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DvL victory state is now 18 hours?


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I believed in you, Keith. I was wrong to do so. This is why I'm unsubbing after I secure my names through the server mergers. I'll stay preferred to RP with the few friends of mine still playing this game and then I'm done.


I think they are going to find a lot of people take this route. The only reason to pay for a sub now is if you want to do the group content. If you don't, Preferred gives you everything you need. You lose the ability to gain CXP (no big deal if you had multiple characters to 300 anyway - and it is not even close to needed for any of the content anyway) but everything you have unlocked stays.

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You BW devs you cant just do a simple nice work do you? whole 5.5 is a piece of crap in its biggest glory

18 hours? hoe your life last only such time, sue me ban me but i still wish it.:mad::mad::mad:

MAKE it 2-3 thats the real deal


bugs? bugs? bugs? you create more bugs that even starship troopers deal with :mad::mad::mad:

Edited by Kissakias
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Yeah, I think 12 hours would have been better. But I think the Devs know that prime time is only about 6 hours long and they want to give everyone the opportunity to get 6 hours worth of bonus.

I would prefer 2-3 hr windows (2hr more realistic) with the chance to turn the banners off. This is just excessive and makes it so I have less desire to play some characters simply because there is very little they'll get the increased CXP after a victory because they're dark sided and LS usually wins on my server. :(

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Yeah, 18 hours is way too much. 2 maybe 4 hours is fine, but dude, we don't need EIGHTEEN hours. That's just ridiculous. You all seriously need to do a 5.5.1 as soon as possible.


It's bad enough some players leave the game for dumb *** reasons. But now there's some legit ones making them leave.


I DONT want this game to end. Please fix these 5.5 mistakes as soon as possible or there won't be enough players left to do anything.

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Really from one hour to 18? A bit extreme and too long. This will frustrate those who are hoping for the other side to finish up. I'm not sure if there was some sort of in depth reasoning for this, but if it's about giving one side an extended period to do their their victory hour thing (perhaps giving a person time to get out of class or off of work), eight to ten hours might be better.
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Has anyone checked if the bosses have a respawn timer? Only good in this I could think of is that the bosses spawn every hour (or 30 mins even better), so 18h gives you some time to assemble a group and then kill a couple of the bosses...


As far as the bonus und tokens are concerned: 18h pretty much kills your full playday if alignement was wrong... so you definitely need to switch shortly before freeze in order to profit, or dedicate different toons to different alignments and then just use those that currently win.

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Even 8 to 10 hours is too much, 2-3, max 4 would be appropriate in this case. 18 hours is enormous amount of game state time.


Imo, 3 to 4 hours would be a reasonable time to get anything done yet allow the server to remain fluid with concerns to the DvL perks.

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18 hours is way, way too long. So long that if you need the opposite side, you could have a whole day of playing wasted.

It might as well have been made to be odd days Lightside, even days Darkside.

4 hours max, as it could still precipitate multiple 5s in one day.

It is Friday night. Since Tuesday, Shadowlands has had 1 LS5 and 1 DS5. It has sat balanced now for more than 24 hours.

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Eighteen Hours is excessive. I only play around an hour or two during the week, mostly for raids. Ad a few hours on the weekend. I like playing multiple characters both light and dark. However as it currently seems, I will have to play the light or dark characters for multiple days before it switches over.


I think there is also a problem in how Dark and Light is calculated. I was logged into Shadowlands today from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM, and it did not once switch from balanced. Others had said it was the same for several hours before that. There should be some movement in that time.


That said, going back to an hour isn't good either. I think a good balance is somewhere around 3 to 4 hours.

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Do the DvL bosses even respawn? I thought they spawned once per victory cycle. That's a long, long time to wait for a mediocre boss to respawn.


Anyone know if they respawn now? Or do we have to wait for the first victory condition....in 18 hours?


Thats the thing, they dont. There is no point in such a long victory state. You get 2 things, cxp bonus and DvL bosses. However those despawn upon wipe or killed and thats it. Back in the days when ppl hunted them it was enough to have 1 hour for it. Ok so now you can get 4 but 18???

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This feels like one of those random decisions that was made in circumstances akin to 'Robin Williams - Platypus'

(look it up on you-tube)


TBH, the 1 hour turn over was fine, the larger issue (still unresolved) is the damnable progress bar that keeps popping up (even in combat), with no way to move, mute, resize, or just disable it.


Now, 18 hours is an insane amount of time, and completely screws over the other ~half of the server that does not play to that persuasion.

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Yeah, I tried to make sense of it, but it just doesn't work. It doesn't even work as an incentive to do LS/DS stuff, because it takes so many points to make a difference that even a guild can't make a dent in that level.


Bring the duration down to maybe 4 hours. More importantly, bring the point requirements to shift balance to what they were pre-5.5. Not 4x more, not 10% more - just to that.

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