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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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March 13(or 14th for me, maintenance always at night.) can't come soon enough!


And the hate is so intense. I just don't understand investing so much energy into hating a fictional character. I get that fiction and real life aren't exactly seperated. But to inject real life rules and history into a fictional world where there's space magic that can easily affect people's mind is just.....I don't know, a bit absurd? Not to mention "mass murderer" and "scumbag" or whatever can be applied to many PC characters or NPCs in this game. And the Empire has similarity with the Nazis. I don't see that many people moralizing these?

What I also don't see, is real life tyrants, who people directly compare Arcann to, having this kind of remorse and condeming their own past and trying to make up for it. These kind of tyrants either died of failing or died in their bed still being revererd by the country even today. And you know which character actually reminds me of these tyrants? Valkorion, egoistic, seeing himself as god and above anyone else Valkorion.But I can hardly see him being called that many colorful names.

I'd hope the devs would show more of Arcann's atonement, what he does after joining the Alliance. It's clear he is sincere in owning up his past crimes and trying to atone. Would that shut the haters up about him doing nothing? Probably not. They may complain that more resources being spent on a character that could be killed.


It doesn't really matter though, even if Arcann would do something amazing or wish back people with the dragon balls:rak_03: They'd still hate! That's all they can do, so they're doing it.


Uhhh just Sith Voodoo related stuff ... couple of sacrificial daggers ... some robes ... some text and instruction on how to revive a certain Zakuul Empress and a mop.


Oh, that's alright. Figured it would be heads mounted on Zakuulian spikes or something.

Edited by Eshvara
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March 13(or 14th for me, maintenance always at night.) can't come soon enough!


And the hate is so intense. I just don't understand investing so much energy into hating a fictional character. I get that fiction and real life aren't exactly seperated. But to inject real life rules and history into a fictional world where there's space magic that can easily affect people's mind is just.....I don't know, a bit absurd? Not to mention "mass murderer" and "scumbag" or whatever can be applied to many PC characters or NPCs in this game. And the Empire has similarity with the Nazis. I don't see that many people moralizing these?

What I also don't see, is real life tyrants, who people directly compare Arcann to, having this kind of remorse and condeming their own past and trying to make up for it. These kind of tyrants either died of failing or died in their bed still being revererd by the country even today. And you know which character actually reminds me of these tyrants? Valkorion, egoistic, seeing himself as god and above anyone else Valkorion.But I can hardly see him being called that many colorful names.

I'd hope the devs would show more of Arcann's atonement, what he does after joining the Alliance. It's clear he is sincere in owning up his past crimes and trying to atone. Would that shut the haters up about him doing nothing? Probably not. They may complain that more resources being spent on a character that could be killed.


This was very well written. It should be remembered that Star Wars is different than that of real life, while this does take influence from real world. I can understand why people dislike Arcann, especially after seeing one post in Not to Arcann romance -thread. But Arcann is not same as our world's tyrants and despots. Vitiate/Valkorion comes more close to those than Arcann as you said imo.

I hope that we'll see how others react to Arcann joining the Alliance, hopefully some hateful and awed reactions that would really show how many different feelings bringing him to Alliance might bring to various people. (Imperial and Republic troopers in KoTET chapter 6 are ready to fire on Arcann at first when he is brought to first until the Commander shows that there's no danger.

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so..just a quick question...


So it is known that our dear beloved will have a alliance alert....but...does that mean this is a one time thing ? :confused:

you get the alert, you make up, kiss, get married and goodbye to be never heard of again?


or will there be other alerts to progress the relationship ? :confused:


im so conflicted lol...sad cause its so short and happy cause we are getting it ....

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Ah, I will put this to good use ... for I made the mistake of having fish last night for dinner, now, my stomach is at DEFCON 2 ... at some point today ... my innards are going to blow, and I'll spend the ret of the day rocking bck and forth in pain.


Now .... gimme the Vaylin plushie and I'll put it on my wall of cool things.


*throws Vaylin plushie at* .. it was my only one. Now I need more coffee, and start levelling my Arcann-agent again. stopped somewhere near the end of her class story.

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so..just a quick question...


So it is known that our dear beloved will have a alliance alert....but...does that mean this is a one time thing ? :confused:

you get the alert, you make up, kiss, get married and goodbye to be never heard of again?


or will there be other alerts to progress the relationship ? :confused:


im so conflicted lol...sad cause its so short and happy cause we are getting it ....


