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So the consequence of making a single player game


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Is that grouping is painful.


With the server merge and the Darth Hexid companion to get Ive been doing a lot of FPs. And people are super nice, which is great, but you can tell they aren’t really used to grouping. They’ve done everything solo, from level 1 to 70.


As a result, not many people know how to properly tank or heal. DPS tunnels without killing adds, or moving out of bad stuff. And they’re not familiar with general grouping dynamics. A lot of this is also attributed to the fact that flashpoints are mostly tactical now, so we don’t really need the trinity. But I notice when we do have a tank, it can be a bit of a test of patience.


It’s nice to see full severs and I’m enjoying being able to actually find groups again for stuff. It feels like a couple years ago when we had healthy population. But hopefully people who are used to playing solo get more experience. 😊

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I don't really understand, in normal mode flashpoints, you can make do easily enough without tanks and healers.🤔 If you can do story mode by yourself, you should be able to do a normal mode for as well.

I wonder if you just got people who were newer to gaming/MMO'S rather than single story mode players.

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And that's also the great part of this event - people who aren't used to grouping are now motivated to actually do group events. And maybe, through meeting patient people who are willing to teach them, they'll find they actually like grouping and doing flashpoints and warzones and operations. Now they'll be motivated to keep doing them - even to teach others in turn. Patience is key...well, that is, IF they're actually open to instruction. If not, and they're gigantic jerks to everybody around, then troll the heck out of them. :D
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And that's also the great part of this event - people who aren't used to grouping are now motivated to actually do group events. And maybe, through meeting patient people who are willing to teach them, they'll find they actually like grouping and doing flashpoints and warzones and operations. Now they'll be motivated to keep doing them - even to teach others in turn. Patience is key...well, that is, IF they're actually open to instruction. If not, and they're gigantic jerks to everybody around, then troll the heck out of them. :D


Totally agree! I'm one of those "people who did everything solo from level 1 to 70", but I would LOVE to group up to do FPs, Ops, etc. However, I have always been reluctant to, due to the amount of people out there who do not have the patience for someone like me. They want to faceroll and spacebar through everything, and gods forbid you don't have the mechanics of every single group quest out there committed to memory.


Thankfully, I'm in a guild who is willing to let me group up and learn the ropes (which I'm doing slowly), but not everyone out there is so lucky and has to just use GF and pray they end up with some halfway decent people. Especially now, when the new comp is gated behind using GF.


There would probably be far more people not running solo on everything if there were more patient, decent people out there willing to help them out when they want to group.

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Totally agree! I'm one of those "people who did everything solo from level 1 to 70", but I would LOVE to group up to do FPs, Ops, etc. However, I have always been reluctant to, due to the amount of people out there who do not have the patience for someone like me. They want to faceroll and spacebar through everything, and gods forbid you don't have the mechanics of every single group quest out there committed to memory.


This. Coming on the forum complaining about how bad people are at group content doesn't exactly motivate us to try group content, and you wonder why you had long queues and such. :(


I'm also one of those "everything solo" (or in my case duo with my girlfriend) players, and was pondering dipping my toe in to try and get Darth Hexid, but if this is the kind of attitude I'm going to face I think maybe I'll do without.

Edited by Adrian_T
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Totally agree! I'm one of those "people who did everything solo from level 1 to 70", but I would LOVE to group up to do FPs, Ops, etc. However, I have always been reluctant to, due to the amount of people out there who do not have the patience for someone like me. They want to faceroll and spacebar through everything, and gods forbid you don't have the mechanics of every single group quest out there committed to memory.


Thankfully, I'm in a guild who is willing to let me group up and learn the ropes (which I'm doing slowly), but not everyone out there is so lucky and has to just use GF and pray they end up with some halfway decent people. Especially now, when the new comp is gated behind using GF.


There would probably be far more people not running solo on everything if there were more patient, decent people out there willing to help them out when they want to group.


Well I am a tank. So I can control the flow of the fights. if you are on Satele Shan server and end up one of my groups. Don't feel obligated to space bar through things.I tell anyone who *****es about it to ****. If people have a problem with it then they shouldn't be playing the game if they are that short on time.

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Well I am a tank. So I can control the flow of the fights. if you are on Satele Shan server and end up one of my groups. Don't feel obligated to space bar through things.I tell anyone who *****es about it to ****. If people have a problem with it then they shouldn't be playing the game if they are that short on time.


