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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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For making new augments those who hate pve will have to play pvp and vice versa...yes you can say "go buy all you need from gtn" but lets be honest, including the inflation in swtor, how difficult is to play ranked and NiM ops the prices will be horrendously HUGE. So those who likes crafting will have to spend tonnes of time and nerves to craft what is needed and customers - millions of credits for at least 1 new augments. Forcing crafters to play NiM and ranked is a huge mistake...but does bw cares?


The game is going more and deeply down with each update.


P.S. hellow from dead dps pts from pvp.

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Yeah, Ranked PVP or Master Mode OPs? Seriously?


I am curious as to why Synthweaving is only giving Redoubt and Critical from the trainer, and not Alacrity? Where are we supposed to get that one?


from other crew skills i think. But u wont craft much since you must get many mats and play ranked or NiM which means tonnes of flames, nerves and other trash

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What a stupid decision. Hey lets put the matts the crafters need as rewards from doing things they do not want to do. That's a good idea. I am sure the thought process was that it would encourage us to do that content to get the matts. Guess what it won't I do not want to do those ops I do not want to do ranked and if the gtn prices are going to rape me I just won't craft them.
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I'm thinking the idea was that the people who crave more than anything else to feel more uber than anyone else were feeling a bit put out by the casuals who could work their way into the same gear set, so now, there's a bit of an "uber" edge to the final, highest aug tiers, so that the needful ubers can do uber things to get their uber stats and feel...uber again.
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I'm thinking the idea was that the people who crave more than anything else to feel more uber than anyone else were feeling a bit put out by the casuals who could work their way into the same gear set, so now, there's a bit of an "uber" edge to the final, highest aug tiers, so that the needful ubers can do uber things to get their uber stats and feel...uber again.


Did you call for a taxi?

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More AFK warzone farming. Yipee!


Pretty much.


If this is how bioware plans for characters to get those mats. I'll be in ranked but no one will like it.


I'd do master OPs but sadly this game ran off my team. TWICE! So now the best way to get them is ranked.


Why unranked WZ, SM and Vet OPS couldn't get them is beyond me.

Edited by Quraswren
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What a stupid decision. Hey lets put the matts the crafters need as rewards from doing things they do not want to do. That's a good idea. I am sure the thought process was that it would encourage us to do that content to get the matts. Guess what it won't I do not want to do those ops I do not want to do ranked and if the gtn prices are going to rape me I just won't craft them.


You worried this will cut into the 100% margin you get today on crafting?

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YUP - sorry in advance all you PVP players. I hate PVP, but I need augments and crates drop ratio was horrible. Very likely the same thing for Operations.


Prepare for a mad rush of noob PVP players farming mat's only.

Edited by dscount
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What a stupid decision. Hey lets put the matts the crafters need as rewards from doing things they do not want to do. That's a good idea. I am sure the thought process was that it would encourage us to do that content to get the matts. Guess what it won't I do not want to do those ops I do not want to do ranked and if the gtn prices are going to rape me I just won't craft them.


These particular augments are really meant for PvP and OPs anyway... hence... like in years past... they couple the material drops to encounters where they actually benefit you. No other content really needs the min/maxing that comes from these new augments.


To the OP.. get over it.. they have done things this way for years now ---> top end purple materials required to make top end crafted gear come from top end content. Be happy they drop from Command Crates as well.

Edited by Andryah
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These particular augments are really meant for PvP and OPs anyway... hence... like in years past... they couple the material drops to encounters where they actually benefit you. No other content really needs the min/maxing that comes from these new augments.


To the OP.. get over it.. they have done things this way for years now ---> top end purple materials required to make top end crafted gear come from top end content. Be happy they drop from Command Crates as well.


I agree and disagree with you on this one Andryah. Yes, in years past the most rare crafting item was like this, but we are talking AUGMENTS here. Let's just call it for what it is.. Gear Grind of the Augment kind to keep us busy for a month or two longer. The price point of crafting these is way out of balance for the drop ratio. I'm seeing about 1% drop in crates I have opened so far (T1, T2, T3, T4).

