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Commanding Legacy and mirror classes


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People complaining like it's that big a deal that the notes were wrong for several hours. :eek:


And no the roadmap doesn't count because that's not to be taken as set in stone. :p


Or is it just that I've got one of each class/mirror to 300 and thus not affected? :rolleyes:

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I wasn't defending. I was just stating what many seem to have missed. The restrictions were intentional yet many seem to gloss over that posting that the developers were incompetent. The developers were spot on.


The devs made a decision to screw over the players and try to hide it as long as possible. the decision itself was incompetent. In a game that has lost so many customers, screwing over your most loyal customers is not seen as intelligent.

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This is really pathetic. They explicitly stated that each character rank 300 counts for it. I personally prefer playing The Knight/Warrior and Consular/Sage classes and subclasses and I get punished for that....why? Why must I be forced into playing classes I barely tolerated for the legendary status achievement...

Also why does the buff not count toward rank 300 and up? As if the droprate isn't enough of a turn off to grind those levels....little bit of buff wouldn't hurt.

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The devs made a decision to screw over the players and try to hide it as long as possible. the decision itself was incompetent. In a game that has lost so many customers, screwing over your most loyal customers is not seen as intelligent.

No it's not Ivan. There's no up side from what they did...NONE! All the good will they received from a fulfilling road-map was washed away with one lie.

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No it's not Ivan. There's no up side from what they did...NONE! All the good will they received from a fulfilling road-map was washed away with one lie.


I think they dont realize that they have broken any goodwill or trust that they had generated. This was a stupid decision and anyone with an IQ greater than their shoe size should have seen it coming. This is all on Keith, he is the one calling the shots. Looks like the roadmap is a pretty useless document at this point.

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When I bought this Legacy Perk a few weeks ago, after FINALLY hitting GC300 on my first toon, I was incredibly happy because I have a TON of alts that I'm slowly leveling up and an extra 100% was well worth the purchase price.


WHEN did it become acceptable to take that away and nerf it down to 25%? I started leveling OTHER toons, but am not close to having a 2nd GC300. I paid for 100% bonus, now I have 25% bonus???


When this 25% per toon was announced (which is how I read it and interpreted it - it seems I'm not alone with that by the way) I thought it was going to be ON TOP OF the existing 100% perk I already bought, that I'd already been using. And I thought it was PER TOON.


I thought this because I THOUGHT the devs understood that GC was TOO much of a grind for MOST players. I thought THAT because Keith was talking about finding ways to increase the CXP payout across MULTIPLE play styles.


What changed?

Edited by Darevsool
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No it's not Ivan. There's no up side from what they did...NONE! All the good will they received from a fulfilling road-map was washed away with one lie.


Exactly. It's a case so much worse than the umbaro SH incident with how bioware talked and talked about how to get the SH. How many runs it would take but conveniently left out how they were going to cap thing.


This time it's so much worse. Just a flat out lie.

Edited by Quraswren
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Yeah, you're still misquoting me.


How am I misquoting you? You said "I read technical limitations as developer incompetence". They were not incompetent, they did exactly what they intended. Musco and Keith misinformed us. Again, the developers were spot on.

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When I bought this Legacy Perk a few weeks ago, after FINALLY hitting GC300 on my first toon, I was incredibly happy because I have a TON of alts that I'm slowly leveling up and an extra 100% was well worth the purchase price.


The perk has always been 25%. It wasn't 100%


Since yesterday's patch we can now bring it up to 100%, but it was only 25% before that.


So what happened is that they said that you can get an additionnal 25%for each additional character that reaches 300 (up to 100% bonus so it maxes out at 4 toons), but now we found it that it's not as clear cut as that because it has to be a different core class a well and mirror classes don't count. That's a restriction they didn't mention and for me who has one on 300 and the next is of the mirror class I will not achieve 50% anytime soon now because this character won't count....which really ticks me off.

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Thanks for this. The situation is simply inacceptable, and we're already loosing players due to this already!


Considering of what you communicated before and how it really works, I propose the following changes to the perk in a hotfix (read within the next week, not in a month or two!):

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +100%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +100%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +100%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +100%

This will ensure that everyone gets their promised +100% and actually make the perk really useful by going up to a fun +400% CXP (let's face it, 100% is still peanuts with the low CXP payouts for quests, etc.) for those that invest the time to grind up all classes. Still not ideal, as ideally you would get the bonus per character, but I think it's a good compromise that would show goodwill on your part, make players happy,and encourage them to play more.




PPS.: By the way, the perk seems to be bugged right now.

I have Knight, Consular and Smuggler at 300. I have purchased the Commanding Legacy Perk (before 5.5). This means I should get a 75% Bonus to all CXP. With a below-300-Command-Rank-character (no CXP buffs, no light/dakr bonus, no "Improved Command Experience" perks), I'm getting 206 CXP for a daily quest (you said was now supposedly 75CXP without any buffs), including double CXP. This isn't right.

