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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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They actually do! :)


When 5.0 dropped, people realized that ranked was one of the best sources of CXP when you factor in its really short time investment. So all of the little PVEers queued up, went AFK, and we reported them. One by one, they vanished until the fear became enough to keep them away for good. I haven't seen a troll in ranked, in like 9 months, tbqh. So, go ahead and go AFK in ranked, if you want. You'll get the double-whammy of your account being sanctioned while your guild gets called out in fleet chat. :D


...and, for the rest of the story: Our queue times went back to an hour or more.

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You literally just said that the crate drops are low, yet for some reason you are "forced" to do high difficulty content.


No one is forcing you to do that content.

No one is forcing you to spend any credits on augments.

No one is forcing you to do anything.

Play however you would like to play, get the mats however you want to get them. And then craft them yourself.


Will it take longer? Of course. But please don't say you are being forced to do anything, because you very clearly are not.


The drop rate is near 1% lol, it's not a source AT ALL. To make 9 augments i will have to open dozens of crates are you joking? Buying it from gtn requires millions of credits. This means that if i want to be competitive in pvp ill have to spend millions of credits or months of farming crates which is ridiculous! If i do t want to have such pain iam forced to have a pain in ranked which is toxic, available for fotm classes only or NiM which requires looking for a damn skilled group, convincing that iam a worth player, and doing so much n every NiM run.


THEY must have provide such rewards for regular wrzs and HM operations. Yes the quantity of drops should be lower than in ranked or NiM since regs and hm operations are easier BUT still it must give us an opportunity to get some mats for content WE WANT TO PLAY rather than playing the content THEY WANT US TO PLAY.


Besides, because of this ranked will be full of bad players afk'ing, dying fast just for mats purposes which will cause even more toxicity. Same with NiM operations.

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I have no problem doing MM OPs, it's just finding a group that is good enough to do it and isn't complete jerks when it comes to the loot. That is not easy nowadays. I don't want to waste hours of my time doing a MM OP just to have the group wipe all the time, someone drops then waiting for another person to replace them, or even the group giving up and not even completing the OP. Sorry, been down that road too many times over the past years and just don't want the hassle yet again.


I have no problem doing PVP, though I loathe it most of the time. No, the problem is that RANKED PVP is a very toxic environment. If you don't have the best gear, augments, utilities reset to PVP, correct PVP rotation for your class and etc.... People go AFK because they don't want to listen to the stuff spewed in chat. They figure why bother when if I play, I'll get yelled at because I'm not as good as them or because the team lost. If I go AFK, I'll get yelled at as well. So, I won't play so at least what they're yelling about is a valid reason.


Also, it isn't just Ranked PVP, it is GROUPED RANKED PVP. Some would think this is better, but for those of us that are in Guilds that don't have many that PVP players, or don't like PUG grouping, this makes the whole situation that much worse. The least BW could've done when making Ranked PVP a requirement was to not also put the GROUP aspect to it.


But meh, if I get the items needed to make the augments, great. If not, I'm not going to worry about it. I'll probably just sell the raw items needed instead of the component itself when the market adjusts itself. Right now the augments are going for anywhere from 12 mil - 30 mil. Ridiculous.


EV/KP are face roll easy. 236 geared can clear. I've had a 229 tank in it. I find these complaints to lack merit.

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Do that in ranked and you'll be reported. You won't be farming much with your account suspended.


The bots on Yavin 4 have been reported for 3-4 years now and nothing has happened to them.


I'll take my chances goofing off in a WZ running around like a chicken with my head cut off healing only with force wave when it comes off CD.


If bioware wants to design stupidly, Thats how I'll play their design.

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The bots on Yavin 4 have been reported for 3-4 years now and nothing has happened to them..


Um, no, they've been banned over and over again. They just come back on new accounts. Even if you were right (you aren't), that has nothing to do with the fact that if you troll ranked PVP, you'll be reported and punished.

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The drop rate is near 1% lol, it's not a source AT ALL. To make 9 augments i will have to open dozens of crates are you joking? Buying it from gtn requires millions of credits. This means that if i want to be competitive in pvp ill have to spend millions of credits or months of farming crates which is ridiculous! If i do t want to have such pain iam forced to have a pain in ranked which is toxic, available for fotm classes only or NiM which requires looking for a damn skilled group, convincing that iam a worth player, and doing so much n every NiM run.


THEY must have provide such rewards for regular wrzs and HM operations. Yes the quantity of drops should be lower than in ranked or NiM since regs and hm operations are easier BUT still it must give us an opportunity to get some mats for content WE WANT TO PLAY rather than playing the content THEY WANT US TO PLAY.


Besides, because of this ranked will be full of bad players afk'ing, dying fast just for mats purposes which will cause even more toxicity. Same with NiM operations.


