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What were your favourite things about the each of the expansions swtor has had? 🐖


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RoTHC​: I really like the planet Makeb, I like that it's sunny, yet green and rocky. I also like the buildings a lot, it's beautiful and the aesthetic would be nice for a stronghold. Imo!


SoR : I loved the story, I felt pretty cool teaming up with the big guys of the game! Seeing that whatever my pc thought was important to those characters you feel pretty insignificant to.(I at least) Marr, Satele, Shae Vizla. It was awesome.


KoTFE : I liked the story right away and the fact that I could replay chapters or hop in to any random chapter just to see my character in action. I also love the Zakuul aesthetic(Would be a dream come true for a stronghold) and imo it made the orange crystal a lot more appealing.

I also loved the little phone calls that you would receive of your companions, it added a lot of livelyness throughout questing and continuing the story.


KoTET : The story, I specifically played light side and never tried dark side although I am aware of what happened. I'm happy that the writers provided a satisfying end for each side of the story and gave the players from each side what they wanted!

I also found uprisings to be fun, I haven't done all of them as I'm not that big on PvE, but the ones I did do I enjoyed.

I'm also happy I got my most desired companion because of Kotet! <3



What about you?


Like you, I also had things I disliked, but I would appreciate it if we could keep this thread about the things we liked about each expansion rather than what we did not. We have a million threads about those already and they always end up the same way. :(

Edited by Eshvara
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Makeb: I really liked the "race against time" feeling the entire story had. It never quite lost its edge; never got bogged down. The pacing was excellent.

- Oricon was great too. Wish it didn't end in Ops, but even though it does, I love the eerie, creepy feeling of Oricon in general.


Shadow of Revan: The class stories! :D I loved each of them (...when they weren't making me cry - *glares at trooper story*). They provided a good sense of closure for some things that never got wrapped up (smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter, agent, knight), added in personal touches as to "why am I even caring about this?" (warrior - THAT WAS AWESOME* - knight, consular, inquisitor), and were just well-done in general. I also adored Rishi and Yavin, such wonderful places to explore. The end fight against Revan on Yavin IV was spectacular.


KOTFE: Oooh...hard to choose. The enhanced and beautiful cinematics, the improved voice acting (it was always fantastic, but now it's phenomenal), the ability to go back and replay chapters, and yes, I do like the story. :) Zakuul is a beautiful world to explore, as well - so's Odessen, from the short time we get to see the wilds.


KOTET - haven't gotten here yet. :D


*The Warrior's story on Shadow of Revan. Definitely one of my favorites.


Telling the Emperor himself to take a hike - and doing so by FORCE-CHOKING SERVANT ONE - made my jaw drop. I squee'd a bit. :D


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I have to note the music in all of the expansions, notably in the Knights of... . Fantastic sweeping scores that paints the landscape! :D


Oricon: I loved Oricon, too, since I played that planet first with my SI. Really loved the brooding atmosphere and how it continued the Dread Masters from Belsavis. Indeed, I did find it disappointing that the story had to end in an Operations, but the devs fixed that problem with SoR, giving a solo option.


SoR: Story was quite fun. Interesting that the story beats were in flashpoints. Gave it the grander view, imo. Revisits to kotor planets (Manaan and Rakata Prime...) was hitting me in the feels with nostalgia.


Makeb: I did like the environmental crisis theme behind the overall story. Also the vertical look of the planet itself. I found it different from other vanilla planets.


Kotfe & Kotet: I have to appreciate the ambition behind these two expansions, and the scope of the story. Antagonists were interesting, and did enjoy the exploration of Valkorion/Sith Emperor. I'm still hoping for a good, engaging conclusion to the Eternal Alliance.

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My favorite thing about all the expansions is that my characters still have their voices and can speak!




1) It was good to come back to the game and continue the adventure. I thought it was a good story for each separate faction. It was not a save the galaxy type story. But, it was an important/relevant threat (condition) that I could actually see my main character (sage) embarking on to help. These were the kind of stories that I wanted from the game all along, important but not galaxy is doomed all the time.


2) At the time, it also had a good long weekly/daily missions. Back then, It was go to place to make credits.


