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Anyone else angry about PVP screwing up PVE mechanics?? GRRR


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I am so very tired of PvP whining screwing up player classes all under the guise of 'Balance". There will NEVER be balance as proven historically by the developers attempts and failures. STOP SCREWING UP THE CLASSES and get back to where we were before 5.0 at the very least.


I've had a sorcerer since beta and now its totally castrated due to this ******** balance, cant heal worth a tinker's damn and my Lightning (and i love Lightning spec) is useless in Hard Mode Ops.




Put PVP mechanics on PVP Servers ONLY.. separate the game from the stupid smash face PVP game and keep them separate FOREVER!

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I am so very tired of PvP whining screwing up player classes all under the guise of 'Balance". There will NEVER be balance as proven historically by the developers attempts and failures. STOP SCREWING UP THE CLASSES and get back to where we were before 5.0 at the very least.


I've had a sorcerer since beta and now its totally castrated due to this ******** balance, cant heal worth a tinker's damn and my Lightning (and i love Lightning spec) is useless in Hard Mode Ops.




Put PVP mechanics on PVP Servers ONLY.. separate the game from the stupid smash face PVP game and keep them separate FOREVER!


What happened? You watched the vid, you knew what the NPC is going to do...


... but he still ROFLSTOMPED you?


And now you need to blame someone else?


Come on, it is not that hard, maybe you should watch the vid again.

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1) was it necessary to create the same thread and post in multiple sub forums in the forum??????


Let me answer that for you.... NO.


2) Can we please stop all the PvE hate on PvPers and PvP hate on PvEers?


It serves no purpose other then to further encourage conflict and create more distance between PvPers and PvEers. Both sides are at fault on this.. so it would be nice if the constant cross-hate stopped and actual discussion.... with civil disagreement ... could come front and center on these types of discussions. Also more likely to be read and embraced in understanding by the studio.. which might actually get some changes that are good for both demographics.

Edited by Andryah
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I can see where they might have come to the decision to balance because of pvp complaints, but they literally did not actually listen to the complaints themselves. They admitted all they did was use dummy parses and did not touch utilities, the main focus of pvp complaints. Dummy parses aren't even helpful for pve purposes because there are no mechanics, and they made their changes like HM and NIM bosses will just stand there like a dummy. Not nerfing the harder PVE content to match their class nerfs is more why you're feeling the pain.


I agree with Andryah, more bickering and trolling between the two groups will only ensure neither side will ever get what they want. People should be more specific about why they're unhappy with changes or proposed changes instead of automatically drawing battle lines and getting into counterproductive skirmishes

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I can see where they might have come to the decision to balance because of pvp complaints, but they literally did not actually listen to the complaints themselves. They admitted all they did was use dummy parses and did not touch utilities, the main focus of pvp complaints. Dummy parses aren't even helpful for pve purposes because there are no mechanics, and they made their changes like HM and NIM bosses will just stand there like a dummy. Not nerfing the harder PVE content to match their class nerfs is more why you're feeling the pain.


I agree with Andryah, more bickering and trolling between the two groups will only ensure neither side will ever get what they want. People should be more specific about why they're unhappy with changes or proposed changes instead of automatically drawing battle lines and getting into counterproductive skirmishes


All of the balance updates they've done recently have been PVE ones. I can't remember the last thing BW did purely for pvp reasons but the ones they have done (smash nerf, changes to sorc knockback radius) did not affect serious PVE.

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I think it's time for a brawl to end all brawls.


PvP vs PvE showdown. Jocks vs Nerds, Duh vs SCIENCE, Brawn vs Brains etc etc.


You will all meet in a Walmart car park (nobody cares if they get damaged) and settle things once and for all.


Bareknuckle fight only, no disintegrations and I get all your stuff.

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I think it's time for a brawl to end all brawls.


PvP vs PvE showdown. Jocks vs Nerds, Duh vs SCIENCE, Brawn vs Brains etc etc.


You will all meet in a Walmart car park (nobody cares if they get damaged) and settle things once and for all.


Bareknuckle fight only, no disintegrations and I get all your stuff.


Okay... But I'm terrible at being mean IRL. It's why I love PvP so much! Everyone in the queue at least knows what they're getting into, and probably enjoys it.