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There is nothing wrong with giving MM Ops rewards for actually doing them and not just for the challenge. Which is flat out boring end of story. Once you do the Op for the challenge it's done and over. You don't feel no sense of accomplishment completing it again after the first time. It is also just a fact that solo players and people that don't do ops and ranked pvp do NOT need 248 gear and legendary augments. It's just a fact. There is not a single solo content in this game that requires it. It can all be completed in ****** green gear.
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What a stupid decision. Hey lets put the matts the crafters need as rewards from doing things they do not want to do. That's a good idea. I am sure the thought process was that it would encourage us to do that content to get the matts. Guess what it won't I do not want to do those ops I do not want to do ranked and if the gtn prices are going to rape me I just won't craft them.


the funniest thing is that one of leading developers year ago said that they "dont want to force us to do certain contents" and that is player's choice to do something or not. So dumb they say one thing but do another

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the funniest thing is that one of leading developers year ago said that they "dont want to force us to do certain contents" and that is player's choice to do something or not. So dumb they say one thing but do another


Found that Quote for you it was Charles that said that


I'm not Keith, but I'll hop in on this one!


You're definitely right - our goal was absolutely to encourage Open World PvP on Iokath. One of our main motivations for including stuff like playable vehicles and Op bosses and Player loot was to make PvP on Iokath a unique and interesting experience compared to Outlaw's Den or Ilum. And, yeah, it just doesn't seem to have grabbed folks' interest.


I don't think that forcing Players to participate in PvP is the answer - SWTOR just isn't that kind of game - so we need to look elsewhere for solutions. Presumably better incentives would be a great way to start, but I'd love to hear your thoughts (and everyone else's) on the subject. In the coming weeks one of the discussion topics we will make is on this very topic!



Another lie as usual. Remember he also said that we would get a Command Crate every hour too...

Edited by denavin
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I opened up something in a command crate that claimed to be from ranked pvp and command crates.


I don't understand the patterns yet, and if someone could give me a rundown it would help but...



The goal here is to make a long-tail item that is kind of chase. It even incorporates the crafting system, while rewarding players who win at really hard content, and avoiding being BoP to allow them to be eventually filtered down to players who have played the economy. Are the stats on these things really really wild or something? Or just BiS by a bit?



I guess I'm not seeing the outrage as justified. This game gives me BiS pretty much everything for playing GSF for long enough, that seems very generous already. I dunno.


Not trying to offend.

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Found that Quote for you it was Charles that said that





Another lie as usual. Remember he also said that we would get a Command Crate every hour too...


yep i meant that message,thx m8. Seems they just want to screw up the game for everyone. Not only pvp and pve players are mad but crafters are also mad now.

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There is nothing wrong with giving MM Ops rewards for actually doing them and not just for the challenge. Which is flat out boring end of story. Once you do the Op for the challenge it's done and over. You don't feel no sense of accomplishment completing it again after the first time. It is also just a fact that solo players and people that don't do ops and ranked pvp do NOT need 248 gear and legendary augments. It's just a fact. There is not a single solo content in this game that requires it. It can all be completed in ****** green gear.


Even if a person doesn't want to do Ranked PVP or can't find a decent group to do MM OPs, shouldn't keep them from being able to make these augments either. They may not NEED them for their characters, but maybe they want to sell them on the GTN, or maybe give to those in their guild that does need them for those activities but doesn't have the crafter for the augment they want.

Edited by NHBabe
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The thing that I really dont understand is that they have been moving the GC system in the direction where you can legitimately aim for the best gear however you choose to play, i mean the biggest change was in this very same patch where you get UC's from gear in boxes. I think pretty much everyone has been happy with this direction, and at this point, lets be honest, we need to try and keep the majority of the players happy and paying their subs, not pissing them off by forcing them into content they dont care for or giving up on progression.


I dont get why we couldent just have stuck with what was working, its not like getting full sets of these would have been instant if we stuck with the same system the rest of the gear uses, crafted purple with existing exotic mats and then legendary through GC/Ops/UC's.

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Amazing !


So to do master operation (end game pve), i must do ranked pvp. Who is the genius behind this idea ?!


Time to AFK in ranked like everydody now. Pretty funny to see coming 8 people AFK in the same ranked game.


Thanks again for ruining player experience ! :cool:

Edited by Mocaccino
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More AFK warzone farming. Yipee!

I guess we’ll be seeing more of this


1. Queue Ranked

2. Pop Ranked

3. Die

4. Piss off your team

5. Get mats


Rinse and repeat.


Then the Ranked queue dies and no one gets mats.

Seems like a ledgitmate Bioware idea because then they can offer the mats/Augments through direct sales on the CM.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It does seem like a long process. So far I've only managed to get enough for 4 top tier augments and I can't say I'm sure its worth the time. The main stat was only increased by 2 from what my easily to produce augment provided, yes there is some endurance and a fair bit of power increase as well but it doesn't seem game changing advancements.


Now maybe the price will drop in the future, I suspect its crazy high on the gtn at the moment and that may fall in the new year for those that really want them but can't get the materials. But while they are still rare just ignore them, its not like they are must have pieces of gear.

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