3) The Golden chicken fight was fun.


Shadow of Revan-


1) Because this expansion was coming, Bioware solofied the Forged Alliance quest chain leading up to it. Which was great, I always thought it was immersion breaking to lose dialogue roles to commandos wearing dancer's outfits.


2) I liked that each class at least had a short mission.


3) I like both ops. I like the hard mode versions of the flashpoints (whole forged alliance series). These flashpoints actually have significant mechanics and/or dps checks. Hard Mode Blood Hunt still shows us who can shoot and who can't.


4) I like the bird people.


5) I like having a solo version of Revan fight, so that people could finish the story.




1) I was really excited about the shift of focus to story. The production value/quality, I thought, very good.


2) Leveling up the ops and flashpoints to current endgame level. I finally did all the ops! Yay!


3) Heroic terminal on fleet with quick travel icons.


4) I thought it was "STILL AWESOME" to have gear drop from op and flashpoint bosses. The crystal system allowed me to "CHOOSE" the piece of gear that I needed at the time. I could "CRAFT" some mighty find gear without hoping to "GET" a schematic.. It was just a great gearing system.


5) The Eternal Championship did not release with expansion but was on the horizon.




1) I thought the pacing/flow to the story was a huge improvement over Kotfe. It wrapped the story up nicely. I felt, well if it all ended now, my character was in a good place.


2) I liked the concept of the different difficulty levels of the chapters, but............


3) Eight companions to go out on missions! Yay!

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RoTHC: New full planets are always nice. I especially liked the cartel bazaar however. Really added the starwars feel to the game.


SoR: Ziost is awesome. I wish there was more to the daily area. While I like those dailies, given it's a dead world it has a lot of content compared to other planets. That being said, since it is a dead world that has content, they should have pulled out all the stops and piled it on--scrap to farm, roaming mobs, a fp, etc. Its funny since everything is all gray, it loads and runs the best of all locations on my computer lol.


KOTET/KOTFE: They blur together for me so I'll address them as one. I loved the addition of newly obtainable comps through quests. Starfortress is a brilliant piece of content, I only wish each one was arranged differently inside. The eternal championship is a cool bit of content as well. I also enjoyed the swamps of Zakuul. That area is screaming for dailies. Its my favorite location in the whole game next to Nathema and the Odessen Wilds which also need dailies or heroics.

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I have to note the music in all of the expansions, notably in the Knights of... . Fantastic sweeping scores that paints the landscape! :D


Ohh, yes. :D This cannot be understated. The music is fantastic!


And something else to note - the music in KOTFE Chapter Fourteen. Definitely one of my favorite things about KOTFE. Republic Commandos soundtrack! YES!!!

... if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to go die from pure fangirling happiness. :D

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Ohh, yes. :D This cannot be understated. The music is fantastic!


And something else to note - the music in KOTFE Chapter Fourteen. Definitely one of my favorite things about KOTFE. Republic Commandos soundtrack! YES!!!

... if you'll excuse me for a moment, I need to go die from pure fangirling happiness. :D


That. Aside from the fangirling......


RotHC - it was a nice place to visit though I have a distaste as to just how easy the Pubs have it compared to the Imps.


SoR - Yavin 4


KotFE - aside from the Republic Commando thing.......it ended


KotET - it ended

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Rise of the Hutt Cartel: I especially liked that your companions all spoke up in this story. It's still the only one where your entire crew feels present, even if it's only in ambient dialogue. Makeb is a cool looking planet and it's an exciting little interim story. The Empire especially has a story with a lot stakes reaching beyond the planet. I guess it's also the last time where the two factions have dramatically different stories.


Shadow of Revan: The story is a lot more epic than Rise of the Hutt Cartel, and I did enjoy our last little gasp of Class Stories. The final battle with Revan was fun, and I am glad we still got at least a little bit of dialogue from some of our companions. And even if they were silent, the visual of them standing alongside you and everyone else during the Yavin scenes was cool. Also getting to finally see Yavin was a cool premise, even if it would have been better to further explore the Ancient Sith lore there. And even though I wasn't the biggest fan of seeing Revan again, this does serve as an improvement on the previous conclusion to the Revan character in Swtor.


