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New WoW expansion announced! Any hurry-up for SWTOR?


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Wow kinda caught me, so I started playing again just casually on the side next to swtor! I guess I'll be splaying during the 12 hour maintenance! It won't keep me away from my Arcann romance though.


But Anduin Wrynn in the cinematic....stunning! <3

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But unlike BW, Blizz listened to the player base. They quickly did an about face. They even apologized on the forums.


I'm still waiting for an apology from BW dev's over 5.0 gear changes.


... not to mention an apology for the west coast server relocation and being lied to about it :mad:

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Agreed. All of Bioware's mistakes resulted from refusal to listen and acknowledge mistakes, and a rather insane belief that everything needs to be fixed or balanced via extremes. "Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure" must be on a plaque in front of every Bioware dev's computer terminal.
Right next to the plaque that says "**** 'em ... they'll want what we tell them to want and like it because our customer conditioning program is second to none."


Blizz never killed off WoW's leveling game or recycled anything that came before an expansion because they were too lazy to add new expansion content. Other than Cataclysm changing the world maps (as well as adding a bunch of new zones along with it), a player can go back and play the entire game the way it has always been played. It's called veteran player retention. If Blizzard had done to WoW what BW has done to SWTOR starting with KotFE then WoW would be nearing death too.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The cinematic looks fantastic, one of the best they've ever done.


Other than that, I saw little outside of the new raid types (Warfront) to warrant the gear reset. WoW is notorious with recycling dungeon/raid boss mechanics on new models and calling it new raids, so the only things to be excited about are Warfronts. If those are enough to keep players interested, then kudos to Blizzard for a good expansion.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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... not to mention an apology for the west coast server relocation and being lied to about it :mad:


Well, they didn't technically lie about it. Sadly, when you look at the roadmap, you only see 2 server with the tag «North America». Sure, they didn't advertise this enough... but the information (even if it was really hidden) was there from the start.

It's because of these actions that they think they don't have to apologize... because «it was stated in the roadmap from the start» :/

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The cinematic looks fantastic, one of the best they've ever done.


Other than that, I saw little outside of the new raid types (Warfront) to warrant the gear reset. WoW is notorious with recycling dungeon/raid boss mechanics on new models and calling it new raids, so the only things to be excited about are Warfronts. If those are enough to keep players interested, then kudos to Blizzard for a good expansion.


Given that you're playing a game that has done a "gear reset" for about 3 years in a row with almost legit 0 new content that warrants it, recycled or not, this post is pretty strange


Call some mechanics recycled, that sorta thing happens, but the latest expansion, Legion, still isn't concluded yet (There's still at least 1 full raid coming with like 8+ bosses as well as more dungeons/story content and more). Basically more content in a patch for Legion than we've had in like 2-3 years in SWTOR


Also, say what you want about WoW Devs, but they understand something SWTOR devs don't and I'd love to see if anyone can say with confidence that you'd ever see this from the SWTOR dev team:



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Also, say what you want about WoW Devs, but they understand something SWTOR devs don't and I'd love to see if anyone can say with confidence that you'd ever see this from the SWTOR dev team:




Yeah, this is sadly true, and has been like that since swtor was released. :/

It may even be possible that this passage was specificaly directed towards BW, which wouldn't surprise me tbh. >_>

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Yeah, this is sadly true, and has been like that since swtor was released. :/

It may even be possible that this passage was specificaly directed towards BW, which wouldn't surprise me tbh. >_>


here is my biggest issue with wow, getting to lvl 60 is relatively easy. but not doing all aspects of questing and such gets me so overwhelmed that I just cant take the idea I didn't do those things. even though I despise questing old zones its like my character feels gimped for not doing them. its just too much to think about and at 60 I feel I am loosing my mind LOL!!


what I do love about SWTOR however is a love the 1-50 content and even the RoTHC and SoR stuff is fun too. given I have done them a few times on an assortment of characters. I always find it fun in older zones. I do not get the same feeling I do in wow older zones than I do in SWTOR. WoW's older zones are quite frankly HELL to grind through, and I loath and despise them utterly...


I guess I know what I will be doing once the 12 hour maintenance is over with... :)

Edited by CKNORTH
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here is my biggest issue with wow, getting to lvl 60 is relatively easy. but not doing all aspects of questing and such gets me so overwhelmed that I just cant take the idea I didn't do those things. even though I despise questing old zones its like my character feels gimped for not doing them. its just too much to think about and at 60 I feel I am loosing my mind LOL!!


what I do love about SWTOR however is a love the 1-50 content and even the RoTHC and SoR stuff is fun too. given I have done them a few times on an assortment of characters. I always find it fun in older zones. I do not get the same feeling I do in wow older zones than I do in SWTOR. WoW's older zones are quite frankly HELL to grind through, and I loath and despise them utterly...


I guess I know what I will be doing once the 12 hour maintenance is over with... :)


Eh, I never said the opposite :p

I was just talking in terms of gameplay balance, the 1-50 stuff is handled in a really good way with swtor (bug excluded, ofc), I think we can all agree on this point D:

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Eh, I never said the opposite :p

I was just talking in terms of gameplay balance, the 1-50 stuff is handled in a really good way with swtor (bug excluded, ofc), I think we can all agree on this point D:


Yeah Lol! all I know is during Vanilla WoW I leveled 2 characters to 60 a hunter and a mage and it sucked royally...


SWTOR on the other hand is by far a lot better from 1-50. and gameplay balance even WoW is trying to figure that out and resorted to having people spam 2-3 buttons.... ;)

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Say what you will about WoW, but at least it's reliably producing content. Some people here who are arguing aganst new content because it "voids their gear".. Well, yes. That's what an MMORPG is supposed to do. It's not going to halt its progression just so you can have a false sense of superiority. MMORPGs are about progression- from the moment you begin leveling to the endgame gear, you are constantly progressing. It's part of the experience and if you aren't into that then this probably isn't the correct genre for you.