More than likely the first one.

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And the hate is so intense. I just don't understand investing so much energy into hating a fictional character. I get that fiction and real life aren't exactly seperated. But to inject real life rules and history into a fictional world where there's space magic that can easily affect people's mind is just.....I don't know, a bit absurd? Not to mention "mass murderer" and "scumbag" or whatever can be applied to many PC characters or NPCs in this game. And the Empire has similarity with the Nazis. I don't see that many people moralizing these?

What I also don't see, is real life tyrants, who people directly compare Arcann to, having this kind of remorse and condeming their own past and trying to make up for it. These kind of tyrants either died of failing or died in their bed still being revererd by the country even today. And you know which character actually reminds me of these tyrants? Valkorion, egoistic, seeing himself as god and above anyone else Valkorion.But I can hardly see him being called that many colorful names.


I don't get comparing Arcann and real life evil people, either. We can play a mass murderer who hunts jedi/sith with the same passion Arcann hunted the scions, but romancing someone who used to do stuff like that is crossing the line? I do feel it's a little cheap that the Force can corrupt people to "be evil" and then apparently also cure them, denying said character from interesting character development, but since it can do all that, it alone imo means that real life comparisons are kind of void.


Arcann doesn't remind me of any real life tyrant. The whole Zakuul royal family reminds me of the Fire Nation's royals in Avatar: The Last Airbender, so Arcann just feels like a little more evil version of Zuko. :D I just hope he doesn't share the one thing I dislike about Zuko: that he became a little "too" good after he became one of the good guys. I'm hoping to see some conflict inside Arcann, a glimpse of that fire he had when he was still evil, but at the same time, anknowledging that he needs to keep that same fire under check or bad things might happen.

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Arcann doesn't remind me of any real life tyrant. The whole Zakuul royal family reminds me of the Fire Nation's royals in Avatar: The Last Airbender, so Arcann just feels like a little more evil version of Zuko. :D I just hope he doesn't share the one thing I dislike about Zuko: that he became a little "too" good after he became one of the good guys. I'm hoping to see some conflict inside Arcann, a glimpse of that fire he had when he was still evil, but at the same time, anknowledging that he needs to keep that same fire under check or bad things might happen.


Oh yes, that same comparison occured to me as well! Vaylin is such an Azula and Arcann has a lot of similarities to Zuko, he even has the scar! ;) But yes, I agree, and I think that his knowledge of the things he is capable of, his remorse in his desire to redeem himself make him a much more interesting and complex character.

Edited by Luxiana
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It should be remembered that Star Wars is different than that of real life, while this does take influence from real world.


This. This is a work of fiction. It is important to understand what is real, what is not real and the difference.


It is like "Video games cause violence" all over again :( Or remember that "ME is a sex simulator!" debacle :p Only on the small scale.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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*goes and cries in a corner * ...we need to ask mr Erik Dellums if he has any idea lol :D ..


who has twitter ?! :rolleyes:

I remembered him tweeted about doing recordings for swtor twice last year. So it shouldn't be just for one 2 min cutscene, that would just need one session. It's hopeful that there may be a bit more for Arcann after 5.8. (Assuming the 2nd session wasn't for re-recording lines of course)


By the way, since we are going back to Nathema, think we may find anything regarding the royal family? Or Arcann chiming in providing some information?

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By the way, since we are going back to Nathema, think we may find anything regarding the royal family? Or Arcann chiming in providing some information?


[Mandatory Vaylin Comment]


I still hoping we bump into Vaylin again ... though I think everyone knows that.




That said, I don't think Arcann will go, it'll likely be another Lana flashpoint.

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I remembered him tweeted about doing recordings for swtor twice last year. So it shouldn't be just for one 2 min cutscene, that would just need one session. It's hopeful that there may be a bit more for Arcann after 5.8. (Assuming the 2nd session wasn't for re-recording lines of course)


By the way, since we are going back to Nathema, think we may find anything regarding the royal family? Or Arcann chiming in providing some information?


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Vaylin leveled the Sanatorium, think we will find something in ruins? And Arcann was afraid of setting a foot on that planet. Of course, if the push comes to shove, he may go, but that have to be a BIG push. I would take T7 or HK tbh. Droids do not care about spooky places. By the way, Valky was claiming he was protecting Commander from the Nathema influence, was it also a lie or we may hope for some voices in PC head?


