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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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We need to get Sam back!! :D:D




Also...who do i need to pay off so they let me do that alert on repeat !?!?...i dont need the damn rewards !!! i just wanna do it...over and over and over again lol :D:D:D:D


i cant ! srsly!!!...im doing my happy dance!!! ...



also i recorded it on my jedi and ima watch it now....need to do it on my sorc aswell :D:D:D:D:D ..yes im weird..but....yeah....:o...


and the god damn sweet way he talks to you!!!...FFS BW !!!! ....what u doing to me :C

pls continue doing it lol ..



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I wish I could least give your post a thumbs up, I am in the same boat!

I have my tester character for just this occasion, I am not going to take the Alert on her till we get the conclusion next month. I already have a Cathar Knight dedicated to Theron so she's in it to the end. Bless who ever animated and wrote Arcann's scene because I am about to make another character for him. I am an altaholic, help!


I only started playing SWTOR last month so the only character I had ready was my Smuggler who is already romancing Theron, the temptation to romance Arcann is strong though.


Admittedly, one of the main reasons I romanced Theron was because he's so heavily involved in the DLCs and expansions (I didn't bother romancing anyone from the class story because most of them get shafted story-wise in the expansions). I'm mildly concerned that because Arcann is killable (and now that there's a very real possibility that Theron could end up being killable in May's flashpoint) going forward there may not be much in the way of story content featuring either of them, particularly if the way they handled Koth was anything to go by. I've always preferred to go for characters that feature heavily because it feels less jarring, but I really don't want to romance Lana LOL.

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This was the sweetest thing i've seen in a long time.

Damn, he's quite exactly how I pictured he would be xD

And now I'm even more confused between him and Theron, I really don't know who I'll match with my JK :(


I dumpted Theron for Vector with my IA (did not feel too weird as I didn't go through Umbara with her yet), but, I felt sad for him though.



And I recorded that scene with Arcann on my JK clone, but there is no sound and I can't replay it te record again, I just wanna cry now :'(



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And I recorded that scene with Arcann on my JK clone, but there is no sound and I can't replay it te record again, I just wanna cry now :'(





He deserves the love we gave him! :p


And sorry for your recording... I think I did 5 tests with bandicam before daring going forward with the alert...

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I could not sleep last night until I'd seen the scene, and then couldn't sleep after because d'awww.

Finally had coffee and kid at school *rubs hands together*


This gif going to loop until the end of time!


<3 time to do another KOTFE/KOTET run again.. hahah. Hopefully we can bring him to Nathema flashpoint and more kisses there. :D



haha definitely gif worthy! love your character btw


Spoilers !!!



I change my mind, that wasn't bad.


Exarch Maralara


Awww, he's happy.


Stop chewing on my hair you bald bastard!






that smile from Arcann made me so happy!

love your character too! <3




I did not remove the customization from Аrcann!:eek:



He kissed the PC in the mask!:D:D:D

And so everything was wonderful! Even I have no complaints! And it was longer than 4 minutes!



Remove from it customization before romance.


I'm not going to regret this. I told you so!!


I mentioned days back that I didn't think they would factor in the customisation, so you'd kiss a mask!



What options were needed for a 4 minute cutscene?? I recorded it on my throw-away sw and it came to 3 minutes and 7 seconds :(

Edited by Asmodesu
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I didn't edit anything. I started the recording the second the cutscene started and ended when the scene ended...

edit: ah you recorded the walk to him too, as well as a long wait standing around after the scene ended. Please don't misinform people, I don't see how standing in place for almost a full minute means the content was 4 minutes long rather then 3 minutes lol.

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I do not know how long the "perfect" cutscene should last. My cutscene was 4.05 minutes. Maybe it sprawled because of the lag of the network, or just a computer braked. For me, seconds are not critical. If the developers have managed to accommodate as much content in less time, we can applaud them.
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Oh, no don't get me wrong. 3 minutes has been their standard with corso, risha, andronikos etc. My Ashara one was faaaar shorter to the point I thought.. wait, what? it's over?. a 3 minute one is a good length, when not lengthened by indecisive on dialogue wheel options xD). but saying 4 or 5 .. there could have been so much more dialogue for something a little longer like that xD

I do like what we got though.