Knights of the Fallen Empire: Despite my misgivings about Valkorion/Vitiate retcon thing, and losing all our companions, I thought the story was very engaging and exciting, especially the first 9 chapters. And I thought they cast was very good, even if I liked my old companions more.


Knights of the Eternal Throne: I did enjoy how we finally got to bring a reckoning to so many people who escaped it in KotFE. It was very satisfying to finally bring justice or vengeance or redemption down upon my enemies. By the end of the story my Sith Wariror and Jedi Consular had fairly different casts. I also actually enjoyed the fact that the story took us to places where it wasn't just Vaylin vs The Outlander as the threat. And while I wasn't a huge fan of defeating Valkorion and ending the story this early, the final battle was dramatic and the final scene with the Outlander either saving or ruling the galaxy is pretty satisfying (for most of my characters anyway) too.

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When I go through everything, judging what I enjoyed most, I'm caught a little off guard by the fact that at no point post-vanilla I really cared about the stories anymore. Makes me a little sad.


While not strictly part of the expansion itself, for 2.X I have to mention Oricon. Even while hating the abrupt ops-block end to it, it's been easily my favorite place to go for a very long time. Even before the dailies cxp bug I'd still regularly go back there to get a taste.


For SoR/3.X: There's also been one thing that stood out immensely for me. The flashpoint Battle of Rishi. The pacing, the boss fights, the difficulty level of both group modes that feel spot on to me, it's easily my favorite flashpoint in the game.


FE/4.X: I dunno.. thinking.. was there anything outside of the chapters? *digs through patch notes* Ah, I guess all operations having been scaled up was an improvement for me. I got into ops a bit late, had only done EV/KP/EC duo with my partner (which was also good fun, mind you), but having them all become relevant again was nice.. well, for someone like me who hadn't done everything to death yet. :p


ET/5.X: VotMG. Not much to say, it's not finished, but I can appreciate what is there, and I cannot say the same about any other aspect of 5.X so far.



I hope I was not too complainy, I know I am bitter, but I try to keep it nice. :p

Edited by cyrusramsey
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Makeb: Cytharat! :D And a planet that was really pretty on some mesas.


SoR: Theron! Pretty Rishi and nice Yavin 4. Story not too shabby.


KOTFE: I honestly can't think of anything that I particularly liked in there. Nothing stands out as "fave thing".


KOTET: Theron and male Inq flirting in chapter 4 & 5 (loved voice acting of both!)

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The saddest thing about this thread is that its highly likely that we won't get another one like those expansions....


Future doesn't look too good for this game.


I really loved Makeb(especially imp) and both KOTFE and KOTET.


I also loved Ziost especially as a Sith Warrior.


Shadow Revan I kinda hated because of Revan... :mad: boring..

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Hutt Cartel - Makeb, the planet as a whole, plus more Hutt-related storyline. Made me feel more immersed in original SW storyline stuff.


SoR - An actual male NPC females can flirt with lmao. But in all seriousness, I loved the story in general, the fact that even Impside can experience a bit more of Satele Shan, and having both Rishi and Yavin 4 was nice, plus they gave us plenty dailies, FPs, etc.


KOTFE - The attention to story cutscene details!! I don't know how many people notice this, but right off the bat I was in love with how much more realistic our characters moved in cutscenes. Instead of sitting in idle post when not talking, they were actively doing things, and the most noteable thing for me was eye movement. So much minute eye movement that just put the cherry on top. KOTET did the same - From your character glancing around when in deep thought to your character looking down at something while their head was still in normal position. Granted, it sometimes made eyeballs clip through the facial skin, but it was still very much worth it. Also story as w whole, both for KOTFE and KOTET. It was very nice to see so much story content given to us, even if it was "one size fits all," the fact that there were differences in some choices was nice, and made replaying the story across characters all the more worth it. The fact that companion romance was a bit more involved was nice too, as well as the fact that for a few classes, seeing their companions take such vital roles in the story was very pleasing.

