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Operative dps is over the top


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lv 50 operative here.


a lv 50 operative can't take down any competent lv 50 heal in 1 v 1 situation - because all of them have either high armor, dmg shield/mitigation, multiple healing abilities.


you can interrupt their first heal but then you can't interrupt/stun the 2nd one (resolve bar).

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Get to level 50. Get some gear. You won't get killed out of the stun.


thats right! calm down people when your low lvl and get nailed by a high lvl operative you will die FAST! think about the gear and skill points!


please think before you post..... i know i dont sometimes =P

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No, I am sorry, you should NOT be able to kill someone before they get up from your knockdown. Your class is severly OP and needs to be nerfed.




The whole point of the Op in PvP is to frontload damage

Last I heard they were not a sustained-DPS class

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I'm very interested in what pvp will look like in a few months, I'm thinking jugg's, BH and sorc's will run shop followed by Snipers. I'm on the fence about making lvl my op all the way up for pvp warzones, for the above fact.


i'd like to see what a full champion sniper can do......

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snipe + explosive probe = 7k dmg


people are already doing it.


I'm a level 50 sniper with most gear at or above 112 rating. A single snipe and explosive probe (both critting) cannot yield 7k. I don't remember the exact numbers in terms of cunning, power, surge, but I have 34% crit, 76% surge rating. An ambush crit and explosive proble crit could probably hit 7k, though, for me but not just a snipe and explosive probe.

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People don't understand how pvp scaling works. U need good gear or ull get pawned. A lvl20 in lvl20 gear will beat a lvl40 in lvl20 gear. Keep ur gear up to date and ull win more and l2p. This is from a assassin pov by the way. I have a tuff time bringing operaties down but not cause they are op but because they take time to bring down but they have never burst me down. I haven't seen any burst from any class so far in this game its just not something that happens the way it is set up. The best burst class still can't take u from 100% to 0% in one knockdown that's not happening.
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Well, the whole lower lvl pvp is imbalanced aswell...here you get kicked your *** with this class from certain others...I know how lower pvp looks like, I did do almost 10 lvls only pvping...where others just did questing, looking only here and there into the bg´s and missed that.


What are you saying to this ?


....but what we dont know is how pvp looks when everyone has at least pvp gear and not running around in greens or blues at 50.


PvP seems to have a lot of isses.....they need to rework a lot. Alone the point that some can use force speed, kicking down people from bridges, into fire or acid....I think the devs were drunk. And people said this is a wow killer....lol. This game is average with a lot of issues.


Maybe they put in the game "resilience" so you have to grind for new gear and stick with the game with monthly fees, common we know the business tricks already...

Edited by BobaFurz
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50 operative with some champ gear centurion stuff - went back to healing tree and well its kinda okay people live ,, but not the amount of healing the other classes do - i dont have problems keeping em up just its low healing numbers .. BOOST THE HOT HEALS ABIT ffs !!
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What's funny is most people who whine about concealment aren't level 50. I have no problem admitting I concealment is very strong, but I feel it's balanced against other level 50s with expertise.


If you have no expertise, I am going to destroy you. That's the bottom line.

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yup well the whole point of conc is useless rather heal people than doing damage with the same combo


stealth hiddenstrike back stab blah blah and so on cloaking screeen and again .. but when on cool down .. what ? ??? :p


will stick to healing hoping they just increase the HOTS

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457 expertise operative here, doing 12k burst dmg within 3sec 7440 max crit... I can solo kill everyone in this game, even same geared lvl 50 comandos/juggers. Yes operative needs nerf


Just because a class is good at something doesnt mean it needs a nerf.

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457 expertise operative here, doing 12k burst dmg within 3sec 7440 max crit... I can solo kill everyone in this game, even same geared lvl 50 comandos/juggers. Yes operative needs nerf


You forgot to add that you also used a relic, the WZ power up AND an expertise pot to get this 7k crit....

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And funny thing is that you read in almost every class section that some people "own" with their class....:D


You forgot to add that you also used a relic, the WZ power up AND an expertise pot to get this 7k crit....


and people will think this is the regular dmg then, its always a problem to show a video or screenshot with the highest dmg you get, its more interesting what you do on average and what gear your opponent has, aswell level. And if you dont do such high dmg or crits, some kids tell you cant play...rofl.


Lets see how other classes are doing in pvp gear at lvl 50 vs other lvl 50ies with the same quality gear...then we talk. But we can talk already about lower lvl pvp, because this needs really some fine tuning. Besides the fail to throw in higher lvls with lower ones in the same Battleground, but thats the game design.

Edited by BobaFurz
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You forgot to add that you also used a relic, the WZ power up AND an expertise pot to get this 7k crit....



Either 1.)The kid doesn't play the class or 2.)He's dumb.


Operatives are built around burst from stealth. Take that away and the AC is pointless to play unless you want to heal.

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DPS means damage per second which is measured over a timeframe.


How much is the DPS over 1 minute ?


Oh you mean they have too high burst ? I might agree with that but they need better out of stealth options if you take away the burst.


And no, my op is lethality, noone complained about her being overpowered

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To anyone that says get to level 50 and get some gear.. The lvl 50 gear does not dramatically increase HPs and does little to increase the pain of the Operative/Scoundrel alpha strike.


With 5 pieces of purple pvp gear I still only have about 14k hps.


Edit -


Yes fighting a 50 Operative/Scoundrel that has taken the stealth/burst tree is nearly impossible.

Edited by Jnaathra
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To anyone that says get to level 50 and get some gear.. The lvl 50 gear does not dramatically increase HPs and does little to increase the pain of the Operative/Scoundrel alpha strike.


With 5 pieces of purple pvp gear I still only have about 14k hps.

It's called expertise. You clearly have zero idea how PvP works in this game.

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I have about 9perc pvp boost stat (from expertise) am valor rank 55 and the hardest ive hit with red power ball thing is just shy of 5k. Properly geared up sorcs and any class are much harder to take out. Newbs dont stand a chance alone (not with me anyways lol).


I also have over 15k hp unbuffed. Im curious when more reach the cap and get geared up (pvp wise) how things will be.


Team work goes along ways with using guard/taunt/stun ect. But atm ya I feel powerful against most as I powerlevel to get here. Lets see how things are in a month or 2.




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It's called expertise. You clearly have zero idea how PvP works in this game.


I know exactly how it works and I'm saying they can still face roll you for massive burst damage that is almost always unrecoverable from. Tanks, healers, dps.. crap don't matter.

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