along with that suggestion. Rest assured that I promise to uphold my end of the bargain regarding it, should indeed the Twi'lek be included into the three new eye colours from the Expanded Selections customization bundle. I do hope you'll forgive me however if my giveaway prize won't be as high as the Traditional Jedi robes one. I simply don't have 1 billion credits :p So...


I hereby declare that I will giveaway 100 million credits (100.000.000 credits precisely) the moment that Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki (or at least the Twi'lek species) will be included into the three new Sith/Acina-inspired eye colours from the Expanded Selections appearance customization bundle. The day I will be able to go to the Character Designer and change my Twi'lek Sith Sorcerer's eye colour to one of those three yellow hued eye colours, is the day that the giveaway will be held. Anyone who posts after this post will be considered a part of the giveaway and added to a list from which I will draw 1 winner. In order to have it all happen fairly and to be able to prove it will happen fairly, I will make a video of the winner drawing and post it on Youtube with a link available here, including the handing over of the prize (if the winner agrees to that).


There, and now I will sit and hope my dream of adding the finishing touch to my Twi'lek Sith Sorcerer will come true.

Edited by Ylliarus
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It worked for traditional Jedi robes.


May I suggest some form of give away for people supporting you to keep the thread bumped.

BILLIONS of credits helps the cause...you don't need to pay it, but it certainly helps get people on ur side!


edit: FIRST :D

Edited by TUXs
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BILLIONS of credits helps the cause...you don't need to pay it, but it certainly helps get people on ur side!


edit: FIRST :D


And we have our first entry into the giveaway :D may the odds be ever in your favour...

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I'm still in support of this and still feel that not just eyes but a wide variety of customization should be opened up to all species it makes sense for. Hairstyles/colors, tattoos, makeups, the works. Really the content is already there, there's nothing new to create, it's just a matter of making those cosmetics accessible to a larger audience.
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What do we want? Twi'lek headgear

When do we want it? Now!





I admire your spirit, you should get 2 entries for the cheer! But it's EYES...not headgear...the new eye colors...headgear is an entirely different thread. ;)

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Rattataki, according to wookieepedia, have only grey and white as their legends canon eye color. :/ I support it for other races, though!


(And I really wouldn't mind if they added it for rattataki, but going against canon might set an unpleasant example... I don't want to see a chiss with yellow eyes walking around the fleet one day. :p)

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Rattataki, according to wookieepedia, have only grey and white as their legends canon eye color. :/ I support it for other races, though!


(And I really wouldn't mind if they added it for rattataki, but going against canon might set an unpleasant example... I don't want to see a chiss with yellow eyes walking around the fleet one day. :p)


Well, the new eyes are Sith eyes - yellow/gold/red/orange mixed together. They're dark-side eyes, not natural colors. So it's not really going against canon in that case (for rattataki, at least! For chiss...ick, no; chiss have pure/mono-colored red eyes, no exceptions). Sure beats having to toggle that idiotic dark/light button to stay at Dark I or whatever for orange/yellow eyes...

Edited by Jagaimee
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Again my hopes have been dashed, having hoped so fiery that the eye fixes of today's patch (which I sigh a bit about as I loved what they were pre-5.6.1 and now they are better than pre-5.6 but not as good as we had before this patch) would also include Twi'lek into the new eye colours from the Expanded Selections appearance customization bundle (by extension also the Togruta and Rattataki, as they deserve at least some new eye colours as well).


Why is it so difficult to include the Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki into the eye colours from the new bundle? I am honestly curious about it, as I want to know if it's a technical difficulty or something else. I just have a hard time understanding why Mirialans could get the eye colours, why Cathar could get a unique design of the eye colour to them... but Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki couldn't. Why? I just don't understand, I can't logically deduce why those mentioned races would be excluded from the new eye colours from the latest appearance customization options bundle.


I have been asking for an answer from the developers for some time now, as it is something that causes much disquiet within me. I have dreamed of yellow Sith/Acina-inspired eye ever since I saw them on Acina in KotET and before that on Arcann and Valkorion in KotFE. I have crusaded so hard for such an appearance customization always highlighting how important it was to include Twi'lek, Togruta and Mirialans into such an appearance customization option since Bright Yellow Eyes was unavailable to them. Then the Acina/Sith-inspired eye come out... but the character you wanted them for so badly is a Twi'lek and can't have the eye colour. It is so frustrating, so insanely frustrating :( it is there, within my reach, but I can't get it.


Addition to original post:



Alright, I will be a sport and go along with that suggestion. Rest assured that I promise to uphold my end of the bargain regarding it, should indeed the Twi'lek be included into the three new eye colours from the Expanded Selections customization bundle. I do hope you'll forgive me however if my giveaway prize won't be as high as the Traditional Jedi robes one. I simply don't have 1 billion credits :p So...


I hereby declare that I will giveaway 100 million credits (100.000.000 credits precisely) the moment that Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki (or at least the Twi'lek species) will be included into the three new Sith/Acina-inspired eye colours from the Expanded Selections appearance customization bundle. The day I will be able to go to the Character Designer and change my Twi'lek Sith Sorcerer's eye colour to one of those three yellow hued eye colours, is the day that the giveaway will be held. In order to have it all happen fairly and to be able to prove it will happen fairly, I will make a video of the winner drawing and post it on Youtube with a link available here, including the handing over of the prize (if the winner agrees to that).


There, and now I will sit and hope my dream of adding the finishing touch to my Twi'lek Sith Sorcerer will come true.


Did you ever stop to think maybe, just maybe not all eye colors are compatible with every species in game?

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I admire your spirit, you should get 2 entries for the cheer! But it's EYES...not headgear...the new eye colors...headgear is an entirely different thread. ;)


No! Don't take away our power! The Twi'lek have been discriminated against in many ways and separating the issues just softens our voices. We can talk about both eyes and lousy headgear all at the same time and with equal outrage.


BW can ignore Twi'leks, but we can speak for them. We can champion their dignity and their very spirit!


Do not turn your head to avoid broken hats, severed lekku, or unvaried eyes! Speak for those who have been reduced to pixels without a voice!



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