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Hands down the class stories. The end. =p




I liked how it felt like you were racing to save the world before it imploded or exploded. Loved the new companion dialogue I got on the planet depending on where I went. I liked how Bioware began to slowly introduce same sex relationships even if it didn't last. It was a nice change.




I loved the story and I did enjoy the operations, but I didn't like having to DO the operations to finish the story. Story should always and forever be a single player experience like it was for class stories. A side operation like on Iokath is fine or even on Yavin and Rishi, but never make it mandatory to do an operation to finish a story.


HK-51 quest-


Nice little quest to receive the droid. The abandoned ship was nicely eery and a little scary.


Forged Alliances-


Nice meeting Theron and Lana for the first time. I liked how Lana and Theron had to begin to work together to keep themselves safe and try to figure out *** was going on.




I loved the mini-class stories we got. Bioware should continue to give us mini ones if they can't do a full blown one like with Vanilla. I'd rather a ton of little bits of class story here and there, then a continuous single story for everyone. That **** gets boring after a while. Oh, loved the opening scene of each class acknowledging their wife/husband and speaking to their companions before heading down to Rishi.




This was a favorite of mine. It almost reminded me of how WoW did the phasing from one scene to another to continue the story on, anyone who played wow remember the Icecrown Citadel zombie plague part that phased? But seeing the destruction and the faces we and our companions made watching all life sucked out of Ziost.




I'm a sucker for good story and while I think there could have been more story (there's never enough for me), I enjoyed it. I wasn't thrilled I lost all my original companions in the beginning, but I loved the CGI trailers and the cutscenes were great. I also loved the tiny snippets of our husbands/wives freaking out as we did something (the yellow text and hearing them over the comm).


War on Iokath-


I love the story continuing to progress. Cutscenes are always good.


Crisis of Umbara-


Sad, but anxiously waiting to see what they do with the traitor's story and beyond.

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Hutt Cartel - Makeb, the planet as a whole, plus more Hutt-related storyline. Made me feel more immersed in original SW storyline stuff.


SoR - An actual male NPC females can flirt with lmao. But in all seriousness, I loved the story in general, the fact that even Impside can experience a bit more of Satele Shan, and having both Rishi and Yavin 4 was nice, plus they gave us plenty dailies, FPs, etc.


KOTFE - The attention to story cutscene details!! I don't know how many people notice this, but right off the bat I was in love with how much more realistic our characters moved in cutscenes. Instead of sitting in idle post when not talking, they were actively doing things, and the most noteable thing for me was eye movement. So much minute eye movement that just put the cherry on top. KOTET did the same - From your character glancing around when in deep thought to your character looking down at something while their head was still in normal position. Granted, it sometimes made eyeballs clip through the facial skin, but it was still very much worth it. Also story as w whole, both for KOTFE and KOTET. It was very nice to see so much story content given to us, even if it was "one size fits all," the fact that there were differences in some choices was nice, and made replaying the story across characters all the more worth it. The fact that companion romance was a bit more involved was nice too, as well as the fact that for a few classes, seeing their companions take such vital roles in the story was very pleasing.


And how they fixed the facial expressions. Some are scary, but each time a new chapter/expansion comes out, the cutscenes get more and more realistic.

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Actually, I'll go ahead and agree the facial expressions were much improved in the Skytrooper Genocide/Half done mess portion of the game.


No more inappropriate scowling, or freaky smiling (my Chiss agent is terrifying when she smiles) and much cleaner textures on the character models.

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Makeb - I really like the story mostly because of one thing that is one of my favorite story related things in the game (in spoiler tags just in case):



After playing the rep story on Makeb, I was a little miffed about the fact that the planet that was supposed to just have exploded was still very much there and had dailies and heroics etc. I chalked it up to "well it's just a game and maybe in game time all those missions do take one day or less".


But then I played imperial and what do you know, I saved the planet! And in a sneaky way, like, well, the republic and everyone else will still think it'll explode any second now while we cart off all the isotope V. To me, that was really really fun. :D



I also liked the nature catastrophe scenario a lot. Nice change of pace. And the NPCs were all quite interesting.