[Mandatory Vaylin Comment]


I still hoping we bump into Vaylin again ... though I think everyone knows that.


Hmm, maybe her voice actress may know something?


By the way, careful with that Arcann plushy, I have Vaylin one in care ;)


WHAT ?! :rak_02:

ahahahahahahaahahah, i cant believe this is true! :D


http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Mass_Effect_Controversy if you want to dig in ;)

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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Vaylin leveled the Sanatorium, think we will find something in ruins? And Arcann was afraid of setting a foot on that planet. Of course, if the push comes to shove, he may go, but that have to be a BIG push. I would take T7 or HK tbh. Droids do not care about spooky places. By the way, Valky was claiming he was protecting Commander from the Nathema influence, was it also a lie or we may hope for some voices in PC head?



There may be something left of the Emperor's vaults there in the Sanitarium ruins, considering that we found Dramath's Holocron there. There may be more secrets there, possibly pointing towards the weapon towards which the Copero Holomap pointed to.

And Nathema is said to cause people to go mad, if we look at what happened to the Nathema Zealots who became completely dependant on the Void there.


Edited by Rebamcfan
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[Mandatory Vaylin Comment]


I still hoping we bump into Vaylin again ... though I think everyone knows that.




That said, I don't think Arcann will go, it'll likely be another Lana flashpoint.

I wouldn't mind bumping into Vaylin:)

I didn't mean Arcann will go. If he does, all the better! Think about the rage if that's the case:D I was just thinking if he'll have something to say at the beginning of the FP before we go though.

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I remembered him tweeted about doing recordings for swtor twice last year. So it shouldn't be just for one 2 min cutscene, that would just need one session. It's hopeful that there may be a bit more for Arcann after 5.8. (Assuming the 2nd session wasn't for re-recording lines of course)


By the way, since we are going back to Nathema, think we may find anything regarding the royal family? Or Arcann chiming in providing some information?

If he made a lot of records, then, most likely, Arсann will be able to take at least some part in the story.

Frankly, I'm very worried that we can get a short love story and after that Arсann will simply go into the category of characters with the mark "LI".

March 13(or 14th for me, maintenance always at night.) can't come soon enough!


And the hate is so intense. I just don't understand investing so much energy into hating a fictional character. I get that fiction and real life aren't exactly seperated. But to inject real life rules and history into a fictional world where there's space magic that can easily affect people's mind is just.....I don't know, a bit absurd? Not to mention "mass murderer" and "scumbag" or whatever can be applied to many PC characters or NPCs in this game. And the Empire has similarity with the Nazis. I don't see that many people moralizing these?

What I also don't see, is real life tyrants, who people directly compare Arcann to, having this kind of remorse and condeming their own past and trying to make up for it. These kind of tyrants either died of failing or died in their bed still being revererd by the country even today. And you know which character actually reminds me of these tyrants? Valkorion, egoistic, seeing himself as god and above anyone else Valkorion.But I can hardly see him being called that many colorful names.

I'd hope the devs would show more of Arcann's atonement, what he does after joining the Alliance. It's clear he is sincere in owning up his past crimes and trying to atone. Would that shut the haters up about him doing nothing? Probably not. They may complain that more resources being spent on a character that could be killed.


As for the haters, yesterday I looked in their thread ... I saw that Arcann was accused of ... the Holocaust, and left. I'll wait until he is accused of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki.:cool:

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You know, I was ready to leave this thread alone, let you people play your games, because to each their own etc, but there is so much wrong in this particular post, that I had to answer.


March 13(or 14th for me, maintenance always at night.) can't come soon enough!

And the hate is so intense. I just don't understand investing so much energy into hating a fictional character. I get that fiction and real life aren't exactly seperated. But to inject real life rules and history into a fictional world where there's space magic that can easily affect people's mind is just.....I don't know, a bit absurd? Not to mention "mass murderer" and "scumbag" or whatever can be applied to many PC characters or NPCs in this game. And the Empire has similarity with the Nazis. I don't see that many people moralizing these?

What I also don't see, is real life tyrants, who people directly compare Arcann to, having this kind of remorse and condeming their own past and trying to make up for it. These kind of tyrants either died of failing or died in their bed still being revererd by the country even today. And you know which character actually reminds me of these tyrants? Valkorion, egoistic, seeing himself as god and above anyone else Valkorion.But I can hardly see him being called that many colorful names.

