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Commanding Legacy and mirror classes


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True...at least they'd have told us the truth.

When players start accusing the devs of lying you know there's a huge disconnect and serious lack of trust.


In a way it reminds me S.O.E and all the lies that were distilled, like the jedi class being available at launch or the NGE dismissal until it finally came out and by the same time screwing players who pre-ordered the Xpack.

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Guess my tinfoil hat wasn't so off kilter in the other thread when I mentioned 'don't fear the update notes, fear what is left out.' Every update the devs make that hat the accessory of choice for SWTOR players.


So if what Keith posted is so general, what else in the road map for the United Forces server merge is a load of bantha doo-doo? How much are we going to lose, only to have it written off as 'sorry, that should have been in the notes' or 'we could have explained it better'?


Now go enjoy your perk that isn't what was originally posted doing the double CXP runs on the dailies dropped to 75 CXP a daily, but only if your faction has won in the last 18 hours.

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what else in the road map for the United Forces server merge is a load of bantha doo-doo? How much are we going to lose


I don't have played characters on other servers.. But this time everyone is moving.. So yeah.. I almost feel the need to screenshot absolutely everything the night before.

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Guess my tinfoil hat wasn't so off kilter in the other thread when I mentioned 'don't fear the update notes, fear what is left out.' Every update the devs make that hat the accessory of choice for SWTOR players.


So if what Keith posted is so general, what else in the road map for the United Forces server merge is a load of bantha doo-doo? How much are we going to lose, only to have it written off as 'sorry, that should have been in the notes' or 'we could have explained it better'?


Now go enjoy your perk that isn't what was originally posted doing the double CXP runs on the dailies dropped to 75 CXP a daily, but only if your faction has won in the last 18 hours.



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True...at least they'd have told us the truth.


Datamining isn't always 100% accurate, but you're right, at least it's honest about what's in the code. That's more than we can get from Keith or Eric anymore. So many things that have been 'accidentally' (*coughbullcrapcough*) left out of the patch notes have been revealed in datamining ahead of time.

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I don't have any characters at 300 cxp yet, and I'm a long ways to getting it.


...but this seems either a pointless loophole, or a malicious technicality.


I think "most" players have one of each class. Most players I see on fleet have the Legendary Player (all 8 class stories complete). So... they shouldn't be punishing people who prefer a certain style of play over other styles of play.

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To be honest, I kinda figured this would work in this way, I already had 4 different classes to level 300. I know a lot of people play only similar type classes, but, I kinda thought that the boost working only for 4 different classes is implied as this is how the legacy flair works.
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Hey folks,

how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk /.../



I imagine the problem is there was gold time for gathering command points which resulted from double points event and bugged dailies. During that time people probably leveled some characters to earn the perk. And now when this is all taken away (dailies are fixed, no double points event) it is suddenly explained that many of leveled characters were leveled for nothing because only choosing other class would grant the promised benefit.


I am causal player and I simply leveled my 3 most advanced characters until I got bored, even on my main I have 150 lvl so I'm not affected by this whole thing. But announcing something in a way it makes people make some effort only to discover its for nothing because someone forgot to explain the most important detail seems unfair.

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To be honest, I kinda figured this would work in this way, I already had 4 different classes to level 300. I know a lot of people play only similar type classes, but, I kinda thought that the boost working only for 4 different classes is implied as this is how the legacy flair works.


You figured that is how it would work and yet bioware told you differently and you still thought it would go off base classes that not a single person can even be now with how bioware wiped them out in 4.0.


I find that really odd for some reason.

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You figured that is how it would work and yet bioware told you differently and you still thought it would go off base classes that not a single person can even be now with how bioware wiped them out in 4.0.


I find that really odd for some reason.

Right?! They specifically stated how it would work...then changed it. Anyone who assumed otherwise was assuming Bioware was lying beforehand.

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If someone has 0 characters to 300, but purchased this perk (before this update it was just a flat 25%) do they lose the 25% they already paid for?


Only a character that was 300 could buy this perk. So you wouldn't lose anything, because you weren't able to buy it in the first place.


Not sure how it's now, since I already had it before the last patch.

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Well, I guess s/he has much more insight into how BioWare operate. Perhaps we're missing a trick and should start assuming everything BioWare state from this point forward is a falsehood?

That would be a reasonable thing to do imo.

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Hello Eric,

It would now be at least a nice gesture to turn the CXP in the daily report high again. And then to leave somehow on a humane way. Does it give at least one answer?


You do realize Eric is the community manager right?? He has NO control over what they implement in the game. Harassing him & trashing him does no good. All he can do is relay the messages that come to him.

Keith would be the one who has some say in it, but even then since he is not lead developer just what Producer, he isn't control in the end of what hits the public "shelf".

Even if he said "NO, change that now!" it could still take days to weeks to re-code, re-organiize, test & implement the change/fix. It's not as simple as every one thinks it is. It's all attached, so if one thing messes up it can affect a ton of code on down.

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You can't tell him how to play. That's oppression, you know.


I never told him to quit, I asked why didn't he. lol Big difference.


Also, Tux is a guildy of mine & a friend. lol I just disagree with his stance on this. He's usually not this "pitchfork & burn" mentality. lol

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I'm inclined to believe that he only relays positive feedback. Anyone who has ever given negative feedback is probably on his ignore list (like me).


haha Now that I can't say. It's probably a poll type thing...

So many are negative and X is positive. lol That way it's not completely broke down as to why. lol

Makes sense on why they say well the player base wasn't happy with this so we changed this. And we all go, that's not what we were complaining about! :D

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You figured that is how it would work and yet bioware told you differently and you still thought it would go off base classes that not a single person can even be now with how bioware wiped them out in 4.0.


I find that really odd for some reason.


Right?! They specifically stated how it would work...then changed it. Anyone who assumed otherwise was assuming Bioware was lying beforehand.


BW didn't tell us differently, they just didn't specify in the explanation after "Legacy Perk." But the moment legacy perk was mentioned, it should have been kind of obvious for old-timers. <insert joke about selling you sea front property in landlocked state>


How many times does this sort of stuff have to happen for you guys to catch on? Expect nothing but a bare minimum from the devs and you will never be disappointed. Expect nothing to work in a fashion different than the rest of the game. I learned that lesson at the end of 4.x.


It's the same thing every time: the devs promise big and deliver small. Memorize that and let it be your mantra.


EDIT: sorry for the wiser-than-thou attitude, i just have low expectations for the quality and quantity of the content that the skeleton crew at BWA can produce.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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BW didn't tell us differently, they just didn't specify. But the moment legacy perk was mentioned, it became kind of obvious.


How many times does this sort of stuff have to happen for you guys to catch on? Expect nothing but a bare minimum from the devs and you will never be disappointed. I learned that lesson at the end of 4.x.


It's the same thing every time: the devs promise big and deliver small. Memorize that and let it be your mantra.

I'll admit - I trusted Keith. I believed what he said because, well...why wouldn't I? I will not make that mistake again. I feel very betrayed.

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