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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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Don't forget that the changes made to CXP mean the grind for those drops is far worse too. Used to be able to do Yavin, CZ, etc daily to get decent CXP but they changed them to weekly. It's almost like they want people to quit.


The daily cxp was a bug, they left in the game as a favor, they compromised with us by leaving it in the weekly, instead of completely setting dailies back to the previous rate. The bug was op, i leveled a sorc from 54-300 in less than a week of dailies, and dailies alone. I'd say the rate on weeklies is fine now, encourages alts to do them.

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Or it will break the elitist behaviour of other players because they will be either outnumbered by more regular skilled players or brought to an even number :) It is a clear intent of the Developers to break through the elitist wall ranked PvP'ers have built up by motivating more regular players to queue and participate in ranked as well.


as a ranked player i can say that so called " regular skilled players " are already playing ranked, and it's only full noobs/afk players who are not welcomed in ranked and always flamed by skilled players. Ranked is full of so called "skilled regular players"


The real reason of this trasj changes is that BW wants to force people to play for dumb crates again, to force us into forever-collecting crates activity. In addition to this they want gtn prices on new augments to get UP so that people will have to spend much credits on them instead of using them to buy goodies from CM via GTN. Player will have to buy 8-9 new augments for 20-30 millions instead of sith recluse chest or outlaw expert chest etc and will have to buy it via CM. Well done biofail, WELL DONE. credit inflation = win for bw

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The people saying they need these augments but can't get them because they don't do ranked or master ops... what do you need them for then? You do realize 90% of the game is bolstered. These augments only add for example 2 crit points and 33 power. When you're on a bolstered planet, your mastery, power, and endurance all go to the same rate, 2 crit points isn't going to do much for clearing speed. You can do sm ops with just weapons.

Dev's said the game was balanced for 228 augments, Most people don't need these augments, they just want them. If you don't like the content that requires you to get them, then ignore the augments, or wait til prices come down and spend some money.


^^ Winner.


Players are also forgetting that something like this is best quickly ramped up for production through the team effort of either a guild or a circle of friends working together. Our guild is already on this, like we were with crafted gear earlier in 5.0, and it looks like we will have every members mains equipped within the week and will then move on to selected alts. After that, depending on the economy... we will either suspend gathering them through game play, or keep doing so and selling them into the market (at discounts as we like to keep pressure on materials costs for other crafters).


Note however that for most players these augments are not needed... just desired. There is a difference. Competitive PvPers need them as to hard content OPs groups. Guildless individuals that do neither activities DO NOT NEED them.

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The people saying they need these augments but can't get them because they don't do ranked or master ops... what do you need them for then? You do realize 90% of the game is bolstered. These augments only add for example 2 crit points and 33 power. When you're on a bolstered planet, your mastery, power, and endurance all go to the same rate, 2 crit points isn't going to do much for clearing speed. You can do sm ops with just weapons.

Dev's said the game was balanced for 228 augments, Most people don't need these augments, they just want them. If you don't like the content that requires you to get them, then ignore the augments, or wait til prices come down and spend some money.


This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


^^ Winner.


Players are also forgetting that something like this is best quickly ramped up for production through the team effort of either a guild or a circle of friends working together. Our guild is already on this, like we were with crafted gear earlier in 5.0, and it looks like we will have every members mains equipped within the week and will then move on to selected alts. After that, depending on the economy... we will either suspend gathering them through game play, or keep doing so and selling them into the market (at discounts as we like to keep pressure on materials costs for other crafters).


Note however that for most players these augments are not needed... just desired. There is a difference. Competitive PvPers need them as to hard content OPs groups. Guildless individuals that do neither activities DO NOT NEED them.


And full agree, there is a difference between needing and wanting something.

Edited by Ylliarus
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as a ranked player i can say that so called " regular skilled players " are already playing ranked, and it's only full noobs/afk players who are not welcomed in ranked and always flamed by skilled players. Ranked is full of so called "skilled regular players"


The real reason of this trasj changes is that BW wants to force people to play for dumb crates again, to force us into forever-collecting crates activity. In addition to this they want gtn prices on new augments to get UP so that people will have to spend much credits on them instead of using them to buy goodies from CM via GTN. Player will have to buy 8-9 new augments for 20-30 millions instead of sith recluse chest or outlaw expert chest etc and will have to buy it via CM. Well done biofail, WELL DONE. credit inflation = win for bw


Observation: you do not appear to be a very good problem solver. MMOs present challenges, and most players find ways to overcome said challenges either by themselves or with the help of others.


