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Who is your favourite LI and what makes him/her stand out from the rest?


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While I'm not particularly smitten with any of them I did like Vector the most. I found him a bit odd at the start but he kinda grew on me. I also think he looks very unique with his pitch black eyes and very handsome with his normal ones!(Though I still like the dark eyes over the normal ones.:rak_03:) It was quite interesting to hear him talk in third person and how it really suits the character he is. I think overall that his character had a lot of charisma and was a very suitable pick for the IA.:)

I also think they did a good job with picking the right voice actor, it all kinda comes together and ended up really well!


Anyway, this is my pick based on the currently available LI.:rak_03: What about you ? I'm curious! Be as detailed as you want.:rak_06:

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Kira. She an example of how a Jedi can have Sith style values (strong on passion and attachment, loves using her powers, fierce in combat), yet still follow the Light and use her powers for the benefit of others over herself.

She's funny, she's loyal, and she's very attractive.


Doesn't hurt that her voice actress is Laura Bailey, who isn't bad looking herself. Unfortunately, Laura Bailey is going to be busy with Dragon Ball Super for the foreseeable future, but in this case, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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I just started playing with an Imp Jugg over the last couple of weeks and honestly I'm really liking Vett as LI character. She plays that whole hard to get scenario.. Jaesa otoh.. :eek: I cut that one off quick.. She gives a new meaning to the word psycho.
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Oh easy, Quinn. He's terribly attractive, uptight and awkward and it's fun to wear him down. I think the drama involved with his character also plays a role - you have to choose whether to forgive and trust him, or not.


Vector is a close second though, I adore him :) I know he's a perfectly capable person but I always feel like I want to protect him somehow.


I haven't done much with female romances, but as a straight female myself, I consider Kira to be the sexiest of them. I'd consider trying her romance someday.

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Felix Iresso. NO PUT DOWN THOSE TOMATOS AND HEAR ME OUT. First, he's cute. The freckles, man. He's got a fantastic voice. The romance is short (which is what happens when you get your LI on Hoth), but what there is is incredibly sweet, with Felix doing nice things for the Jedi and her voice softening up a bit when she talks to him. There's some elements of mystery and potential tragedy (that have yet to be resolved HINT HINT), but it feels very natural and more, for the lack of a better word, mature. There's not a lot of excess drama, or BUT WE CANNOT RHUBARB RHUBARB. He even calls the damn Jedi council to make sure it's cool. And it melts my cantankerous old heart.


I also like Temple, though for all the wrong reasons. What is it about the Hoth LIs?

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Vector, no contest. I love his soothing voice and accent. He's empathetic and sincere. Plus, I find his deep connection to his "extended family" attractive regardless of it being an effect of the pheromones. He's unique and someone I'd like to know in real life.


On the opposite end, I'd like a chance to eviscerate Jaesa on all of my characters. From voice to customizations to dialogue (light or dark) she's unbearable.

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Felix Iresso. NO PUT DOWN THOSE TOMATOS AND HEAR ME OUT. First, he's cute. The freckles, man. He's got a fantastic voice. The romance is short (which is what happens when you get your LI on Hoth), but what there is is incredibly sweet, with Felix doing nice things for the Jedi and her voice softening up a bit when she talks to him. There's some elements of mystery and potential tragedy (that have yet to be resolved HINT HINT), but it feels very natural and more, for the lack of a better word, mature. There's not a lot of excess drama, or BUT WE CANNOT RHUBARB RHUBARB. He even calls the damn Jedi council to make sure it's cool. And it melts my cantankerous old heart.


I also like Temple, though for all the wrong reasons. What is it about the Hoth LIs?


You're not alone in liking Felix. He's sweet and I think he's a good pair for my light side consular.

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Andronikos Revel

He and the SI are the perfect psychotic couple with a strangely romantic side. It's adorable watching those two fall in love and it's nice to have a romantic scene where they don't just stand in their usual spots and talk. He takes her for a drink, a spin in the ship and they literally move to different locations and after intimate time they stay in the bunk instead of reappearing in their spot for after talk.

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It's hard for me to choose between Quinn, Vector, and Theron. I guess it depends on the character I'm playing? But I think I like them all for the same reasons. They aren't cliches, they're hard to label, they're complex. And attractive, of course :)
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Lana and Kira. Always RPd at the straight Knight/Warrior and those were the ones that appealed to me most. No matter what romance my characters tend to have, they always seem to gravitate towards Lana. Something about that loyalty and the fact she went through so much to help them just sealed it for me.


Never was much for the male side of romance, Theron's cute, but not my type. As someone from the UK Quinn's accent bothers me a wee bit, sounds like he has a cold. Or his nose is blocked, he's not too bad to look at though. If Scourge was romanceable I'd be all over that. Alas...


Scourge is my favourite romance.... in my dreams ;3;

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That's a hard choice really. My tops would be Kira because she's cool and had a great sense of humor, and Nadia because of her innocence and Her voice actor Holly Fields is HAWT!


A close second would be Vette....because..... Mission from Kotor, and Jaessa because I dig crazy chicks :D

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Aric -- There is just something about guys who are gruff on the outside and total mush when you crack those defenses. I like that you have to gain his trust to see a softer side to him, and his love to see an even more softer side to him. Also his VA is amazing.


