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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

It's good that Theron was there even though he kind of made things worse. At least there's one more person you can trust. It hurts to see how he suffers because most of the Sixth line Jedi died though

a confession: my first playthrough, I played my consular as a super staunch Jedi who was all about protecting the Jedi and I actually had her tell Theron she agreed with the decision Satele and Suresh made (basically I told him he shoulda been fired), then was like "nothing personal, just calling it like I see it" and he called her sanctimonious and stormed off.  I.............. had some regrets and romanced him almost immediately in KotFE after that 😅  I justified the drastic 180 by deciding she had clearly liked him all along but pushed him away because she was too Jedi and all about the "no attachments" thing until the whole near death experience and galaxy crumbling events made her rethink priorities lol

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

a confession: my first playthrough, I played my consular as a super staunch Jedi who was all about protecting the Jedi and I actually had her tell Theron she agreed with the decision Satele and Suresh made (basically I told him he shoulda been fired), then was like "nothing personal, just calling it like I see it" and he called her sanctimonious and stormed off.  I.............. had some regrets and romanced him almost immediately in KotFE after that 😅  I justified the drastic 180 by deciding she had clearly liked him all along but pushed him away because she was too Jedi and all about the "no attachments" thing until the whole near death experience and galaxy crumbling events made her rethink priorities lol

Ouchy that hurts just by reading it. I've never have a Jedi romanced Theron. Never invested in a JC and my JK is with Scourge XD

You made me want to try a Jedi/Theron romance... maybe the next double XP event.

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To be honest, Theron did make huge mistakes on Ziost. However, the 6th Line made their own decisions as well, and Lana and Seresh did the majority of these damage. But I like the fact that none of the characters are perfect! I wish our characters would make some major mistakes more often.

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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

Ouchy that hurts just by reading it. I've never have a Jedi romanced Theron. Never invested in a JC and my JK is with Scourge XD

You made me want to try a Jedi/Theron romance... maybe the next double XP event.

do it.

genuinely, highly recommend, I loved both Jedi romances with Theron. 

I think JK was actually my favorite of the two though, his personality and Theron's mesh really well, and I am probably biased since there is an option in the class story where JK can say "I never agreed with the council's bans on Jedi falling in love" which made it feel way more realistic to me that he would immediately hit on Theron when they met so I actually started the romance at the very first flirt option during SoR prelude instead of waiting like I did on JC haha

ngl though, if Scourge had been romanceable during the main class story, I might not have done the Theron romance, because I wanted to romance Scourge real bad 😆 and by the time he showed up trying to profess his love it was kinda a wee bit too late......... lemme tell you, friendzoning Scourge is the hardest decision I ever made on that character lol

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

But I like the fact that none of the characters are perfect!

100% agreed.  Perfect characters = boring characters imo.  Making mistakes is human, so characters making mistakes just makes them more realistic and more relatable.  Characters who make mistakes (either voluntarily or unvoluntarily - I love a good rescued from brainwashing story) but learn from them, regret them, and try hard to make up for them, those are always my favorite characters. 

I think it goes without saying that Theron's two biggest mistakes are Ziost and Iokath/Umbara, and both times he was trying to do the right thing but his old spy instincts kicked in and he tried to do something alone instead of getting help and it backfired, and then both times he felt horrible pretty much immediately about what he did and the pain he caused other people.  He is not perfect, but he is perfectly imperfect and that's why we love him 😇

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43 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl though, if Scourge had been romanceable during the main class story, I might not have done the Theron romance, because I wanted to romance Scourge real bad 😆 and by the time he showed up trying to profess his love it was kinda a wee bit too late......... lemme tell you, friendzoning Scourge is the hardest decision I ever made on that character lol

I love Theron with my agent and my SW, but when I found out that my JK could have romanced Scourge after Objective Meridian (she's with Arcann and completely in love since when he was saved, she was, too), I literally rolled another one that very day! She's not there yet, but I can't wait to have my JK (she's neutral, not LS, so it makes sense for her to be into Scourge, though I am thinking I might need to roll another as DS just to see how that goes. Heh). 

I intended for my Trooper to romance Theron, but she's just so . . . pub--hardcore--that I just couldn't. She's on her own since there really is no good option for her.

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1 hour ago, TahliahCOH said:

I love Theron with my agent and my SW, but when I found out that my JK could have romanced Scourge after Objective Meridian (she's with Arcann and completely in love since when he was saved, she was, too), I literally rolled another one that very day! She's not there yet, but I can't wait to have my JK (she's neutral, not LS, so it makes sense for her to be into Scourge, though I am thinking I might need to roll another as DS just to see how that goes. Heh). 

