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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is there really a point to Satele Shan?


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Too many people on one server would cause it to go slow and crash, so if they combined everyone into one server, they would have to have queues to even log in in order to prevent that from happening.


I thought they were mega servers. SWTOR's population can't be big enough to overload a mega server, can it?


Is there even anything in place to keep everyone from joining 1 server?

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I thought they were mega servers. SWTOR's population can't be big enough to overload a mega server, can it?


Is there even anything in place to keep everyone from joining 1 server?


If all the people who want "faster pops" move to one server then that will leave the other server for those of us wanted more relaxed play and who don't care about Group Finder pops since we do all our group activities with our guilds. I would be happy if all the Group Finder players moved to one server. Bioware has said they did not merge all to one server because they were concerned about the effect that large a population would have so I would say there is something preventing a megaserver.

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Your question was already answered in the maintenance thread.


Hey folks,


As many of you know, on Tuesday Keith explained that in preparation for United Forces we moved all current west coast servers into our Virginia data center. Here’s some of the key questions we have received about the North American datacenter change:


Why not communicate this ahead of time?

We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience. This meant we could quickly start gathering feedback on what you were seeing in-game (more on this in the next question). However, we have seen posts from players who made specific decisions based on location (such as character transfers) and we will be in touch with them to discuss. To ensure there is no confusion about this update in-game, we adjusted the server selection screen to reflect that all NA servers are on the east coast.


My ping has gone up since the change and it is affecting my gameplay, what options do I have?

Please continue to report it! As Keith mentioned in his forum post this is something we are actively tracking and working with our network partners to address where possible. We will be working through this especially over the next two weeks as we ramp up to United Forces.


Could there be one data center in the Central US so that pings are more even for each coast?

Creating an entirely new datacenter is a daunting task, even above and beyond the substantial changes we have already made this year. This just isn’t something that was viable in the scope of the changes we made for United Forces.


Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?

Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server. This would introduce several challenges: 1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and 2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime. There are also a variety of other issues, but a key concern was combining all of North America would result in substantially more character name collisions.


We hope this answers some of your questions and lets you know what’s going to happen over the next couple weeks. Please remember, on November 8th we will move all players to their new servers during an extended maintenance (currently looking like 12 hours). We are also discussing starting a few hours earlier than usual (e.g., 2 or 3am CT), but will let you know a few days beforehand.


Thanks everyone.



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There's no point to her. Her time is done and she's played her part. Let her retire while Theron and I provide new Shans for the future.



... oh, not what you meant is it? :p




I thought this thread was going to be about her role in the story too. At risk of digressing, I thought it was kind of creepy when my Gunslinger was banging Theron and then hit on his Mom.


Back on OP topic -- apparently the silver lining is that there are enough of us still playing that one server isn't enough. Though, with sharding / phasing, I'm not sure why that's an issue given 2017 technology (though I hear SWTOR's engine is archaic, which might explain why my friends and I quit in 2012 after the Disaster of Ilum).



Edited by Jdast
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I thought they were mega servers. SWTOR's population can't be big enough to overload a mega server, can it?


Is there even anything in place to keep everyone from joining 1 server?


The server transfer function is disabled atm. If they felt that the possibility of server jumps would strain their hardware they could just leave the function disabled.

Edited by Sareeph
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It serves no purpose other than BW not admitting they don't have enough population to fill one standard server. They didn't make a mega server, or they wouldn't have a need for 2 in one data center. It's all smoke and mirrors and an attempt to hide how small the game population truly is. (I expect more to hide it from investors than from those of us who actually still log in.)
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outside of what they have stated, there isnt any. its like using a 32oz cup (or two, in this case) when you only have a 12oz soda. there may be a time when you might need the extra 24oz for something and you are glad you have it rather than have only a 32oz cup and three cans of soda. oh, then there is Ice to consider....and whiskey. you cant forget the whiskey...or rum...or both....with a pinch of lemon and a splash of water. now where did i put the soda again?


(btw, i had to ensure that i used the term "soda" instead of "coke" as i normally use to mean all soda. "pop" is just unacceptable no matter what.)

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When they gave their reasoning, it made me think that the only portion they are concerned about is the login process and not the game itself. Then again, they have stupidly limited databases that they work with, so who knows what else would get messed up or subjected to further limitations.
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Two servers probably does make it less likely that one might run into issues with queues/log in and loading slowness.


The optimist in me would like to think that they left two servers because they are hoping that they will have different vibes - maybe that Satele Shan keeps the Harbinger atmosphere and that Star Forge retains the more RP/solo - friendly Ebon Hawk vibe. But the cynical side of me says that if they had such intentions, they would have done a better job about grouping the more RP-oriented servers together.

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I have trouble believing their logic here. Once they got rid of the west coast data center, they should just have one server. The pop is way lower than even a year ago. One server including Harb, EH, JC, and Shadowlands (let's face it, the others servers were dead) would be fine. I think they screwed up getting rid of the west coast data center and don't want to admit now they don't need 2 servers. If you can screw over the APAC players, why care about the names?


Does EH or Harbie fleet even have 2 instances on the weekends? And don't use the stronghold theory because there were multiple instances before with strongholds.


And server issues? Just use a backup if the main goes down. Easier to manage one server in one data center.


Just my opinion and discussion.

Edited by Zerileth
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What is the reason to even bother with Satele Shan? Better to just have everyone on 1 server at this point and maximize group availability, PvP queues, etc. I see no benefit to any west coast player bothering with Satele Shan.


What am I missing?


They said it would cause too many name collisions. Not that I believe that, but hey, whatever. Next year when they merge the two servers there will be less name collisions among subscribers I"m sure.

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They said it would cause too many name collisions. Not that I believe that, but hey, whatever. Next year when they merge the two servers there will be less name collisions among subscribers I"m sure.


True as there will be a lot less subscribers

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I guess "Satele Shan" server will be more populated, because Harbinger has more players than other east coast servers combined.

So maybe people on east coast servers should just join new "Satele Shan" server as both servers are in the same location now.


I know i will be moving all of my toons from east "Star Forge" server to "Satele Shan" server, because ping is the same, and population is higher on "Satele Shan".



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I guess "Satele Shan" server will be more populated, because Harbinger has more players than other east coast servers combined.

So maybe people on east coast servers should just join new "Satele Shan" server as both servers are in the same location now.


I know i will be moving all of my toons from east "Star Forge" server to "Satele Shan" server, because ping is the same, and population is higher on "Satele Shan".




I'm not so sure about that.


Harbinger may be/have been the single most populated server, but I think the combined populations of Ebon Hawk, Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands are/were substantially higher than the population of Harbinger, even after many of the players on those three servers transferred to Harbinger and factoring in the APAC community, many of whom are going to be leaving the game, if they have not left the game yet.


I would expect that The Starforge will initially be the higher population server after the merges.


How the player base will sort itself out after the merges remains to be seen.



Will the players on Satele Shan who rely upon the LFG tool for their PVP and PVE group content transfer to the The Starforge?


Will those players that desire a quieter, more respectful server, with a community that accepts the RP contingent migrate to Satele Shan?

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