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Another Example of How Much We Suck


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Had back to back warzones against this guy. He would pop out of stealth, use a couple moves, one in which I was knocked down, and by the time I would get up I would be dead.


3k, 2k, 1k, 2.5k, 2k pop pop pop dead. All told I would be dead in about 2 seconds. Popping Resoulte was ineffective as I got stunned again with a sword in my chest.


Now should a full defense specced Guardian be a little more survivable?


How can anyone justify balance when one class can so destroy another? Especially since I am supposed to be so hard to kill to make up for my wet noodle damage?

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I never ever said I should out DPS anyone.


However, all things being equal, if I stand toe to toe with a DPS, my defense should be near equal to his offense.


It feels like this:


If a car has 400 horsepower, it should get 12 miles per gallon.

If a car has 100 horsepower, it should get 50 miles per gallon.


It shouldn't be the car with 400 horsepower gets 50 miles per gallon and the car with 100 horsepower gets 12 miles per gallon.

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I got 3 shot by a level 50 Guardian, myself.



So you see there are things that make it difficult to believe it's just the class. When other people excel at something that you're failing at, it is most likely something you did wrong.

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I got 3 shot by a level 50 Guardian, myself.



So you see there are things that make it difficult to believe it's just the class. When other people excel at something that you're failing at, it is most likely something you did wrong.


If you're talking about in a Warzone, you're FOS. You saying we do 3 attacks in a row that does 4k? HAH.


And again, you don't know how to read. Im not talking about our DPS.

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If you're talking about in a Warzone, you're FOS. You saying we do 3 attacks in a row that does 4k? HAH.


And again, you don't know how to read. Im not talking about our DPS.




You missed my point.

There are things that went on, that you did not see, that caused your experience. You overlooked something.


Your immediate response was to scream and whine instead of trying to figure out why it happened.

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You missed my point.

There are things that went on, that you did not see, that caused your experience. You overlooked something.


Your immediate response was to scream and whine instead of trying to figure out why it happened.


"There are things I didn't see." Odd since you weren't there, so ironic?


It's clear to see what happens. The guy pops out of stealth and I see these large numbers of damage scrolling right in front of my eyes. We were 1v1 each time in question.

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You missed my point.

There are things that went on, that you did not see, that caused your experience. You overlooked something.


Your immediate response was to scream and whine instead of trying to figure out why it happened.


Oh and believe me, my Valor is in the 40s, Ive been whining and screaming a long time how much we suck. Our survivability doesn't match our weak DPS.

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am lvl 25 Guardian with a lvl 24 Shadow as my alt.


Comparing the 2 in WZ- Shadow does double the DPS YES , no argue.

But as to my Guardian , the surviveability is awesome. already 2 Bubles that reduce the damage by half for 12+10 seconds.

sometimes i manage to go into a Group with 3-4 guys targeting me and drop 1 of them B4 they drop me...


plus give it abit time , and practice with friends , Teamwork for a Guardian = life.


Guard those u cant afford to loose , learn to interupt casters and snipers as they load their big booms, take cover when needed , and use the bubbles as last ressort , cause u might need it and it is on CD.


if u die in 2 seconds bro , u doing something wrong.... check ur gear. stats , build , maybe u play a Sentinel and u dont know it?

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I think Guardians are great at PVP..




I finally feel like a Jedi with my tank as opposed to a Sentinel .. force push is loads of fun as is protect. Yes our damage is ka ka.. I'm hybrid a bit so spec probably isn't 'right' until 40+ but the other day I went toe to toe with a bad Sith Tank he was lvl 50 I was 36 in an off-corridor.. and it lasted a while I lost but not by much.


Sure when we're CC'd to death and focused on by 8 Enemies we drop quick. And vs some classes its tougher than others.. but hey.. its a game, re-spawn is your friend!



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I think the issue with us getting sliced in few hits lies in the mechanic of our defensive cooldowns... IF we were able to use our defensive cooldowns (or at least one of them) while controled the above mentioned situation would occur far less.
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I myself played only few PVP matches and as i know, we are equaly buffed on arenas. When it comes to world pvp, well, last time i checked i stood against 4 sith and was able to survive for 15+ seconds which in my opinion is very good considering FOUR players are unleashing all of their heaviest attacks on you at the same time. HOWEVER, i died like a fly as soon as my wards (sabre ward, warding call) run out AND with my Sweep at it's peek i did little to no damage to either of them with my skills which is very sad. So i agree with Arlette - we either need another skill to sustain our defensive buffs or redo our defensive formula or make our attacks a little more powerful.


reason behind frustration: some poeple are expecting a tank to be immortal but do no damage, others imagine all characters almost equal with minor difference in defense / damage / flexibility. and when this balance is broken, they immidiately think it's wrong, it's a bug.. well.. it may sound sad but it may be as Bioware intended it.

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Oh I did not know we were terrible in PvP as defense. I guess my top medals (and sometimes objectives) earned in almost every single warzone is a fake.


I usually am on top of the medal list as well... however that did not make me immune to being chopped like a turkey on thanksgiving by operative in total of 5 hits, simply because I was unable to use my defensive cooldowns AT ALL.


I guess, I should be thankful 90% of thet Sith population on Jung Ma is Sorcs and not Ops.

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Well I few things to consider. Did the guy who killed you super quick have all PvP gear on? Was his expertise higher than yours? Were you using the correct form in this Warzone? All factors to consider in this being that you did not elaborate at on on what gear you had and what he appeared to have had.
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I got 3 shot by a level 50 Guardian, myself.



So you see there are things that make it difficult to believe it's just the class. When other people excel at something that you're failing at, it is most likely something you did wrong.


I'll call you a liar. Guardians don't have any 3 attacks they could use to 3 shot anyone... even if they all crit. Even if it was a focus guardian that crit on the Sweep, Blade Storm, and any 3rd attack which would be much weaker he could never ever 3 hit you.

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As a Guardian I think that the class is far too squishy outside of using the cooldown abilities. I agree with the OP, a Scoundrel or Operative should not be able to take a tanking Guardian down with 2-3 hits.


One of the biggest problems for Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors is that they lack gap closers. They get one jump on a 15 second cooldown, a second jump if they spec into Focus and a slow. The problem is that every other class has at least 2-3 stuns and it's very easy to keep a Knight away from you. This goes for Guardians and Sentinels.


To solve this problem I'd like to see one of the two solutions:


1. Focus spending abilities deal more damage. Add more bite to Knights and Warriors who do get in range. If Operatives and Scoundrels can hit for 4k then it's not unreasonable to ask the same for DPS Guardians/Juggs and Sentinels. When these classes are in your face you should want to keep them away with your knockbacks and stuns as much as possible.


2. More survivability. Either a better resolve bar than other classes, increased overall defense or some other mechanism for the class to stay alive long enough and stay in range to deal competitive damage.

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A full defensive specced Tank shouldn't be a beast in PvP with damage, but it should take a ton longer to take down their health than it does. Guardians are broken in that regard. We take way too much damage than should be allowed for with the right gear, spec.



this is exactly my complaint

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The problem with guardians, is the fact we are squishy without our defensive abilities, far to squishy our CD skills need to be on a 1min/45sec timer not 3mins. our CC break needs a 15-20second immunity as well (so do all the other classes).


Stealth classes against guardian in PvP rip us a new one, as we are smashed and have no chance to use our abilities

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