You seem to think hyperbolic raging and name calling about something in the forum actually gets your needs met. It does not. Credit inflation serves the studio absolutely ZERO benefit.

Edited by Andryah
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Observation: you do not appear to be a very good problem solver. MMOs present challenges, and most players find ways to overcome said challenges either by themselves or with the help of others.


You seem to think hyperbolic raging and name calling about something in the forum actually gets your needs met. It does not. Credit inflation serves the studio absolutely ZERO benefit.


Ranked PvP'ers often complain about so called "noobz" coming in and ruining their games... but did the thought even once cross their mind that... if they helped someone get better...... they might... idk.... have more skilled PvP'ers to play with.....

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Yes, thank you bioware for allowing me to finally earn credits without having to compete with the CM whales. I can now sell mats on the GTN after my ranked pops. Please keep up the QQ I love seeing the whales cry when they are forced to do content.


Psh, whales aren't complaining, they have the credits to outright buy your stuff. I'm not sure who is complaining- I think most are confused about the variety of content that can make these things, or something.

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The people saying they need these augments but can't get them because they don't do ranked or master ops... what do you need them for then? You do realize 90% of the game is bolstered. These augments only add for example 2 crit points and 33 power. When you're on a bolstered planet, your mastery, power, and endurance all go to the same rate, 2 crit points isn't going to do much for clearing speed. You can do sm ops with just weapons.

Dev's said the game was balanced for 228 augments, Most people don't need these augments, they just want them. If you don't like the content that requires you to get them, then ignore the augments, or wait til prices come down and spend some money.


Say it to pvp players who will suffer if they wont use these augments. In pvp if two skilled players are fighting - luck and gear makes sense and decide the fight. In solo ranked every stat is important YET SOLO RANKED QUESTS doesnt provide any rewards with new patch LOL. Biofai's changes are TRASH

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Many posts in this thread really come across as "I want something that takes time and effort to obtain and I don't like that as I want it to be easy, everything must be easy to obtain for me". It comes across as wanting and being addicted to instant gratification without lifting a finger.


People who can't be bothered or don't have the time to do MM Operations and RPvP don't need the new augments. They want them thus "need" them through wanting them, but that is the same as wanting a treat, chocolate or a sweet. You don't need it but you want it thus you start to demand it based on your wanting and not your needs. Well, actually... that is what children do.


If you don't want to do MM Operations or RPvP you can either obtain the mats from Command Crates or the GTN. If you can't or don't want to do that, then you have perfectly excellent alternatives in the form of 228s and 230s augments which are quite accessible and easy to obtain.

Edited by Ylliarus
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nope its to get players to play ranked wz's so the q times arent an hr long. so u dont like it, too bad.


best way to get more people in ranked, is to make all classes viable in ranked. I would love a piece of the rewards the ranked dailies/weeklies give, but my class(rage juggernaut) is not viable in ranked. As for master modes and Ops, the rewards aren't worth it. You can clear seven regular hammer stations, with the same reward after all seven, in the time it takes to complete one OP.

Edited by cool-dude
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Many posts in this thread really come across as "I want something that takes time and effort to obtain and I don't like that as I want it to be easy, everything must be easy to obtain for me".


You have a rather warped view if that is all you saw given everything takes time but what we know is PVP can and does take little effort and you can still get reward. You can put in effort and you can also not put in effort and take home the reward. So effort really doesn't come into play here, just time and since time is what we are looking at, I'll move to your next statement.


It comes across as wanting and being addicted to instant gratification without lifting a finger.


Incorrect! It's already known it isn't instant gratification be it through PVP or PVE or crates. Nothing is instant. I'm not sure you could be more wrong than you are in making that statement.