You get 75 CXP for a daily quest now. From the perk, I should get an additional 75*0.75 = 56.25 CXP. Double that and it should be: [75 + (75*0.75)]*2 = 262.5 CXP


Is: 206 CXP

Should be with 3 classes at 300: 262.5 CXP

It's missing 56.5 CXP, which is around the bonus the perk should give me with 3 classes at 300. So there is definitely something fishy going on here besides the fast one you guys pulled on us.


Your math is wrong. ALL bonuses are additive not multiplicative so.


75 + 75(from event) + 56.25= 206 rounded down

Edited by Nebdar
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Remove this limitation ASAP. Lots of people like playing one class. This limitation should NEVER EVER have been put in place.


Another slap in the face. Do they want this game to die?


No. It's fine. If you get your emotions off your shoulders & step back to look at it, it fits with all SWTOR's legacy that has been in place since Legacy was added to game.

You've never gotten bonuses for having double classes of the same thing, or mirror, with one exception Legendary status for all 8 classes to 55 (or 65).


It makes perfectly good sense.


They didn't have to add this, in fact it's a nice additive for those of us who do play multiple classes. You DON'T have to have this added stack. It doesn't work past 300 anyway, so why does it matter??

It's only there to benefit those who want to have multiple classes with high command ranks.


Too many of you want to jump on the band wagon & throw a freaking fit as soon as something seems it's a "slap in the face" to the "paying customer".

News flash: You are paying to play their game the way they designed it. You can voice your opinions but in the end they do what they want. Don't like it, take your money else where.


They didn't have to add this in, they did it as a gesture of being nice to help you. Instead all you guys are doing is throwing crap at them. Give them a break.

There is plenty of other things they really needed to fix, worry about instead of this, for you guys to get on a band wagon about.


EDIT: BTW Keith & Eric if you read this, thanks. Had no idea that was going to be a thing till yesterday so woot.

Edited by CaptRogue
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The perk has always been 25%. It wasn't 100%


Since yesterday's patch we can now bring it up to 100%, but it was only 25% before that.


So what happened is that they said that you can get an additionnal 25%for each additional character that reaches 300 (up to 100% bonus so it maxes out at 4 toons), but now we found it that it's not as clear cut as that because it has to be a different core class a well and mirror classes don't count. That's a restriction they didn't mention and for me who has one on 300 and the next is of the mirror class I will not achieve 50% anytime soon now because this character won't count....which really ticks me off.


I could have sworn it was 100%, but after looking at the patch notes for 5.2.2 on this site and on Dulfy.net...it looks like I was wrong.


That changes my opinion on yesterday's update...they didn't take anything away, and giving us "more" stuff and not making it another perk to purchase.


I'm OK with that.

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No...it's not. They flat out lied about what it was.


They corrected it within a reasonable timescale - reasonable enough that no-one spent too much time since the announcement levelling up a second character on the same core/mirrored class. But I guess some people will always demand reparations for the slightest fault.


Kinda reminds me of the Top Gear episode where the plan was to buy cheap cars and drive across America, and sell them again to see if it was financially viable against a "fly/drive" package holiday. When they got to N'Orleans and saw the devastation after Katrina, they donated the cars to some local people, only to find out one of the women who got a car tried to sue them because they said it was an '02 when it was actually an '01.


That's the mentality here.

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I could have sworn it was 100%, but after looking at the patch notes for 5.2.2 on this site and on Dulfy.net...it looks like I was wrong.


That changes my opinion on yesterday's update...they didn't take anything away, and giving us "more" stuff and not making it another perk to purchase.


I'm OK with that.


Yeah and I would've been fine with it if they'd explained it. Now I just am confronted with the fact that my 2nd toon that I've been leveling towards 300 is a waste and I have to now not play that toon for a while to get my bonus sorted. That's what I don't like about it.


And it's not the first time. BW are the kings of submarines. Everytime they announce something nice there is something that they don't tell you that ends up souring the excitement. They really should stop doing that.

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They corrected it within a reasonable timescale - reasonable enough that no-one spent too much time since the announcement levelling up a second character on the same core/mirrored class. But I guess some people will always demand reparations for the slightest fault.


Kinda reminds me of the Top Gear episode where the plan was to buy cheap cars and drive across America, and sell them again to see if it was financially viable against a "fly/drive" package holiday. When they got to N'Orleans and saw the devastation after Katrina, they donated the cars to some local people, only to find out one of the women who got a car tried to sue them because they said it was an '02 when it was actually an '01.


That's the mentality here.


LOL I never saw that episode, but that is the mentality of a lot of people nowadays. Just stupidity.


And no I disagree, it was not a lie. It was miscommunication. Eric & Keith weren't intentionally trying to shaft the players.

There is a lot more things they can do to cause player anger if that was their goal.

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They corrected it within a reasonable timescale - reasonable enough that no-one spent too much time since the announcement levelling up a second character on the same core/mirrored class. But I guess some people will always demand reparations for the slightest fault.


