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I like very much of both Trooper and Jedi Consular stories; I find politics of Old Republic to be very fascinating, and these two stories touch down on that matter really well on some occasions.

I like Lana too, she's type of Sith who the Empire could've used more during the Cold War era.

Nothing else springs to my mind right now. :)

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To each his/her own.

Sith Inquisitor has the best story and amazing voice acting for females, then Agent (I love the story, not bad voice acting, but I always expect Carver from DAII to show up and whine) , Knight (just because of that one nice scene at the end of Ch II), Smuggler has the best dialogue, Sith Warrior (just because you can make fun of Baras), then BH, Trooper (for me, bland story, but Jennifer Hale is her only saving grace) and the most boring Jedi Consular.

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Been partying from dusk till dawn?


No, I have a strange work schedule is all. It's why you find me loitering on here quite often.


Only sleep 3-4 hours a night or during the day. Quality not quantity and several years of conditioning.


On topic: I don't like Theron.

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No, I have a strange work schedule is all. It's why you find me loitering on here quite often.


Only sleep 3-4 hours a night or during the day. Quality not quantity and several years of conditioning.


On topic: I don't like Theron.


Wow 3-4 hours. I feel like I'm going insane by just thinking about it! You must be a wizard.


On topic: I like the female consular voice.

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Are we ready for a lynching? Okay. I don't like Kira Carsen. She's just a little too typical, a little too cookie-cutter, like a lot of the stuff in the Knight story. She feels a little too much like a token, archetypal "tough gal", but there feels like there's very little meat to her character, and she's quite forgettable. I also dislike that the only way to turn her down from the romance side of things is to do the whole Jedi "be mindful of attachments" lecture at her.


Skadge makes me laugh. Even if his recruitment is a little forced, I wouldn't trade him for anyone.


3rd-party voice chat is annoying and despite generally trying to be friendly in game, I've never been able to find a good guild to run with because they all rely on it so heavily.


There's nothing in this game that doesn't have at least some redeeming value. Even things I think are imperfect still have their strong points. So while there are many things I might "fix" if I could wave a magic wand and make the game exactly what I wanted it to be, I don't think there's anything I'd take out completely.



Edited by JLazarillo
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The Consular story isn't bad. It's just slow. But it can't compare to the Inquisitor.


I think the Consular story is underrated and the Inquisitor story is overrated. How much do you really accomplish yourself as the Inquisitor? To me it felt like a procession of other people saving your behind after you get beaten down ...



Khem saves you from Zash, Kallig saves you from an angry ghost, you get saved twice after Thanaton leaves you for dead - once by Zash's apprentices and once by your crew.



The Inquisitor seems to make a career out of having other people step in to rescue them.

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The Jedi Consular's storyline was one of my favorites. I'm a sucker for lore and Jedi/Sith mysteries so it was one of the best. Plus, it made me feel like I was actually having an impact on the Jedi throughout Act I.


The KOTFE and KOTET storylines aren't as bad as everyone says they are. Valkorion was a great villain and I liked the tie-in to Vitiate. Sure, it could have been better, don't get me wrong! But it was still an enjoyable storyline; and, I actually plan to bring all of my alts through it.

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Im a bit late too the whole "lana" thing but why does nobody like her? Ive done everything up to the mando stuff in KoTFE does she do something stupid or something? lol


I like her (my main's LI) but she's pretty inept at most of her jobs, and she's the main character (along with Theron) and we are the companions to her.

I did want to slap a ***** when she gave me attitude after coming back from the Odessen Wilds. YOU SENT ME THERE!!!!!

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opinions huh.. hmm


I enjoyed SoR, KotFE and KotET the most out of all the expansions, and story lines.

I equally like and enjoy having the characters of Malavai, Theron, Lana and Arcann and it puts me at odds with others' from all angles.

Once the consular story was my all-tme favourite (with female VA), and still holds a soft spot for me.

I disliked the JK story immensely, but love the Sith Warrior one but only as a light sided/logical/pragmantic warrior.

Female SI voice is the worst in the game, closely followed by Female smuggler, grates like nails on a chalkboard.

I despise Theron's new hairstyle but am only worried about the character story, a hairstyle change won't make me like him less.

Leave vanilla story romances alone. Nothing needs to change there and they do not need to be romances after returning post KotFE, they had their spotlight.

The Alliance is my favourite thing in the game at the moment, and I hope it continues.

I enjoyed the Vitiate -> Valkorion stuff, and have no problems at all believing it's the same entity/consciousness.

Also glad we finally 'ended' him, so we can have a new big bad. He covered the entirety of swtor until his death.

I think rushing the ending of KotET and cutting off a third of that story was a very bad move. But so was not getting a full operation out this year.

I have never asked, or wished, I could kill a character in the story. But if the option is there, I will consider it at the time xD

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Female SI voice is the worst in the game


It's not a favorite of mine either :o I don't like to talk so much about voices I don't like though, I feel like I'm being rude about something a person can't help. My own voice sounds like Elmo to me when I hear it.


But yeah the female SI voice seems very popular and I'm just like :confused:

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