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Please Increase/Remove Guild Member Cap With Merges


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Lots more people cast out into the storm because Bioware refuse to increase the cap:



It will be interesting to see which set of complaints Bioware enjoys more; me and the other people in this thread or the ones that will be upset if/when we launch a fully active 2nd active guild meaning we invade two planets each week. I'll be sure to point them to this thread so they can see that it was not my first choice to go that route :rolleyes:


That should be interesting. I wonder how many other guilds have considered this as an alternative to the cap not being increased.

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Lots more people cast out into the storm because Bioware refuse to increase the cap:



It will be interesting to see which set of complaints Bioware enjoys more; me and the other people in this thread or the ones that will be upset if/when we launch a fully active 2nd active guild meaning we invade two planets each week. I'll be sure to point them to this thread so they can see that it was not my first choice to go that route :rolleyes:


Or you could create your second guild and both attack the same planet and just alternate which one gets first and not be selfish to the rest of the server, you already hog first place every week which is fine, but no need to ruin it by taking 2 planets... Plus you'd have twice as much admin to do.


Many people already only join mega guilds not because they think they're good, but because they have no choice but to do so if they want the achievments/titles, I know this because I have several in my guild that have come from mega guilds, including yours.

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Hope Bioware does this so large guilds aren't forced to create two guilds to allow all members to have access.


Or you could create your second guild and both attack the same planet and just alternate which one gets first and not be selfish to the rest of the server, you already hog first place every week which is fine, but no need to ruin it by taking 2 planets... Plus you'd have twice as much admin to do.


Why invade the same planet? The guild is for the benefit of the members of the guild, not members of other guilds, invading two separate planets benefit the members of the guild as they are able to win conquest and gain titles from two different planets or pick and choose depending on which objectives resonate with the member's gameplay preferences.


There is nobody "ruining" anything here or being selfish, just guilds looking after their own members primary, SMW conducts several server activities, I would even go as far to say that SMW is the only guild on Malgus (and was on TRE) that did this and invited non-guildmembers on a regular basis.


For you to claim that SMW and Ula are selfish indicate that you simply are unaware of what is happening on the server.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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SMW conducts several server activities, I would even go as far to say that SMW is the only guild on Malgus (and was on TRE) that did this and invited non-guildmembers on a regular basis.


For you to claim that SMW and Ula are selfish indicate that you simply are unaware of what is happening on the server.


This^. SMW have done Server events for all of the large PvP achievements, Datacrons (which means putting alts at EVERY datacron and summoning [ever think of the cost in credits for all those summons with multiple groups all from the Guild Bank of SMW]), lore achievements. That takes a LOT of work. I have yet to see ANY guild do that. But if any guild does do that please let us know.

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Hope Bioware does this so large guilds aren't forced to create two guilds to allow all members to have access.




Why invade the same planet? The guild is for the benefit of the members of the guild, not members of other guilds, invading two separate planets benefit the members of the guild as they are able to win conquest and gain titles from two different planets or pick and choose depending on which objectives resonate with the member's gameplay preferences.


There is nobody "ruining" anything here or being selfish, just guilds looking after their own members primary, SMW conducts several server activities, I would even go as far to say that SMW is the only guild on Malgus (and was on TRE) that did this and invited non-guildmembers on a regular basis.


For you to claim that SMW and Ula are selfish indicate that you simply are unaware of what is happening on the server.


I am fully aware that SMW do many good thing's on the server and have done so forever, to be honest I really don't care what they do and I hold nothing against Ula, I just saw red with the last post I commented as it just came across as smug and a "do what I want or else" kinda post. Looks like Ula will have to make 3 guilds so we can all join.

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I am fully aware that SMW do many good thing's on the server and have done so forever, to be honest I really don't care what they do and I hold nothing against Ula, I just saw red with the last post I commented as it just came across as smug and a "do what I want or else" kinda post. Looks like Ula will have to make 3 guilds so we can all join.


