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Your most and least favorite class story? 🌈📚


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Favorite: Jedi Knight, memorable story and companions, just ticks all the boxes for me personally. SW, Agent, and Smuggler are all up there as well.


Least Favorite: Inquisitor. Inquisitor is the only story I think back on negatively. It wasn't terrible, but the focus on the Sith infighting put me off the story heavily.

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Favorite: LS Sith Warrior -feels so much more interesting than DS SW

Least Favorite: LS Consular -character seems bland. DS Consular feels better


There are also great chunks of story that I personally love:

Imperial Agent on Balmorra -infiltrating the terrorist cell -I'm always excited when I get to Balmorra

Trooper: Chapter 2 finale: attack on a space station. Brings back best Mass Effect memories

Jedi Knight duelling Lord Praven on Tatooine (I wish Praven was harder to kill after vanilla nerf, ehm: streamlining)

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Most Favourite: Dark Side Sith Inquisitor, it is just such an epic tale, classic Sith Lord reminiscent of Darth Sidious especially as a Sith Sorcerer with the Lightning spec. I have always been a great fan of the Sith Empire in this era and a Dark Side Inquisitor I see as the embodiment of the Empire's tale.

Least Favourite: Light Side Trooper, I am not a big fan of the Republic anyway, but when I hear the loyal, patriotic, goody-two shoes that is the Light Side Trooper at times I can't help but roll my eyes with a smile. It is a decent story, don't get me wrong, but I do rank it lowest in my list.

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You know, story wise I think this thread might be the most telling of all !!


Why? Because already with only a few posts there is such diversity in what people like the most and like the least in the stories and why.


That would be why the more consolidated / vanilla story of KoTFE/KoTET appeals to only a selection of the general populous, because everyone enjoys something different. The class stories did do one thing - with a little looking around, everyone found at least one story out of them that they enjoyed. Sadly budget wise it was never going to really be possible to keep up that level of story telling ( 8 different stories is a lot! ).


Same with the other expansions, some liked Makeb, some did not. Some liked SoR, some did not.


It's probably gunna be like that with every expansion / story from here on out but I guess if you don't like one you might like the next one!

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Most Favorite: Light Side Sith Inquisitor

Least Favorite: Light Side Jedi Knight

Oh yeah! The Light Side Sith Inquisitor is the bomb! Both LS and DS Inquis run neck and neck but that LS just feels so right. A slave who just grows in power, uses the power of the dark-side yet doesn't fall to it's corruption and seeks to rebuild the Sith Empire. Whoever hasn't played all 3 chapters of the class I recommend if you go DS be female and LS go male, alien race makes it far better. Edited by jediknightmiles
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Best: Tie between Inquisitor and Agent.

Least: Trooper - I just can't motivate myself with this one.


Just wondering as I've thought it for a few of the people who have posted similar things to you, do you not just think of it as being in the military as your motivation? I like to think of it as a war movie etc. Same as when I'm an Agent it's a spy thriller haha

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Favorite: Jedi Knight, memorable story and companions, just ticks all the boxes for me personally. SW, Agent, and Smuggler are all up there as well.


Least Favorite: Inquisitor. Inquisitor is the only story I think back on negatively. It wasn't terrible, but the focus on the Sith infighting put me off the story heavily.


But, really, isn't both Sith stories all about Sith infighting honestly? I mean they both culminate in basically the same fashion (Taking down the big bad Sith). Granted SW is at least slightly more "kill the Jedi" based in it's early stages.

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Most Favorite: Sith Inquisitor. While it could use some adjustments and more memorable companions, the overall story of slave to Dark Lord is very appealing to me. They also get some pretty good options of humorous lines. Plus, love use of lightning.


Least favorite: I'd say the Jedi Consular. I'm not completely condemning the story. I like the story of politics, but it is pretty boring if you aren't interested in the lore and I find it difficult to be able to RP the toon with dark choices in a way that makes sense in the story.

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But, really, isn't both Sith stories all about Sith infighting honestly? I mean they both culminate in basically the same fashion (Taking down the big bad Sith). Granted SW is at least slightly more "kill the Jedi" based in it's early stages.


Yes, but there's a difference for me in the reasoning behind the final confrontations. The conflict with Baras has the overtones of the Emperor behind it to make it more than just Sith infighting and there's at least a better reasoning for getting Baras out (he's forcing the Dark Council into war and claiming to act on behalf of the Emperor). The Inquisitor's confrontation with Thanaton doesn't really have that and, since the early chapter antagonist was also a Sith, it drags the story down heavily for me.


I get that infighting is an inherent part of the Sith, I just dislike it, especially in a setting like this game has where the Sith are in the middle of a massive war when the infighting is occurring.

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Favorite of what I've played: I think I'll say Agent. Very in-depth story from the point-of-view off an common Imperial caught in the power struggles and espionage while trying to do his/hers best for the Empire, with many plot twists on the way. I've played mine as light sided, but it felt more fitting imo since most light sides choices were beneficial to Empire.


Least favorite: I don't really have one that I wouldn't like, maybe Bounty Hunter's story little from the beginning, that develops to very interesting in the end (Still wishing you could leave Skadge to rot in the deepest levels of Belsavis's Tomb area and help Zane Barrows to put down revolting prisoners before presenting him to Tormen.)

Edited by Rebamcfan
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Favourite: 3 way tie for me between Trooper (any), Light Side Sith Warrior - as others have said going LS makes the story more interesting and Dark Side Sith Inq (my very first character was DS SI and I loved it; lightning just has dark written all over it).


