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forced character renames, how many did you all get stuck with?


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I had to change one out of 17. A very generic one. "Charna". Now the character is called Chasra... whatever, I can live with it.


What I am really glad about and what was most important to me is that I was allowed to keep "Shara".


On my off server I had to change none of twelve: That was one of the German servers, whereas I usually play on one of the English language server, thus the two servers on which I had alts merged into a different mega-server. My characters were all relatively recent, none older than two years, and didn't have much playtime. On the other hand neither of them had a very obvious name, because the obvious names were already taken by the time I came around.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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2 out of 43, both random characters I'd created years ago on French/German servers. Was a bit surprised that I kept a lot of random level 1s - suggests to me that the subscriber numbers are in a sorry state. As someone on the first page said, I even managed to get my very first character name back thanks to some foresight.


I lost 3 names out of my 8 characters. That didn't bother me...but it was odd because they all had ASCII characters in them. I really wish BioWare would go through all the inactive accounts and purge names so they can be freed up..


That's odd, are you a sub? IIRC the BW line was "if you're a sub and someone else with your name is not, they'll lose the name to you no matter what".

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With over 100 toons, except for 5 toons that clashed with 2 of my other toons (3 servers I played on merged into one server and 2 other servers merged into another one,) I only had to rename 2 other toons. For one character I had the same cloned character on all 5 servers I played on (all 5 were different advanced classes) and for another character I had the same cloned character on 2 of the servers I played on (again different advanced classes) For all cases, it was just a simple alt code change for a vowel in the name that solved the problem. Ironically, the two toons I had to change that didn't clash with any of my other toons were old toons. But, I didn't play them recently over the past couple years because the servers they were on were dying servers. I mostly spent my play time on 2 of the 5 servers I had toons on. Now with the merge, hopefully many more of my toons will get some love besides my raiding toons. Will have to grind Galactic command on many of them but at least I can share set bonus gear with them via legacy sets from mirrored/same advanced classes that already grinded to 300 and are in 246/248 gear. I can craft left sides for the toons that don't have left sides yet. Good enough until they actually get the good left sides from command crates and OPS. Edited by nootsie
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so... how many character names did you all lose?


I lost 2 of my older ones, ironically. characters that existed for years one of whom I actualy did ops on somewhat extensively so he has a fair amount of play time as well :/ while a few of my more recent lower level characters are doing just fine O_O


at least my main and Chiss family got to keep all their original names.


how did you all come out of this merge? better? worse?


well.. technically I lost 3 characters, but third one is a mostly abandoned experimental alt, so.. /shrug. the other 2 hurt though :/


Positively ZERO.




"Prior planning prevents poor performance" or rather in this case:




"Prior planning prevents character name loss"


As they would say: VICTORY!

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I lost 1 out of 15. Was a character that wasn't that far in progression at level 25, but I guess I was still surprised I lost it. I've been a subscriber for years and years. Actually, that character was my first one too, that I created. Anyway, I'll get over it, just didn't think it would have been the one needing replacement.
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I lost 1 out of 15. Was a character that wasn't that far in progression at level 25, but I guess I was still surprised I lost it. I've been a subscriber for years and years. Actually, that character was my first one too, that I created. Anyway, I'll get over it, just didn't think it would have been the one needing replacement.


Ah that sucks :( If it was a higher level you probably would have had a better chance of keeping the character, but as long as you're ok with it then all good. :)

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Not a single one from 24 on Darth Malgus :D Is it because I am a Founder??? I logged in being afraid a little and SURPRISE, everything like it was ! I even checked out if there was really a merge. I am very happy!

Not a single, even 1st level toons - I am subscriber without any breaks from beginning and now I feel it was something. Thank you Bioware :)

Edited by BellatrixKreuzer
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Lost the names of two level 60s I've had for 5 years. Guess someone level 61+ had them too. I knew I should have leveled them to 70 (wasn't sure what criteria they were looking at). Surprisingly a lot of the new level 1s I made with new names I got to keep, was surprised because some of them I was sure would be taken.
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Captain Marbles was a casualty of this merge. RIP Marbles. I also had a Conscript Rosë, but she was scheduled for deletion anyway and never got played; one more kill for the Mantellian separatists.


So as far as names go, I got through this reasonably well. I'm not sure if my friends can say the same though.

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