'Only if you really do not know Ula would you draw that conclusion. He was only pointing out the possible scenarios as to what could happen. It also highlights the issue even more starkly as a guild could do that and take all three levels every week if they are big enough and we have big enough guilds on Darth Malgus server, not just SMW. So it would backfire spectacularly on Bioware. The best option would also be the safest for all servers. To allow us to home all our alts in one guild so we would only be interested in one planet.

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I already explained the pitfalls of creating a purely alt guild, which we've done before:



  • Splits our community in two
  • Sucks when you have to tell someone there is no room in the primary guild but they can join our secondary, they feel like second class citizens
  • Diminishes the primary guild as people are split across two guilds
  • Twice the management time required from me and the officers
  • Having to deal with two broken guild panels
  • The nightmare of trying to constantly sync ranks, member notes and officers notes across two guilds
  • People that play their alts feel like they are disconnected from the primary guild
  • People in the alt guild miss out on the events and groups organised in the primary guild and vice versa
  • In-game custom chat channels have been broken for over 4 years so are unfit for purpose
  • If we go with a second guild then it will have to be fully active which means invading two planets each week and that will have a negative impact on our server


It has been been a discussion I've had several times with my top officers but week after week of Bioware ignoring the issue is definitely forcing our hand. The recent conquest changes have shown that they really have no clue nor care about guilds or players in their game which is a shame since those are the things that put the MM in MMO.

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Since I don't watch these videos (don't want to give Google much of my data anymore), I really don't understand what you are trying to say with your recent posts ? Because you just don't provide any explanation here in mere text.


Oh, how far has this society gone that it considers videos to be more valuable than text ?

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Since I don't watch these videos (don't want to give Google much of my data anymore), I really don't understand what you are trying to say with your recent posts ? Because you just don't provide any explanation here in mere text.


Oh, how far has this society gone that it considers videos to be more valuable than text ?


Seeing is believing

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Because you cannot send group emails (I wish they would add that), and since every email you have to wait 2 minutes in between to send another (this is a joke btw that guild masters cannot be excluded from this), it is best to skip the email portion of dropping people. Then you can just use the control button to select a big group, right click, and drop them. So much easier. Edited by Stellarcrusade
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What is it you don't understand, really? Hits the nail on the head, as do the videos.


How do you not understand Alrik's question?

If you don't watch the forever long, pointless videos, you don't know anything other than he wants a guild number increase.


Which is ridiculous really seeing as cap is 999.


Alrik his complaint is that each week he spends tons of time sending out an in game mail to everyone he kicks from guild who hasn't been on in X days because his guild is so full. BUT he won't start a secondary guild to throw lesser played alts in. So instead he posts all the time, bumping his own thread, trying to get BW to respond.

There are ways to deal with it but he doesn't want to do it giving excuses as to why. So it's on him basically.

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We have around 500 active members. The character cap is 1000. So if you go off purely numbers then each player has the "luxury" of having 1 alt. Obviously some people keep their alts out of guild to help make room for new members and some people have more than 1 alt but it's still horrible having to kick guild members to free up room each week. The only characters that I send the "Welcome Back" mail are mains, not alts.


Sure, you can see it as my time being wasted by sending the mails but if I didn't then a lot more people would get upset at returning to find they have been removed from guild. 15-30 minutes of my time being wasted every few days does suck but the bigger crapper is for the people returning to find they are guildless.


I've covered at length the various reasons why we would prefer not to make an alt guild again. They are a weak solution that come with more problems than they solve. Hopefully things will change with 5.9 before we have to switch to the backup plan.

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How do you not understand Alrik's question?

If you don't watch the forever long, pointless videos, you don't know anything other than he wants a guild number increase.


Which is ridiculous really seeing as cap is 999.


Alrik his complaint is that each week he spends tons of time sending out an in game mail to everyone he kicks from guild who hasn't been on in X days because his guild is so full. BUT he won't start a secondary guild to throw lesser played alts in. So instead he posts all the time, bumping his own thread, trying to get BW to respond.

There are ways to deal with it but he doesn't want to do it giving excuses as to why. So it's on him basically.


I think you're mixing people up right now, and have no idea why you're telling me this. :confused:

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