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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Okay before panicking consider this... VA's aren't exclusive to certain characters. Darran DuPaul voices Valkorian, General Derun, Junker Jott, etc. Lana's VA does dozens of minor NPC's. Elara's VA does Arryn Lanier and minor NPC's and I think Saavik. So, don't assume Arcann isn't there. Even if he's not in the first update he'll be comming. Patience.

Yeah but that's the thing...

Darin DePaul is listed in the main credits section AS Valkorion. It isn't like it is just a generic Darin DePaul entry under "other voices". Dellums is only listed/credited under additional voices. :(




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Yeah but that's the thing...

Darin DePaul is listed in the main credits section AS Valkorion. It isn't like it is just a generic Darin DePaul entry under "other voices". Dellums is only listed/credited under additional voices. :(




Okay, but I still think you're panicking way too soon. Remember we have to go to the same planet (Elom) that Arcann was sent to during the first installment of the story. While we may not see him, he is definitely a major piece of the story from the get-go. We should all just be calm and spend the next two months prepping. I have a feeling our Prince will need a rescue mission but we'll get him back.:D

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Okay, but I still think you're panicking way too soon. Remember we have to go to the same planet (Elom) that Arcann was sent to during the first installment of the story. While we may not see him, he is definitely a major piece of the story from the get-go. We should all just be calm and spend the next two months prepping. I have a feeling our Prince will need a rescue mission but we'll get him back.:D


Oh, I would love that - or Arcann coming to our rescue :)

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Yeah but that's the thing...

Darin DePaul is listed in the main credits section AS Valkorion. It isn't like it is just a generic Darin DePaul entry under "other voices". Dellums is only listed/credited under additional voices. :(




Don't worry, it's on PTS so not really finished. Maybe they are still updating the credits. Or it would be too spoilery to have his other voices being listed there (e.g. Thexan -> if he would make an appearance). I think Dellums would know if he has new content for Arcann or a different character coming up, so if he said more Arcann content is coming then it is very likely that is comes - we just don't know when. Of course, sometimes things are cancelled or not used but I wouldn't assume that right now.

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Can we talk about Arcann's codex entry?




What is up with it?


"Eventually defeated by the Outlander and stripped of his throne, Arcann initially sought revenge... but the mercy shown to him and his mother by his hated enemy profoundly changed him."


Where/when did this "revenge" apparently take place? I'm super confused.


Also, my character killed Valkorion, not Arcann. Hmm...


It might have been the time after he leaves Voss and before he shows up at the palace. I think by showing him mercy he finally understands that Valkorion is not in control of our characer like he previously thought




although if you use his powers 2 times I think he gets more control over you and can force you to do things (haven't used it before but I saw it on video once)




Revenge could also mean against Vaylin for nearly bombing him to dust.

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Okay, my theory is that on the new FP we will have to rescue Arcann and the team on ELOM. This could be a huge leap forward for him and his 'Atonement' arc. Here's the question, how do you think he will protect the team before we get there?


Interesting take!


I'd personally love for our characters to arrive on Elom and be ambushed etc and have Arcann, who has been there for a while fighting off a discovered enemy for some time, come to OUR rescue. That would make for a great scene, at least in my opinion ;) It would be nice to have someone powerful come to our aid for once, especially someone as attractive as Arcann hehe oops did I say that out loud? ;)

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I would really love for there to be an Elom rescue of some kind. And lots of Arcann interaction. My LS Sith Warrior is romancing him (she ditched both Theron & Quinn for him), and I just haven't gotten enough. Really, there needs to be more time spent on all the new romance options offered after the return of our original companions. I'd like to have more romances with them rather than just all Lana & Theron.
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Interesting take!


I'd personally love for our characters to arrive on Elom and be ambushed etc and have Arcann, who has been there for a while fighting off a discovered enemy for some time, come to OUR rescue. That would make for a great scene, at least in my opinion ;) It would be nice to have someone powerful come to our aid for once, especially someone as attractive as Arcann hehe oops did I say that out loud? ;)


I would LOVE for this to happen!


As for us rescuing him, I would be concerned about the implications of that. For people that dislike him already (but perhaps kept him alive because of Senya), I fear it would make him look helpless. I feel he's been rescued enough, I guess, by Senya and by us. Time for him to be the one to do the rescuing in order to take a more active part in his redemption arc.


I do like the thought of him protecting his team on Elom. Perhaps by shielding them from the negative effects of the planet through the Force, now that he is more attuned to the Light?

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I would LOVE for this to happen!


As for us rescuing him, I would be concerned about the implications of that. For people that dislike him already (but perhaps kept him alive because of Senya), I fear it would make him look helpless. I feel he's been rescued enough, I guess, by Senya and by us. Time for him to be the one to do the rescuing in order to take a more active part in his redemption arc.


I do like the thought of him protecting his team on Elom. Perhaps by shielding them from the negative effects of the planet through the Force, now that he is more attuned to the Light?


I concur completely.


Arcann is a powerful and strong character and I think it would be fitting that he came to our aid after we arrive on Elom. I can absolutely envision him emerging from some mist/fog, perhaps us just seeing his yellow lightsaber and a flash of his white armor at first.