A little tooo sweet for Arcann maybe, but he says he's never done that before, especially with someone he tried to kill so he was hesitant, I liked it though. It, apart from location, pretty much covered everything I wanted covered xD


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I think I esc out to squeal-scream at people in the forum and twitter. But its still longer than my romance with Reyes. lol Okay, Bioware, you kinda redeem your entire company's romance reputation this time.



Oh, now I figured out why he build me a new armor.


Me : Arcann, I'm a Marauder! We don't wear heavy armor when we lug our lightsabers around. Also what's the point of full coverage when you're fighting with lightsabers! We chop things off! Let me wear my bandage frou frou 'armor'!

Arcann : *look at the entire screencaps of all their fights* Well... that's... the point...

Me : ... oh come on!

Arcann : Very distracting!

Me : The Emperor of Zakuul was really defeated because he's distracted by my Sithy sexiness?




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3 or 4 minutes doesn't matter!! It was amazing either way! :D I'll always be a fan of kotfe Arcann, but seeing this side of him, it did warm my heart.

:) It may not have been the "fire" I wanted, but it was well done and I'm glad I got the opportunity to experience this. I'll miss Sam! And I told her so on Twitter. She did a fantastic job on this. :)

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*snickers* this made me think they were awkwardly hlalf-flirting half squaring up for a fight.



I honestly had an issue with the tiny constant looped animation movements, it made a few of the sections look awkward that would have been better without the looping , but that's just me. I know Bioware needs to work with premade animation sets.




-thinking- "uuhhhh .. thanks.. no, say something nice.. use the "I didn't bring you a gift though!" line again, it never fails! -/end thinking-

"If I knew we were exchanging gifts, I would have brought something" .. see, worked on Malcolm, worked multiple times through this story. No problems!



aand he walked away, did I say something bad? come back?





edit: did anyone else like the hand hold at the end? that's how his mum, Senya, comforted him a bit during the big fight against Valky etc (yeah I know some people claim they stole the animation off Vector, not true. He has already sued the animation before this scene). It was another sweet little addition imo.


and the item tooltip <3


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oh.. OH.. oh.. I have done a terrible terrible thing. The character I chose to see Arcann's scene on is a theron-mancer clone of my main. But the kicker is she has not started Umbara yet, now I feel HORRIBLE, and.. I've parked her outside of her base refusing to start the break up. I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!!!

nooooo, I thought he'd already ditched her for the Order, woops.

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One detail that I still find so adorable, my Wrath frowned at him and "Kissing me would be a good start." and *pouty puppy eyes*...

"That. I can do." <3


Awww... I so adore my beloved broken darlings. Now love can heal them both.


And now we can bring hope to disheartened Reylo fans with our blessings and love!



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I could not sleep last night until I'd seen the scene, and then couldn't sleep after because d'awww.

Finally had coffee and kid at school *rubs hands together*

I can't sleep last night either:D


One detail that I still find so adorable, my Wrath frowned at him and "Kissing me would be a good start." and *pouty puppy eyes*...

"That. I can do." <3


Awww... I so adore my beloved broken darlings. Now love can heal them both.


And now we can bring hope to disheartened Reylo fans with our blessings and love!



I kind of want an option for our character to take the initiative to kiss him:p.

Regarding Reylo: I think the ship is going strong after TLJ.



I wonder if there's a break up scene for Arcann? That's you romance him then go back to an old LI. I don't have the heart to do this myself......

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....ok... one rant to vent.... got irritated by someone.



What is it with, some 'people', thinking that Arcann was scarred up and think that was enough to turn off. Oh.. "love is blind."... uh.. do you think I am that shallow that its an immediate major turn off simply because he's someone scarred and who had lost an arm from a war?


Arcann didn't purposely start a gang war and get a missile to his face and brag about how some women find scars attractive. Arcann fought the Sith Lords and Dark Lords on Korriban and won. And the fact that, he CAN still fall in love with one, despite what her own people had done to him, made him even more lovable. The man obviously need more love in his life and I'm ready to give him all that! That's what I do with my Alliance, I give people second chances!




