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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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100% of all statistics are made up on the spot. :D


Personally, I enjoy Huttball. It's a nice spin on PVP and makes it fun.


I will not deny that it has it's flaws and glitches but it's still fun overall. Push players into the acid, hold them in the fire.


At least it makes more sense to have an underground death sport, rather then playing capture the flag like in other games that I will not say the name of.

Edited by Darth_Victus
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I like it.


If I was imperial I'd be sick of it probably, but then thats what you get for rolling the zerg side. Be thankful you do get it, the alternative was hour long pvp queues.



Dont assume you speak for any percentage of the playerbase apart from yourself

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Sith Players: *** bioware, give us the option to avoid huttball!!!


bioware: We've now given all players the chance to queue for specific warzones


Sith Players: ***!!! 3 hours queues are unacceptable!!!! fix this now!




That about sum it up for ya?


I didn't need to read past this post because this is so damn accurate.


I love Huttball, sure, republic needs to learn to pass/support but it's fun, I absolutely LOVE the fact it's different to the usual flag capture/deathmatch/martyr of every other game ever.


If they stop it being Empire vs Empire there is a slim chance some ppl would reroll to reduce queue times and servers would self balance, but I think that gives too much credit to the players.


Finally, it's not 80% of players, it's 80% of players who come here to QQ. People who don't want it remove won't post it (duh), so saying "all these threads about huttball" .. well that means nothing. For every player posting anti-huttball theres how many NOT posting it?

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Agreed, i love to see something of a League competition for guilds to enter for high value prizes!


I love a bit of Hutball, adds a little something to the old Capture the Flag type game.


All of the pvp games are good to be honest, its clear they have put a lot of effort into giving us something different to what other MMO's have offered in the past.

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Sith Players: *** bioware, give us the option to avoid huttball!!!


bioware: We've now given all players the chance to queue for specific warzones


Sith Players: ***!!! 3 hours queues are unacceptable!!!! fix this now!




That about sum it up for ya?



The only thing that would make this statement MORE TRUE would be if you had replaced Sith players with REPUBtards, as it's generally the republic kids who hate this match moreso than Sith (I find this is the one I win most as Sith...so...)

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I didn't need to read past this post because this is so damn accurate.


I love Huttball, sure, republic needs to learn to pass/support but it's fun, I absolutely LOVE the fact it's different to the usual flag capture/deathmatch/martyr of every other game ever.


If they stop it being Empire vs Empire there is a slim chance some ppl would reroll to reduce queue times and servers would self balance, but I think that gives too much credit to the players.


Finally, it's not 80% of players, it's 80% of players who come here to QQ. People who don't want it remove won't post it (duh), so saying "all these threads about huttball" .. well that means nothing. For every player posting anti-huttball theres how many NOT posting it?


I'll probably re-roll Republic just because there's so many Imperials, i like to be the underdog. I'll take 1 hour queues over huttball any time of the day or night. Trust me, there's plenty of people that hate huttball and don't post here, hell, i just checked out of curiosity to see if there's any topic about that joke of a warzone, without any intention of posting, but trust me, there's plenty of people that hate it.


I'm not saying i suck at it, i do my part, but i don't enjoy it. It doesn't even compare to Voidstar, which is the best warzone ever. Hell, they could just go "Imperial Separatists" route and we could play any warzone we'd want, but even without that, even with a 1h waiting queue, i'd still hate huttball.

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I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


<raises hand>


I like it.


Personally, I HATE the voidstar one.


But I understand other people may like it. So here's an idea - rather than ask for the WZ you dislike to be removed, ask for the ability to choose which to queue for. I'd /sign that.

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Sith Players: *** bioware, give us the option to avoid huttball!!!


bioware: We've now given all players the chance to queue for specific warzones


Sith Players: ***!!! 3 hours queues are unacceptable!!!! fix this now!




That about sum it up for ya?


Is that why they don't allow selecting which WZs to queue for? Because they think too few would queue for specific WZs? So they think making us waste time entering a WZ we don't like only to immediately exit is better?

Edited by Hlicalanthe
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I'm going to give the most sound advice I can give empire players who hate huttball so much. Reroll republic if you hate huttball so much. You may laugh, but seriously think about it. You will virtually have no hutt ball anymore and at the very least significantly less. Why? There is less republics, republics will be streamlined into war zones. War zones are what you play. Republic is in low demand. Do you see where this is going? :p
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huttball is actually best warzone in rotation - for me and most people i know. Noone is blaming on it.. on the other hand, Alderan is pretty much not fun. and voidstar, is a great one but one respawn in wrong time and you lose whole scenario because you will never catch your opponents.. pretty much not fair.


so, no way.. keep it like it is

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Please explain how its your favorite, have you never played an Actual PvP Game before?


Mechanics are Terribad, the obstacles are not bad but add a sense of delay to the game, and just the point of the game is fail.


Atleast add in a function that lets you choose which BG to choose.


Ive been PvPing last 5 hours and Ive gotten huttball about 90% of the time. No exaggeration




I love huttball cause it does following


1) it punishes melee zerging, yes any game that lets the brainless melee zerg mmo players win is bad simple as that.


2) it requires us healer to move and pay attention: with all corners and los issues there is no more spammin on one guy realy, you have to be far more mobile and expect and cordinate than ever before


3) its the one wz where teamplay realy wins a match, even 4 ppl can win a game by themself if their teamplay is up to par.


4) its a ctf with a pass option agian something that discourages clustering ala wsg which not only is boring is low skill lvl gameplay-


5)it is 3 dimensional with hazards that zerging in any form is just a way to make you lose, you have to think befor eyou move not just go after the nearest red tab target and faceroll buttons, aka it promotes skill and tactical awarness not tab target noskill noobness.


I am fully aware the issus sith players are facing and that they get to overplay this warzone and that is regrettable, yes there should be an option not to join it (and you guys get to live with 3 hours ques) but face it: you joined the zerg sith side its exactly like how warhammer was for months.

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