Or it will break the elitist behaviour of other players because they will be either outnumbered by more regular skilled players or brought to an even number :) It is a clear intent of the Developers to break through the elitist wall ranked PvP'ers have built up by motivating more regular players to queue and participate in ranked as well.

Edited by Ylliarus
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MM Ops can be cleared now without them. They're not that much of an edge in PvP, either - the 462 Power you get from a full set adds up to a whopping 106 bonus damage.


Anybody trolling RPvP just to farm components are shtbags just looking for an excuse to be a shtbag. If you're not already running MM Ops or are a top contender in RPvP as of two days ago, you don't need the new augments. Get tf over it.

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Um, no, they've been banned over and over again. They just come back on new accounts. Even if you were right (you aren't), that has nothing to do with the fact that if you troll ranked PVP, you'll be reported and punished.


Ugh wrong.


The bots are the same and have the same names and the exact same achievements and gear. They have never been banned. You are mistaken.


I'll take my chances in ranked. As I said, if they want to design stupidly, thats how I'll play it and I'd wager not a thing will happen.

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Ugh wrong.


The bots are the same and have the same names and the exact same achievements and gear. They have never been banned. You are mistaken.


I'll take my chances in ranked. As I said, if they want to design stupidly, thats how I'll play it and I'd wager not a thing will happen.


Sure thing, little buddy. Why not really show us who's boss by coming back here and admitting to doing it after you've actually done it? Maybe something fun will happen to you. :o

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Anybody trolling RPvP just to farm components are shtbags just looking for an excuse to be a shtbag. If you're not already running MM Ops or are a top contender in RPvP as of two days ago, you don't need the new augments. Get tf over it.


The fact that the developers made RPvP and MM Ops a source for these mats clearly indicates that is not their interpretation of who is allowed to partake in RPvP and MM Ops, and they are the creators of the game so their interpretation is the right one.


Trollers who afk during matches or operations should be handled in a form or way. But, someone who is not as good as you in PvP is NOT a troller or as you called them "shtbag". They may be a regular player who tries their best to win a match in RPvP. The fact they may not be at your level doesn't take away their right to partake in RPvP or MM Ops.

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Sure thing, little buddy. Why not really show us who's boss by coming back here and admitting to doing it after you've actually done it? Maybe something fun will happen to you. :o


I'll be happy too but you know, bioware will have to catch me first and that I'm not worried about.


MM Ops can be cleared now without them. They're not that much of an edge in PvP, either - the 462 Power you get from a full set adds up to a whopping 106 bonus damage.


While true thats it's a minor upgrade but for many that is the next stepping stone to upgrade gear at this time. It is the next upgrade path and there is not reason everyone at some point wouldn't want these sooner than later. Even if gear is lower level, the augments placed in Legacy armor will be the constant over the long haul of gaming. A set and forget stat unlike upgrading gear. Put the best augments in and forget it.


No reason everyone wouldn't want to seek that boost out and then you never have to look back on it till the next expansion.


Anybody trolling RPvP just to farm components are shtbags just looking for an excuse to be a shtbag. If you're not already running MM Ops or are a top contender in RPvP as of two days ago, you don't need the new augments. Get tf over it.


Well, thats what happens when you design something to drive players to that specific content and jsut because those players are not as good as the others doesn't mean they wont be there. You will get gamers that don't really want to be there for the reward and that is how it was designed. Get ANY player in there for the reward.


Perhaps the designers should design from a smarter perspective next time given we know gamers will do almost anything as well as take the path of least resistance for better gear.

Edited by Quraswren
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Do that in ranked and you'll be reported. You won't be farming much with your account suspended.


They won’t do anything, ever.

It’s been happening for years and I’m yet to see someone banned for it.

They don’t even ban hackers until there is major outrage on the forums and people posting proof. Even then, it takes them weeks, if not months to do something.

People AFKing in ranked won’t even be a blip on the radar,

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The fact that the developers made RPvP and MM Ops a source for these mats clearly indicates that is not their interpretation of who is allowed to partake in RPvP and MM Ops, and they are the creators of the game so their interpretation is the right one.


Trollers who afk during matches or operations should be handled in a form or way. But, someone who is not as good as you in PvP is NOT a troller or as you called them "shtbag". They may be a regular player who tries their best to win a match in RPvP. The fact they may not be at your level doesn't take away their right to partake in RPvP or MM Ops.


The vast majority of posts in this thread are from people deliberately planning to just AFK in RPvP matches - those are the shtbags to whom I referred. If you're legit trying in RPvP and you have even a modicum of skill in your class, we need more of you. But RPvP is not where you go to learn your class. You should at least have some idea of what to do in an Arena before you queue, and should also have reasonable gear (not BiS, but 242+). More importantly than either of those, though, is the desire to actually put some effort into winning.