I intended for my Trooper to romance Theron, but she's just so . . . pub--hardcore--that I just couldn't. She's on her own since there really is no good option for her.

ngl, especially after everyone here talking about it, I am really tempted to romance Theron on an imperial character just to see how different it is, except rn I only have 3 imperial characters, and SW is the only imp character who has even gotten to Shadow of Revan but I resisted temptation and decided to make her my first go at a romance with Lana because sith lesbians reasons, my agent I romanced with Vector and I probably won't even take her far past class story because I am just don't enjoy gun combat enough to keep playing lol, and my inquisitor...... let's just say I care about Theron way too much to romance him with her, she is my one super evil character 😂  I may have to make a second SW at some point just to try Theron romance tbh.

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14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

do it.

genuinely, highly recommend, I loved both Jedi romances with Theron. 

I think JK was actually my favorite of the two though, his personality and Theron's mesh really well, and I am probably biased since there is an option in the class story where JK can say "I never agreed with the council's bans on Jedi falling in love" which made it feel way more realistic to me that he would immediately hit on Theron when they met so I actually started the romance at the very first flirt option during SoR prelude instead of waiting like I did on JC haha

ngl though, if Scourge had been romanceable during the main class story, I might not have done the Theron romance, because I wanted to romance Scourge real bad 😆 and by the time he showed up trying to profess his love it was kinda a wee bit too late......... lemme tell you, friendzoning Scourge is the hardest decision I ever made on that character lol

Ok, I am convinced, I'll dew it.

Found a male JK toon that has never progressed post origin story.... yeeeeeeeees!

PS: Telling Scourge "friendship is power" is sooooo funny because on one hand, it could be the JK's way of politely declining Scourge's confession but on the other hand, it could be the JK is just that oblivious XD

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5 hours ago, eabevella said:

PS: Telling Scourge "friendship is power" is sooooo funny because on one hand, it could be the JK's way of politely declining Scourge's confession but on the other hand, it could be the JK is just that oblivious XD

🤣 I literally never thought of it that way, but you're right, that does make it hilarious. 

poor lil bean only has eyes for Theron now, can't tell when anyone else is hitting on him? 😆  new headcanon lol

5 hours ago, eabevella said:

Ok, I am convinced, I'll dew it.

Found a male JK toon that has never progressed post origin story.... yeeeeeeeees!

yassssss, dew it dew it dew it.  😍

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agreed, I love so many characters in this game and have interest in romancing only a few of them.  My second favorite character after Theron is Vette and I will protect her with my life but I will never ever romance her. 

I learned the hard way too that just because I love a character does not mean I should romance them, on one playthrough I romanced a character I love to bits as a friend character, but as a romance I hated it, regretted everything, especially when I accidentally missed the break up option in dialogue because I was going so fast and got stuck with it even though I stopped choosing any flirt options lol

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2 hours ago, LanceDefender said:

He along with Lana are among the best chars in game. From SOR they and our character are Trinity of SWTOR.

I hope Theron will be appearing in future story contents, more often and more often of course.

agreed 1000%, I know that with the game's budget, they can't possibly afford to have every single character involved in every story, and they have so many characters at this point (plus they gave monsters people the option to kill Theron which means every scene with him now has to have an alt version, which can't possibly help the budget).  But the Theron/Lana/PC trio is the beating heart of the game imo, and as much as I love loads of the other characters they have introduced in the last few stories, it just always feels weird when Theron and Lana are not right there involved in everything with us.

Lemme tell you though, after I read online that Theron isn't in Legacy of the Sith at all and Lana's barely there, I put off playing it for ages.... so then when I finally played it and found out that Lana is with you for an entire flashpoint and then Theron and Lana are there together for 2 small scenes in a row (I have never in my life been so excited to find out I'd been horribly lied to btw), I literally screamed with excitement.  Starve us and we'll be ecstatic for table scraps, is that their strat?  If so, clearly working on me 😅  but that doesn't mean I don't want more gdi

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Ye, I play only as Agents. I always romance Lana. For me it's the best trio ever. Everyone here related to Intelligence. Theron - SIS, Lana, -Advisor and former - Sith Intelligence leader, me - former cipher of Imperial Intelligence. 11/10. I know, I hated that stupid choice as well, but glad Theron is appearing from time to time. Few new characters are great, of course, but still not even at half as being great as Lana or Theron are.

I think they are moving on without Theron and Lana, at least I feel so. Theron even more, but Lana slowly too :( Maybe I feel/see it wrong, but I have such feelings. But still, they both appear from time to time, especially if it's briefing-like cutscene. For example Talking with Malgus on Fleet, or there was a brief cutscene that if you play as Rep side character, then whole briefing is done by Theron, not Lana (who do briefing if Imperial side character). That's nice detal. 

So, ye I wait for more even such small cutscenes when we can see either of them or preferably both at the same time saying something. I wait also for a story mission or fp where Lana and Theron will be with us. Remember Satele ship mission? That was something great! More of those please.