I think for the people who want others to space-bar through everything it's more of a "I've seen it a 100 times" thing rather than I don't have time for this. I think for those who don't want others to take their time with things, it's best for them to group with friends! There's no need for people to be a dick about it.:o


Like others have said, this is the kind of behaviour that stops people from grouping.:mad:

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I think for the people who want others to space-bar through everything it's more of a "I've seen it a 100 times" thing rather than I don't have time for this. I think for those who don't want others to take their time with things, it's best for them to group with friends! There's no need for people to be a dick about it.:o


Like others have said, this is the kind of behaviour that stops people from grouping.:mad:


Yeah well I don't care. If someone has seen something a 100 times or not. I have to. But doesn't mean others have. So anyone that complains about someone not spacebarring through things can just shut the hell up and deal with it. You have no right to complain about it if it's a PUG group.

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Newcomers happen in GF all the time and it's usually not a problem (I don't think I've seen someone booted from a vet fp recently, if they are not trolling or afk \ dc and fights are usually explained it it's needed). It was so on TRE and is so on Malgus for what I can say.
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Yeah well I don't care. If someone has seen something a 100 times or not. I have to. But doesn't mean others have. So anyone that complains about someone not spacebarring through things can just shut the hell up and deal with it. You have no right to complain about it if it's a PUG group.


Yeah I agree, people shouldn't expect the best of the best at all times when doing pugs, or that everyone has the same play style as they do. But I guess there will always be those people that do. Best thing to do is just to ignore and move on.

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Like many I grouped up for the reward of a new companion.


My experience hasn't been people don't know how to do things, they just aren't bothered with it because they are doing 3 flashpoints for the achievement and then they will go back to playing the game how they want which doesn't involved random strangers.


Grouping isn't a social event, it starts with hi, hello, morning, heya. Then ends with thanks for the run, gj, nice run, thx. While the actual experience is trying to skip as much content as possible and get through in the shortest amount of time. I suspect if it weren't for the reward we wouldn't see much of an increase in the number of pugs since the server merger.


In general people that are serious about group content don't look to pug it, it is so much easier in a guild. Have scheduled nights, learn the mechanics and progress. And if your in a guild with more than 16 people it doesn't matter how many people are about on your server cause you have the 16 people necessary to do the op or flashpoint.


While using a pug is possibly the worst way to be introduced into flashpoint or op content because people are looking to rush through, this requires hugging walls, stealth stuns and no interest in mechanics aside from to get through as quick as possible so you wont know what is going on when your going up to high difficulty and you needed to actually kill that add or move out of the way of that. Hell some people don't even bother to out of combat heal or sorcs just bubble themselves etc.


However I don't think this is people not knowing, even the most solo player bubbles their companion or use out of combat healing its that they want to get through an experience they don't want to be doing, as quick as possible and then back to the game they want to play. While experience group content players just want to skip as much as possible. Which makes you wonder how effective the focus on group play will be if those keen on it just want to skip as much of it as possible.

Edited by Costello
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Like many I grouped up for the reward of a new companion.


My experience hasn't been people don't know how to do things, they just aren't bothered with it because they are doing 3 flashpoints for the achievement and then they will go back to playing the game how they want which doesn't involved random strangers.


Grouping isn't a social event, it starts with hi, hello, morning, heya. Then ends with thanks for the run, gj, nice run, thx. While the actual experience is trying to skip as much content as possible and get through in the shortest amount of time. I suspect if it weren't for the reward we wouldn't see much of an increase in the number of pugs since the server merger.


In general people that are serious about group content don't look to pug it, it is so much easier in a guild. Have scheduled nights, learn the mechanics and progress. And if your in a guild with more than 16 people it doesn't matter how many people are about on your server cause you have the 16 people necessary to do the op or flashpoint.


While using a pug is possibly the worst way to be introduced into flashpoint or op content because people are looking to rush through, this requires hugging walls, stealth stuns and no interest in mechanics aside from to get through as quick as possible so you wont know what is going on when your going up to high difficulty and you needed to actually kill that add or move out of the way of that. Hell some people don't even bother to out of combat heal or sorcs just bubble themselves etc.


However I don't think this is people not knowing, even the most solo player bubbles their companion or use out of combat healing its that they want to get through an experience they don't want to be doing, as quick as possible and then back to the game they want to play. While experience group content players just want to skip as much as possible. Which makes you wonder how effective the focus on group play will be if those keen on it just want to skip as much of it as possible.