A throwback to this scene would be BEYOND epic, in my opinion:



How epic would it be for him to reach out to our characters with his outstretched arm/hand and pull us up? This would tie in with the whole concept of hands and their symbolism as they relate to Arcann's relationship with Thexan AND our player characters... bonding, love, and support. It is all there.


For people that didn't spare Arcann or didn't send him to Elom, it would make sense that an entire strike team of force users would be needed to equate to Arcann and his power/strength. That group could just as effectively aid the commander after an Elom landing ambush.


I want this to happen SO much now.

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I would really love for there to be an Elom rescue of some kind. And lots of Arcann interaction. My LS Sith Warrior is romancing him (she ditched both Theron & Quinn for him), and I just haven't gotten enough. Really, there needs to be more time spent on all the new romance options offered after the return of our original companions. I'd like to have more romances with them rather than just all Lana & Theron.


Hi there, Gilrenna! Nice to see you here!


I absolutely agree with what you wrote. I would really like to see more story content involving existing characters, especially love interests. We have so many interesting characters in the game right now that are begging for more story continuation. I personally am finding that I'm not as invested in most of these newer characters they keep introducing.


+1 to the idea of more romanced character content in the future!

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I don't deny that would be cool, I like to keep options open in order to avoid disappointment. Although Arcann and Senya did do a good job blowing up The Servants fighters in Echos. :D We know he always has our backs romanced or not.


Have you been on the PTS, Jak? I was there today with Witchglove and we LOVED the new flashpoint and its aesthetic. It is absolutely gorgeous :)

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Have you been on the PTS, Jak? I was there today with Witchglove and we LOVED the new flashpoint and its aesthetic. It is absolutely gorgeous :)


Just got on tonight. I have a Guardian and a SW/Assassin I'm checking out and seeing if the new gear is going to literally hurt me. I don't think I can handle testing in VET mode but if they test SM I'll be there. I've seen it on YouTube though, it is gorgeous. BioWare lacks fashion sense, and this new gearing system stinks, but they do have great artists. :D I'll be running SM FP's all day tomorrow. Sad thing is no Arcann to pally-around with. :(

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Sad thing is no Arcann to pally-around with. :(


We got around that fact by auto-completing KotFE/KotET and by jumping to Ossus on republic toons we were playing ;) Then, after a few companion gifts, we were ready roll in the new flashpoint with Arcanns! :cool: We may or may not have also enjoyed some Unmasked Regret LOL

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As it was made pretty much official by Charles on the live stream just now we had today,🤗


Thank you Devs for making this possible! A lot of us have been pining for Arcann romance and a force male user love interest in generals as us girls haven't exactly had any! (Urtel Moren) doesn't count.:rak_03:

I can't wait to see how this romance will pan out and I can't express my happiness enough!

Thank you so much!!!! He's such an amazing character. :D


I've never been so excited about a LI before, also his voice actor is so amazing, I'm happy you chose Erik Todd Dellums, he brings him to life and Arcann wouldn't have been Arcann with that super sexy voice!!!


Thanks so much and thanks for noticing the ones who want it! :D:D:D


If you like the contents of this thread or are happy with the upcoming Arcann romance, please give rate this thread 5 at the bottom right! :)


^After all this time, Arcann is still the most amazing character: Arcann needs to wear whatever he wants! #dressyourway


<3 Arcann:sy_star::sy_star::sy_star: > rest of all the other companions combined

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Ugh, there's been so much going on lately (and so many awesome Discord conversations!) that I forget what we've already shared here!


Witchglove heard from Dellums the other day that more Arcann content is (again) confirmed and on the way. Not exactly sure when that will be, but we're stoked nonetheless!


I also went back and watched the credits for Onslaught and Echoes of Oblivion - the latest story content that provided us with TWO amazing Arcann romance scenes (hangar scene + scene before Nathema FP on Odessen) - for that content, like what we saw with the LotS credits, Dellums was also credited as "Additional Voices". If we got that wonderful Arcann content with him listed as additional voices in these previous expansions, I feel more optimistic for LotS in regard to Arcann :)


I'm REALLY hoping for some more substantial Arcann story in the future. It would be utterly amazing if we could start to choose who we go on these adventures with instead of having the same characters forced on us 24/7.

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I don't want Arcann to take over the entire game. To focus too much on any one LI is a bad, bad, bad, thing.


Yeah, I don't think anyone wants or is asking for that... :confused: That's how people get to the point where they're sick of companions being thrust upon them (ahem, Lana).


Like I said above, being able to choose who you have by your side in the story would be amazing, although likely unfeasible. One can always hope, though!

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In every other thread on this forum, I will wholly support equal amounts of love and content for all companions.


