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  1. The only problem I see with this is increased queue times since currently on my server as an empire player they range from 1-5 minutes. Without the shared battlegroup it is obviously going to go up, which I do not mind, I just hope it isn't to long of a wait.
  2. Power does not make crits bigger, that stat is surge. You're so clueless.
  3. The stun Hidden Strike is a bit much, I'm sure everyone can agree with that. I'd also be okay with a short CD on Hidden Strike. But the majority of people crying for nerfs don't understand how the class works. Outside of stealth we are probably one of the weakest classes and if they were to nerf our opener, we'd essential become useless vs good players. Also - do not change evasion. Your idea is terrible.
  4. Right now every class is strong, but calling for nerfs at this point is pointless. For PvP we need to wait until people are geared properly and for PvE we have no combat log, there is zero way to see what class is strong in that regard.
  5. you guys the same people from the WoW guild or did you just take the name? always liked the name.
  6. It's going to be sad when this great and actually fun class is destroyed because people don't understand simple mechanics.
  7. lolwat. we have no sprint. another clueless person.
  8. It's called expertise. You clearly have zero idea how PvP works in this game.
  9. It takes 3 people because we have CD's, both of which are on 2 minute CD's. Evasion lasts a whole 3 seconds(omgz!) and shield probe lasts I think 10-15 and barely absorbs anything. If you cannot 1v3 someone it sounds like a personal problem over a class problem, especially when we have very little mechanics to get away besides vanish. Concealment will be the Rogue/Mage of WoW where people will always cry for nerfs when they have zero idea how the class works. Omg he crit me! Obviously it's not working as planned.
  10. And in group PvP it is fine. Assassins have better damage overall, a sprint, an ability that makes them immune to CC AND stealth. Why no QQ about them?
  11. So much QQ about Operatives when there are so many classes that can beat us if played right. We RELY on opening crits. You take those away and this class is pointless to play.
  12. Annoying to keep up? and youre giving advice. lollolol
  13. This. Either 1.)The kid doesn't play the class or 2.)He's dumb. Operatives are built around burst from stealth. Take that away and the AC is pointless to play unless you want to heal.
  14. What's funny is most people who whine about concealment aren't level 50. I have no problem admitting I concealment is very strong, but I feel it's balanced against other level 50s with expertise. If you have no expertise, I am going to destroy you. That's the bottom line.
  15. Why is it every guild is posting about normals? I went in with a pug yesterday and cleared all the normal content and we carried at least 3 of the people. It is easy. Nobody cares if youre world first, or world last unless it's nightmare. Has been that way in every MMO.
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