If you're one of the dozens of players here threatening to AFK in RPvP just because you want something that you don't need for your solo content or regs WZs or SM/VM group PvE, then you can fk right off. Otherwise, yeah, if you're willing to put in a legit effort to support your team, queue up RPvP or join an MM Ops team/group and do the thing. But don't troll RPvP just because you want BiS gear that you don't really need for anything you do play.

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The vast majority of posts in this thread are from people deliberately planning to just AFK in RPvP matches - those are the shtbags to whom I referred. If you're legit trying in RPvP and you have even a modicum of skill in your class, we need more of you. But RPvP is not where you go to learn your class. You should at least have some idea of what to do in an Arena before you queue, and should also have reasonable gear (not BiS, but 242+). More importantly than either of those, though, is the desire to actually put some effort into winning.


If you're one of the dozens of players here threatening to AFK in RPvP just because you want something that you don't need for your solo content or regs WZs or SM/VM group PvE, then you can fk right off. Otherwise, yeah, if you're willing to put in a legit effort to support your team, queue up RPvP or join an MM Ops team/group and do the thing. But don't troll RPvP just because you want BiS gear that you don't really need for anything you do play.


With that I agree, I was afraid you were talking about people who don't put out 45.247.485.544.552.445 (purposeful exaggeration) damage in one round :p

Edited by Ylliarus
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Those new mats can be found in command crates - got one yesterday. So it's a reason to gain cxp once again.

Besides I suppose prices on GTN will drop with market saturation. Just wait a couple of weeks.


I don't think prices will drop that much. Right now the stock pile of command crates are acting as another source of the mats; once people have burned though those supply will go down.

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Um, no, they've been banned over and over again. They just come back on new accounts. Even if you were right (you aren't), that has nothing to do with the fact that if you troll ranked PVP, you'll be reported and punished.


With the same names that have been banned :rolleyes:


I’ve tracked bots in this game for years and one went for 14 months till it finally disappeared.

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While true thats it's a minor upgrade but for many that is the next stepping stone to upgrade gear at this time. It is the next upgrade path and there is not reason everyone at some point wouldn't want these sooner than later. Even if gear is lower level, the augments placed in Legacy armor will be the constant over the long haul of gaming. A set and forget stat unlike upgrading gear. Put the best augments in and forget it.


No reason everyone wouldn't want to seek that boost out and then you never have to look back on it till the next expansion.


You don't need that boost now! If you're just doing Story, Dailies, and SM PvE content (Uprisings, Flashpoints, Operations), you don't need any Augments, let alone 236s. If you're doing Warzones, MM FPs, or VM Ops or better, you can do all that with the same, cheap 228s you've had for a while. Just because the gear is there doesn't mean you need it. Hell, I have over 30 characters, and only four of them even use augs. I also don't troll RPvP for UCs, because I don't need full 248s on all my toons right the hell now!!


I actually do run MM Operations, and I'm still not going to troll RPvP for the second crafting component, because I legit don't need the augs that badly. What makes everyone else in this thread so fking greedy?


Well, thats what happens when you design something to drive players to that specific content and jsut because those players are not as good as the others doesn't mean they wont be there. You will get gamers that don't really want to be there for the reward and that is how it was designed. Get ANY player in there for the reward.


Perhaps the designers should design from a smarter perspective next time given we know gamers will do almost anything as well as take the path of least resistance for better gear.


There's also specific content in the form of Crests of the Dread Masters, Wings of the Architect, and Revanchist titles that players will happily spend dozens or hundreds of millions of credits for. Why can people not just pay the millions of credits to those with these mats, too?


Perhaps the designers thought that players wouldn't be asinine, petulant, greedy fking e-toddlers kicking and screaming that they can't get bleeding-edge BiS gear that they don't even need without actually putting in a little bit of work for it. Seriously, grow the fk up.

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With the same names that have been banned :rolleyes:


I’ve tracked bots in this game for years and one went for 14 months till it finally disappeared.


Sweet, so we've got 14 months to troll Ranked. Woo hoo!! ;)

Edited by kodrac
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Don't forget that the changes made to CXP mean the grind for those drops is far worse too. Used to be able to do Yavin, CZ, etc daily to get decent CXP but they changed them to weekly. It's almost like they want people to quit.
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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats

For making new augments those who hate pve will have to play pvp and vice versa...yes you can say "go buy all you need from gtn" but lets be honest, including the inflation in swtor, how difficult is to play ranked and NiM ops the prices will be horrendously HUGE. So those who likes crafting will have to spend tonnes of time and nerves to craft what is needed and customers - millions of credits for at least 1 new augments. Forcing crafters to play NiM and ranked is a huge mistake...but does bw cares?


The game is going more and deeply down with each update.


P.S. hellow from dead dps pts from pvp.


They've always done this. It's nothing new.:rolleyes:

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