But in this thread, it should be 100% allowed to say to that we love Arcann the most without anyone shaming anyone for that. I love other companions too, but I love Arcann more. I want content with other companions too, but if I could choose, I would choose him. There's nothing wrong with saying that, as long as we keep it in here and don't spam other threads with it. It's not as if there's any danger of Arcann taking over the entire game, no matter how often or how loudly anyone states a desire for that in this thread. And I'm not going to lie: I would like him to be the main character of another expansion, or several. It's not like I think that's going to happen! But would I like it to? Hell yes :)


Is anyone else having a little trouble getting into the Life Day spirit today because of the 7.0 delay? Two months is a long time for me to try to curb my expectations, although the news Siita shared about the credits and seeing the beauty of Elom first-hand on the PTS helps!


Still, I need a fix. Can anyone recommend some good reads with settings, characters or themes that remind you of Zakuul or Arcann to pass the time? Maybe something with a good redemption arc? I'm open to anything; Fanfic, official Star Wars books, published science fiction works that aren't Star Wars, etc.

An absolute favourite of mine is Arkady Martine's "A Memory Called Empire". It's one of the cleverest SF works about identity and empire I've read. There are quite a few elements in it that remind me of Zakuul.

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In every other thread on this forum, I will wholly support equal amounts of love and content for all companions. But in this thread, it should be 100% allowed to say to that we love Arcann the most without anyone shaming anyone for that.


Forgive me, I truly wasn't trying to shame anyone. I just get so nervous about going overboard with any LI because it's a hot-button for so many people. I once made the mistake of saying I thought Quinn was a perfect example on Machiavellian philosophy (not meant to be insulting) and I might as well set off an Atom Bomb.


I live in fear of hyping Arcann up so much other people won't want to talk about him at all.

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In every other thread on this forum, I will wholly support equal amounts of love and content for all companions.


But in this thread, it should be 100% allowed to say to that we love Arcann the most without anyone shaming anyone for that. I love other companions too, but I love Arcann more. I want content with other companions too, but if I could choose, I would choose him. There's nothing wrong with saying that, as long as we keep it in here and don't spam other threads with it. It's not as if there's any danger of Arcann taking over the entire game, no matter how often or how loudly anyone states a desire for that in this thread. And I'm not going to lie: I would like him to be the main character of another expansion, or several. It's not like I think that's going to happen! But would I like it to? Hell yes :)


LOL you and me both. I'd pay a LOT of money (like, a LOT) to have more Arcann-centric story content, especially as it pertains to fleshing out his character more since his redemption. In regard to his past, I want to know so much more about his childhood, more about Zakuulan culture and traditions, and I'd especially LOVE to know more about (or even see!) the moment that Arcann decided to leave his mask and full arm/shoulder cybernetics behind. What was he feeling in that moment? Shame? Power in embracing who he really was, scars and all?


I love his continuing story so far - the fact that the writers still leave us with a lingering feeling that Arcann seems to be teetering on the edge of falling back into his old ways - it has me hooked. The struggle is real - and it is honestly intoxicating for me (and Witchglove I know!! :) )


He's such an outstanding, complex character. Truly one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time!

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I'd like it if we could do the romance with him the same way they're done in the base-game. But then my sense of justice says all the romances should be like that. I literally can't say I want one thing for Arcann and Arcann only. I get a case of the guilties bad. Edited by JakRoanin
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Forgive me, I truly wasn't trying to shame anyone. I just get so nervous about going overboard with any LI because it's a hot-button for so many people. I once made the mistake of saying I thought Quinn was a perfect example on Machiavellian philosophy (not meant to be insulting) and I might as well set off an Atom Bomb.


I live in fear of hyping Arcann up so much other people won't want to talk about him at all.


No hard feelings! :) I do understand your concerns. I don't think it's possible to please those hot-button types, so I'm reluctant to tone down my own joy in something for their sake. I feel that it's sadly a pretty common view that exuberant fans (especially "fangirls") are "annoying", "hysterical", "need to calm down", etc. and that's a discourse I actively want to resist (but that's an off-topic and partly feminist viewpoint, just to throw another word out there that triggers a vast number of people on the internet! ;)). Your take on Quinn sounds really interesting and it's a shame something like that couldn't be debated calmly!


On the topic of Arcann content we would like to see:

X1000000 everything that Siita said! I would love to see those moments (especially removing the mask - I feel that must have been a massive turning point for him) and I would pay a fortune for it.

I would really like to know what Arcann did during all that time he was gone after Voss. All we have is that letter from Lana with the rumours about him, but what was he really doing? Where did he go and how did he arrive at the decision to join us? Who are the Knights with him when he returns? I feel like a whole chunk of his story is just missing there.

I'd also have loved a romance more like the class stories, something with more build up. I actually think it would have been very fair to give Arcann that (all class companions + Lana and Theron had the same - the only other ones really neglected in that department are other very recent ones like Scourge and the new same-sex options).

I would also like to see him confronted by people who haven't forgiven him and how he copes with that.

In his second to last romance letter he mentions his hopes for the future. I also want to see more of that future and learn more about what he wants to do with his life now, aside from being with us. Romanced Arcann seems to have very much made the Commander the focus of his life. As much as that melts my heart, I wonder what he wants for himself - if anything. Perhaps 7.0 will provide an opportunity for that. I hope they make the most of him having had an independent mission and a chance to be a leader again.

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