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90% (to not say 100% with the example of the decoy nerf for mercs) of the changes we had since 5.0 are pve oriented.


and i assure you this killed more specs in pvp that teh contrary. diversity is worse than before (how many engi/viru snipers anymore? dps operatives? innovative ordonnance ? etc etc)


so because of pve, pvp is suffering a lot in 5.0.


reconsider your point of view, you idiot.

Edited by Thaladan
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The DEVS write multiple post about how and why they balance classes and your still blaming papers? The ONLY REASON NOBODY COMPLAINS IN PVE IS BECAUSE NPCS CANT POST ON THE FORUMS. You better believe there would be several raid bosses in here ************ about how easily his adds were killed. How dare a single sorc heal against his massive power. But they can't so the DEVS speak for them....and you blame pvpers.
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1) was it necessary to create the same thread and post in multiple sub forums in the forum??????


Let me answer that for you.... NO.


2) Can we please stop all the PvE hate on PvPers and PvP hate on PvEers?


It serves no purpose other then to further encourage conflict and create more distance between PvPers and PvEers. Both sides are at fault on this.. so it would be nice if the constant cross-hate stopped and actual discussion.... with civil disagreement ... could come front and center on these types of discussions. Also more likely to be read and embraced in understanding by the studio.. which might actually get some changes that are good for both demographics.


For once I am in complete agreement with you. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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At this point I think a successful troll was successful is needed.


Have you seen him post a reply yet? He's either banned or he's watching his work unfurl.


This is what happens when you don't sort things out BW, players troll the forums.


What do you expect when the only server that is at standard lvl in prime time is Harbinger and pops are still slow there. People have more time on their hands because they can't play what they want, when they want.

BW, fix your game so people stop leaving.

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What do you expect when the only server that is at standard lvl in prime time is Harbinger and pops are still slow there. People have more time on their hands because they can't play what they want, when they want.

BW, fix your game so people stop leaving.


The ever present Agent bug is keeping me off the game. It's the only story I feel like playing right now.


I especially need it now as it's "my time of the year" where I don't sleep much at all.


I could play Blood Bowl I suppose. You want to know what an RNG can really be like then you play Blood Bowl. It makes GC seem merciful.

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Every game that does both PVP and PVE has the exact same issue.


PVE balances mess up PVP... then they go to fix PVP and mess up PVE. Over and over and over again...


The next MMO that is created I seriously hope the devs have two separate game mechanics for both so that one does not effect the other.


Make people gain PVP levels and skills in PVP only. Make people gain PVE levels and skills for PVE only etc.


Games that do both are never going to get both right.. they will never even get one right, just a constant cycle of back and forth.

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All of the balance updates they've done recently have been PVE ones. I can't remember the last thing BW did purely for pvp reasons but the ones they have done (smash nerf, changes to sorc knockback radius) did not affect serious PVE.


The reason I said that was because during 4.0 there were nonstop complaints from pvpers to nerf sorc. Bioware didn't actually understand the reason for this and assumed it meant nerf all sorc. Nevermind the real problem was unbalanced queues where multiple healers could be on one team and 1 or less on the other, and most of the those healers happened to be sorc.

For 5.0, nonstop complaints about mercs. Bioware didn't actually understand the reason for this and nerfed their damage numbers. Nevermind the problem is their multiple lives thanks to defensive utilities.

I'm sure the problems go back before 4.0 but I never engaged with the pvp community before that time. Others could probably show examples.

The most drastic or most idiotic nerfs almost always seem to coincide from times when the pvp community is loudest against a particular group.


It's not the pvp community's fault, however, that Bioware continually misses the point in their changes. They simply refuse to do the things that might solve the foundational problems. They're content to watch pvpers FOTM-reroll for eternity because that requires less work. Adjusting numbers to "highlight" certain classes for each year is much easier than adjusting the warzone queuing system or working towards smarter balance for both pve and pvp.

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It's not the pvp community's fault, however, that Bioware continually misses the point in their changes. They simply refuse to do the things that might solve the foundational problems.


This sums it up quite well. Instead of resolving the countless issues that lead to complaints about imbalance, including the queue issue or placing premades against each other, they tinker with class balance instead. It would be nice if they fixed the real issues instead of skirting around them.

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