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DLC Mystery - Wich planet could it be?


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Keep in mind, in chapter one of KOTFE




They are also in the generator room, which would be the most toxic place to be when a ship goes down.


If your player character can live through a ship/reactor explosion while in the reactor room, surely malgus can survive.


Then there is Revan, you kill him, the lines say so; there is no body. Oh lal lalalalala here's Revan again.


The "new" Revan that came back was a really bad story ending, I'm not expecting better of Malgus. Its just an attempt to cash in at best. Let the dead stay dead, be creative on making new legendary characters.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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Keep in mind, in chapter one of KOTFE




They are also in the generator room, which would be the most toxic place to be when a ship goes down.


Yeah, that's the one I meant. :)

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Keep in mind, in chapter one of KOTFE




They are also in the generator room, which would be the most toxic place to be when a ship goes down.


If your player character can live through a ship/reactor explosion while in the reactor room, surely malgus can survive.


Then there is Revan, you kill him, the lines say so; there is no body. Oh lal lalalalala here's Revan again.


The "new" Revan that came back was a really bad story ending, I'm not expecting better of Malgus. Its just an attempt to cash in at best. Let the dead stay dead, be creative on making new legendary characters.


you make a good point here.

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The "new" Revan that came back was a really bad story ending, I'm not expecting better of Malgus. Its just an attempt to cash in at best. Let the dead stay dead, be creative on making new legendary characters.


It's hard to create any lasting or impactful characters given how short the stories are now. You gotta remember Malgus was seen all throughout the vanilla game, was all over promo art, etc, etc. They can't make a new character like that anymore. Malgus is kind of like the trademark character of the vanilla game.


The closest we've gotten are Lana and Theron but that's easier to do given they're allies.


It's like saying just leave Superman. Spider-Man, etc, behind and create new characters. Problem is that the new characters never do as well because of how established the existing characters are and the vested interest people have in them.

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It's hard to create any lasting or impactful characters given how short the stories are now. You gotta remember Malgus was seen all throughout the vanilla game, was all over promo art, etc, etc. They can't make a new character like that anymore. Malgus is kind of like the trademark character of the vanilla game.


The closest we've gotten are Lana and Theron but that's easier to do given they're allies.


It's like saying just leave Superman. Spider-Man, etc, behind and create new characters. Problem is that the new characters never do as well because of how established the existing characters are and the vested interest people have in them.


i know what you mean, And give a fresh new character just a flashpoint is not enough. but hopefully it will makes some interesting changes to the story as a whole.

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Even if the writers say he survived the fall and escaped the station they'll have some explaining to do to players who have only gotten into the game in the time since the FP switched and allowed you to simply kill him in battle without knocking him off the edge. A lot of people probably don't even know he originally couldn't be normally killed. At least that's what I've heard, I had no idea till a few months ago when a guildmate mentioned it to me. Harder to rationalise surviving a killing blow against him in single combat than a fall into darkness below lol


Malgus didn't fall in to darkness below. We pushed him over the railing and he fell into the reactor just as was done in RotJ.

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Malgus didn't fall in to darkness below. We pushed him over the railing and he fell into the reactor just as was done in RotJ.


Um. Ok. Same principle so why correct me? xD My overall point remains unchanged. It's still easier to write him a way out of that circumstance (Grabbing something before hitting the core etc) than to write a way he survives the battle as it is now being able to simply kill him like any other enemy. Because the way I see it if we fought him and left him alive and defeated for no reason it'd be pretty dumb. We'd have made sure he was gone. Obviously you can't make sure when his body is at the bottom of a reactor which is about to explode

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I tend to think we can discount the starter planets as unlikely in a unified all classes story line. I cannot see them expending the effort to make a pub and an imp version of the story unless it is totally a self contained zone like Nathema, Umbara, or the new Chiss world. And while I don't put it past them to replace Imperial trooper with Republic trooper in a flashpoint, I still find that unlikely.


Going on that non flashpoint assumption which planet would I think most unlikely to return to...Quesh. It is the smallest planet in both size and story line. As important to the class stories, each one only has one mission, Even beyond the class story, the planet story is short with no planet heroic quest line or associated flashpoints. Outside of the Shroud mission, how many people actually went back there after finishing the bonus series?