More on topic, as opposed to the past two expansions which I didn't really care for (I thought Warlords of Draenor was terrible, and Legion wasn't different enough to bring me back), this one looks like it could have what it takes to get my subscription back. It's been about two years now- I've missed RPing with my friend, and I've missed my characters. Maybe it's time to give it another go :)

Edited by SourOrange
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Say what you will about WoW, but at least it's reliably producing content. Some people here who are arguing aganst new content because it "voids their gear".. Well, yes. That's what an MMORPG is supposed to do. It's not going to halt its progression just so you can have a false sense of superiority. MMORPGs are about progression- from the moment you begin leveling to the endgame gear, you are constantly progressing. It's part of the experience and if you aren't into that then this probably isn't the correct genre for you.


More on topic, as opposed to the past two expansions which I didn't really care for (I thought Warlords of Draenor was terrible, and Legion wasn't different enough to bring me back), this one looks like it could have what it takes to get my subscription back. It's been about two years now- I've missed RPing with my friend, and I've missed my characters. Maybe it's time to give it another go :)


My only issue really with WoW is that I can't get used to the graphics. It's too old and cartoony-looking for me. Otherwise I'd probably be playing it as well.

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I don't care how many more expansions Blizzard releases or QoL features they introduce, I will never play an MMO in which Pandas are featured as a playable race or a group of NPCs.


Your loss. The story and scenery of Pandaria were both very good- but if you didn't actually play it or just skimmed I could see how one could mistake it for being a cute little expansion about pandas brewing beer.

Despite popular opinion, the Pandaren didn't come out of nowhere and they weren't inspired by Kung Fu Panda. There was a Pandaren hero character in the expansion for the original Warcraft III (the RTS game that preceded World of Warcraft- and actually a really fun game to play with friends, even today) and they'd been requested as a playable race for quite some time.

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Your loss. The story and scenery of Pandaria were both very good- but if you didn't actually play it or just skimmed I could see how one could mistake it for being a cute little expansion about pandas brewing beer..


I hate RTS games and have never played the series the MMO is based on, so the only association I have with Pandas in popular culture are the Kung Fu Panda movies, and I will never watch them.


My understanding is that the very notion of the Pandaran expansion was first introduced as part of an April Fools joke that backfired due to its enormous popularity. Player demand for a real expansion skyrocketed thanks in part to the new Kung Fu Panda movie that was being marketed at the time, so Blizzard turned the joke into a real game. I canceled my own sub shortly after it was announced.

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Well, they didn't technically lie about it. Sadly, when you look at the roadmap, you only see 2 server with the tag «North America». Sure, they didn't advertise this enough... but the information (even if it was really hidden) was there from the start.

It's because of these actions that they think they don't have to apologize... because «it was stated in the roadmap from the start» :/


Actually, it looks to me like they've gone back and changed some of the wording in the road map and in some blog posts.

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Also, say what you want about WoW Devs, but they understand something SWTOR devs don't and I'd love to see if anyone can say with confidence that you'd ever see this from the SWTOR dev team:


Now would you care to tell the listening audience how long it took them to learn that lesson?? Or prove to them that they've actually implemented what they've learned? I can point to parse group after parse group where they didn't listen at all.. Even in this most current expansion. Where they stated that their own internal data was accurate and they didn't believe any changes were necessary. I can show you beta testing, #.1, #.2 etc.. I can show you 4000 message threads in multiple iterations of players telling Blizzard that their data was wrong, to only have it fall to deaf ear.


Listen, Bioware has their own issues yes.. But you people coming to these forums and praising Blizzard when you know full well out that current and past teams have screwed over the characters that you put time and effort into only to find them junk in whatever style of play you participated are full of bunk.


Go ahead.. take a look at warcraft logs and see just how far the standard deviation is from top to bottom. In mythic, more than a 10% deviation, and in classes that aren't as easy to switch between as they are in this game. #artifactweapons

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Blizzard apparently figured it out faster than Bioware can. Every game studio has teething troubles- it's how they respond and learn from them that matters.


But to be fair, Blizzard has had a long stretch of success (mostly in part because they actually understand what their customers want and don't treat them like a tool to be used like EA does), and has the resources to deliver.


Bioware is very obviously getting throttled by EA, leading to little content which leads to fewer customers which leads to less revenue which leads to less EA interest.. You see the pattern.


But there is no question here which company is currently, objectively, doing their description job better. There's really no way to ignore that Blizzard has their stuff down pat- it might not always be what some of us want it to be, but they /are/ delivering consistent and well-made content, even if it's not your personal preference.

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I think the bottom line of all this is, SWTOR is going to die very soon. The game already lost a west coast server. I mean if that's not telling i don't know what else can be. WoW has a army of employees across the globe, has the cash to bring in new technology and gaming updates, has the power and control over there content. BW doesn't have these for SWTOR. Sorry to say this game is going to be deleted its just a matter of time.
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My wife and I are playing WoW right now (BABB ... bio and beverage break & so she can marinade the mahi mahi I'll be grilling in a few hours). And as much fun as we are having questing through the expansion together to reach Argus, all we can talk about is how much Bioware ****ed up SWTOR. Edited by GalacticKegger
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My wife and I are playing WoW right now (BABB ... bio and beverage break & so she can marinade the mahi mahi I'll be grilling in a few hours). And as much fun as we are having questing through the expansion together to reach Argus, all we can talk about is how much Bioware ****ed up SWTOR.


I've seen that conversation in chat in other games and I have had that chat with my wife and a friend playing other games.

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