People who can't be bothered or don't have the time to do MM Operations

Maybe they have time, maybe they go in there and work on it. But unlike PVP where you can fail spectacularly and still walk away with the reward. That cannot be said for NM OPS (or any ops for that matter). If the OPs fails then they get nothing no matter the difficulty mode.


So it boils down to if you are going to waste time in a game at all but still want to upgrade your toon beyond the augments most currently have. The best and most efficient way to do that is RPVP. You win no matter what you do. So it's not a can't be bothered vs whats the best use of your game time if you go after the next level of augments.


and RPvP don't need the new augments.


Sure they do. When stats matter you will want to be as competitive as possible and take every advantage. only a fool wouldn't.


They want them thus "need" them through wanting them, but that is the same as wanting a treat, chocolate or a sweet. You don't need it but you want it thus you start to demand it based on your wanting and not your needs. Well, actually... that is what children do.


Given the whole game is a want and not a need. I look at that quote as one of the more stupid things I've read today. However, the gear grind doesn't stop just because you get to max level. The gear grind doesn't stop because you out-geared the content. The gear grind that has been instilled since day one in games like this never stops and thats what keeps people playing. Hunting that carrot. It's not a want or need thing. It's just what drives the game and gamers. When a new upgrade comes, it's what you go after and like most, you do it the most efficient way possible.


If you don't want to do MM Operations or RPvP you can either obtain the mats from Command Crates or the GTN. If you can't or don't want to do that, then you have perfectly excellent alternatives in the form of 228s and 230s augments which are quite accessible and easy to obtain.


No one wants to play that RNG garbage as their main means of getting mats. SO don't be foolish. It's a cheap throwaway secondary mechanic you hope gets you what you are after but no guarantee. So it's a joke.


So that leaves NM OPS. There is not enough of those groups around doing that high level content nor are the ones left just open arms taking anyone in. Combine that with the extremely low percentage that actually tries that content and actually does well in it and well NM OPS as a mat resource is a joke for what I'd wager is 95% of the gamers left in game and thats being generous.


So that leaves RPVP where you can get them no matter what you do. Make a group of like minded people and have at it. Win or loss get your reward. This is what will drive players to continue that gear grind that is instilled on nearly every single gamer out there since the dawn of most MMOs.


Now, you harp on want and need but no one gives a rats arse what you think people need or want. Thats hard to take in but there you have it.


If gear in anyway helps any gamer shave time off whatever they do, no matter what content it is, no matter how mediocre/easy/hard it is, no matter if it's solo only or story or whatever. Thats becomes a need. It's the next thing to go after and bioware knows it as designers. So expect gamers to go after it if they can and given their options, RPVP is the best way to go about it while hoping the RNG crate Gods will smile down on them as well every once in a while.

Edited by Quraswren
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I couldn't agree more with this thread. Thanks Bioware. Augments where available from mats from ops and FP's now those mats are being obtained through ranked and MM Ops. We should not be limited on the mats from SM/Vet mode PvE. Most people do not do Ranked and most people do not do MM Ops. Bioware please address and resolve.:mad:
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The people saying they need these augments but can't get them because they don't do ranked or master ops... what do you need them for then? You do realize 90% of the game is bolstered. These augments only add for example 2 crit points and 33 power. When you're on a bolstered planet, your mastery, power, and endurance all go to the same rate, 2 crit points isn't going to do much for clearing speed. You can do sm ops with just weapons.

Dev's said the game was balanced for 228 augments, Most people don't need these augments, they just want them. If you don't like the content that requires you to get them, then ignore the augments, or wait til prices come down and spend some money.



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Don't know how OPs or Ranked PVP work, never done either, but I kinda wonder about teams of crafters getting together and doing these things as a group. Maybe set up some crafting-specific guilds to make sure everybody gets an opportunity to craft what they need for their toons. It's a social game after all. Edited by davracahan
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So still another pay to win system


Not gonna lie, the fact that buying hypercrates is a far better way of getting these new augments than just doing the content I usually do (which does include HM Ops and PvP) is alarming.


I got enough mats for about 10 of these new augments through saved up crates. If I want to get more augments, the best way is to buy the mats from the GTN. And the easiest way to afford that is through $$$.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Funny thing though is that one material drop only in ranked, the other only in Master Operation...