I think there's some truth to this. People who are doing this solely to get the companion may just want to get through and get it over with so they can stop doing a form of content they don't enjoy or want to do.

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First off if you are new to the content, announce it. Most peopk5 will be more understanding and may even explain things.


I will ask people to space and I do find it annoying if a FP takes 3x more time than needed. So yes the previous poster has a point, the fp's are mostly an end to a means to me. I have done most of them so often that my primary goal is to rush through for the daily/weekly, conquest or whatever.


If someone is new and would like to experience the movies please say so rather than stay silent. That being said I do find some of the previous posts pretty one-sided . Usually it is one silent guy not spacing. Depending on the fp this costs time for three other people - also bear in mind that for a lot of them you can do them on solo mode to fully experience the story, extra objectives aso. (And that very often you will be carried by the experienced players whose time you are taking)


I think part of it is that many people have done them so often that indeed they don't do them because they enjoy them, but as a means to an end. Reinforced by the cxp grind at 70, conquest and the relative lack of reward for a level70 in doing anything but clearing asap.


I would distinguish ops from fp's btw as you can not solo an op for the story. I do think guild group activities often a different pace - more social environment than a random pug.


On a note: I will usually decline a group invite if there is more than one low level in it. If you are unexperienced you can do the reverse. If you see the other 3 are level70 you can decline... the odds are quite high that they do not want to do anything but pass through asap.

Edited by Morteistno
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First off if you are new to the content, announce it. Most peopk5 will be more understanding and may even explain things.


I will ask people to space and I do find it annoying if a FP takes 3x more time than needed. So yes the previous poster has a point, the fp's are mostly an end to a means to me. I have done most of them so often that my primary goal is to rush through for the daily/weekly, conquest or whatever.


If someone is new and would like to experience the movies please say so rather than stay silent. That being said I do find some of the previous posts pretty one-sided . Usually it is one silent guy not spacing. Depending on the fp this costs time for three other people - also bear in mind that for a lot of them you can do them on solo mode to fully experience the story, extra objectives aso. (And that very often you will be carried by the experienced players whose time you are taking)


I think part of it is that many people have done them so often that indeed they don't do them because they enjoy them, but as a means to an end. Reinforced by the cxp grind at 70, conquest and the relative lack of reward for a level70 in doing anything but clearing asap.


I would distinguish ops from fp's btw as you can not solo an op for the story. I do think guild group activities often a different pace - more social environment than a random pug.


On a note: I will usually decline a group invite if there is more than one low level in it. If you are unexperienced you can do the reverse. If you see the other 3 are level70 you can decline... the odds are quite high that they do not want to do anything but pass through asap.


You sound like the people that I can not stand to be in my groups. If you expect people to space bar through things then don't do PUG groups simple as that. Do your FP's with friends or guild mates. If you complain about it in my group then I will purposely watch every single cut scene and conversation.

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Is that grouping is painful.


With the server merge and the Darth Hexid companion to get Ive been doing a lot of FPs. And people are super nice, which is great, but you can tell they aren’t really used to grouping. They’ve done everything solo, from level 1 to 70.


As a result, not many people know how to properly tank or heal. DPS tunnels without killing adds, or moving out of bad stuff. And they’re not familiar with general grouping dynamics. A lot of this is also attributed to the fact that flashpoints are mostly tactical now, so we don’t really need the trinity. But I notice when we do have a tank, it can be a bit of a test of patience.


It’s nice to see full severs and I’m enjoying being able to actually find groups again for stuff. It feels like a couple years ago when we had healthy population. But hopefully people who are used to playing solo get more experience. 😊



So, I have been someone who has been harshly (and rightly) critical of KotFE and KotET.


Still, let me disabuse you of that notion.


What you are running into is no different than when the game launched to the first year? Two? of the game's existence.


Frankly, those of us who played the game back then are getting nostalgic. The inept grouping, the rage quits, etc - its all actually a bit amusing.


That said, grouping is so easy now that the only FP I am having an issue completing is Lost Island because of the sheer knowledge of mechanics it requires.


I've had rage quitters, actually once a HEALER, only to have the queue pop within 2 minutes and we complete with no issues (turns out the issue in that group WAS the previous healer).


Enjoy the experience as part and parcel of being on a larger server. It will get better over time. And do your part - don't rage, teach those willing to be taught.