Also why people are so judgy with fictional romance choice? Jeez.




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Ok so I'm not an Arcannite or anything and I wasn't looking forward to the romance, but I have to say that I am really impressed with how well Arcann fans are taking the romance. I mean you guys really churn out pages of responses around here but it's all how much you appreciate and love it. *mumbles* I hadn't really hung around here until today so this is all new to me.


However, I'm glad to see you all enjoying it so much. I'm sure the devs haven't gotten this much continuous praise in a long time. Hopefully they find this encouraging.




Now can we get a companion expansion please? :)

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....ok... one rant to vent.... got irritated by someone.



What is it with, some 'people', thinking that Arcann was scarred up and think that was enough to turn off. Oh.. "love is blind."... uh.. do you think I am that shallow that its an immediate major turn off simply because he's someone scarred and who had lost an arm from a war?


Arcann didn't purposely start a gang war and get a missile to his face and brag about how some women find scars attractive. Arcann fought the Sith Lords and Dark Lords on Korriban and won. And the fact that, he CAN still fall in love with one, despite what her own people had done to him, made him even more lovable. The man obviously need more love in his life and I'm ready to give him all that! That's what I do with my Alliance, I give people second chances!




Also why people are so judgy with fictional romance choice? Jeez.




Well... First: Garrus is my FemShepard bro! Yes, he have flaws, but this is what makes him one of the best characters in ME series IMO :). And as someone who have been known to crack a stupid joke or two under stress (and get into trouble for not “taking things seriously”), it is not always about bragging, more about trying to lighten up the situation ;).


Second: beauty is the eye of the beholder and we all have our “I will probably die from alcohol poisoning before I consider touching that one”. But it is a little bit surprising, that Arcann's scars is the main turn off for someone. Not his past, not the fact that Outlander could be already with someone, not that Arcann (and potentially Outlander) may not be the best relationship material due to their upbringing and life they lead? That's... interesting :). Can you point me to the OP? I would love to see that POV.


P.S. My SI apparently likes scars. If they are Arcann's :p.


Ok so I'm not an Arcannite or anything and I wasn't looking forward to the romance, but I have to say that I am really impressed with how well Arcann fans are taking the romance. I mean you guys really churn out pages of responses around here but it's all how much you appreciate and love it. *mumbles* I hadn't really hung around here until today so this is all new to me.


Hey! Give us time, we will probably fall to doom and gloom in a couple of months :D.


By the way, careful, I was not interested in romance at all and then... stuff happed. And now I am thinking that my very professional and dutiful no-nonsense JK feel lonely and in words of Guss Master "it will not hurt to have a little bit of fun"...


However, I'm glad to see you all enjoying it so much. I'm sure the devs haven't gotten this much continuous praise in a long time. Hopefully they find this encouraging.




Now can we get a companion expansion please? :)


I am surprised to be honest that it was that good. I guess this is what happens if a team do a job they really exited (not the usual BW "we are so exited" -_-) about?


And yes, hope it will bring a smile to someones face :). And even better, will convince powers that control the funding that not cutting corners may be a way to go?

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Ok so I'm not an Arcannite or anything and I wasn't looking forward to the romance, but I have to say that I am really impressed with how well Arcann fans are taking the romance. I mean you guys really churn out pages of responses around here but it's all how much you appreciate and love it. *mumbles* I hadn't really hung around here until today so this is all new to me.


However, I'm glad to see you all enjoying it so much. I'm sure the devs haven't gotten this much continuous praise in a long time. Hopefully they find this encouraging.




Now can we get a companion expansion please? :)


Hey, thanks for your post! :D Yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised with how much everyone seems to like it as well. So many people thought it would be bad, some of us thought it would be bad, but hardly anyone, if anyone in here seems to dislike it.

The people that do dislike it I am not surprised about at all. :)

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Its on whatsapp so I'd rather not bother. I've seen Arcann without his scars, but what matters is the person he become for me. The one who completely belong to me now.. mwhahahaha.


I'm still grinning like an idiot. And listening to love songs from Final Fantasy; Faye Wong, Utada Hikaru. Nothing can ruin this day for me. I'm not letting them!

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