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Thanks! My ping improved! No lag spikes.


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My ping to my main server got a bit worse, but it's by no means bad. Meanwhile, my ping to east coast actually improved slightly, which could be just chance.


Regardless, given my location, I'm not who I'm worried about with this move. So far the Cali guy on my team has worse ping, but it isn't unplayable for him, and I haven't heard back from those farther away yet.


I think overall this will negatively impact a small portion of the playerbase. To be impacted, you have to go from a good ping to a bad ping, and do content that requires a good ping. We'll definitely hear from those players, and hopefully Bioware will do what they can to accommodate those impacted, especially APAC players, who often were on eggshells before, and will probably be worse off now.


My beef is this: pulling out of a datacenter is a huge deal, and it saves a lot of money. It was clearly not a "hey guys we can do this" thing like Keith implied, but rather a cost saving measure that had been discussed and planned. It wasn't announced beforehand because the playerbase would be both wrongly worried, and rightly worried. Wrongly because many players are going from having a fine ping to having a fine ping, and rightly because some are going from having a playable ping to having an unplayable ping. I get why they did it, but it doesn't make it good.

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Unless this "white knight" is legit & indeed grateful they have better play time. Just because others are unhappy with the changes doesn't mean all have to be. That's just sheer stupidity.

Some play groups are going to have better pings, others worse. Just because the vocal ones on the forums today are the ones with worse pings, doesn't mean those getting better are making fun of them when posting a thanks. It doesn't work like that.


It does if the poster is a “white knight”. It also means his “better ping” claim has the same value as claiming I know they did this to destroy the game. “White knights” are just trolls they seek to cause issues never help them.

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Seriously this was a bad move on EAs part, BW is just a studio EA owns, And EA owns plenty of already existing servers so they are short on any good excuse. I work with servers all the time , what it takes to run this client is not as expensive as what many of people here are leading on about. To me this is the sign of things to come, EA may string us all along for a couple of years tops but swtor is dead in the water. With no sign of a tor2 in works , who knows we may have a lull in a SW IP MMO being on the market. I for one hope they do, it will suck at first sure, but once swtor makes its way to private servers it will be a much better game being out from EAs hands. Just look what they did with galaxies and imagine:D
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And when has that worked except when political correctness came into play?? (See "Hot Prospect" on that.)


Just to give one example... when 5.0 dropped, Galactic Command was set to be the ONLY way to receive end game set bonus gear, period, end of story. The players revolted. Ben Irving went all "RNG is EXCITING!!!" on multiple livestreams and tried to hype up the random garbage crate system as the best solution. Players didn't buy it. People protested on the forums, and started unsubscribing in droves. Lo and behold, after a few months they started adding PvE and PvP methods to gain end game gear back to the game.


Now EA will see the APAC players, and probably some West Coast players as well, go the voting with their wallet route as well as posting their issues on here. EA has made changes before under public pressure, they can do it again.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Listen, I've already personally said that I have sympathy for what AUS players are going through. I sincerely do.. But all of this ranting and raving on the forums doesn't do anybody any good. All you do is get yourself worked up into a frenzy and lose your logical thought.


I get that your ticked off, I wouldn't play a game with a 400 ms ping either. But at this point it has been a 'DAY' since the change was made. I'm adult enough to give them the opportunity to try and make things better.

How exactly do you think they'll "make it better"?


You know what sucks the most about this? These were players who were HAPPY playing the game...they aren't quitting because of some update nerfing their class, they're being forcibly removed from the game. Their experience is being made so bad that they simply can't play in many cases...these were solid customers, good people, great players...and they got shafted HUGE yesterday.


They've got every right to rant and rave TODAY and TOMORROW and every day they have left on their subs because they are getting screwed over in the most shocking way I have ever seen. Bioware made an active decision to move this MMO to a region where they simply can not play any longer. Bioware knowingly is eliminating them as customers. I'm speechless as to how mind blowing this is for a game doing as poorly as this one is...I feel terrible for them...absolutely terrible...

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How exactly do you think they'll "make it better"?


You know what sucks the most about this? These were players who were HAPPY playing the game...they aren't quitting because of some update nerfing their class, they're being forcibly removed from the game. Their experience is being made so bad that they simply can't play in many cases...these were solid customers, good people, great players...and they got shafted HUGE yesterday.


They've got every right to rant and rave TODAY and TOMORROW and every day they have left on their subs because they are getting screwed over in the most shocking way I have ever seen. Bioware made an active decision to move this MMO to a region where they simply can not play any longer. Bioware knowingly is eliminating them as customers. I'm speechless as to how mind blowing this is for a game doing as poorly as this one is...I feel terrible for them...absolutely terrible...


Do you think they’ll give people refunds who just paid for a sub in the last few days before the move... but now can’t play because of the lag?... probably not... but maybe they should

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Do you think they’ll give people refunds who just paid for a sub in the last few days before the move... but now can’t play because of the lag?... probably not... but maybe they should

They sure as hell won't offer it, but if you call, I bet you can get one. It's shocking what they did...sad...just senseless...

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Do you think they’ll give people refunds who just paid for a sub in the last few days before the move... but now can’t play because of the lag?... probably not... but maybe they should


I am one of those people. I have not even played much. I've posted on here, I've sent messages to Eric and Charles on Twitter, I have emailed SWTOR. Their response has been total silence on the issue. We've been deemed an acceptable loss.

Edited by americanaussie
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It does if the poster is a “white knight”. It also means his “better ping” claim has the same value as claiming I know they did this to destroy the game. “White knights” are just trolls they seek to cause issues never help them.


