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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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Huttball would be my favorite warzone if SI/JC knockbacks were nerfed,or penalized somehow for using it or even given an increased CD(for PvP only). It's irritating to be shredding some SI/JC only to be knocked back into poison, fire or off the ledge and then be rooted into place. As it stands now, the team with the most SIs/JCs are the victors.


Once you accept this fact though and roll with the punches, Huttball is a lot of fun. I just wish I didn't get it 19/20 times a day.

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I love Huttball. It's a nice change from the usual mindless PVP. That's why I like PVP so far in this game...the gametypes have "purpose" behind it..not just random deathmatch. My only annoyance is the stupid locked door at the beginning. Sometimes you get locked in, sometimes you don't. Randomness should not be a factor in PVP! Either have no door, or have every have a set amount of time spent dead before respawning and again having no door. Consistency is important. Losing because "the game decided the random factor against you" is ridiculous. I also like the capture and hold map. Instead of just a capture and hold for no reason, it powers AA guns that fire on the enemy capitol ship. Reason behind stuff is great. The only gametype I do not like is the assault one. Once someone plants it's an almost certainty that it'll blow with no chance to difuse due to a sneeze causing interuption. Attacking the Planting/Difuse guy should cause pushback, not complete interuption.


Overall, my favorite is Huttball. I do, however, believe that they should add a "queue for..." option INCLUDING an option for random (maybe +10% rewards for chosing random?).

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I like hutball. I didn't at first, but after playing quite a bit in all the warzones, it's actually close to the top for me. My least favorite I'd say is the Civil War, but that could just be from a string of about 10 consecutive queues for it. It'd be a shame to have it removed, and I don't see them doing it, but I agree that a warzone selector would be nice, as well as another warzone or two down the road.
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I and my entire guild love huttball, its a blast and endless fun. Much better than standing around a door or turret guarding it for ever. If you hate huttball I suspect it is because you either really suck at it, or dont understand it.
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I do NOT hate Hutball... I do not find it as entertaining as many others does. But its just me ...


BUT I DO HATE having to play hutball over and over and over again... due to the imbalance in my server between the factions, i end up playing it 9 times out of 10...


That is what irritates me, not the hutball itself...



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I think what really turns people off to huttball the most is the fact that we play it so much more than the rest of the warzones. seriously after playing it 10 times in a row i find myself not even wanting to pvp anymore because im just sick of huttball.


then my friends and I will group up and send one person into the que and he will let us know if its huttball or not and if it is then the rest of us will just cancel the que and try again.

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Huttball, hands down, best PVP BG I've ever played in an MMO.


I bet all you crybabies are Sith side that say they play Huttball all the time.


You only play Huttball all the time if your side is Overpopulated.


I didn't get into my first Huttball on Repub-Fatman until i was 17... And I Q up all day.

Edited by ccfire
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I play Sith and I get a really good mix of huttball, Voidstar and Civil War. I never notice streaks of getting Huttball over the others, and we have a decent win percentage.


And no, I'm not telling you what server I play on because I'd like to keep it that way. :D

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