Kinda reminds me of the Top Gear episode where the plan was to buy cheap cars and drive across America, and sell them again to see if it was financially viable against a "fly/drive" package holiday. When they got to N'Orleans and saw the devastation after Katrina, they donated the cars to some local people, only to find out one of the women who got a car tried to sue them because they said it was an '02 when it was actually an '01.


That's the mentality here.

And others will support the lies. The roadmap told us very explicitly one thing - the patch revealed another. That's a lie.

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SNIP... that no-one spent too much time since the announcement levelling up a second character on the same core/mirrored class.


Ugh wrong. I did. Spent plenty of time grinding out those last 2 classes (shadow and Sage) that I thought would count given bioware information and they did not. So don't go making those false statements. I almost had 3 leveled as another is 200+ and that wouldn't have counted either had I made it in time.


Worthless effort now though. Thanks bioware for the misleading information. However, the truth is there is no way I was the only one that will feels a bit screwed.


But I guess some people will always demand reparations for the slightest fault.


I guess some will always make an excuse for others as well no matter how much they lie.

Edited by Quraswren
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No. It's fine. If you get your emotions off your shoulders & step back to look at it, it fits with all SWTOR's legacy that has been in place since Legacy was added to game.

You've never gotten bonuses for having double classes of the same thing, or mirror, with one exception Legendary status for all 8 classes to 55 (or 65).


I get what you're saying and it makes sense, but it's not what was presented to us. We were presented 'character' and got 'class'. Those are different things and then we get an Oopsy from Eric. :rolleyes:


Personally, I don't feel lied to. I feel like it's yet another screw up in communication. Whether it's the left hand not talking to the right hand or not paying attention to detail, it's a constant around here - "Oops, that's not what I meant to say" "Oops, that wasn't in the patch notes" "Oops, my bad y'all". I'm just tired of amateur hour.

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I get what you're saying and it makes sense, but it's not what was presented to us. We were presented 'character' and got 'class'. Those are different things and then we get an Oopsy from Eric. :rolleyes:


Personally, I don't feel lied to. I feel like it's yet another screw up in communication. Whether it's the left hand not talking to the right hand or not paying attention to detail, it's a constant around here - "Oops, that's not what I meant to say" "Oops, that wasn't in the patch notes" "Oops, my bad y'all". I'm just tired of amateur hour.


See that I can agree with!

It happens often & it is stupid, but with a large corporation things like that do happen. Usually you have people checking it, but sometimes it still slips through the cracks.


They do need to get clarification sorted out before hand. But to all out come out & call the Dev's liars, when they've apologized & clarified, real fast too. It's like shooting the messenger.

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Ugh wrong. I did. Spent plenty of time grinding out those last 2 classes (shadow and Sage) that I thought would count given bioware information and they did not. So don't go making those false statements. I almost had 3 leveled as another is 200+ and that wouldn't have counted either had I made it in time.


Worthless effort now though. Thanks bioware for the misleading information.


I guess some will always make an excuse for others as well no matter how much they lie.


Since they made the announcement that you would get an extra 25% for each character, you managed to grind out 2 characters to 300 and another 1 to 200+???? Where do you do your grinding, and is there an exploit we should know about?


Kinda find it amazing that you didn't already have those 2 grinded out, you waited until now, but suddenly in the last couple of days you've got almost 3 finished off. Totally amazing.

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Since they made the announcement that you would get an extra 25% for each character, you managed to grind out 2 characters to 300 and another 1 to 200+???? Where do you do your grinding, and is there an exploit we should know about?


Kinda find it amazing that you didn't already have those 2 grinded out, you waited until now, but suddenly in the last couple of days you've got almost 3 finished off. Totally amazing.


They were all started but the first two were just a bit under 200. Can't remember exactly. The third around 140 IIRC but before the notes I used that time to get a trooper done and start others.


It was nothing amazing just a massive grind and it took some time. Disappointing to see that wasted for the reason I was doing it based off the information given. Had they not lied I could have leveled a toon that actually counted in that last stretch.

Edited by Quraswren
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They were all started but the first two were just a bit under 200. Can't remember exactly. The third around 140 IIRC.


It was nothing amazing just a massive grind and it took some time. Disappointing to see that wasted for the reason I was doing it based off the information given. Had they not lied I could have leveled a toon that actually counted in that last stretch.


Again, you managed to get 2 toons up to a bit under 200 in the last 9/10 months, through several weeks (months?) of having an approved exploit through the daily areas, but suddenly when they announced that you'd get a 25% boost you decided to grind through 200 levels in a couple of days?


My spidey senses are tingling

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And others will support the lies. The roadmap told us very explicitly one thing - the patch revealed another. That's a lie.

No that's not a lie. A lie requires intent. The information given was not complete and therefore didn't tell the whole story. It was therefore false information. But again a lie per definition requires that it was intended to mislead people and of that there is no evidence. That's your personal feeling and I can understand why you would feel that way but I think they just didn't pay attention to what they were doing yet again.


So incorrect, incomplete, false? Yes.

A lie? Possible, but not proven and I personally am not convinced.

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