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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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Really ignorant post. The op states that 80% hate it...show me your proof nub. huttball is fine and i say 99% love it so now what???


If BW needs to do anything with huttball it would be to create 2 or 3 more wz designs for it.


Oh wait, this just in...99.2% want huttball to stay..or is it 99.3% ...I can go all day.

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playing huttball 90% of the time is tiresome (thankfully that hasn't happened on my server since about week 4), but that's not huttball's fault, the wz itself is easily the best wz. Edited by Adzzy
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It can become tiresome sure if you get it alot.

However ive had some great game where its really tight right till the last second, real adrenaline stuff especially when playing with friends.

There are so many "plays" and tricks its a real breath of fresh air for MMO pvp, id deffo watch streams of two 8 man teams playing each other with commentary would be sweeet!

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I dont mind playing huttball.


What i do mind is to play huttball 99% of the time.


Fix that and huttball will be enjoyable.


THIS. About a month ago, I decided to start counting. Over a three week period, on my 50 sent, at different times of day, I played 50 warzones; 39 were Huttball. I tried with different size premades and solo, and it was literally almost always huttball. I like the theory behind it; I like that they're trying something different with PvP. I just can't handle ONLY playing Huttball. I really enjoy Civil War and Voidstar, but they aren't worth wading through hours of Huttball.

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To excel at huttball your team needs to work together. Proper positioning and passing are key. These things make huttball a lot of fun for me. Though I can see how actually having to work together would make it more difficult. I can also see how this makes it less for fun people who don't want to try.


Moral of the story: Stop being bad.

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I personally hate Huttball, but that's because it has soooooooooo many graphics and my computer can barely handle SWTOR as it is. I'm a casual, I do some Flashpoints and Heroics with friends, I do the story. But I can barely PVP as my sniper because 70% of the games are Empire V. Empire Huttball, which I understand. But it doesn't TELL ME its going to be Huttball, so I burn 10 minutes on load screens and 15 playing a game I can barely see. And a third of games versus the Republic are Huttball too. It makes me think I should just not queue except for on weekend around 1... Alderaan and the uh... ship (Its been so long I can't remember what it is called!) are both quite fun, and I'd be willing to queue for just those and PVE for an hour or too while I wait for them to show up. Just let us know when we are going to play god damn Huttball, if you are going to make us queue for it, so we can skip it without facing 10 minutes of load screens at best.
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Huttball is my favorite warzone...Alderaan is the worst...reason?Only 3 base cannons...whoever gets in the beginning the 2 bases is 90% the winner....add 2 more base cannons and it will be more competitive....and remove the walls between the bases


Voidstar is good :)

Edited by Saizor
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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


I love huttball -now you've met at least one.


huttball isnt bad, its a load of fun if you just play it.


This forum do anything but qq?

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I love when someone thinks they speak for "80% of the players", it's so entitled that it makes me laugh/cry.




There are three VERY different WZs with VERY different mechanics, if I had to bet I would say that roughly 33% of players list Huttball as their favourite and 33% list it as their least favourite... how many of those 33% would want to get rid of it completely I could guess but I bet it's low.

Edited by Dariuss
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I totally disagree with the OP. Huttball is my favorite WZ by a long shot. I've been pvping since Sullon Zek in EQ and Huttball is the first time in awhile where a designer has actually tried to innovate. Civil War and Voidstar are retread content from years ago.
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Maybe 80% of the people who start topics in a PvP forum, but they're all QQers anyways.


Huttball is fun when you stop caring about how many medals you get and more about trying to win. Although yes, some tools to run the ball / support the ball carrier would be nice, too.

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Another huttball whine claiming 'everyone hates it'. Well, I LOVE IT. It's the only wz that actually requires SKILL. The other two wz are booooooring implementations of the same every other game out there does better.
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Huttball IMO is the only good thing about this game.


Alderaan is depressing since it's just a blatant ripoff of Arathi Basin but reminds you that this Hero engine sucks and can only handle 8 players on a team at a time and only has 3 capture points with no mounts.


Voidstar is depressing since it's just a blatant ripoff of Strand of the Ancients but reminds you that this Hero engine sucks and can only handle 8 players on a team at a time and doesn't have the siege engine vehicles bombing doors and others on turrets shooting the vehicles and no mounts.


Leave Huttball alone.

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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


Hutball is amazing.. You are fail troll elsewhere please,also I guarantee there are more that like hutball than those who don't.

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Hutball is amazing.. You are fail troll elsewhere please,also I guarantee there are more that like hutball than those who don't.


This. Maybe once a week we'll run into someone on our server that doesn't like Huttball. They either disappear shortly after their complaints are utterred, or they learn the game and begin to enjoy it. We live for Huttball, it's the best of the three.

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