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4 hours ago, LanceDefender said:

So, ye I wait for more even such small cutscenes when we can see either of them or preferably both at the same time saying something. I wait also for a story mission or fp where Lana and Theron will be with us. Remember Satele ship mission? That was something great! More of those please.

oh man, Echoes of Oblivion is actually one of my very favorite flashpoints/stories, I love the story in general, it feels like a really nice finality to the Alliance vs Emperor story, but mostly I love the character stuff, I love that Theron, Arcann, and Senya immediately volunteer to help (the first time all three were there in ages!), love seeing both Theron caring about Satele and her caring back, Satele thanking us for giving Theron the home he always needed is one of the most heartfelt things in the game, gets me every time, and if you romance him you get to tell her back how much you love him and she smiles so happily, it's so sweet.  I love Satele so much. 

I would love so much to get another flashpoint with both Theron and Lana.... I actually think the last one that had both of them IN the flashpoint (and not just in the tag cutscenes) was The Nathema Conspiracy (which is my favorite flashpoint, for probably obvious reasons lol), unless you count the end of Ruins of Nul, which I don't because he didn't talk haha (I was still ecstatic when he and Satele showed up though, like, that whole scene was epic with so many characters showing up, so happy they were included ❤️)

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

oh man, Echoes of Oblivion is actually one of my very favorite flashpoints/stories, I love the story in general, it feels like a really nice finality to the Alliance vs Emperor story, but mostly I love the character stuff, I love that Theron, Arcann, and Senya immediately volunteer to help (the first time all three were there in ages!), love seeing both Theron caring about Satele and her caring back, Satele thanking us for giving Theron the home he always needed is one of the most heartfelt things in the game, gets me every time, and if you romance him you get to tell her back how much you love him and she smiles so happily, it's so sweet.  I love Satele so much. 

I would love so much to get another flashpoint with both Theron and Lana.... I actually think the last one that had both of them IN the flashpoint (and not just in the tag cutscenes) was The Nathema Conspiracy (which is my favorite flashpoint, for probably obvious reasons lol), unless you count the end of Ruins of Nul, which I don't because he didn't talk haha (I was still ecstatic when he and Satele showed up though, like, that whole scene was epic with so many characters showing up, so happy they were included ❤️)

I hope we can skip the whole Ossus/Jedi Under Siege/Onslaught arc and jump to Echoes of Oblivion.

They also need to make Echoes of Oblivion a replay-able chapter.

As a big Marr fan, I always got emotional when I hear him say "avenge me, avenge all of us!". He will always be my No.1 Sith and I'm glad he got his closure in EoO.

It's always great to tell Satele how much you love Theron. To me that's a big moment for Theron and Satele to heal from their relationship trauma (supported by the mail we got form Theron afterward too).

To me those two (plus funny Scourge/Kira banter) made EoO so much more emotional than the whole Kotfe/et and whatever Malgus/mandalorians are up to (even though Rass is a cool character and it must be good for those who romance Torian and Akavii to see more of them in the cutscene).

Tl;dr There should be a system to skip every major story arc if not making them replay-able like Kotfe/et so that people can replay story content with more ease.

PS: I just finished the assault of tython and korriban fps with my JK. Almost forgot how relax and charming Theron is around Republic characters. He also wanted a codename XD

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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

As a big Marr fan, I always got emotional when I hear him say "avenge me, avenge all of us!". He will always be my No.1 Sith and I'm glad he got his closure in EoO.

MARRRRR, I love him so much, for me he is Second Favorite Sith (Lana #1), but totally agreed, just one more reason I loved EoO ❤️


1 hour ago, eabevella said:

It's always great to tell Satele how much you love Theron. To me that's a big moment for Theron and Satele to heal from their relationship trauma (supported by the mail we got form Theron afterward too).

To me those two (plus funny Scourge/Kira banter) made EoO so much more emotional than the whole Kotfe/et and whatever Malgus/mandalorians are up to (even though Rass is a cool character and it must be good for those who romance Torian and Akavii to see more of them in the cutscene).

So much yes.  Personally the Mando stuff is my least favorite stuff in the game (just because I'm a Jedi main so it always feels super tangential to my character's main story, the Jedi stuff is all way more personal), the Malgus stuff was hit or miss for me (I did love Ruins of Nul though - love Lana interacting with other Jedi), but EoO was like this perfect return to my favorite characters and favorite storyline of the game right in the middle of all that other stuff, and I would be lying if I said that probably didn't contribute to how much I loved it/still love it.  The Scourge and Kira banter (all the jokes about the huge ship lmao) definitely also made it great, I love them so much.  Playing on JK was especially great since they have the history together.