Hmm never know Saereth to "white knight" before, but I don't always read all his posts & replies either. *shrug*

I know mine has now improved in the afternoon, so go ahead & call me a "white knight" troll. (We shall see how it is in peak time...)


after a few months they started adding PvE and PvP methods to gain end game gear back to the game.

A few months is different than the terms I was speaking of, which is immediately. Which is what the vocal forum goers are hollering today. I don't see it happening, I really don't. They will have to take a hit in the pocketbook & that will take a month or more, sadly.


EA has made changes before under public pressure, they can do it again.

Never said they couldn't. Just said they don't make changes unless it's PC ones. Months down the line is different than immediate.

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How exactly do you think they'll "make it better"?


You know what sucks the most about this? These were players who were HAPPY playing the game...they aren't quitting because of some update nerfing their class, they're being forcibly removed from the game. Their experience is being made so bad that they simply can't play in many cases...these were solid customers, good people, great players...and they got shafted HUGE yesterday.


They've got every right to rant and rave TODAY and TOMORROW and every day they have left on their subs because they are getting screwed over in the most shocking way I have ever seen. Bioware made an active decision to move this MMO to a region where they simply can not play any longer. Bioware knowingly is eliminating them as customers. I'm speechless as to how mind blowing this is for a game doing as poorly as this one is...I feel terrible for them...absolutely terrible...


It isn't any different than when Blizzard did the Wow server consolidation and closed down two of their four data centers. Not one iota. If the population isn't there to support the costs of maintaining the infrastructure the infrastructure is going to go away. You may not like it, but that is the reality in the big boys world.

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It isn't any different than when Blizzard did the Wow server consolidation and closed down two of their four data centers. Not one iota. If the population isn't there to support the costs of maintaining the infrastructure the infrastructure is going to go away. You may not like it, but that is the reality in the big boys world.

Unfortunately, this game isn't doing as well as W0W. Unlike them, we can't afford to lose a swath of players. This is a kiss of death for this game...it's limiting it's appeal and accessibility, and making it more niche than it ever was. This shrinks our potential sub base substantially.

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It isn't any different than when Blizzard did the Wow server consolidation and closed down two of their four data centers. Not one iota. If the population isn't there to support the costs of maintaining the infrastructure the infrastructure is going to go away. You may not like it, but that is the reality in the big boys world.


You know what's also a reality in 'the big boys world' as you call it? Making bad business decisions that drives paying customers away and tanks products and companies as a result. That's what EA is doing here. There is more than one way to cut costs and increase revenue. EA makes BILLIONS of dollars a year. They had other options. Unfortunately EA is simply taking the "screw the customers, decrease our overhead so our CEO can buy another yacht immediately" route, which looks a lot more likely to decrease revenue in the long run rather than increase it.

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Must be nice to be on the east coast and close to where they put the servers or even in the EA office.

White knights and their funny posts just make me laugh. Do you think they get paid over time during crisis’s like this.

you scum they took our west coast so your pesky east koats could be happy

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So has the playerbase...


I really think people are blowing this out of proportion.


I've been playing on Harb from East Coast for 2 years and lived with the 80 - 120 ping I have had. It didn't affect my warzone preformance nor operations at all.


Although the APAC players I feel for.

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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I really think people are blowing this out of proportion.


I've been playing on Harb from East Coast for 2 years and lived with the 80 - 120 ping I have had. It didn't affect my warzone preformance nor operations at all.


Although the APAC players I feel for.

I'm talking about the APAC players. West coasters will adapt.

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I really can't find a reason to complain about this. My ping has been halved. I have to thank Bioware for this.


The ping to the server I play on (Ebon Hawk) has not changed. The ping to the West Coast servers from my location (Austin, Texas) has actually gone down (since the WC servers are now in the same location as the EC ones). By your logic, I should be perfectly happy with the consolidation because all I received from it was benefit.


But I'm not perfectly happy. You know why? Because I care about more than just what benefits me personally. Because I have empathy for my fellow human beings. Because I think the APAC players' experience is just as important as mine. Because I know that if a large chunk of the player base literally cannot play the game anymore and quit, then the game will get shut down for everyone sooner rather than later, which hurts everyone in the long run.

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The ping to the server I play on (Ebon Hawk) has not changed. The ping to the West Coast servers from my location (Austin, Texas) has actually gone down (since the WC servers are now in the same location as the EC ones). By your logic, I should be perfectly happy with the consolidation because all I received from it was benefit.


But I'm not perfectly happy. You know why? Because I care about more than just what benefits me personally. Because I have empathy for my fellow human beings. Because I think the APAC players' experience is just as important as mine. Because I know that if a large chunk of the player base literally cannot play the game anymore and quit, then the game will get shut down for everyone sooner rather than later, which hurts everyone in the long run.

Spot on AscendingSky!!! We do not exist in a vacuum.

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The ping to the server I play on (Ebon Hawk) has not changed. The ping to the West Coast servers from my location (Austin, Texas) has actually gone down (since the WC servers are now in the same location as the EC ones). By your logic, I should be perfectly happy with the consolidation because all I received from it was benefit.


But I'm not perfectly happy. You know why? Because I care about more than just what benefits me personally. Because I have empathy for my fellow human beings. Because I think the APAC players' experience is just as important as mine. Because I know that if a large chunk of the player base literally cannot play the game anymore and quit, then the game will get shut down for everyone sooner rather than later, which hurts everyone in the long run.


When I come home from work all that matters is my personal enjoyment. If the game goes, oh well. I have many other games to play than just this.

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