Least favourite: Bounty Hunter (I detest Crysta - she ruined the whole story for me), Jedi Knight & Jedi Consular are both a bit meh, especially as for the JC Zenith was missed as a romance option.


Imperial Agent story is ruined for me by Kaliyo. I would have preferred Watcher X - any part of the story with him in is worth doing.

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Yes, but there's a difference for me in the reasoning behind the final confrontations. The conflict with Baras has the overtones of the Emperor behind it to make it more than just Sith infighting and there's at least a better reasoning for getting Baras out (he's forcing the Dark Council into war and claiming to act on behalf of the Emperor). The Inquisitor's confrontation with Thanaton doesn't really have that and, since the early chapter antagonist was also a Sith, it drags the story down heavily for me.


I get that infighting is an inherent part of the Sith, I just dislike it, especially in a setting like this game has where the Sith are in the middle of a massive war when the infighting is occurring.


Agreed. Inquisitors really did have too little interaction with Jedi/Republic. Warrior got the balance just right IMO. Chapter spent fighting Jedi, Chapter spent forwarding Baras's agenda among the Sith, Chapter spent killing Baras.

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What's your most favorite and least favorite class story with their alignment included.

Most Favorite: Dark Side Jedi Knight

Least Favorite: Light Side Jedi Consular


Sith inquisitor (dark side) is my favorite closely followed my DS Imperial Agent. Jedi Consular light side is my least favorite. Dark side makes it a bit more entertaining but overall it feels like that class was hastily thrown together at the 11th hour before launch.

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Favorite: Agent - Fantastically well written, with great characters and choices. Honestly made me want to make Agent my main after completing this!


Least Favorite: Smuggler - It has some interesting points, but overall I found it bland and a little boring. Its saved mostly due to the wonderful V/A from the female Smuggler.

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Favorite: LS Inquisitor; really nice story about growing from a slave to the top of the Empire and with LS also great way to confront old ways of the Sith with new generation.

Closely followed by Warrior and Agent. Recently I made an Agent who's complete nihilist, hates both the Republic and the Empire and is motivated by casual violence, casual sex and chaos. I'm having a blast with this character :)


Least favorite: I'll probably go with Trooper. Can't even remember who was the big bad of that story or what acts II and III were about.

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Favorite: LS Inquisitor; really nice story about growing from a slave to the top of the Empire and with LS also great way to confront old ways of the Sith with new generation.

Closely followed by Warrior and Agent. Recently I made an Agent who's complete nihilist, hates both the Republic and the Empire and is motivated by casual violence, casual sex and chaos. I'm having a blast with this character :)


Least favorite: I'll probably go with Trooper. Can't even remember who was the big bad of that story or what acts II and III were about.


General Rakton of the Imperial Army was the big bad and Chapter 2/3 was taking him down I think. No wait Chapter 2 was gathering a new Havoc Squad for a mission at the end of that chapter. Chapter 3 was taking him down.

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Most: Agent or Warrior. The only classes I've done with both LS and DS, I enjoyed the stories that much I just had to see them from the other side and it works either way, really well.

Knight was fine too, felt like playing KotOR 3, which I think was the point.


Least: Smuggler, I guess if the humour appeals to you, it's great. For me it just grated and felt dreadfully forced.

Inquisitor was pretty underwhelming as an assassin - continually being played as a gullible patsy got old, real fast, and the companions are not very interesting.

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My favorite is my LS Jedi knight (Guardian). I came to swtor for a kotor 3 and I felt like the story delivered. Yes it's predictable. But it's well done and I'm a sucker for good guy hero stories anyway. Definitely prefer the male voice actor.


My least favorite is probably bounty hunter. But mostly because I'm just not a "for hire" type. Didn't I just say I was a sucker for good guy hero stories? That said all the stories feel well done, there are none I hated.


Of the others, I liked the agent and inquistor best on imp side. I went neutral with my agent and LS with the inquisitors because I thought darth imperious sounded cooler than the alternatives.


Despite the criticism I also didn't mind the trooper and consular stories. Trooper had the most heart wrenching decision for me. Consular is a diplomat/politics story so if that's not your thing yeah it can be boring.


The warrior story just didn't do much for me, since it's the imp opposite of my main (Jedi guardian) I've done 2, 1 ls and one ds. But meh I just like the inquisitors story more. Again not bad, indeed it's many people's favorite.


The smuggler story did a good job living up to its han solo roots, though I personally prefer the female voice actor!

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My favorite is my LS Jedi knight (Guardian). I came to swtor for a kotor 3 and I felt like the story delivered. Yes it's predictable. But it's well done and I'm a sucker for good guy hero stories anyway. Definitely prefer the male voice actor.


My least favorite is probably bounty hunter. But mostly because I'm just not a "for hire" type. Didn't I just say I was a sucker for good guy hero stories? That said all the stories feel well done, there are none I hated.


Of the others, I liked the agent and inquistor best on imp side. I went neutral with my agent and LS with the inquisitors because I thought darth imperious sounded cooler than the alternatives.


Despite the criticism I also didn't mind the trooper and consular stories. Trooper had the most heart wrenching decision for me. Consular is a diplomat/politics story so if that's not your thing yeah it can be boring.


The warrior story just didn't do much for me, since it's the imp opposite of my main (Jedi guardian) I've done 2, 1 ls and one ds. But meh I just like the inquisitors story more. Again not bad, indeed it's many people's favorite.


The smuggler story did a good job living up to its han solo roots, though I personally prefer the female voice actor!

I think I know the trooper choice you're referring to.... Poor Jaxo :( My trooper still has some PTSD about having to leave her behind haha

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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