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I'm guessing Manaan. My reason is we have a stronghold there but only one set of underwater themed decorations. So art is making some new sets to put in the store so why not use these new assets by introducing them in a return to Manaan. Yeah, its all guess work. Its sort of difficult for me since I always thought we'd go back to every planet eventually. Planets are kinda of big.
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I'm guessing Manaan. My reason is we have a stronghold there but only one set of underwater themed decorations. So art is making some new sets to put in the store so why not use these new assets by introducing them in a return to Manaan. Yeah, its all guess work. Its sort of difficult for me since I always thought we'd go back to every planet eventually. Planets are kinda of big.

yeah, i wished they made more use of the planets we allready have

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was Zakuul that bad?


Yes it was for me. I have not set foot back on that planet since the very last time I had to do the story there. Nor shall I again.


If I really feel like inflicting the alliance stuff on another character I shall skip straight to Iokath.

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That guy covers it.


In all seriousness, it could be any of the planets. I mean, would you expect to return to Rishi for instance? Or Makeb? Or Darvannis? etc etc.


Plenty of options for expanding on any of the planets. My best guess though would be Ilum or Hoth, purely for the crystal side of things or Chiss side of things.


I really hope it isn't Hoth, I hate Hoth. It almost stopped me playing this game the first time I encountered it, I certainly left my first ever character there for well over a year before summoning up enough motivation to go back there to continue the class story arc.

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I don't think either of Makeb or Ilum are out of the equation purely for the minor role they play in Alliance Alert/Uprising. The statement may well be based on the core story line rather than optional additional activities.


I'd prefer Rishi myself, just trying to figure out why it could be Rishi. No crystal or Chiss connection afaik but then again, the origin of whichever planet it ends up being may have more to do with the identity/nature of 'The Order' than crystals or Chiss by then.

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I tend to think we can discount the starter planets as unlikely in a unified all classes story line. I cannot see them expending the effort to make a pub and an imp version of the story unless it is totally a self contained zone like Nathema, Umbara, or the new Chiss world. And while I don't put it past them to replace Imperial trooper with Republic trooper in a flashpoint, I still find that unlikely.


Which means that is actually is going to be one of these; as these are the ones you least expect. :D

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In all seriousness, it could be any of the planets. I mean, would you expect to return to Rishi for instance? Or Makeb? Or Darvannis? etc etc.


Plenty of options for expanding on any of the planets. My best guess though would be Ilum or Hoth, purely for the crystal side of things or Chiss side of things.


I really hope it isn't Hoth, I hate Hoth. It almost stopped me playing this game the first time I encountered it, I certainly left my first ever character there for well over a year before summoning up enough motivation to go back there to continue the class story arc.


Ah god Hoth. The place I have to turn bloom off. The music's bad, the layout is bad and it's just a terrible place to go through. Navigation is a gigantic PITA too. Corellia can go fondle itself too.


Makeb can go swivel. Rishi, only if they get rid of literally all the superfluous NPCs, it drags the FPS down a goodun.


I don't mind Ilum. I know people have said it over and over, but Manaan. In fact if I was an art designer for this game I'd have shot myself by now, I put all these hours into the design of a planet and then have it chucked to one side.


It's a nasty problem SWTOR has, especially with late game planets. Art design = good, level design = various expletives.

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Ah god Hoth. The place I have to turn bloom off. The music's bad, the layout is bad and it's just a terrible place to go through. Navigation is a gigantic PITA too. Corellia can go fondle itself too.


Makeb can go swivel. Rishi, only if they get rid of literally all the superfluous NPCs, it drags the FPS down a goodun.


I don't mind Ilum. I know people have said it over and over, but Manaan. In fact if I was an art designer for this game I'd have shot myself by now, I put all these hours into the design of a planet and then have it chucked to one side.


It's a nasty problem SWTOR has, especially with late game planets. Art design = good, level design = various expletives.

On a Personal note, if its about the older planets i really hope its Ilum, and from the newer planets manaan, that place deserves some more exposure for sure

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I am basing my guess on the picture at the bottom of the latest road map where there is a Chiss male standing on a planet that looks like Hoth to me.


Hoth was the first place I expected, because I saw the picture; rather than the text it would be one of the places I would least expect.


So I think the picture is to make it the one you expect; they are ruling that one out. It can't be one you most expect.

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Hoth was the first place I expected, because I saw the picture; rather than the text it would be one of the places I would least expect.


So I think the picture is to make it the one you expect; they are ruling that one out. It can't be one you most expect.


hmm, well they have a history just to promote certain things

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