In the end you still have to do both :')

They should however increase their drop rate on T4 crates... I only got one mat of each type after opening two whole cargo bay full of T4 crates :/

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Adding the mats ONLY OBTAINABLE in TEAM RANKED was a horrible idea... and the person who decided that must be living in a parallel universe.


Nobody plays team ranked and getting 4 people is a pain in the ****.


Now you are forcing us to beg for someone to join us or TR and lose 4 times and maybe 20 times for weekly to get those damn mats.


Add it for Solo ranked too if you want to be obtainable via ranked because it's easier for people to get pops.




When will the avarage player be able to buy those ?


I am a PVP-er and as soon the others purchase them, I and many others will be at a disadvantage, because 14 of those augments will make a difference in terms of stats. ;)

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Funny thing though is that one material drop only in ranked, the other only in Master Operation...

In the end you still have to do both :')

They should however increase their drop rate on T4 crates... I only got one mat of each type after opening two whole cargo bay full of T4 crates :/


Obviously more data needed to get a better sense, but I'm sitting around a 7%-8% drop rate from crates, the vast majority T2-T3. Probably opened about 500 or so crates today.


As for mat prices being high right now, I imagine a lot of players are still decking out their characters and prices will go down in a couple weeks.


I do think this thread would be more productive and helpful to devs, though, if people stopped saying that the mats only drop in RPvP and NiM ops when that is simply inaccurate.

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There is nothing wrong with giving MM Ops rewards for actually doing them and not just for the challenge. Which is flat out boring end of story. Once you do the Op for the challenge it's done and over. You don't feel no sense of accomplishment completing it again after the first time. It is also just a fact that solo players and people that don't do ops and ranked pvp do NOT need 248 gear and legendary augments. It's just a fact. There is not a single solo content in this game that requires it. It can all be completed in ****** green gear.


the game has been balanced over the summer of nerfs around 248 gear, so yes, people other than nim raiders or ranked pvpers need them. It might be hard for you to understand, but there it is.

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Um, no, they've been banned over and over again. They just come back on new accounts. Even if you were right (you aren't), that has nothing to do with the fact that if you troll ranked PVP, you'll be reported and punished.


playing badly is not trolling. and is not a violation of the TOS. report all you want, they will action afkers but not bad players. or should they autoban the people at the bottom of the leaderboard?

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Of course. Those players that have the augments earned them by doing the most difficult content ingame. They have all the right to have something other players don't if they put time and effort into it.


But as I said, you don't need the new Superior augments. There are perfectly fine and very accessible alternatives that really don't have much a difference from the Superior Augments. You want the new augments, that is something else. If you want them you have to work for them.


Also, if you don't want to do the activities needed to earn the mats for the Superior Augments, then you also don't need them. If you do flashpoints, regular PvP and story mode operations then the 228s and 230s are by far more than enough and you really won't need more. If you want to have more then you have to work for it and do the content necessary to obtain them, simple.


they earned them afking in ranked pvp matches..hard work. pvp needs to only reward winners, they worked hard to win.


Bioware needs to work hard for subscription money, if they are just going to afk and fake making expansions they shouldnt be rewarded by subscribers.

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The one thing that i don't understand... They nerfed like literally everyone only to bring new and extremely difficult to obtain (elite?) augments. What balance it is? A ****** one? :confused:


I am a PVP-er and as soon the others purchase them, I and many others will be at a disadvantage, because 14 of those augments will make a difference in terms of stats.



Edited by Glower
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The worst part of it is that you need 2 mats of the type from the ranked warzones. So it really is going to be about throwing ranked group matches to get those mats. They're like 4.5 million each on the GTN atm.


I think it's a real ******e move to put the focus on PvP for PvE gearing. And it will lead to more afk warzoning.


Really Bioware, if PvP is in such a bad shape that it needs PvE"ers throwing ranked matches for mats, then perhaps you should declare PvP dead and just focus on the rest of the game.


Think of the advantages:

No more PvP balancing needed

No more resources into PvP needed


If there are enough players for PvP, then just stop ruining it by having people come there for the mats and not for the PvP.


I really don't get this messed up middle ground that your holding that makes nobody happy really.

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