Theron is a close second. When it comes to loving, he is another whose trust has to be gained first.

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Lana and Kira. Always RPd at the straight Knight/Warrior and those were the ones that appealed to me most. No matter what romance my characters tend to have, they always seem to gravitate towards Lana. Something about that loyalty and the fact she went through so much to help them just sealed it for me.


Never was much for the male side of romance, Theron's cute, but not my type. As someone from the UK Quinn's accent bothers me a wee bit, sounds like he has a cold. Or his nose is blocked, he's not too bad to look at though. If Scourge was romanceable I'd be all over that. Alas...


Scourge is my favourite romance.... in my dreams ;3;


Dreams may come true!! And yeah, Quinn sounds kinda nasally. :p

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Theron Shan


I love his back story. Secret son of a Jedi Master. His abandonment issues, father issues, non-force issues, his ancestral lineage. He's incredibly smart, a sexy spy, and the right mix of both light and dark tendencies. Just like Revan put it, "you are as tenacious as I ever was". I like the whole package really. He is by far the best looking male companion in the game. Before him, I thought Malavi Quinn was dreamy, now he is relegated to #2.

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Being gay, I tend to like the males, surprise surprise.


1. Theron (nice geometry there, Theron)

2. Torian (blond, blue-eyed and leaves no doubt who's on top).

3. Koth (You manly man you)

3. Lt. Felix Iresso (who I can't flirt with as a male but he ties for Koth, it's the thought that counts, right?)

4. Malavai Quinn (Ditto Felix and I want to show him how much of a naughty boy he was for trying to murder me).

5. Corso (Ditto, can't flirt with him, but he's cute and blubbers when he's drunk, but that's when you shut him up).


Arcann's a maybe.

Scourge you can't do, but I have him following my knight around. I like his build.


Toons I won't do (even if I could as a male):

1. The women. Made a mistake once on my Jedi and dated Nadia (who is practically statutory, too weird for me).

2. Grumpy cat. Not interested in someone 100% intense 100% of the time for no good reason (sorry, Aric)

3. That Imperial Reclamation Service guy Talis Drelik. Too squirrely for me.

4. Zenith. Shallow with a flat personality, always intense like Aric.

5. Theran Cedrax. Too of himself. He can keep Holiday.

6. Doc (not into that whole daddy thing).

7. Any other male that I can't remember (obviously didn't impress me enough to remember).

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Lana (what a surprise, I know). I love the romance because it's such a slow burn and is not a conventional sort of relationship. In SoR the PC and Lana take a long time to have enough trust to even agree that there's an attraction and hold hands, much less do anything else. You get to see a really sweet, vulnerable side of Lana that isn't normally shown to everyone. Plus, she's adorable and I love her voice.


I didn't romance anyone in the vanilla stories because I didn't like any of the options available for female PCs. I still wish there had been some LGBT options for pairings in the class stories. My PCs, like me, are bi but favor f/f relationships, so during their class stories they were just spinning their wheels.


I didn't do this one, I just saw the videos, but I really like the way the Vette romance is written for male Sith Warriors. By the end of the Sith Warrior story, even if you are not romancing her, you've gotten a lot of glimpses into her life - you've met her family and friends, even.

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2. Grumpy cat. Not interested in someone 100% intense 100% of the time for no good reason (sorry, Aric)


lol grumpy cat, perfect description. It'd be like dating my ******** cat. I've never been able to relate to the furry kink,

so I just can't with the Cathar. Good thing his personality is not tempting, at all, at any point.


7. Any other male that I can't remember (obviously didn't impress me enough to remember).



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Romance-wise I first need to like the characters without the romance addition, as well as how the interact with my character.

Theron, Iresso and Torian top my list. Typical, I pick the duty-first kind of guys. All three fit incredibly well with the characters of mine I paired them with, and make great teams even when romanced.

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I was just thinking about making a thread like this one. Thank you! :)


Kind of hard to pick, but my top is probably Theron, followed closely by Aric, and Torian. I really liked Irreso, too, just because he was so sweet and normal seeming. The others are harder to crack, but I kind of like that about them.

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Vector: He's kind, gentle soul who looks after my Chiss Agent and offers her nice and interesting discussions, while working for the good of the Empire.

Torian: I loved him when I played the Hunter's story. He was kind to my lady Hunter, teaching her about Mandalorian life, acting as protector and lover to her while wanting to raise children with her in the Mandalorian way. He's also most handsome love interest in my opinion. :D

Elara: Kind, dutiful, is worried of her family due her defection. She has one of the most interesting backgrounds, and it feels bad to see her being questioned so much, no matter how much good she has done for the Republic. My favorite female love interest by far. :)

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Lana for my Sith Inqusitor and Jaesa for my Sith Warrior.

Lana has a strong connection to the Force like the Inquisitor.She also values the Sith Way as strong as the SI. They are a perfect couple. I love her voice and her looks,she is very gentle and at the same time strong and fierce. The perfect balance.


And Jaesa..oh that Jaesa... I like the idea of the apprentice falling in love with her master. The Wrath is a passionate character and he is ruthless,as Jaesa. They complete eachother in a more psycho kinda way,cuz the Sith Warrior just goes on and murders people and teaches Jaesa to user her powers for what? For killing Jedi and Sith. He is above law and doesnt stand obnoxious Sith and he hates the Jedi.

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