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Is there really a point to Satele Shan?


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Anyone that thinks SS isn't going to be the largest server is kidding themselves or hoping against hope. Both servers should have good queues, but I doubt Harbinger natives will even notice a difference. It was already a mega server. The only reason people might transfer off of SS is to get away from BBB to actually have a chance at Conquest.


I’m from the APAC region and just about all of us have unsubbed 🙄 or waiting for subs to run out.

SS is going to take a big hit from that. Also rmemeber the other two west coast servers were basically dead and merging those into the Harbinger population was never going to add a lot of extra people. I would say there were more APAC players on Harbinger than players combined on those other servers. So SS is going to have less people than Harbinger did.

Add that some west coast players are also dissatisfied with the server relocation and you have more people unsubbing.

Combining all the east coast servers after doing all of the above and they will naturally have more people.

Lastly, people naturally migrate to the servers with the higher population by either rolling new toons or by transferring.

It pains me to say it, but SS will be the lowest NA server.

R.I.P. APAC and dissatisfied west coast players :(

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Just logged on to SS - 75 on fleet... Interestingly, cuz I was ancy I rolled a brand new alt on Malgus - 180 ppl on Korriban!! :eek: Felt like launch!!!


Are you sure you were not on your guild flagship?

Because when I just got on there were 3 instances of the fleet with hundreds in each . Nice job at trying to use false propaganda though.

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Are you sure you were not on your guild flagship?

Because when I just got on there were 3 instances of the fleet with hundreds in each . Nice job at trying to use false propaganda though.


Um, didn't check the instance but mine was 75. What "false propaganda" would I be trying to push? Muahahahaha, my post will cause the entire game to come crashing down!! Muahahahaha! LOL :rolleyes:

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Can someone please check what the IP address is for SS.


Here is how you do it.


“To find out the server IP (it changes everytime you log in now) you need start swtor and then go back to your Windows desktop and run command prompt in Administrator mode”

Type this command into the command shell after you have opened it.

Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

You will see two swtor ip’s that could look like

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What is the reason to even bother with Satele Shan? Better to just have everyone on 1 server at this point and maximize group availability, PvP queues, etc. I see no benefit to any west coast player bothering with Satele Shan.


What am I missing?

Nope...no point. It should have been merged with the other.

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  • 4 weeks later...
"Substantially more name conflicts". I mean, other games do it, World of Warcraft has it so that everyone across all servers share the world, and there aren't name conflicts, because they tie it to a home-server. We're just going to end up with 1 low pop server, and 1 high pop server again, this will have solved nothing for a chunk of the player base in the long term.
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What is the reason to even bother with Satele Shan? Better to just have everyone on 1 server at this point and maximize group availability, PvP queues, etc. I see no benefit to any west coast player bothering with Satele Shan.


What am I missing?


They needed to maintain the illusion that there were West coast servers as long as possible to get the bump in subs for the merge.

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They needed to maintain the illusion that there were West coast servers as long as possible to get the bump in subs for the merge.


They could easily just have kept Satele Shan labeled as West Coast, tbh I just think they should do shared realms or single megaserver for North America.

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"Substantially more name conflicts". I mean, other games do it, World of Warcraft has it so that everyone across all servers share the world, and there aren't name conflicts, because they tie it to a home-server. We're just going to end up with 1 low pop server, and 1 high pop server again, this will have solved nothing for a chunk of the player base in the long term.


Server transfers are 90 CC (150 CC cross region) until 5.6.1.


If anyone is not happy with their current server's population, they should avail themselves of the option to transfer while transfers are on sale.

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Satele Shan is there for those who do not want to deal with RP dominated Star Forget.



Because if Harbinger mixed with Ebon Hawk, it would murder the RP community.


Ebon Hawk was the goto server for Harbinger whenever Harbinger had performance issues (which was frequent).

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Too many people on one server would cause it to go slow and crash, so if they combined everyone into one server, they would have to have queues to even log in in order to prevent that from happening.


They're probably more concerned with naming collisions and stuff like that than over crowded\slow servers. Lots of games nowadays have mega servers so the tech is out there.

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What is the reason to even bother with Satele Shan? Better to just have everyone on 1 server at this point and maximize group availability, PvP queues, etc. I see no benefit to any west coast player bothering with Satele Shan.


What am I missing?


I don't have actual numbers, but this is what I have observed a few times.

From the server status page on this site, a few times I have seen SS (Satele Shan) have a "standard" population and have seen SF (Star Forge) have a "heavy" population. One would think that a "heavy" population is nearing the maximum amount of simultaneous players.

If that is true, I don't think it is unreasonable to think that these new mega servers are not capable of handling all of SWTOR's players (excluding those who only play only on the European servers). If that is true, then the new servers aren't "mega" enough to handle the entire population of SS and SF.


Now, why didn't they just customize their server and beef it up so much that it could handle the combined population of all the former U.S servers? We can only speculate. It could have been a matter of cost, or logistics, or who knows. We wouldn't know unless one of us had inside information into what's happening inside BW Austin.

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Server transfers are 90 CC (150 CC cross region) until 5.6.1.


If anyone is not happy with their current server's population, they should avail themselves of the option to transfer while transfers are on sale.


I understand that, but that only leads to further population problems for one server. In WoW they have it so the servers are the holders of peoples character names, and people across all servers share the world together if populations hit a certain low per zone. In the end, they're going to have the same problem they had before if they leave it this way. If the answer is that everyone eventually has to come to Star Forge to be in a populated community, then truly, what is the point of Satele Shan?

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I understand that, but that only leads to further population problems for one server. In WoW they have it so the servers are the holders of peoples character names, and people across all servers share the world together if populations hit a certain low per zone. In the end, they're going to have the same problem they had before if they leave it this way. If the answer is that everyone eventually has to come to Star Forge to be in a populated community, then truly, what is the point of Satele Shan?


CRZ is literal cancer though.

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I understand that, but that only leads to further population problems for one server. In WoW they have it so the servers are the holders of peoples character names, and people across all servers share the world together if populations hit a certain low per zone. In the end, they're going to have the same problem they had before if they leave it this way. If the answer is that everyone eventually has to come to Star Forge to be in a populated community, then truly, what is the point of Satele Shan?


As evidenced by all of the prior "Merge servers NOW!!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!!" threads, not everyone wants to play on a high population server.


As it currently stands, though, neither US server seems to be suffering from a low population.

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