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DvL victory state is now 18 hours?


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From the patch notes:


When one side wins the Dark vs Light war, the victory state now lasts 18 hours (up from 1 hour).


Does this mean that when say, the Light side wins, they will have the CXP bonus for 18 hours straight essentially giving the dark side no bonus for that day?


Were people complaining that it was switching too often? And, if this is the case, is there a timer saying how much longer one side will have the victory state?

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This is a horrible change because it means the DvL bosses are even rarer now. They already were hard to get since a random player could pull the boss (maybe while doing his class story) and the boss would disappear until the next victory state. And even then, the CXP rewards were so low it was difficult to find players for this lagfest. Now with the victory state lasting 18 hours, you need to be really lucky to be online just when the 18 hours start.

Thankfully I already have the achievement for killing all 10 bosses, but I feel for my guildy who is still missing some bosses. At the very least, they could have added a respawn timer to these bosses.

Edited by Jerba
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Do the DvL bosses even respawn? I thought they spawned once per victory cycle. That's a long, long time to wait for a mediocre boss to respawn.


Anyone know if they respawn now? Or do we have to wait for the first victory condition....in 18 hours?

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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So once again BioWare proves that they do not know the meaning of "minor adjustment" when it comes to fixing things. Their first instinct is always HIT IT WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER AND CHECK BACK IN 3 YEARS TO SEE IF THAT FIXED IT.


18 hours (it was not a typo) is WAY too long.

Sure, 1 hour may not have been enough time to get the gang together and go hunt down some world bosses but 18 hours means that my opposite alignment characters are pretty much SoL when it comes to earning tokens every time they earn a new command rank for the rest of the day.

Heaven help you if you're never lucky enough to log in at an appropriate time because...


Assuming none of the back-end math behind it changed, it means that the whole DvL thing will just be a constant swap between victory states since the other side will have 18 hours worth of bonus points accrued when it eventually ends. Lather, rinse, repeat.


It needed to be longer, but something like 2-4 hours max.

Anything longer becomes too harsh a penalty for the losing side.

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Popups came way too often, often while doing something important.


But what's more important, this gives far more time to do DvL champion bosses. Oftentimes, once you had a group together for fighting one, there was not enough time left to actually defeat one. I've often had the problem that the bosses would vanish during the fight with something like 3-5% health left. Very annoying. This should make it easier.

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Assuming none of the back-end math behind it changed, it means that the whole DvL thing will just be a constant swap between victory states since the other side will have 18 hours worth of bonus points accrued when it eventually ends. Lather, rinse, repeat.


At this point they could just as well switch the galaxy's alignment every 24h and use the freed-up processing power for something useful, like companion follow-AI.

Edited by Mubrak
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holllllly **** 18? ***? I'm trying to understand this decision.


Will the points be tallied and weighted the same way they were? It can swing from a ls victory to ds 1 - ds victory. I know on my server, it's usually that when ds gets a rare win, it swings immediately to the ls4 or ls victory and ls wins about 2 more times before it swings back ds after a looooong time. Is it just going to be swinging back and forth every 18 hours? Is it going to take longer to get a victory state?

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Initially I questioned the decision to go 18 hours between states, however I am now all for it.


When the awesome Dark and Light token gear was first released (5.0 actually had some good aspects to it!), I remember trying to sync leveling up whenever my alignment was winning to get tokens only to discover the alignment changed to the other side.


Now with 18-hour sessions and increased CXP rates, those who have not built up their Dark and Light token supply can now do so.


Popup banners should disappear entirely.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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Did you finish with the achievements for the DvL bosses and now you don't need them to respawn every hour, Keith? Because I can't see any other reason why you'd authorize this ridiculous change. 18 hours?!


I believed in you, Keith. I was wrong to do so. This is why I'm unsubbing after I secure my names through the server mergers. I'll stay preferred to RP with the few friends of mine still playing this game and then I'm done.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I guess a "positive" is that if you are a min maxer who doesn't care about story, your character, being consistent or even logical you can just continually have the victory state CXP close 100% of the time now by keeping your alignment always on the winning side.
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Popups came way too often, often while doing something important.


But what's more important, this gives far more time to do DvL champion bosses. Oftentimes, once you had a group together for fighting one, there was not enough time left to actually defeat one. I've often had the problem that the bosses would vanish during the fight with something like 3-5% health left. Very annoying. This should make it easier.


this will make people log in, check alignment, and log out if it is wrong for you. come back tomorrow.

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I believed in you, Keith. I was wrong to do so. This is why I'm unsubbing after I secure my names through the server mergers. I'll stay preferred to RP with the few friends of mine still playing this game and then I'm done.


because of DvL bosses? :rak_02:


Why don't you get him fired like you did Ben? :p


this will make people log in, check alignment, and log out if it is wrong for you. come back tomorrow.


Pfff clearly you don't know how many toons we have. :D

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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From the patch notes:

Does this mean that when say, the Light side wins, they will have the CXP bonus for 18 hours straight essentially giving the dark side no bonus for that day?


Were people complaining that it was switching too often? And, if this is the case, is there a timer saying how much longer one side will have the victory state?


Yeah typical BioWare, from one extreme to the other. Since there is no one with an ounce of common sense working there, these kinds of changes are to be expected.

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