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You sound like the people that I can not stand to be in my groups. If you expect people to space bar through things then don't do PUG groups simple as that. Do your FP's with friends or guild mates. If you complain about it in my group then I will purposely watch every single cut scene and conversation.


I will politely ask to use space. If people don't and say nothing I will suffer through it without further comment.


Now looking at your self-described behaviour it seems obvious to me who is obnoxious here and should stick to soloing or people of the exact same mindset.

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Totally agree! I'm one of those "people who did everything solo from level 1 to 70", but I would LOVE to group up to do FPs, Ops, etc. However, I have always been reluctant to, due to the amount of people out there who do not have the patience for someone like me. They want to faceroll and spacebar through everything, and gods forbid you don't have the mechanics of every single group quest out there committed to memory.


The soultion IS simple though, you follow the group. Unless you're the tank obviously as that roles requires to lead to some degree at least but otherwise? Attack after other dps attacks (or copy what they do), don't break stuns, heal if you're a healer etc. Obviously there are some FPs/bosses/encounters that require more tactical knowledge, but I can assure you NO ONE expects to faceroll Blood Hunt or Lost Island in a record time and tactics explaining/asking in those is a standard and experienced players are used to it too.

Edited by Pietrastor
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The soultion IS simple though, you follow the group. Unless you're the tank obviously as that roles requires to lead to some degree at least but otherwise? Attack after other dps attacks (or copy what they do), don't break stuns, heal if you're a healer etc. Obviously there are some FPs/bosses/encounters that require more tactical knowledge, but I can assure you NO ONE expects to faceroll Blood Hunt or Lost Island in a record time and tactics explaining/asking in those is a standard and experienced players are used to it too.


Kind of hard to do that (not that I'm not fully willing/able/capable of doing it) when as soon as you say, "Hey, just wanted to let you all know that this is my first time running this FP", you get kicked from the group because no one has the patience for "noobs".

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I will politely ask to use space. If people don't and say nothing I will suffer through it without further comment.


There's nothing wrong with asking politely if people want to skip the story, I have done it before. Sometimes people say sure, and sometimes people say they'd like to see it as they haven't seen it before. That's no big deal! No need to ruin peoples enjoyment. Doing the opposite out of spite wouldn't be the right thing to do in these cases.:)


I hardly PvE though, usually only while I'm levelling.:p

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I will politely ask to use space. If people don't and say nothing I will suffer through it without further comment.


Now looking at your self-described behaviour it seems obvious to me who is obnoxious here and should stick to soloing or people of the exact same mindset.


LOL yeah I am the obnoxious one because I don't tolerate people complaining about someone not wanting to skip content. I have no issue with politely asking to skip things as long as that's the end of it.

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Kind of hard to do that (not that I'm not fully willing/able/capable of doing it) when as soon as you say, "Hey, just wanted to let you all know that this is my first time running this FP", you get kicked from the group because no one has the patience for "noobs".

That happens but very rarely. Besides, you really don't need to announce "FIRST TIME!!!" before every trash pull. Just copy whatever other dps does or follow group

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I used to stomp my foot and pout at the very idea of grouping up for FPs and, yeah, I pretty much soloed to 70. However, I tried a couple FPs yesterday with some random peeps and we completely rotfl-stomped the whole way through without a single healer (it was siiick. Completely made me rethink my stance on FPs). It may have helped that I, myself, am no stranger to video games and how levels tend to work and maybe the rest of the team was familiar enough with their classes to play well.


Personally, I think if you understand your class you should do well no matter what given that most FPs are soloable these days.

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That happens but very rarely. Besides, you really don't need to announce "FIRST TIME!!!" before every trash pull. Just copy whatever other dps does or follow group


What I see more when people announce it's their first time, is others leaving rather than kicking them. Especially if it's a tank or a healer. Then the rest often follows, within ops anyway.:o

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That happens but very rarely. Besides, you really don't need to announce "FIRST TIME!!!" before every trash pull. Just copy whatever other dps does or follow group


I'm just talking about giving everyone a heads-up at the very beginning. So they know that I'm a) not familiar with the boss mechanics and b) will probably not be spacebarring through cutscenes. Admittedly, I've not had that experience but once or twice. And, if I can help it, from here on out, I'll be running with my guild since they're all laid-back folk who don't mind taking the time to explain things. (And they're patient with me when I do crazy things like suicide force-jumps at mobs that I didn't realize were hovering over a lift that was currently 50 meters down. *cough* Damn Cademinu *cough*)

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