SOR - I liked the idea of doing flashpoints to start the story with little scenes in between. Gave the whole thing a nice pace from the beginning. Also Lana.


Rishi was awesome, one of my favorite planets (love the bird people) with really unique daily quests. Yavin 4 was also nice, I especially liked those little snippets of NPC conversation that all dealt with imps and reps working together. And the way the ending was done (story wise) was very surprising but also quite intriguing.


Which brings us to Ziost, which grew on me a lot after I was mostly confused by it the first time around. I really liked the urgency of it all once I got over everything happening at the same time. It also has my favourite daily area.


Kotfe and Kotet are basically the same for me as I never did a break in between the two. I really liked the story a whole lot, the way it was told as one continuous story, feeling more like a TV show or movie. Very immersive. I really loved the (non-romantic) relationship between Lana and my Knight, even wrote fanfic about it. :p Also Senya singing. *goosebumps*


And those little phone calls that already got mentioned were very funny for me as well. :D


Umbara - The train idea was cool (got the stronghold, like it very much) and I legitimately squeed in the last scene because that ending was so unexpected yet so intriguing.


All in all, I do not for one minute regret resubscribing after five years of absence to be able to play all these expansions. It was absolutely worth it.

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RotHC: Like other people, I LOVED Makeb. Interestingly enough this is the planet with the hardest mechanics for me for some reason - I *still* die here a lot. But I love the style of the houses, and the natural scenery and beasts, and every time the mission had me going into one of those buildings to look around I was really happy.


SoR: Lana Lana Lana! <3 :D Aside from Lana, I really liked the environments of the Rakata Prime and Manaan flashpoints, as well as Yavin and Rishi. I still go back to Yavin to do the dailies because I like the environment there so much. I loved this story, as well, and appreciated that even though it was for all classes, they still had a side mission for each individual class. And I personally like the storylines with alliances, rather than Imps vs. Rep, so this suited me a lot, even though I enjoyed winding up Satele every chance I had. :)


KOTFE: LANA! :D I loved the cinematics, the scenery, the ability to replay chapters, and the story. I also liked that some choices really did have consequences, such as Koth deciding to leave or stay based on your actions (he's always stayed for my Commanders).


KOTET: LANA. :) I loved the cinematics and scenery in this expansion, and while I thought the story was far too short, I did think it had a satisfying conclusion. I also liked that one could essentially chose who to bring through the last two chapters, so I could keep Lana and Theron with me.


In this expansion I adored Chapters 5, 6 and 7. The giant robot droid combat scene was downright fun to play, and I think I've replayed Chapter 5 more than any other so I could do it again. I liked the puzzles and ability to explore Vaylin's palace in 6, and also loved that one could team up with the exobeasts there. And while Chapter 7 was creepy and disturbing, I thought that they did a wonderful job with the environment of the sanitarium and the burned-out wastelands, as well as the soundtrack. It also added a lot of dimension to Vaylin's character.


Iokath: I liked getting to return to this planet, and loved the romance moments. I liked that SW got to kill Quinn if they wanted, and that the choice the Commander made did have an impact on which companion joined the team. Unfortunately Iokath is so buggy for me that I stay away from it.


Umbara: I liked the letters that the player gets from Aygo and their LI, and I also did enjoy the concept of the flashpoint on the train. I also thought that the world of Umbara was beautifully designed. Unfortunately the train is really laggy for me and I have a lot of difficulty completing this flashpoint successfully.

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RotHC: I enjoyed the Imperial half of the story, trying to save the planet. I also liked the Imperial npcs, especially Lord Cytharat. I like all of the open world companion comments.


Oricon: I liked the Beatnik sith.


SoR: I liked the support cast, the build up with the flashpoints and the class snippets. And most of all Theron.


Ziost: Great emotional climax and atmosphere.


KotFE: I enjoyed recruiting class companions despite the wretched "KotOR" style. I loved Aric's romance reunion. Darvanis and running with the mandos was fun. I wish it was a daily area...


KotET: Running around DK with Acina and finally killing Vaylin so I won't ever have to listen to her voice again!


Iokath: A little bit of Quinn is better than no Quinn.

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