I'd hope the devs would show more of Arcann's atonement, what he does after joining the Alliance. It's clear he is sincere in owning up his past crimes and trying to atone. Would that shut the haters up about him doing nothing? Probably not. They may complain that more resources being spent on a character that could be killed.


1. You argument about reality and fiction is absurd, The laws of science and nature have absolutely nothing to do with the ethics and morale. That the Force doesnt exist in real world and exist in SW, doesn't mean killing people is okay in SW.


2. Arcann just as bad as PC? Since when? Please point to me at which point of any class story did PC bombed 5 planets? The closest you can come is Makeb, and even then it was Imperials only and even they could refuse to do it. So no, you dont get to put PC at the same boat as Arcann.


3. Where is the remorse in Arcann? I didnt see any. He never mentions anything about 5 planets either. Where is his redemption? Oh yes, he helped to take the throne and fight his father, but that was as much in his interests as ours.


4. Where is his punisment? There is literally nothing, he just joins Alliance like nothing ever happened.

Edited by Gelious
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I'm excited for the romance, my Consular has been waiting for him, I just fear this alliance alert won't have enough content for it to feel 'right.' Other than the two mails, our character and Arcann haven't exactly had any screen time together since KOTET and I worry it's going to feel too rushed like there hasn't been enough time (or on screen development at least) for them to go from enemies-friends-lovers. I know they've got a lot of backstory together considering KOTFE/ET but that's not exactly been romantic development.


Koth's romance always felt a bit short compared to Lana and Theron's as we only get to flirt with him for a handful of chapters before locking the romance in, but it's going to feel even shorter for Arcann if the alert boils down to 'I like you, do you like me the same?' Because a couple of mails that seem more an awkward cry for help (Arcann describing himself as a weapon for you to wield is not what my Consular would consider romantic) doesn't feel like enough development.


I suppose I should just be happy we're getting the romance at all. I've gotten used to filling in the blanks of romances with head canon. This may just require more than others.

Edited by Farferello
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Please ignore the haters* They have no reason to keep coming back when they have nobody to talk to about their exhausted arguments.


I'm excited for the romance, my Consular has been waiting for him, I just fear this alliance alert won't have enough content for it to feel 'right.' Other than the two mails, our character and Arcann haven't exactly had any screen time together since KOTET and I worry it's going to feel too rushed like there hasn't been enough time (or on screen development at least) for them to go from enemies-friends-lovers. I know they've got a lot of backstory together considering KOTFE/ET but that's not exactly been romantic development.


Koth's romance always felt a bit short compared to Lana and Theron's as we only get to flirt with him for a handful of chapters before locking the romance in, but it's going to feel even shorter for Arcann if the alert boils down to 'I like you, do you like me the same?' Because a couple of mails that seem more an awkward cry for help (Arcann describing himself as a weapon for you to wield is not what my Consular would consider romantic) doesn't feel like enough development.


I suppose I should just be happy we're getting the romance at all. I've gotten used to filling in the blanks of romances with head canon. This may just require more than others.


Hey, welcome!! :D

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Please ignore the haters* They have no reason to keep coming back when they have nobody to talk to about their exhausted arguments.


Hey, welcome!! :D


Thanks. I don't often reply on the forums, but seeing the extra hate he's getting, I felt the need to add my own excitement to the thread. I made my Consular for him back when datamining first said he'd be a companion, him becoming a romance means I don't have to live in quite as much head canon anymore. :)

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Thanks. I don't often reply on the forums, but seeing the extra hate he's getting, I felt the need to add my own excitement to the thread. I made my Consular for him back when datamining first said he'd be a companion, him becoming a romance means I don't have to live in quite as much head canon anymore. :)


Ahhh I see! Thank you for your support and it's nice to see another new face in here, there have been quite a few since the hate threads started!

I hope we can all be happy with how they went about it, once March 13 comes. :D

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Ahhh I see! Thank you for your support and it's nice to see another new face in here, there have been quite a few since the hate threads started!

I hope we can all be happy with how they went about it, once March 13 comes. :D


I hope so. At least my Consular will finally have someone after all these years, regardless of how it turns out, so I'm happy about that. :)

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