And the letter from Theron, omg (I mean, all the letters from Theron tbh ❤️), it's so heartwarming, especially when you consider where their arc started, where we saw Theron worrying about her after Tython despite saying how totally not close they are, and on Rishi he barely wants to talk to her, then to where they are now.  ❤️❤️❤️  I wish we could see them interact more, but just having them each say/show how much they care and Theron saying how much more they talk now is so sweet.  And Satele giving him "don't lose that relationship" advice, love her.  I always call her Mama Satele, and EoO is a big reason why 🥰


1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Tl;dr There should be a system to skip every major story arc if not making them replay-able like Kotfe/et so that people can replay story content with more ease.

PS: I just finished the assault of tython and korriban fps with my JK. Almost forgot how relax and charming Theron is around Republic characters. He also wanted a codename XD

I just want to be able to jump in and replay anything anytime, genuinely, the #1 thing I wish I could do that I can't.  I have settled for recording a playthrough so that I can at least watch missions again since I can never replay them on the same character lol

That codename line cracks me up every time (like, let's be real, why doesn't he have a code name lmao 🤣)

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Agreed, Marr is the best Sith in game (along with Lana ofc and Malgus). I personally think they wasted his character in Kotfet+. There were better possibilities to use Marr.

But, in that case shame we'll not see Marr ever again (probably and his superb voice ;p).

Hopefully 7.3 story will be something related to Malgus/Imp vs Rep or maybe something else/new that will make Theron and Lana a part of it. Probably Arcann arc will be there as well, but probably again only as short talk, not actual mission (which I hoped for, like new FP or phased mission o that dark planet with Arcann as comp).

I hope for 7.3 to be good story patch. I don't care really about Mandos, I even hate them. The best thing in 7.2 was Dar'Manda, Bask and possibility of making deal with them.

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8 hours ago, LanceDefender said:

Hopefully 7.3 story will be something related to Malgus/Imp vs Rep or maybe something else/new that will make Theron and Lana a part of it. Probably Arcann arc will be there as well, but probably again only as short talk, not actual mission (which I hoped for, like new FP or phased mission o that dark planet with Arcann as comp).

I hope for 7.3 to be good story patch. I don't care really about Mandos, I even hate them. The best thing in 7.2 was Dar'Manda, Bask and possibility of making deal with them.

I definitely hope that after that absolutely enormous Mando story that we are going to do something else for a while and at least go back to Malgus stuff.  I will say though, the insanely huge cutscene (it was like 15-20 mins??) that had our character being super badass was cool, and I love Akaavi to bits so having her involved and finally get her even temporarily as companion on my Jedis was awesome.  As mando content in this game goes, it was probably my favorite for that reason, but Theron and Lana and the whole rest of the Alliance are always just completely uninvolved with mando stuff, and I always wanna get back to them 🥰

I love the idea of a FP with Arcann, I doubt we will get it since he was killable 😢 so they would have to make a totally alt FP with someone else, but it would be so good.  Having him back in that last cutscene meeting along with Theron and Lana was so great, it made it feel even more like getting back to Proper Alliance stuff.  This story has also really made me love Sana-Rae, I want more of her now, and I would love to see her and Arcann working together, now that I sent her to help him!

Like you say though, I really just want any whole mission with Theron and Lana (or at least Theron, since we did just get Lana for a whole FP), doesn't have to be a FP, they don't even have to be following along the whole time (though obviously that would be amazing), could be anything where there are interspersed cutscenes with them or they talk on comms.  As much as I am happy to see them at all and knowing they still exist, I just.... I miss feeling like I'm really working with them and not just getting updates about running the Alliance from them 🥲  (plus, like, I miss having enough dialogue to get flirt options 😄  even though worried Theron before Malgus interrogation and super worried Theron letter after was very nice, and adorable)

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ngl, I just want Theron (and/or Lana) to be IN the mando stuff 🥲  I am curious how diff it is when you are playing an actual mando character (since you said it was BH, so imperial side), but at least for my Jedis, I think we have only ever seen Theron interact with Shae a few times (and MAYBE Akaavi once?) and no other mandos, like he and Lana give mission updates related to mando stuff sometimes but as soon as we actually go into a mando mission or FP, none of the other non-mando characters ever come along, and we don't even get to bring our own companion usually so can't even bring him with us 😢

I am really hoping that with the current story and the Jedi/Malgus story crossing over with the mando story that they are working on changing that and that we get more Theron characters crossing over.

1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

My headcanon is in a state of bliss.

honestly, same only from the one tiny scene we got with Theron worrying about my character facing Malgus and then his message after 😅  I have too many headcanons about too many characters to even count tbh lol  they sustain me through the hard times 😅

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do you mean you had your alliance ally with republic?  does that give you republic side storyline even though it is technically imperial character?  sorry if dumb question, I don't have a BH and have never played an imperial side character past SoR so very curious

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