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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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It's awful to queue and get huttball for the nth time. I like the other warzones too. At this point I'm actually sick of huttball but I get the feeling no other warzone is actually working.


So what was novel at first is now irritating. Constantly either being steamrolled or steamrolling isn't much fun. The fact that I have no choice makes me completely avoid PVP until something is fixed about this.


Fix this, it is a problem.

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i stopped listening when you threw out the percent of 80 and then rattled off a huge *** post without any real statistics to back it up. Dont mention names but give some specifics, like how many feel this way out of how many.


If you dont give specifics i am simply forced to asume this is your opinion, backed by maybe 4 other people, that you try to pass off as more to get your way.

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It's awful to queue and get huttball for the nth time. I like the other warzones too. At this point I'm actually sick of huttball but I get the feeling no other warzone is actually working.


So what was novel at first is now irritating. Constantly either being steamrolled or steamrolling isn't much fun. The fact that I have no choice makes me completely avoid PVP until something is fixed about this.


Fix this, it is a problem.


the reason for this is because your playing the overpopulated faction. huttball is designed to allow you to compete against players of the same faction, in order to keep queue times down.


the only way to "fix" this is to A) figure out some way to balance faction populations and ensure that the same number of people queue up for pvp on both sides. B) make huttball like ald and void, where you only fight the opposite faction. C) give people the option of which warzone to queue for.


A) is entirely out of the dev's control, its completely up to the players. B) and C) are doable, but will both have the adverse affect of creating longer queue times for the faction with a bigger population.

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i stopped listening when you threw out the percent of 80 and then rattled off a huge *** post without any real statistics to back it up. Dont mention names but give some specifics, like how many feel this way out of how many.


If you dont give specifics i am simply forced to asume this is your opinion, backed by maybe 4 other people, that you try to pass off as more to get your way.


don't worry any % Of All Statistics Are Made Up

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Much prefer Huttball and Alderaan over the zergtastic and quite frankly garbage Voidstar.


The only tactic ever used is zerg the heck out of one door and send a stealther onto the other door while the melee is going on, either way you will progress onwards and cannot be stopped...makes for some very boring matches.


Voidstar ofc could be fixed with some chokepoint alteration and adjusting the timer on the respawn shield so defenders can do more than get zerged into submission.

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Sith Players: *** bioware, give us the option to avoid huttball!!!


bioware: We've now given all players the chance to queue for specific warzones


Sith Players: ***!!! 3 hours queues are unacceptable!!!! fix this now!




That about sum it up for ya?


This lol.

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Personally I hate huttball to the point I will log out when it pops, sadly on my sith this is 9 out of 10 times..

Compared to other competetive mmos like wow & rift, the pvp in swtor is in no way user friendly, it just looks like its designed by elite pvpers for elite pvpers & this is a huge mistake for a company trying to gain subs & grow their mainstream customer base. Considering the average mmo player is dare I say it, older , fatter & slower than previously, if bioware wants a large number of players in pvp they need to keep it simple & dumb it down (yes I said that lol)

Its pointless saying l2p noob, or go back to the pandas, everyone wants swtor to succeed, it just needs to accomodate the average casual player much better from a pvp perspective.

To ship the game with only three warzones is disgracefull (what did they spend that 100 million on ???)

If bioware cant give us the option to queue for the warzone of our choice & provide new casual friendly warzones quicky, I can see many people returning to their previous mmos or new ones.

/end rant

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I disagree 100%, Huttball is actually my favorite arena and I don't really like the other two nearly as much.. I'm fine with people having a choice to pick the battleground, but removing Huttball because some people don't like it is so foolish...
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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


bioware i think what this guys saying is if anything make more huttball arenas cause we love it

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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


I enjoy Huttball. Please don't speak for me.

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Personally I hate huttball to the point I will log out when it pops, sadly on my sith this is 9 out of 10 times..

Compared to other competetive mmos like wow & rift, the pvp in swtor is in no way user friendly, it just looks like its designed by elite pvpers for elite pvpers & this is a huge mistake for a company trying to gain subs & grow their mainstream customer base. Considering the average mmo player is dare I say it, older , fatter & slower than previously, if bioware wants a large number of players in pvp they need to keep it simple & dumb it down (yes I said that lol)

Its pointless saying l2p noob, or go back to the pandas, everyone wants swtor to succeed, it just needs to accomodate the average casual player much better from a pvp perspective.

To ship the game with only three warzones is disgracefull (what did they spend that 100 million on ???)

If bioware cant give us the option to queue for the warzone of our choice & provide new casual friendly warzones quicky, I can see many people returning to their previous mmos or new ones.

/end rant

roll republic, enjoy alderaan and voidstar nearly infinite. 2 huttballs out of 14 matches? Boo ya.

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Hutball sucks at lower levels because depending on your class you don't have the abilities necessary to take advantage of the map. As a vanguard, as soon as I got harpoon, it got a lot more enjoyable. It actually felt like I was helping the team instead of being a waste of a slot.
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Huttball is the most god-awful, horrible, steaming pile of crap I have ever seen, lol. I wonder what the thought process for it was: " Oh, let's make a ranged faceroll fest by adding a bunch of catwalks and pits, then add slime that slows you and flames that one-shot you! It will be awesome!". On top of the ever-present lag and ability delay that's plaguing all WZs right now.


Uh, no. I leave this WZ as soon as I zone in. Even if they implement a deserter debuff, I'll still leave. Cheesy mechanics don't make for a good time.


Rofl, if Acid is snaring you, stop running into it tard muffin..


Second, if you're complaining about ability lag, it shows you're a nub who has zero clue how to even work the options in your game.

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